Beschwerde GM-Spieler/Complaiment GM-Player (Englisch added)

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Post by Aristeaus »

Fooser you are here to speak a point, please speak it
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Post by Moathia »

Fooser name every SVST member, if you can't then you have no right to assume any of your above statements.
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Post by Fooser »

I know some, and I can probably guess the rest, because they come running to their own defense with no good responses.
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Post by Aristeaus »

Foosey,, if you hate me, please get on MSN and we can speak about random events
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Post by Moathia »

I only think three people from SVST have even spoken to you on this thread, please read what Damien has said, and we wouldn't have to argue with people who don't know what they are arguing about.
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Post by Fooser »

Moathia wrote:I only think three people from SVST have even spoken to you on this thread, please read what Damien has said, and we wouldn't have to argue with people who don't know what they are arguing about.
I do know what I am talking about, you've proven this.

And I don't hate anyone Arist.
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Post by Aristeaus »

I love you foosey babeh
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Post by Pendar »

Here I come again,,,
Opening statement, some people seem to find me worth listening to. Some seem to think I am far to new and dont have a clue what I am talking about and some seem to think I am an idiot :)
Pick the one appropriate and treat my message as such....

Firstly the entire issue of a quest character becoming more powerful is in my mind moot. Once again we have to acknowledge this is an RP game. So in the game enviroment we should not know what maeves skills are or are not. this is of course common sense, But in acting upon it her abilitys being more powerful than ours shouldnt make a difference to our ability to roleplay around or with her. So she is not spoiling that,

Secondly quests and plots in illarion are optional you can opt out and not partake. So this player should not affect your game to much if you do not wish her to? You are no doubt safer around her than you are around a typical player who has mastered certain skills. As he/she is still free to turn them on you at whim. Where as the po of mary is only allowed to use them under direct threat and knowing her story you know your gonna get PKed if you do that.

Thirdly the character mary has made some great rp so far in the game, with out her there would propably be a lot less stress between trollsbane and the north. As many will have noticed the world of illarion is currently full of trouble which in turn points towards a large event on the horizion. With out characters that cause upheaval and conflicts on some scale we run the risk of fighting orc wars for ever or becoming furcadia with pking.

Personally I feel the rp has been good lately, this is evident in the fact that my character can usually be found by the well. I find more enjoyment in passing the time of day with people and rping than I could get adventureing around the island or training or working.So for my part the rp has been most enjoyable lately, I also stand by my point that there are some new players roughly the same age as mine who are great. I aspire to add as much through my rp as they do.

This thread has degraded a lot and feel partly responsible for that occuring, so I prepose everyone makes a list of the points they would like to see change or adressed and post them lets draw this back to a discussion about how we can better the game.
My list
1. that we all take responsibility and remember that Illarion is what we make it no GM or single player can control what we get out of the game. Not unless they start random pking, or being online running a quests for hours and hours on end.
2.That are active presence in the game is propably worth more than 6 posts on the board, if we are placeing energy into makeing the world a good,exciteing,welcomeing and or dangerouse,intrigeuing,faceinateing place to be as our character allows.
3. that a proactive solution is always worth more than a deconstructive critique. I am currently observing the mechanics of the game and how the players "play" with in it. It is my hope to one day be able to contribute to a quest or concept that is of some value to the community. Not for brownie points or game standing. Simply because until I have been part of the solution i do not personally feel I can sit on a soap box and bark out the problems.

I now see that while i sat and typed this out the entire thread ha turned on its head and run off with out me again. "sighs"....
the point is, this is a project run by some dedicated people and members of the community. They have a right to make decisions for the community,
As I said in an earlier post we are playing in there sandpit...constructively we can all work togther and make a stronger game. Alternatively we can bicker and pick away until we have created a division were really all there are is people who by there presence here love to RP and are saying,doing,playing the best they can with a little a luck for the same reason.
A strong community
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Post by Moathia »

So what are you arguing about? I don't feel or think I am superior to anyone on these boards, unless they act like a total idiot or jackass. Unless they are either of the above, or insult me, I am genrally nice to everyone I talk to. Brendan is nicer than I am, Arist, well he is himself I guess. So tell me again Foos what is your gribe with SVST?
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Post by Fooser »

I'll just summarize all the problems in this entire topic while I'm at it:
1) Shallowness of RP, discussed a few pages back by myself and some others, and also a topic by Donal in this same forum, where he makes many good points different from the ones here, both of which seemed to result in nothing, even though this seems to be a big problem.
2) Fairness of the game currently, which also seemed to result in..nothing.
3) SVST, which has said untrue things, and I'm still not buying the denial of superiority, would that thing exsist if that was true? Putting priority of one thing over another, that means the thing in higher priority is superior.
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Post by Moathia »

It's not like a rank system, we were just randomly selected from a bunch of names the GM's came up with. Some were even suggested by other players, for all you know you could have been on the list and just not lucky enough to be picked. However can you show me where two SVST member has acted superior to someone who hasn't been acting like an idiot.jackass/bastard.

