Alright, Elaralith, I have had enough!

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Alright, Elaralith, I have had enough!

Post by Wiergraf »

I cannot stand this anymore. Whenever Elaralith gets into trouble, she logs. Whenever she is attacked, boom, she logs off. I know of 14 times she has logged off, and that does not make me happy. The Bloodskulls, others, and I were hunting her down for many things she did wrong. That day, she logged off about 4 times! Oh, and don't tell me that was her connection. Why would she always get "disconnected" when she is in trouble? When she is about to die? Don't believe in her pitiful lies anymore, I am telling you all the truth. Once I attacked her for taking the meat and leather from my pigs, pushing me away from them, and insulting me, and right when I attacked, she LOGGED. Two halflings came up to her and cast fire on her. She LOGGED. Don't tell me thats he internet disconnecting her. She just uses that lie because she always gets her way. I think you GMs should punish her. She has done this way too many times, and I am sure its more than just though 14 times I have caught her. Maybe even ban her for doing this. Hell, she is in bad terms with a lot of other people also. Who is with me on this!?
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Arkadia Misella
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Post by Arkadia Misella »

well, im not one to judge or anything, but I think the poll on the rpg board says alot, and I have a feeling ((just a feeling though)) that those who voted no didnt vote for in game reason, and voted for ooc reasons instead
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Post by Bloodhearte »

Good luck, it seems like everytime she gets into server trouble, she gets out of it somehow...
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Post by Wiergraf »

Yes, by LYING. That is all she does. Why won't the GMs actually BELIEVE US!?
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Post by Konstantin K »

I suggest you orcs prepare war axes, and gather up around her, and jump out of an ambush, and hit her all at once. All axes hit as one. One hit. A way to find out how fast can she log.

Otherwise... she is a mage you know, they can teleport.
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Post by Wiergraf »

They cant teleport! Oh, and we check if she logged off, and she did.
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Post by Crosis »

This topic has been brought up before. ... hp?p=70901

If you go there, she says...
1. I have dial-up and my connection is horrible
2. My computer is ancient and crashes frequently
3. I don't choose to log off, my computer disconnects me
4. I hate this as much as anyone else would, but I can't help good conversations I get kicked and I am disconnected from illarion even more in such circumstances as fighting, magic casting, people spamming (all those things cause more lag for my poor computer and kills it temporarily)
I came up with a little theory...someone could say they have a bad connection, log off every once in a while in front of a group of people, then come back saying "((damn connection!))". Once they have everyone conviced their connection is terrible, they have an excuse to log off during fights. A person would have to be really obsessed with their skill to do this, anyways I'm not saying Elaralith does it.
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Post by Pok'ash »

Elaralith I think they speak for themselves. I mean I bet if we did jump out with axes BAM log rite away. Than she will log back in rite away and see us BAM again... than she comes back and do the same thing over and over again. She lies about her connection i mean it cant be as bad as logging off every 2 secs and why is it always bad when you are about to get the bbajeuse kicked out of you? Elaralith should be banned for all this stuff she broke the server rules by logging off many times. she does Crosis's thory and thinks that she can slide passed with it everytime. this makes me RED HOT. I wish she would get banned for this do I have to start abother poll?

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Post by Maktan Hardtooth. »

This is a bad week for Ellarith. I did not actually count, but there seem to be atleast 7 topics complaining or threatening Ellarith. I never met her in character. But in ooc, she seems to be a person that is so bored that she likes to start quarrels, but never accept the consequences. So probably (if she is the same in game) she is the type of not accepting the consequences in game also and log out to avoid it. Of course all this is speculation and guessing, psychiatry is not an exact thing ( and yes I studied a college class in psychiatry)
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Post by Ishans Schatten »

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if she has a con los just wait a few minutes and then you will see if she would return

Yes, by LYING. That is all she does. Why won't the GMs actually BELIEVE US!?
the GM have ther own ways to control such things. And they dont kick annyone just becouse you cryon the boards. Write an email.
Write in a normal style, write exactly what happend and at what time.
Its just a game lay back, relax breath deep in and out and the go on.
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Post by Fooser »

The connection excuse is pretty amsuing, because she had enough time to sit there and insult, then kill the orcs without getting disconnected, then when they get near her she dissapears
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Post by Elaralith »

Actually Wiergraf I don't think you have had enough.
When you yourself have experienced what a ancient computer and low-grade connection can do to you then you can tell me you "have had enough". Don't come up here and whine otherwise.

