Wonderings in the Night ((Closed))

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Wonderings in the Night ((Closed))

Post by Thrym »

Alvis thrym sits under a tree in the western woods, examining some herbs he has gathered. As twilight approaches, he looks to the setting sun, seeming to admire it for a moment, but then quickly raising his attention to look around him. Satisfied that he sees nothing, he returns to watching the sunset. He lays a yellow weed to the side, atop his bag.

Much has happened over the last weeks, and his sense of accomplishment fills him with satisfaction. Unfortunately, this satisfaction is quickly overtaken by thoughts of what he has not achieved, thoughts of some dark things that have brought themselves to him, and thoughts of the unknown future. His gaze dulls as he thinks back to the events in the western woods, the rainstorm, the cave, the shining peninsula... the she-wolf that haunts his thoughts. He takes another cursory look at his surroundings before settling back into the memory again.

Artimer had warned him and worried for his well-being. He said that contact with the dark powers could... affect a person. He was right. Alvis had always been one to love knowledge, but not with such hunger as he now suffered from his contact with this new thing. Sometimes this new trait began to peek through, but Alvis never noticed it, nor did he notice the other slow changes that were taking place. He was becoming a bit less personal, a bit more formal. A bit less helpful, a bit more manipulative. He begins to observe more and see less. His mind begins to be drawn toward ideas that had never been uncovered to him before. All of this because of her.

He hated her. Her arrogance. Her carelessness. Her utter lack of honor and compassion! And yet... something tugged on him. He knew he had to help his friend, and he was determined to do all he could. This, he told himself, was his motivation for pursuing her and her kind -- his motivation for learning to know his enemy, and seeking out things which should not lightly be revealed. But for all that assuredness, he was unaware of the real reason he followed this path, and the destinations to which it could lead him.

He turned his gaze again to the sunset which, by now, was just hitting the horizon. Nighttime would arrive soon. He just hoped nothing else would arrive with it...

"Vaetta, indeed! No name, indeed!", he spoke with malice as he thought of her.

A chill breeze moved in from the East... he tightened his dark green cloak about him quickly, and raised the hood to mask his head.

"Probably just the cold of approaching Fall...", he said to himself, as if for comfort.
Last edited by Thrym on Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Velisai »

Velisai was lying on a bed in the Union's basement, awake after long hours of sleep, slowly working through her mind, forcing her memories to come back to her. It was like a bad dream, watching herself collapse on the streets of Troll's Bane, murmur senseless things, being locked into her own mind. At least they were senseless to anyone but herself. Relieved she sighed at the thought. She had not lost control over herself completely, luckily. The consequences.. they would be horrific.

"I have no problem in silencing either of you." The words crossed her mind often since she heard them and saw proof of their cold sincerity. Again she was the toy of much greater powers and this time they seemed even stronger and were inhuman, incomprehensible. They could always find her, there was no escape. So short was the time during which she felt free again after years of captivity. She reached for her necklace, a finely crafted but old amulet, which was her bond for so long. After the magic in it died with her master, she kept it as a reminder, that she must not let that happen to herself again. She squeezed it in her hand for a moment, then angrily threw it to the floor, muttering a few curses under her breath. Could she have done anything to prevent it? What will happen next to her and more importantly, those close to her? All she knew, could do and has done so far seemed so small and barely relevant, but she had also seen and felt herself what power does to someone, how it made arrogant and ruthless. Whatever she would do or not do, appeared to be bound to end in more suffering.

Trying to control her anger and despair, she breathed slowly and deeply until a cold and emotionless expression came back to her face once again. She climbed out of the bed and picked up the amulet, put it back in it's place around her neck and then followed through her usual routine of washing herself with cold water and eating her breakfast. She had to find out more, dig herself deeper into the darkness she got caught up in by chance or was it chance at all? The way back was closed forever the moment she saw the creatures that haunt her dreams now. She could only hope that she would make the right decision in the end.

She climbed the ladder to the ground floor and stepped to the door of the small building that was her home, bracing herself to face the concerned looks she would receive. For now there were other things to take care of, she had to convince those who worried about her, that she just had a really bad day, that everything is fine now. Whatever happens to herself must not endanger those around her. Taking a last deep breath she turned the key and stepped outside.
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Post by Thrym »

The breeze kept moving among the eaves as Alvis trekked back to the Union. The moon was not full, but shone with enough light to make shadows about the ground -- fleeting, skittish things that kept Alvis on edge always. Thankfully, the cold was indeed only the changing seasons and the coming of night, rather than the result of some darker presence. Alvis's memories brought their load to bear on his mind once again, only now they were directed at those closest to him in this matter of shadows and powers.