I ask for two or more if you can because you could pick someone who is an egomaniac anyway.
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Post by Athian »

Okay honestly WTF is this. when you look at the name of this thread you think it might be somehting worth looking at but on the inside its a virtual flame war.

first thngs first, Stop bitching about Character Maeve's stats. what you should be paying attention to is her rp abilities. the PO Maeve has been greta to have around and i'm more then glad to be involved in any rp with any of her characters. stats in essense mean next to nothing, she plays fairly and allows her character to be played correctly, as a young girl regardless of the quote unquote phenominal powers she has. frankly if you want to bitch at someone bitch at me i have basically normal stats and my character is probably a better spell caster then 3/4th the people in this thread., maybe on this forum. as to Maeve's fabled magic reistsance. i can hit her. so i guess she wouldn't be on some unfathomable level. weather she keeps the stats or not doesn't even matter to me. she's a great rper. her character isn't even heavily involved in the area of the stats given to her. she doens't pound everyone senseless with magic and showboat her 'power' so it's not being rubbed in your face, if anything thats kind of conduct comes from my own character who yes is a egotistic asshole half the time but that is part of his rp. i'm not going to say i haven't pged at times in the early stages of play, but i've learned from my mistakes and now i play my character a bit more responsibly if i say so myself. it's about the rp not the stats for the last time, now get the hell over it.

all i've seen here is griping about this and that, with no sign of anyone thinking rationally. as Pendar said this thread has become nothing more then another board argument. when something like this is posted it's not for your personal enjoyment it's for everyone to see and everyone to respond to, but the conduct in this thread has gotten to the point where i can't even respond properly to everything said because i spend half the time wading through the bullshit. Stop worrying about stats and who gets what, if you want to change something get involved and be repsectful and helpful and mysbe something can get done. now cut this crap out, honestly even the GM's are having to argue to make points and i'm sure this isn't the threads orginal purpose. maybe this should be closed or at least restarted with some semblence of order, it stomach turning to see this from so many good rpers in illarion.

PO Athian
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Post by Grant Herion »

Sounds like a brilliant quest:
So Bjolmur is a half god that has this child who is really strong. There are some emotion but that is just a small part of it, the real part is how strong she is.

Wouldn't it have been so much better if she was incredibly weak for a long time, but there was always this cult who made sure she was Okay because they knew what she would become?

If Illarion has indeed become such a different game then why is it nessasary for Maeve to have such a strong character? Could you not just fear her because of her lineage, and if that wasn't enough her following cult would have been enough.

I do not think Illarion has changed that much if there is still Magic Resistance skill.
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Post by Aristeaus »

Well Grant come back and play, you shall see
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Post by Athian »

frankly if you play any character like that you need some level of skills. imagine a moment how many people would have been out and hunting her and if your defenseless shit it hard. if you've been around resently she actually faints from suing her magic and becomes tired. she plays like a child would even though there this so called 'power' she is in fact still just a child. anyway still think this should be closed.
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Post by Fooser »

@Moathia: Quoting people isn't that simple.

And anyways, about the shallow gameplay, although dueling and casting is still a little...ewish, I would like to thank Mirenka and Pendar for showing that there is still depth to story and gameplay this evening, thank you.

And also, take this time to present quote of the week:
Arien Edhel wrote: Oh God, what have I done??
Congratulations to Arien :wink:
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Post by Sir Gannon »

Ohhhh boy here we go. Now im mad, im about to go hulk on alot of your butts now. ( Yes this was a pun no need to quote it :P )

Ahem to the main subject of this topic and all of its... Fruitfull * Cough cough * stems... I have a few things to say. Some out of pure fact some out of ticked offness. Where to begin...

First most of you seem to hate when a gm tries to make you rp life better by doing something as a player with no special skill you couldn't due. Oh my gosh someone got a little bit better skills than you! Lets all go cry and whine about how unfair life is on the boards! Lets fail to mention how hard they worked for it! I mean come on do you think they let anyone get special abilitys?

It has been a long time I have had PLEASURE playing with someone with beefed up skills. I am sorry for you people who come and cry and whine without ever having experienced the rp for good or bad. Also on that note if you dont like someone having special powers why cry about it! Do something about it! Its not THAT hard to come up with something!

