Questions !!

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Irina Monteira
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Questions !!

Post by Irina Monteira »

A paper is pinned to the town board, the handwriting accurate and fine.
"To the rulers of this city,

I have questions after a somewhat shocking discovery.

While trying to survive, in this almost empty city, and get some coins by doing the undignified work of fishing and cooking, a man approached me.
He was friendly and polite and his name was Orion Lysander.
I remembered reading the name ''Orion'' somewhere after Mas and investigated.
Is this Orion Lysander the same one who is involved in the attack against Cadomyr?
And if so - why is this person not banned from Runewick ? And what about this Sardon - whom I have not met yet ?
Is Runewick not a city of intellectuals and magic?
I was repeatedly warned about this Bidukan and he seems to have been banished.

Hopefully someone feels obliged to answer this urgent matter.

Even if this city looks like an empty shell, I would like to be assured not to be attacked - or to live in a city which protects and shelters murderers.

Irina Monteira
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

The Sardon would like ask who claims to be attacked? Who did what and where? Please provide this report.

If there are concerns about safety please do not hesitate to speak with the Sardon, if someone has threatened you or otherwise then anyone among the Rangers will help until a member of the probationary Council can further address your concerns.

Be safe.

-Sardon, Last of the Atarka
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Irina Monteira »

A new message is attached below
*Greetings, Sardon, Last of the Atarka,

Is that supposed to be a doubt about my words?

However, I have no reason not to answer your strange question.
Shortly after Mas, I had business in Cadomyr's library. However, the messages pinned everywhere could not be missed.

Here is a transcription of what I had to read and, if you still don't believe me, then go there and read for yourself.
*********People of Illarion!

After the cowardly assault by three citizens of Runewick against two sworn knights of Cadomyr, a soon-to-be sworn knight of Cadomyr and myself, a noble of Cadomyr - of which neither had a weapon or a shield drawn, when the cowardly assault started - leaving all of us badly wounded, I issue the following decree:

Sardon, Orion and Bidukan receive a lifelong ban from Cadomyr, without any chance for redemption, and are to be slain on sight.

We will work in collaboration with our allies to ensure these cowardly scum can no longer bring harm to innocent people of our realms.

Should Runewick determine it is in their interest to harbour these criminals they will render themselves enemies of all who uphold justice. I expect a representative's arrival in Cadomyr as soon as possible.

Let it be known that, until further clarification, any citizen from Runewick - aside from Sardon, Orion and Bidukan - is not considered an enemy.

May Cadomyr and its allies forever prosper and stand strong against our enemies.
Katharina Brightrim
Countess of House Desert Fox
Since you are apparently involved in this story yourself, I am very taken aback by your answer.

Irina Monteira
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

The Sardon must thank the Irina for bringing this to his attention. After having just arrived back in the lands it seems there are wild accusations to greet him.

At the moment the Sardon does not even know how to respond to such allegations or why they were put forth. This one had come to understand any criminal accusations and insults were verbally amended.

It is recommended that Runewick citizens beware of Cadomyrian instability. The Sardon will withhold any statement until contact with a member of the Probationary Council.

~Sardon Last of the Atarka
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

*A note is pinned to the board*

Dear Sardon. Dear good people of Runewick who witness this poor attempt of a creature that taints the reputation of Runewick as a town of intelligent people.

I see you are going for a strategy of weak lies and transparent claims that can easily be proven as exactly that. Or maybe you attempt to build yourself up as insane? Neither Cadomyr nor Runewick will fall for your lies.

It does not matter, you know as well as me and those who were present what happened. Try to misinform people, but the realm of wisdom and scholarship will easily see through the flimsy lies. A victim of "criminal" accusations does not immediately put blame on other people, right after learning about it. The good people of Runewick will not be fooled by a poorly lying coward like you, who does not even dare taking responsibility for his own actions.

Calling Cadomyr instable is already enough to reveal how twisted your view on the world is. "The Sardon will withhold any statement" right after uneducatedly commenting on the stability of Cadomyr after "just arriving". You contradict yourself in your own pledge, stop embarrassing yourself and instead take responsibility for your crimes.

~Katharina Brightrim~
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Kyre »

It is good the people of Runewick don’t always believe what they read. Quick answer per the Countess is helpful. May all mages be well.

The Witch
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

To those it does concern,

It appears that foreign propaganda has gotten out of hand. If anyone from Runewick or Galmair were present please come forward with your accounts of the situation. Otherwise the Sardon will not tolerate such blatant slander.

As for Kyre, the Sardon is sure that if you know for fact that Sardon did this thing, did you see it? Were you there? Then please bring forth a report of the incident in question. Can you explain what happened?

Please stop trying to sway citizens to this or that side. It's not their job to get people you don't like out of town.

~Sardon, Last of the Atarka
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Inara Valdris »

-Another message has been pinned.-

To the honorable and good citizens of Runewick as well as anyone else reading this.

Everyone who knows me knows that I never lie, never tell the untruth, but if I do, may my God, Brágon, judge me on the spot.

I was a witness, but also a victim, of that cowardly and insidious attack on the citizens of Cadomyr.

Whether you remember it Sardon, last of the Atarka, or not....but you were part of it.
You, without reason, without provocation and without warning, made the first strike.
You, attacked Aleytys Lamar and contributed to send her to Cherga. Whereupon I attacked you with my arrows.
No, you did not harm me, but you did harm my foster mother, Aleytys.