Artimer. Mr. Fault. Mr. Artimer Fault. The man who had, more or less, been the final advisor to cause Alvis to choose the path of the alchemist was now of great concern. Her hint about Artimer's possible affliction, the ink markings he had seen on one, but known on two... he could only imagine it must be painful. What would become of Artimer in all this? And what of his family? Harm was meant for them, but that was the reason Alvis and the others were following this path. They needed to stop everything. They needed to stop him, that one about whom they must learn, but Alvis himself wished to stop her, too. And the game. He wondered if Artimer felt the same way...

And Velisai. Concerned voices had whispered to him in plea that he would watch Velisai, making sure she didn't push herself so hard. He eased their worries with his assurances, but underneath he knew of a deeper cause for her behavior, though it would never enter his mind that this was something familiar to Velisai. And against this thing he was currently powerless. As he finally came to the road leading to the Union, he considered his newfound druidic sight. When he met with her again, Alvis would look her over with a sight that goes beneath the surface, trying to piece together exactly what might be wrong. But for all this seeing power, he still had not the ability to recognize his own changes.

He was looking at the moon, now, and not watching where he was going. His foot caught against one of the larger stones in the path, which sent him hurling downward with a fury. He felt anything but humored by it. The jolt had sent his jaw together tightly against his own flesh in the way, and he could taste a little bit of blood in his mouth. As he gathered himself and resumed the journey, the thought of her blood was brought back to his mind. Sharp, metallic, inhuman, poison... and power.

The wind continued its baleful song, this time turning directly against Alvis in his path. It blew back his hood, but he trudged on.
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Post by Thrym »

(Some time later...)

Alvis almost glided, almost stumbled out of the mouth of the cave near the Union. His presence was that of someone rather blank or content, but if someone who had druidic or magical peered at him, they might see something else entirely -- he was as an empty shell, and not because of an essence deficiency. He was in some kind of thirst, or desperation underneath the exterior. It was the dark road. The one Artimer talked about. Wait.. did Artimer talk about it? Or was it someone else? Maybe no one? Alvis couldn't remember anymore. He remembered Artimer worried, warning him against something he was not even aware of himself yet...

How observant Artimer was. How vigilant. He saw it coming. He saw the potential effects. But, poor Artimer, he couldn't see how it happened. He didn't know why. All he knew was that it was her doing. In part, that is right, but even Alvis did not imagine that he himself had a hand in it.

"Mm, my blood would have that effect on people...", her words rang in his mind. Foolish, foolish Alvis. He had tasted it in an attempt to identify it the first time Velisai encountered her. He had tasted it again more recently, hoping it was not the same, that the temptress would not be about... but it was hers.

She had promised him something.. she had promised him more of something. She had promised to sate this unknown desire (when they next met, of course -- she liked to play like that). It all left him coming apart within, but he musn't show it! He recognized it this time, and he would begin to master the art of the mask. He would begin to appear as something that he truly was not. Words then floated across his mind, but seemed very distant, as if it was something foreign to him, or perhaps a memory long gone that he's trying to recall... the words...

"She smelled it... I wonder what Velisai is feeling...?"
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Post by Thrym »

((This an actual original event and conversation as it happened in-game.))
(Nearly a dwarven month ago...)

Alvis is out near the Western forest's druid house, combing for herbs in the local plants. The sun is nearly setting, but in his work Alvis hardly seems to notice anything. He seems very content with himself, and pleased with the performance of his new sickle given him by Saigwin. Oh, the generosity of these people! It never ceases to amaze.

Then he feels something... Something blowing softly on his ear, but too concentrated to be the breeze. Such a subtle-yet-defined action caught him off-guard, and it took a while for him to even register that it had happened. When he realized it, however, he peered about in many directions from under his dark green hood... he felt watched. A strange chill traveled down his spine. He picked up his walking stick laying nearby, and immediately made for the cover of the forest trees, his eyes constantly darting about. He knelt down in the cover of a fir, his cloak drawn close.

