Start time

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Hew Keenaxe
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Start time

Post by Hew Keenaxe »

Never once, since the newest update, have I been able to start this game in under 5 minutes. I have timed them. Even when my connection is fast, not often, best I have done is 6min, 43 sec, since I have been keeping track. more often about ten minutes. Sorry, but that sucks. I dont even go through a commercial break with out hitting the remote. In the days of I want it right now, this is a changed channel. I play other games and never have to wait that long. Why is this? It's not like the game has advanced graphics. it's almost 1990, just not that good. I can live with a box head on a multi box body, in a 640/800 world, but excessive lag just ruins a game.
This basic game should not be this hard to play.
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Estralis Seborian
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Re: Start time

Post by Estralis Seborian »

What step takes so long? Starting the launcher, the client or actually logging in? Did it always take that long? I assume you use the latest version of the game?
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Hew Keenaxe
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Re: Start time

Post by Hew Keenaxe »

When I click my quick start button from my tool bar, takes about 10 to 30 seconds to bring up the menu. I press play, and it starts loading file by file, this is where it is taking forever. Once done, login, select character, again 30 seconds.
But total is never less than five minutes and closer to ten, most times.
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Estralis Seborian
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Re: Start time

Post by Estralis Seborian »

Sounds like your computer pulls an update each time. Anyone else having this issue?

Edit: Auto correct sucks!
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Re: Start time

Post by Uhuru »

Yes, it updates every time, but nothing close to the times it is taking Hew.
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Re: Start time

Post by Damien »

I've been annoyed by the same bug, and in my case (slow internet connection) i had to wait for between 20 and 40 minutes each time starting. I suspect it to have been a java or installer issue.But after a while i got it to work quite fine (even with my pain-in-the-butt-ylow internet conection).
A secondary problem was that uninstalling and re-installing illarion didn't work, and it was also impossible to uninstall with the windows software uninstallation or the illarion launcher uninstaller program: It stated that the uninstallation was complete, but the program entry still existed and several registry entries were still existent.

In my case, a fix required the following:

1. Uninstall Illarion. All old and new versions. COMPLETELY. Using a tool for this that scans for leftover registry entries and file folders (for example the revo uninstaller) might prove useful.
2. Execute the command "javaws -viewer" in the start command window (when using windows). Uninstall /remove all existing illarion entries there that might exist from old versions.
3. Delete every single illarion related folder that might exist from actual AND OLDER installations.
(4.) I had to re-check my registry and had to manually remove multiple illarion starter entries. However, That might be unnecessary when using a tool like mentioned above.

Then make sure you have the latest java version installed. Also make sure that old java versions are properly removed. Reboot your system.

After that, go to the illarion webpage and download the installer again. It should work this time.

IF NOT: remove ALL illarion and java installations, purge your registry entries and leftover folders, and re-install java, reboot and then install illarion. However, that's the hammer method and should definitely do the trick AND shouldn't be necessary.
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Re: Start time

Post by Kamilar »

It's slow for me but not as bad as it is for Hew. I do get that same old-fashioned feeling Hew describes from the start up. Kinda clunky.
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