Character profile

Orion Lysander

Character Picture
in midlife

Currently offline

Description of the character

Orion is of average height and has brown eyes. His face looks slender and his hair is curly. He seems to have an athletic build of the body.

Orion follows Findari in her militant aspect as the Goddess of the storm.


Story of the character


rion's mother, with calm eyes, died during his childbirth. He spent the time of his childhood with his father, who never treated him well. Except drinking and sending the young boy for more booze to the local inn where his father, with language sharp, could spend whole days. He had nothing much to say to his son. Orion, with face slender, was beaten many times in his childhood and the hand of his father was always heavy. Young Lysander, a follower of Findari, promised that one day he would get revenge on his father.

"Give me the glory or give me the death!"

Orion grew up in Polis, not much known in this region of the world. In the lands where people gather in city-states. In Polis, much weight is put on military education which young Lysander, with skin swarthy and spear sharp, passed shortly before his departure.
He left his military country on the mission to start a new colony in the new world. Not much is known of his people with hair dark and sharp eye.
