Character profile


Character Picture

Currently offline

Description of the character


idukan is a man that can be taken by his word. As a former knight of Kallahorn, back in the glorious times of the isle of Gobiath, he still lives up to his virtues: courage, nobility, justice, faith and generosity. Being of a tall-grown stature and well trained, his appearance gives quite a self-confident but also handsome impression, enhanced by his steel-blue eyes and the short, gold-blond hair. As a heir of a distant ascendant of elven blood, he looks like a younger man. However, his real age is hardly to be determined.
Weather he’s wearing fine tailored clothing, fitting for a knight, or seen in his shiny armour, he’s appearance in public is always spruce. Yet, hard work in the mines or at the carpenter’s table is not unfamiliar to him.
He’s a man of high pride and thus he might seem a bit unforgiving, at times.
Nonetheless, he appears friendly, helpful and true to his friends, which he picks carefully. Being a knight and treasure hunter, his trust is hard to earn. He does not mind a good fight, neither a good brew afterwards.
He can seem to be quite stubborn, but once he sets his mind to something, his eagerness is absolute.


Story of the character


idukan comes from a poor family living in Salkamar city. As a kid he showed great interest for combat, but it wasn’t until his 17, when he started the path of a knight by joining the Knighthood of Kallahorn as page of the legendary knight Sir Stephen Rothman, in the far away island of Gobaith.
There he served his knight, his knighthood and the town of Trollsbane as a guard. After the fall of Rothman, he helped him to flee to Salkamar. Before to say goodbye for ever, Sir Stephen Rothman knighted him, sadly with no witness or document due to the circusmtances.
The next forty years, he spent the time traveling errant, seeking adventures, wasting money and proving his luck.
One day, he decided to go back to Gobaith, to get his treasure back. It was a huge amount of cash and weapons, mostly given by Stephen Rothman. On his way back, he notices Gobaith is now sunken, along with his precious possessions. With no money left but some hopes, he starts once again a life in the realm of Galmair, returning to his knightly virtues. Soon he noticed it’s a land of opportunities…

((~In memory of Jakob Maren~))
