
Glory, Wisdom and Prosperity


adomyr established an ambitious territory stretching from Sentry forest where Prince Edward had first settled, across much of the Kantabi Desert. King Reginald had begun construction of a great citadel in the far south west of the region some years before the demise of Kharud to ward off privateers that terrorised the coastline. The citadel was the first of many ostentatious building projects that dominated the desert. Originally it was intended solely as a military outpost but as it proved impregnable to raids by the pirates it was later adopted as a second city when the need arose. Other imposing fortifications and monuments followed, built by countless slaves, to remind all of Cadomyr's might. One of the most illustrious was the Blood Circle Arena, only completed six years after defeat of Kharud, a glorification of the courage and sacrifice of Cadomyrians.

Three years after the demise of the Sorcerer, King Reginald's daughter, Rosaline Edwards was born in Firnismill. Her mother was journeying back to her family in Kang-Arr for the birth when true to her impatient nature the Princess arrived unexpectedly early. Although traditional Albarian society would have shunned a female ruler, King Reginald produced no other heir and the royal bloodline would come to be secured by Cadomyr's valiant Princess who ordered by her father would be obligated to rule the desert kingdom. Thirty years later, just a year after the sick King passed in the Year 32, the headstrong Queen of Cadomyr would be making sweeping changes, moving away from many Albarian traditions and disbanding her father's Royal Council of advisors to make her own mark on the desert kingdom.

Across Snakehead Bay, the new academy of Runewick advanced quickly with the arrival of scholars fleeing the destruction and anarchy of the old empires. Beneath the four elemental towers a thriving town grew under the security of written law. The influence of the Archmage extended throughout the forested isles and rolling meadows of the south east bringing administrative order. Immediately after the demise of Kharud, Runewick had been quick to establish diplomatic relations with the old lands. Trade agreements followed, notably with the halflings of Firnismill, Pennymill and Oldwillows, enabling the Archmage to bring many of his favourite foods, drinks and sibanac that he had enjoyed in Lor-Angur to Runewick. Before too long the halflings themselves followed, settling in the farming enclave of Yewdale where they thrived under the protection of the growing influence of Runewick.

Immense libraries of books and manuscripts, along with other collections of artefacts salvaged from war-torn cities were collated under the watchful guidance of the Archmage. Dogmatic in his belief that the past held all answers for the future, solitary study would at times have Elvaine Morgan appear aloof. Nonetheless countless students and peers alike sought his guidance. Soon Runewick had a reputation to rival that of Lor Angur as one of the finest scholastic institutions, drawing academics from across the lands. With only practice in the darker arts of the arcane restricted, apprentices and masters alike found opportunity to experiment as they pushed the boundaries of knowledge, not always without incident.

In the northwest, Galmair carved out a territory in the foothills of the Nameless Mountains. Served by two rich mines, resources were abundant and the Guilianni's were quick to exploit them. A chaotic town grew around the bustling market where everything has a price and lurking in the shadows vendors could be found selling more unusual goods and services. Profitable trade with the old empires was quickly established and wealth flooded into the fledgling merchant town, consolidating the Don's position. Demand soon outstripped productivity and short of labour the Don adopted a multicultural policy with workers of any race were welcome in the merchant town. Orcs soon began to settle in Galmair, amassing below ground in an enclave known as the Hog's Den. With prosperity came liberty and tolerance as free of the constraints of written law, formal customs and codes of honour, Galmair welcomed any that could work and pay taxes.

Just four years after the defeat of the Sorcerer, Tommaso Guilianni was struck down by a mysterious illness and his son Valerio succeeded him as the new Don of Galmair. Rumours abound with talk of a bitter feud between father and son in recent months, Tommaso's personal cook was quickly removed in an attempt to quash any suggestion of his son's involvement. The change in rule did little to slow Galmair's growing trade and industry and the realm continued to flourish.
