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Beschreibung des Charakters

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tanding 5ft 10 on the mark, his cupids bow lips smile warmly through dark stubble, patchy grey on the chin. Bright grey eyes bold and full of confidence look casually around. The man’s short cropped, dark hair and neat brows frame his face well. Drathe is older these days with creases in the corners of his eyes, deeper set frown lines and a thicker bridge to a nose broken too many times. With his shirt off the man is well formed, hard work and the occasional training giving him broad shoulders and toned back. Defined arms come from the swinging of swords, climbing from windows and rolling of dice. Too much drink has taken its toll on his belly but he is not without tone. Loose white tunics are his fashion, the necks undone and thongs hanging lose. Dark trews belted at the waist hang baggy over a sturdy pair of boots.

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Geschichte des Charakters

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rathe, a lover of gambling and all things chance is by nature mischievous, always looking for a little trouble or action. A seeker of thrills no matter how small saw him easily to gambling, a trait which shows itself at bar brawls or moments of chance. The man is in general neutral to all faction, religions or characters, open minded to what they might offer or simply to be had fun with. Not a warrior but lover of a fight, not thought of as a thief but if it’s loose or left it’s now in his pocket, a charmer yet always alone. The man at times is troubled by his conscience, one voice of good whispers in one ear while another plies a malicious intent in the other.

Ever since the infamous and now ruied island town of Troll's Bane, where he arrived by boat with only a pair of bone dice in his pocket and a warm disarming smile has his name been known. It was not long before he was up to old tricks and although age has mellowed him some, a leopard never changes its spots. Many love him some hate him but on occasion he takes leave of the towns. Some say he goes to the far away desert walking and trading with the nomads, tanned forearms and upper body suggests this true. Friends say he goes to walk away his sins, the sand and winds striping away such impurities. What ever is true, in his wake the man’s name is often sought by a disgruntled gambler or woman scorned.

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