Tol Vanima & the LBA

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Tol Vanima & the LBA

Post by GolfLima »

an allen Stadtbrettern ist folgendes Plakat angeheftet
you can find this poster on all town boards

To all citizen of Gobaith

Vanima, the elven island is blackmailed by the LBA („Legitimate Businessmen´s Association“), that means by the halfling Bindus. He attacked and harmed an elfess at Vanima.
Be carefull and use caution when seeing this person and if possible help Vanima.
to all elven Gobaith´s
Tol Vanima is asking all elven at Gobaith to defend Vanima against Bindus. One point is to patrol to protect Vanima, the other point, if you can´t be at Vanima keep you´re eyes open, try to get information about the LBA and Bindus and give them to Vanima. If you see Bindus watch him closely. But remember Bindus is a well traind high experienced strong and fast fighter.
If we all stand together the LBA can´t blackmail Vanima and we can protect our island against Bindus and his organization.

~Jerem Elessar
(( sorry for bad translation))

Aufruf an alle Bürger Gobaiths

Vanima, die Insel der Elfen wird seit kurzem wieder durch die LBA („Legitimate Businessmen´s Association“), namentlich durch den Kriminellen Bindus versucht zu erpres-sen. Er hat, um seinen Erpressungsversuchen mehr Nachdruck zu verleihen auch schon El-fen,welche sich auf Vanima aufhielten angegriffen und verletzt.
Deshalb bittet Vanima alle Bürger Gobaith´s Vorsicht walten zu lassen, und wenn möglich den Elfen Gobaiths zu helfen.
an alle Elfen Gobaith´s
Tol Vanima bittet alle Elfen Gobaith´s bei der Verteidigung Vanimas gegen Bindus zu helfen.
Einerseits, indem Ihr auf Vanima paroulliert um den Ort vor Verwüstung zu schützen, ande-rerseits, wenn Ihr nicht auf Vanima sein könnt, indem Ihr Eure Augen offenhaltet und versucht Informationen, die die LBA betreffen zu sammeln und an Vanima weiterzuleiten. Wo immer Ihr Bindus seht, beobachtet Ihn, laßt Ihn nicht aus den Augen. Seid Euch aber bewußt,
Bindus ist ein starker, schneller, ausdauernder gut trainierter Kämpfer.
Wenn wir gemeinsam der Gefahr, welche Bindus darstellt, entgegentreten, kann die LBA un-serer Gemeinschaft und auch Vanima nichts anhaben.

~Jerem Elessar
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Re: Tol Vanima & the LBA

Post by Elijah »

Be greeted,

Though I've retreated myself into the shadows to enjoy a nice, beautiful retirement from the matters that plague this island, the return of the LBA is nothing to hide from. It is also not something to simply combat, for it is a guerrilla group and such groups always take more resources than they are worth to defeat. So to spare you of making a long term investment of many silvers and pain, I shall offer to pay the "payment" for you. One of your elders in the past refused to accept such an offer, and the LBA attacked you until you went inactive.

What do I ask for in repayment? Nothing of course. Besides perhaps a kind thank you and the peacefulness of the Elven people.

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Juliana D'cheyne
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Re: Tol Vanima & the LBA

Post by Juliana D'cheyne »

Silently moving in the shadows of the endless trees, Juliana waits somewhere near Vanima knowing payment is expected soon. In the dead of night when all is still she can then read the latest parchments. Dark green eyes skipping over the elven yet understanding enough of the common, a grin forms on her lips before whispering...

Doesn't matter where the coin comes from. Hopefully they make the right decision.

The cloaked figure vanishes suddenly as the first reddened rays of the dawn sun peek through the trees.
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