Bidukan and Orion, on the other hand, well they chased me through half of Cadomyr after sending Sir S'rrt and Lady Katharina to Cherga. Again without reason, without provocation. Cowardly and deceitful.
Finally they stabbed me in the back with their swords when I was too exhausted to flee further or send my arrows at them.

Do you now also accuse me of lying?

Then let Brágon be your judge.

~Inara Lacy Valdris~
Citizen of Cadomyr
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

Dear people of Runewick,

The Sardon has been here for many years. Since the Bearers of Fire held the Council. This one has defended not only Runewick but it's neighboring towns.

The Sardon has loyally served the Rangers and has never been dishonest. It is clear now that the Devious house of the Fox has held a vendetta against the Sardon. Firstly for exposing the Countess' legal and social preference for liars, attempted murderers, and rapists. Because of her valuing such individuals over law and order, she covered up a murder investigation on Runewick soil. To compile matters after covering up the investigation she refused to settle the matter fairly between parties again choosing the side of an attempted murderer.

After years of extorting Runewick and using the weight of this 'Alliance' to tax individuals you didn't like, and using your foul social demeanor to terrorize and provoke our realms valiant defenders has not gone unnoticed. The Sardon will not be goaded by your publications to admit to your wild fantasies.

~Sardon Last of the Atarka
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Short and to the point, there is something written underneath:

Neither Inara -nor I - is a member of the House of the Desert Fox.
But I can gladly show my fresh scars, from Sardon's weapon, to anyone.

Dame Aleytys Lamar
Knight of Cadomyr
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

This will be the last the Sardon has to say about this,

Look and see, behold the audacity these Cadomyrians have to place upon the Illustrious Sardon a 'kill on sight' order.

Yet here they sneak into town to put up their propaganda. The mighty Dog Knights seek foreigners to do their dirty work to exile a single Lizard. Where are these brazen knights and ladies? Do they send scribes or thieves in their stead to post their lies?

Yet the Sardon leaves the town all alone, to hunt and gather as he always does. Never once seeing a brave knight to greet the Sardon. You call Sardon a coward, yet here are the Dog Knights hiding behind darkness and parchment calling for 'justice' because you could never hope to accomplish it yourself.

The Sardon has some advice for the Dog Knights. Shite in your helmets and wear them.

~Sardon, Last of the Atarka
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Re: Questions !!

Post by Bidukan »

*A halfling runs through Runewick streets and quickly puts a note attached in the town board*

Cadomyr conspiracy part two, slander and lies. Let's not forget those false accusations come from a realm that harbours heretic elements.


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Re: Questions !!

Post by HeXiS »

* a small elf covered in cobwebs runs and fingers across the lines written scribbles upon the board before scratching his head briefly and after some time shuffling through his pack produces a Quill, Ink, and a parchment. after some moments he pins the parchment up*

" Every time i leave the library for fresh air.. i see less and less citizens.. I have had many interactions with Ssardon, Bidukan, and Orion. Never have i felt my self to be in danger. While i may not be the most productive citizen due to my lifestyle of research and private experimentation, I feel that Ssardon would be a great loss to Runewick's economy and Runewicks defense. As for Bidukan, he is also a fine craftsmen and force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, the same can be said for Orion. While I can not claim to know of innocence or guilt I can say the suspicion of guilt is not ground for immediate removal from our fair city.. Especially over what is presently only rumor.

I propose a hearing. Let those involved speak in defense and accusation for themselves in a constructive manner. If accusation alone is grounds for immediate dismissal I fear we have already lost our home. Do not fall prey to rumors and idle gossip. we are Runewick. We are intellectuals. We as citizens have a duty to protect thee interests of our citizens. As one who has in the past had the smelly-eye cast upon me I know well how damaging a mere rumor can be to an individual's Credibility. But I would think that Runewick citizens above all should have an expectation that their fellow citizens would stand with them at least until the danger to Runewick is actually noted.

Devout Citizen of Runewick
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An open letter to Caswir

Post by nathi »

A additional parchment is pinned on the board
Dear Caswir, dear citizen of Runewick

Caswir, I know very well the situation you are in now. A leader of the allied cities is pressuring you and asking you to make a decision in his interests.
In this situation, you obviously have no choice but to bow to their demands. The situation becomes even more difficult, and I can confirm this, if there is no support from Runewicks society.
Nevertheless, I would advise you to first consult Runewick and hold a hearing, and only then make a proposal or decision. The question for Runewick then becomes whether, in Runewick's view, the conduct of the Runewick citizens in question was lawful or whether it harmed Runewick, and how the individual statements stand against each other. This question must be judged from Runewick's perspective.

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Re: Questions !!

Post by S'rrt »

This is a message narrated but not written by me. Why? Because I still cannot see properly. Why? Because Bidukan, Sardon and Orion beat me and a few other Cadomyrians to death's door unprovoked, Countess included. That is what happened and that is what Runewick should respond to.

I urge anyone who sides with these attackers to ask themselves which is more likely; that Cadomyr is creating a conspiracy to justify actions toward Runewick or that individuals who have previously, and publicly, been hostile toward Cadomyr now attacked Cadomyrians when their guards were down?

Perhaps it is finally time for all realms to deny entry to these ravagers.

On behalf of Sir S'rrt K'shire, Elderknight of Cadomyr,
~ Reret Odohir, notary of Cadomyr
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