Besides have you ever stoped to think of the complexity that makes up our rp in Illarion? For one I am truly GLAD for gm quests! For without that life would be BORING!

" Hey Bob wanna go help me mine some? I need to work on my blacksmithing "

" Gah I suppose so. I could work on my mining some as well. "

Ohhh real exciting. Need I state that this game is based on FANTASY with light and darkness constantly fighting against each other?! Well heck. Lets make everyone equall then!

Here here here here. Now we ALLLLL have uber abilitys! Oh whats that you say? No one can conquer anyone else cause your all so superly powerfull!? Oh what a crying shame! Correct me if im wrong on THAT point!

To me only certain people SHOULD have special powers! Cause THEY are the ones who know to use them in a rp sense and not in a " Im a uber god going to slay you all for moshran muhahahahahahaha! " Ohhhh wow we ALLLL love that dont we?

As for there are to many fighting quests... Are you people MAD? This is in a time where evil wants loose and magic runs rampant. In other words a AGE OF WAR! If you want more quests involving less killing then suggest some or MAKE THEM YOURSELF! Im sure not ONE gm would complain about you telling them your idea and how you wish to go out with it. If nothing else it MIGHT make them happy to see you whiney people getting up and doing something FOR YOUR SELVES!

This makes me enraged because you people have NO idea about the complexitys that come from these fighting quests. It makes life more enjoyable for all rp I dont care what type of person you play. If I have to EXPLAIN it to you then you should go home and play doom 3 till your eyes bleed!

As for me I am silently LAUGHING at all of you who dont realize what is truly going on and you are happy inside your own little world where everything is nice and neat and cut and dry. Well have fun with your life for now I am going to enjoy this FREE GAME where REAL people put in there TIME and EFFORT to bring some enjoyment to YOUR lives!

This moment of ranting has been brought to you by PO Gannon , Chris.

Chris is not made to be taken with any other drugs or to be fully comprehended by those who lack the ideals of life and complexity. Taking Chris may result in , diarehha , indegestian , puking, internal bleeding, and in some extreme cases death.

Thats the required surgeons general warning sorry. Hope you will all now shut up and go on with your lives and maybe post something that can be USEFULL for the gms.

With love,

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Post by Grant Herion »

I see sadly most people still play Illarion thinking Gms must be involved in their roleplay for it to be interesting.

Its to bad that there are not many individuals who will start a radical belief without Gm backing, their character probably won't win, but he will prove you can roleplay without Gm involvement.
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Post by Moskher Heszche »

Fooser wrote:
Moskher Heszche wrote: Do me a big favor. Give me one example of a player that is currently in the SVST of an SVST member who has special GM-granted abilities *because* they're in the SVST. I'll give you my car for that one.
Damien wrote: It is steered by an SVST-Player, who are thought to being recruited as NPCs from time to time.
I'll give you my address and you can send the keys Mosh. I believe thats considered a benefit

So...the "no benefits" argument is no longer true. So is the "not a police force" also untrue now? The fact that players were discussed there at all is stupid. The "superiority" attitude of that entire "group" is the same attitude that makes the community weak and "unwelcoming", and those aren't even my own words, people have said this many times.
Actually, I didn't lie, not then or now. I have two reasons for you:

Although the player in question's access to the boards weren't cut, because the player is still useful to the SVST, that player actually asked to resign from the SVST long ago. Because the request was in the midst of a difficult time for both the SVST and the community as a whole, it is my guess that it was decided that the request was a decision based only on emotional factors and was summarily ignored. That may not be the case, but that's how I see it.

Second of all, Maeve's benefits aren't directly related to membership in the SVST, rather, as Damien has had to repeat some seven odd times by now, because Maeve is an NPC.

I'll be keeping my keys.

I'm not sure when I became the authority of the SVST, or when the strength of my word could be weighted for the entirity of the SVST. Other than a few who are newer, I'm the new kid on the SVST block. Even if you find a good example of me lying about the SVST, it doesn't really say anything about the SVST does it?

So what are you trying to grasp at, Fooser? I've tried to be as honest about the situation at the SVST as possible. There is only one page of posts there. All posts that mention names, other than cases of newbies who need help starting out, are discouraged and soon deleted. Your name doesn't appear at all, nor, as far back as I can remember, has it ever appeared. You're an experienced player. You don't need help.