His nervousy was difficult to conceal as he looked about in one direction, then the other.
"Reveal yourself!", his words rang out. If he was right, the other already knew where he was anyways. As a brief wind passed through the trees above him, he thought he could make out a woman's voice, softly chuckling. He dashed deeper into the trees, looking all about him. His breathing was now steadied, but a little harsh.

His words softly and hesitantly proceeded from his mouth, "Reveal yourself..."

The reply he got was nothing he expected. A woman's voice spoke back to him lightly..
"Tell me.."

This caught him once again off-guard.

"Tell you... what?", Alvis stammered back out. He heard the light chuckle once more. Now he drew back his hood, revealing a head of light blonde hair, to be able to more clearly hear. The dark green of the cloth could now be seen to contrast with his pale skin.

"Are you frightened?", the voice came again.

"... Yes.", came Alvis's slow reply. He felt a soft breath just beside his ear, and he darted back and looked around violently.


"What sorcery is this??", he asked with haste.


The chuckle grew into soft laughter. Alvis now looked angry and afraid at once. He whispered soft words to Eldan...

"Sunset soon.", he heard, as he looked to the west as if for confirmation.

"I have always loved the twilight.", the voice said, "My very own playtime."

Twilight... the most magical hour. But Alvis's thoughts were far from the sunset.

"Reveal, fiend!"


"At least state your desires and have done with it. What do you want with me??"

"You'll see...", the voice said, seeming to tease him. Alvis looked in the direction of the whisper, and hardly seemed to breathe at all, now. He replaced the hood on his head and moved deeper into the forest, kneeling down among the various plants.

"Don't fret, now.", the voice came at him, but Alvis was beyond fretting.

"Nature, hide my frame!", he now whispered to the woods around him. A soft tutting sound came in reply to this plea. Alvis sat very still.

"Aren't you the least bit curious?", the invisible woman asked him.

"About... what?", he said, his words stuttering now and then, "I-I'm afraid when fear takes the stage, curi-iosity doesn't have time... 'till later."

The voice continued as if he had only spoken the first part, "All of this? Who I am, and why I chose you... what I might have planned."

"I am curious.. who you are, why you're here... whether I am to leave at all."

"Good, good..", she said, "I like a man who doesn't simply accept things."

"What is there to be accepted in this? Torture? Who would?", he spoke as he moved back among the leaves.

"What reason would I have to torture you?"

"I would have you tell me now, for torture it is!"

"I only wish to talk..."

A silence...

"Then speak, and by the gods, reveal yourself. I have no liking for phantoms."

The whisper seemed ethereal as it came at him again, "I am no phantom."

"Who, then!? What are you? A sorceress? A witch?"

Again came that soft chuckle, followed by, "Give me what title you will."

"What would you have with me?"

"Nothing, yet."

Alvis drew further back through the woods, which were constantly darkening with the day...

"Are you afraid?", it asked again.

"I already told you. What reason do you have to pursue me so?"

"Do I need one?", it seemed to coo.

"By all accounts of sanity, yes. Unless I... am losing my mind."

"You think me a dream? I've been called better.."

"Either some dream, or an illusion born on strange winds."

"You have yet to look upon me.", it reminded him.

"I do. It makes your very existence questionable. I may be speaking to myself.. or to some long-forgotten past."

"You think me invisible, but you are simply not looking hard enough.", it told him. Alvis now looked inquisitive...

"Not looking hard enough..."

Last edited by Thrym on Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Vern Kron »

"I do not know where to go from here." Artimer said to himself absently. His eyes were closed. His mind however was more open than he had ever realised.

"It would be so easy to hate her. So easy to become her enemy. But I can not allow that. She is interesting, one of a kind, and she wants to be the last it seems. And for that reason, I can not let him win." He thought to himself. He stifled a yawn, trying to maintain the silence of the night. Rarely was it quite at any time in Troll's Bane, but as of late isolation and silence seemed to be the only things that was near him. He sat underneath the tree of his house, on the rock. A breeze blew past, ruffling the leaves.

"I need an idea. Enough to split this world in two. A priest would be nice, but I am not sure if that would actually help. Infact... I probably would end up far worse off than otherwise." He murmered to himself quietly. "I need to survive. But I am not in danger. They are. I need to fight, but that would only lead to their own death. No! I need to get help from Ayl-, she is gone, I can't ask her for help." He stood then, and paced about for a bit.

