A Blood Insanity. ((Open RP))

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A Blood Insanity. ((Open RP))

Post by Nalzaxx »

((An Open RP for characters involved with Verdazar.
Send a PM if you are unsure if this includes you.
Verdazar is currently located in the Temple.))

His image danced wildly with the flickering of the candle's light, holding the embers closer to the glass Verdazar gazed intently at his reflection, and the scars that adorned his once smooth face. The jagged tear from stray blade and blemished skin now paled beneath the other afflictions that adorned his complexion. He lifted the helmet and lay it on the table beside him, allowing a finger to run over the diamond inset above his eyes, a souveneer from rituals past. The digit continued down and pulled at his cheek to reveal a gold flecked eye more broadly, now bloodshot and reddened with the strain of this new poison.

"A burning blood that rends my mind
in paroxysm of primal rage.
A clarity of insanity find
wrought by delirium's cage."

It gave him focus. He felt as though he could reach out and touch the Gods themselves with this new fire that burned within him. Yet he knew all too well that familiar tug it laid against the already tattered ends of his sanity. A blessing, a curse, and yet venom still. The old tales of men and mages who had sought the power of the manawell's water were well known to him. Even before he had become another member in their stories. They had sought the waters strength unknowing, or uncaring, of the consequences it would bring. A grisly transformation and a deepening lust for blood were to be expected, endured, and perhaps to some embraced as a means to some malignant or blasphemous aim.

"Fall into an abyss of darkness and shadow
where souls in blackness can mourn
the passing of the light and all virtues hallow
and from blackness be reborn."

He mused over the curious nature of the attack, indeed it was a strange means to dispose of a rival. To give them strength, to give them madness, and to give them reason for vengeance beyond any thought or room for forgiveness. Yet the Bearers had supplied all these in almost boundless amount. A snarl towards his double airs a flash of pointed teeth. Some days had past since he had first drunk and his flesh began to show evidence of its shifting. A sharp mind and sheer force of will had slowed the changes, but he knew he would be marked by the ordeal.

"Spill my blood and burn my skin
and bend my bones to break.
Tear my flesh, put out my eyes
and fill my heart with hate."

He wondered only how far it would take hold, and how little of his sanity would be spared...
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Joxia Doral
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Post by Joxia Doral »

She clutches the horn tightly as she makes her way through the darkened passage of the Temple, not needing any light to show her the way as she knows the path well by now. Pausing at the chest before the portal only long enough to grab her key, continues until the room becomes lit with the firey glow from the lava that surrounds the path. Stops short after locking the door and storing the key safely at the sight of the flickering candles onthe far side of the room and her expression is grim as her sight settles in the figure there. Joxia continues with silent footsteps slowly forward, sensing that the poison has started to have its affects on him before she actually sees the changes that have begun. He seems oblivious to her presence and standing in a shadow she listens to the insanity and madness in his words as her own rage builds within her at what the Bearers have done. Her knuckles gone white with the tight grasp her fingers have formed around the horn until sharp tiny movements from her large belly cause her to gasp quietly and she looses one hand from from the horn and places the palm on her belly as if to calm and reassure the child within that everything was fine in spite of the silent scream in her head that knew that time is of the essence if Verdazar was to be saved from this fate Djironnyma would see him meet with any of his sanity in tact.
Drawing a deep breath, Joxia steps from the shadow and moves towards the Overlord holding in her hands something that she hoped would help to save him....
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Post by Orioli »

~a small woman trips lightly over rocks making her way to the darkened keep~
Quietly she tips back the lid to a small depot and her hand comes out with a silver key~
Sliding it in to her single pocket, she passes through a flaming portal, her senses begin to tingle with a heightened sense and she wrinkles her nose trying to decide why....
Along the path she smiles as she takes in the familiar river of flame which surrounds her.
At the door she fits the key in the lock and almost blanks out at the intense rush of 'something', which blinds her for a moment. Puzzled she turns the key anyway, and steps into the room.. She stops then, focusing first on the woman and then on the man. What puzzles her most is that she can't seem to tell, which of them is emanating the sense of madness. Its intensity hits her in the face at that moment.
She cautiously closes the door behind her and stands close to it .. the intense power she senses frightens her just a bit .. yet draws her to it as well. Inside her a small being stirs restlessly .. it too seems affected by this power and that makes her smile a bit.
~Standing calmly she waits, she is trying hard to sense just who is the source, yet her mind tells her it should be him....
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Post by Kyre »