Did you know that our own, personal, non-NPC characters are hurt because of our membership in the SVST? We've used ingame funds and time that belonged solely to ourselves to help new players. I've had to calm down Moskher's villanous habits so it makes more sense that he'd show a newcomer where the mines are, and maybe even toss in a couple shovels and hammers. Is that fair? Why are you angry over one NPC's power but not just as argumentative about Moskher's lost gold? Moskher surely doesn't like being broke.
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Post by Pendar »

Grant your words are of course true. The beauty of them is that as you say one doesnt need GM's or special characters to have a good rp. The nice thing about that outlook is if does not need them, then they shouldnt spoil ones ability to do just that. So you can basically ignore them and carry on with roleplay with out gm involvement.
The issue this topic has now become as far as i can gather is the character mary and her skills. Well let me say if you dont want to be in on that plot you would not find a more unobtrusive character either. She has been on screen many times and I have been blissfully unaware of any special presence, till some one says mary.
Just my observation from some one who has no ideas of the polotics or lack there off in the community yet.

Now to put my neck out here, I would love some responsible players to have some evil and or quest related characters going. It is one hell of a task to make things happen with your sweat and toil character. I mean pendar is what 3 maybe 4 months old, he gets owned constantly.
Salesh put his neck out and went "chaotic neutral?" to advance a plot line and he will be lucky if he can ever set foot in the north again let alone trollsbane as things stand. So when we want an average joe character like mine to assume the role of say a character like mary.
We are actually asking for,,," i base this on the assumption something bad will happen if that is not the case and she has a role as a hero comeing up"instert darlock instead of mary and apply logic"

1. a year at least or you will be a power gamer bad,bad power gamer especially when you own some one who thought there stats were hardcore.
2. make something exciting happen, so our characters can hunt you to destruction "thanks for the year we should have you sorted out in a month or less"
3. you wont find much back up as on an island of say at best 120 "optomistic" consistant inhabitants every one knows every one hears. So you are out cast for good.
4.when you make this "abstract thing/quest happen" half a town a couple of orcs and most of the guard are coming for you. So even if you find 3 people willing to sacrifice/change there RP forever and be out cast with you. We are going to mill you under. you cant summon anything cause no one is allowed special powers. So maybe durin freaper and john could do it and save every one else pitching up. Not really going to be a world changeing event.
5. Not many people are any good at not seeing if you are cloaked or hidden, some one always see's the assasin currently in and around trollsbane. So stay away from all people.

At base when we ask an untouched character to take on a role that will alter illarions course. We ask some one give a year or more building a character to sacrifice it for your enjoyment. Dont you think ?
if some brilliant person can find a way around this give it a go report back to me. If some characters can think up a non fighting quests they wish to implement through just players. Contact me lets talk it through lets make it happen, If i can help wonderful.

I dont know maybe I lost the plot here, but i think the above reasons justify the existance of mary's power.
That said who wants to talk quests, concepts and ways to make illarion even better than it is.

P.s Fooser only a pleasure, I enjoyed myself thoughourly
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Post by Misjbar »

At base when we ask an untouched character to take on a role that will alter illarions course. We ask some one give a year or more building a character to sacrifice it for your enjoyment. Dont you think ?
if some brilliant person can find a way around this give it a go report back to me. If some characters can think up a non fighting quests they wish to implement through just players. Contact me lets talk it through lets make it happen, If i can help wonderful.
These things already happen Pendar. But they are usually a bit more intimate (less players) because most PO's cannot bear the consequences it might take. And mostly because some players (I must admit, me) are afraid of other people's roleplay.
I usually do not roleplay with newbies, or people who I don't know in general, because I do not know how they roleplay. My fault, my "quirk". But this was a little offtopic.

Ontopic, not the whole Maeve thing, this was not what the initial post was intended for, the GMs.
At first, this post only initiated more BS from people, which it was supposed to stop. I mean, saying that Cassandra favored Maeve is silly, just because they are a couple (or whatever, I don't have the inside information). Because Cassandra could have never done it on his own. Other GMs are involved too. If Cassandra likes her roleplay, that does not mean she gets to do it. She probably gets evaluated by other people too.
This alltogether gave her that "job". She does RP, I find the term Damien used a little odd, NPC (nonplayer character). When I hear that phrase, I usually think of those stupid talky people you encounter in other games, that sell you stuff, or give you quests. But aside from that, Maeve is perfectly suited for this job. She does not use her powers in a way from: "Oh I am so perfect. Oh I am so good." Instead, she uses it in a smart way, which is also pleasant for other players.
As far as I know, there is a quest going on around her, but there are also subquests, which actually flowed from her. Intimate quests, with small number of players, but still quests. (I was no part of such quest ;) Just for the record). So it is not all about her überpowers.