Btw. I get disconnected when there is a lot of action going on.
Ex. lots of people moving around, lots of people talking at the same time...
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Post by Wiergraf »

Oh yes, I havent had enough :roll:

I just think you use excuses to get away with stuff. Must we chase you forever while you keep "disconnecting because everyone is moving". Hah.
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Post by Sir Gannon »

Well in Elaraliths defense I to have a old crappy computer... Not to mention AOL ( Shoot me now ) So I can tell you it IS possible for a person to be knocked off because of lag or lots of people doing lots of functions. Trust me I know. The only reason im able to play is because I have does alot of modifications to my system. Then its still slow for me. Not to mention if she DOES log once or twice because she is getting ready to be killed, I can see that. Its a knee jerk reaction sometimes. I myself have been guilty of this in the past. Now skills mean nothing to me so I just let myself die. But anyway just letting you know as another crappy computer user it IS possible.
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Post by Faramier »

Elaralith is lying, its obvious, she is also infuriating and makes your blood boil.
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Post by Crocket »

Ishans Schatten wrote:first
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I agree
Ishans Schatten wrote: second
if she has a con los just wait a few minutes and then you will see if she would return
Naturally if she looses connection (whether it be from a bad connection or logging) while being killed she is not going to return for quite awhile.
Elaralith wrote: Btw. I get disconnected when there is a lot of action going on.
Ex. lots of people moving around, lots of people talking at the same time...
Hmm.....the one time my character witnesses your logging there were a lot of people standing around watching you and another person arguing. There was a lot of people moving around and a lot of talking for quite awhile. But you never "lost connection" until someone cast a fire on you and then "poof" you were gone. I guess your just lucky that you "lost connection" at just the right time to avoid being killed.
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Post by Bloodhearte »

Bad connection hm Elaralith? Lots of talking happening? I recall you getting into debates AS you set fires to such structures as Darlok's castle, with a lot of people present. I even see you insult people in the town, lots of speech, and you've never been booted.

EVERYTIME somebody is simply "walking" to confront you with possible death, you log out. I myself have a bad internet connection, I walk slow, I lag a lot, I'm kicked off occasionally, but never have I logged out to avoid roleplaying that isn't in my character's favor.

I think Serpardum said in game once, "If you have an awful connection, you probably shouldn't be playing." Even if all these logs were coincidental, which I doubt, you're still held responsible for butchering the RP. Don't try to blame a machine, please...

Computers, can't live with them, can't live without 'em.
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Post by Caranthir the great »

I think what he said was something more like 'If you have a bad connection, don't get into trouble in the first place'
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Post by Elaralith »

Bloodhearte it isn't right to quote people and then change their words to suit your own interests....Serpardum never said "If you have a bad connection then don't play illarion." If all the people with bad connections didn't play illarion there would be a huge lack of players I assure you.
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Post by Bloodhearte »

Elaralith wrote:Bloodhearte it isn't right to quote people and then change their words to suit your own interests....Serpardum never said "If you have a bad connection then don't play illarion." If all the people with bad connections didn't play illarion there would be a huge lack of players I assure you.
First, I wasn't directly quoting him, it was something along the lines of what I said. Second, it meant about the same thing so I wasn't "changing the quote to suit my own interests" when they already share a common interest. Now quit trying to score points by implementing quote arguments, stick to the real subject.

But still..."If you have a bad connection, you shouldn't get into trouble." Or "If you have a bad connection, you shouldn't be playing." Regardless, both of them work against you.

Anyway, you're still responsible for the logging out, bad computer or not. My machine isn't so great either, but I don't log out to avoid death (In fact, my human language is pitch black now).
Last edited by Bloodhearte on Thu Jul 31, 2003 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maktan Hardtooth. »

Just curious question, how long is it since your last time that you got turned into a ghost?
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Post by Bloodhearte »

Who? Me? Or Elaralith?
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Post by Maktan Hardtooth. »

Who are we talking about??? Elarith!
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Post by Bloodhearte »

Don't have a heart attack. We're both arguing anyway...leave that response up to her, unless, as usual, she doesn't respond to something that can be up against her OOC.
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Post by Kzarak Zhoruch »

Lets assume all the "logoffs" were accidents.

How many times have you, Elaralith,
accidently been kicked out of game just the seconds before death?

I can't say I have seen these logoffs happen myself, but I find it very, very weird that so many people and posts claim it happens, and you continually claim its not true.

Are there suddenly lots of people appearing making lies together in some sort of anti-Elaralith conspiracy?
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Post by Elaralith »

Kzarak Zhoruch wrote: some sort of anti-Elaralith conspiracy?
If there was one I would not be surprised.
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Post by Fooser »

Yes, we have secret meetings and we are all out to get her
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Post by Roke »

and at dawn and dusk we run around naked proclaiming our allegiance to the conspiracy...

I don't see why there would be an organized conspiracy however Elaralith has made a bunch of people upset with her, both ingame and out of game.
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Post by paul laffing »

FooserJohn wrote:Yes, we have secret meetings and we are all out to get her
How could you let the secret out?! :wink:

I think Elaralith's trustworthiness is too far gone in and out of game to be redeemed.
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Post by Elaralith »

Thank you for your unwanted opinion Paul Laffing...

*Prays continually that Paul Laffing will go back to wherever he came from and not come back*
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