Malleus maleficarum, so far none here, this island seemed innocent of entanglements seen on the mainland, an entire place for her to practice the blood magic without hindrance. Agrona wondered if there would be regret that the Overlord knew her witch name, yet the raging torrent with the tang of Nargun was so powerful as she tasted his blood, more was needed, was demanded. Leaving the temple in a cloud of dust, her twisted mind swirling with plans and dreams, Agrona feels the essence of the blood building as her mind welcomes it almost with relief while whispering "soon".
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Joxia Doral
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Post by Joxia Doral »

Joxia wanders through the woods without any real thought to her direction, stepping automatically over and around obsticals stopping only collect the herbs that she happened to come across. The events of the day replayed in her head. Dains absence from the meeting again was vstarting to cause her some concern..."was there something wrong that he was not telling her...?" Agronas unexpected and most unwelcome appearance had been very tense and grueling. Joxia moved a protective hand gently over her protruding belly and blanched yet again at the thought of Agrona having tasted Verdazars tainted blood. Over tired and stressed as she is, a laugh that sounds to be on the edge of hysteria rings through the quiet woods causing a small animal to scurry away from under a bush. She stops to sit on a fallen log and regains her composure, chiding herself for her worry. The Overlord had reassured her hadnt he? Speakin out loud she admonishes herself "Stop it. You are not giving birth to a rotworm or even a child borne to insanity doomed to become a rotworm. A child with her for a mother and Dain for a father would be strong and healthy and able to take on the world someday." Inhales deeply of the rich smell of the woods and becomes calm once more and stands to continue her task, looking for herbs.
Her thoughts continue through her head but she manages to push all thoughts of the witch aside, afterall nothing can be done with her until a way to unbind her from the child is found. The furrow in her brow deepens as her thoughts turn to Verdazar and she squeezes her eyes tightly as a vision of how she left him that day crossed her mind and the anger begins to burn again in her eyes as a curse escapes her lips for Djironnyma. the trees thinned and she finds herself near the harbor and with a long tired sigh boards the ferry to Hellsbriar. Once there she checks with the guards who have been watching over the Overlord They said he was sleeping, fitfully, but resting nonetheless and that his wounds from the pillar had been tended. As she finds the bed she sends a quiet prayer to Nargun to guide them through this even though she she knows he is immensely amused by it all and even partially the cause...it all bore his trademark like his earlier trials for her over the years.He last thought before falling into a fitful sleep of her own was for dain and wishing that he was there with her now to help give her strength and reassurance.
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Post by Kugar »

Jefferson leans by a tall tree on the isles of Sirani, a cold gust of wind emits from the ocean, bellowing and blowing the dead leaves of old wildly about in the air. His blank, yet contemplative stare follows the leaves and debris, as they seem to portray a disorganized and conflicted dance.
A fire burns before him, his eyes flickering different shades of grey in the varying lights, holding a clearly dark presence, and somber air about him.
Stroking loose strands of hair from his face, he lifts a hand and runs a finger along the exposed diamond scar on his forehead. As he does so, he soon narrows his tired and glazed eyes, thoughts of a final solution to destroy the bearers of fire and Djironnima soon burdened his mind.
"The one who stands, boldly and graceful in black... So simple to see a snake in the tall grass.."
Jefferson did not underestimate his enemy, he knew all too well of the powers the high mages of the order held. But it was within this respect for his opponent, that lead him to examine the bearers with many watchful eyes from afar, strengthening a firm plot to encroach their defense.
His knowledge of the Varshikari castle's existance, and the infamous mana well that it held, aswell as the ongoing conflict between Varshikari citizens and the bearers, lead him to believe that it's curse had overthrown it's current occupants. Though it would seem his grudge would stem from elsewhere. To the times of the war..
Turning his head then slowly to the side, a grim smile soon follows, but disappears almost instantly. Placing a hand in his pocket he then brings out an old parchment with several lines drawn on, a parchment he had held for some time now..

It was the 'key' that the robed one he had met previously on Sirani, gave to Jefferson on the days that lead to the Salkamaerian invasion. With still no clear concept of it's use, glowered over it with a relaxed sigh. It was then that the enchanted parchment began to emit light, then lighten again as it did once before. The four holes in the parchment began to burn an ash into themselves, soon followed by two new lines, connecting them. Baring the shape of one half of a diamond...

Arching his mouth to a weak smile, he tilts his head "Well... Isn't that 'odd'.

It all began to make sense. The 'key' that he held was an interpretation of the island, and allied locations upon it..

"Troll's Bane, Varshikar, the lizard temple and Hellbriar.." He thought to himself.

"Anarius, Djironnima, Taliss and Verdazar...

War, war, everywhere..."
He whispers to the wind.

He knew all too well of the Overlords loss of sanity, yet it was with this seed of chaos that would grip Jefferson's attention, and interest. He welcomed it gladly...
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