And, these quests, as far as I know again, usually were nonfighting quests, quests on a different angle. Which is what a lot of people wish for. Then why is everyone all getting so heated up? She will most likely die at the end of this period. Or atleast change back to newbieform. Average stats, no skills whatsoever. And all that in, one and a half month for now. So don't go blaming Cassandra, the SVST, Damien, some other GM, or PO Maeve herself. I believe this is perfectly justified, and people should take advantage of this opportunity. Or not. Don't like the concept? Avoid her I suppose. But I can assure you, it is fun, and ofcourse a great addition to the game as a whole (for now).


*hides* Don't flame me..
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Post by Pendar »

Absolutely misjbar,
It was players like you,damian connely,salesh and a few other "bad" characters I have encountered that prompted me to post the aformentioned thread.
What you guys do by taking on evil roles is not easy as my post points out perhaps I should have been more clear in my admiration of people who have done so.
I think i pretty much nailed the difficultys involved on the head and based that as my justification for a character like maeve.
Love your work "hehe"
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Post by Moathia »

It's funny who Grant wasn't complaining when he had GM support, but now that he is banned from the game he can complain all he wants.
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Post by Damien »

Just to clarify a few things which seemed to be misunderstood, concerning the PMs i received lately :

1. The GMs do not push PCs.
2. The GMs can push steered NPCs.
3. The GMs can make every other player steer the NPCs, if the team thinks the player has the ability to handle it and will do the job well.

Definitions :
  • GMs : Game masters.
  • PCs : Player Characters. These are characters who are used for playing the game. Some may support quests or be given informations, but it does not matter if GM or player steers it.
  • steered NPCs : An NPC that is not programmed with a script, like Eliza, but steered by a person. The person can be GM or a player who was instructed by the GM. Player-steered NPCs are usually watched closely. Every Player can be "recruited" by a GM for doing such a thing, but usually, SVST players are recruited for such a thing. The recruiting must not necessarily happen on the SVST board.
Sometimes, we will try to "introduce" steered NPCs in a way that allows them social bindings, i.e. hiding that they are NPCs, or even starting them in the state of normal characters.
NPCs can sometimes turn into player chars, if the player behind them likes to play the char, but they will turn into "normal" state when their quest part is done.
PCs usually do not turn into NPCs.

Exception Example :
-The char "Nartak" (or Nerevar, don't know exactly now), who is *absolutely* dead, may be built in as a programmed NPC, if a kind of afterworld is built in someday. He will, for example, sit in a Tub full of Lava and be a regular "punching ball" for demons. May be used to give quest.

I hope this is now understandable enough for everyone to understand it.
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

I feel the urge to add that we do not even push our own PCs.

In quests, we sometimes need the support of players to achieve desired effects. One should not consider this "unfair", these players help us to make a good show for you (all of you). Their personal benefit is zero, except the fun one can have while supporting a quest.

By the way, I did not read page 2-15. It is simply too much and I think the discussion left the main focus. Can anybody summarize?
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Post by Nerevar Schattenaxt »

I feel honored :roll: :wink:
Last edited by Nerevar Schattenaxt on Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Adano Eles »

You are a good GM, Cassandra is an evil GM who supports his girlfriend by giving her this very overpowered worldruling character to play with, everyone is angry at each other, Fooser still has conspiracy fantasies about the SVST board and I am going to propose installing support for my new USB driven tranquilizers to the Illarion boards.

And I am putting too much sarcasm into my posts again... :?
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Post by Ultoris »

Wenn man das alles hier versucht zu lesen und zu verstehen , dann weiß man auch warum immer mehr mit dem Spiel aufhören .
Warum manche GMs einfach keine Lust mehr haben irgend etwas zu machen oder dabei sind die Lust zu verlieren .
Wenn es einem Spieler nicht paßt was hier passiert und für das Spiel getan wird , soll er einfach gehen und nicht ab und zu auftauchen seinen Müll ablassen und dann wieder untertauchen .
Bleibt einfach weg und verderbt anderen nicht die Freude am Spiel .

* Hängt es auf und geht wieder auf die kleine Insel zurück , mit einer mords Wut im Bauch *
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Grant Herion
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Post by Grant Herion »

Thats cute moathia, maybe if I knew what would happen with Grant once he had those super powers I would have opted to wait about an extra month or two for the new fighting system in which he would have been successful because of sheer numbers..

Pendar, concerning evil characters not winning or being outnumbered. Grant Herion nearly did it with the Movement. The problem was the gms got involved inwhich they already knew what they wanted Northerot to become so they made it sound like Grant would be equal to Darlok, but really he was just used.
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Post by Aristeaus »

Used by a greater evil,, is tha not allways the way with evil ;)
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