"There is not much I can do. Not like this. I could become one, but I would end up losing everything anyway, as well as probably killing them myself. And as typical, people who don't know what they are getting into got pulled into it. Ambrosine can't just keep things simple. She has to appeal and then strike fear into those who are unknowing. But then again, she keeps things interesting.. thats why I like her. But I need an idea! If this gets out, it could be more and more trouble. Could one of them have caused the lich attack the other day? Its possible. Who though has the power to stand up to him. She can't, and she has an army at her disposal. I can't it seems, but I can't just lay here and take it." His mind raced, as he took in a deep breath. He reached into his bag, and touched a dagger softly.

"Maybe... that would be enough to push the odds in my favor. It did once.. but that was accidental. Deliberate.. no." He drew his hand from the bag, empty. Artimer let out a deep sigh, as he stared at the moon.

"There is only a few choices. To go to one side would mean becoming an enemy of the other. To go to the side of her, would mean being loyal but possible death, and.. maybe.. best not to question that. To join his side, would mean that there could be more. It would mean to betray her. It would mean that everything I cared for would be 'safe' from him. And yet that would give him more power over me." He turned and walked absently through the town, trying to find a point or some one to talk to, but nothing came.

"I suppose I could try and.. become better. Alvis and Velsia are in the most trouble though. I suppose.." He nodded softly. An idea had come. It was still vague. Uncomplete. Unusable in its current form. But it was a glimmer of hope. With that in mind, Artimer crossed to the nearest body of water, the eldan oak by the jail, and sat. Formulating, calculating, and planning under the shimmering autumn moon.
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Post by Velisai »

Velisai was wandering through the western woods aimlessly, she was troubled, worried to the brink of insanity the more she thought about the situation the worse it seemed. She lied to everyone she knew, told them she would get better after some rest, although she knew it would probably not. All around her was in danger, a danger she still knew not nearly as much about as she would like to know. Something happened to Alvis, she knew, but what? She could sense that something was missing and something else was there instead. He could not say much about what happened, as if something restrained him, something inside him and looked haunted, cold. It seemed to her, he was broken beyond repair or maybe even possessed by a demon.

She tried to make sense of what he said, attempting to distinguish the truth from the lies she might have told him. Ambrosine's influence on him was clearly growing, a part of him was maybe even trying to help her, warn her not to pursue the matter further, but what else could she do? Could she just turn her back, ignore her innate curiosity as well as the dreams and thoughts, the hunger as Alvis called the strange feeling? It seemed too easy to be true, but was harder than anyone would imagine. She only smelled her blood for a brief moment, but the memory still lingered in her mind after weeks had passed. She was on the same dark road as him, but he was miles ahead now past the last junction where he would be able to leave it. Had she passed it too? Was there ever one?

Artimer seemed to know so much more than he told last time. "He digs his own grave." The words ran through her mind, but they were Ambrosine's words, not to be trusted. All she said was manipulative, truth or lie, it all was said for a purpose. She had to find him before she faced the demons again, only if she understood exactly what they want, could she resist their temptations and see trough their lies. Yes, she would go to his house at night, unseen hopefully, to meet him again. He was the last human being she knew of, who was still himself. The last one she could remotely trust to be free in his mind at least.

"Pick a side and learn to know your enemy." she told them. Velisai thought of both as enemies now. They were demons one like the other and she would probably never be free of them or that strange feeling that made her follow the trail of blood they used to lure her, as long as she was ignorant.
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Post by Thrym »

((Continued from earlier scene.))

"Not lookng hard enough...", Alvis Echoed. Did that mean he actually would be able to see her? He moved forward slowly through the trees, his hand lacking a stick softly brushing in front of him as the voice continued...

"It is impossible to be truly unseen.. though not everyone has the ability to distinguish the alterations."

"You're here, aren't you?"

"Come now, you're stronger than that. Tell me where."

Stronger? Than what? Alvis looked all about him. The forest was beginning to become all alike to him, except for.. something. He closed his eyes and listened. The softest rustle of footsteps could be heard on the forest ground. He was growing impatient.


"Well?", the voice asked.

"ALRIGHT!", he shouted, leaping forward and swinging his staff in front of him. It was a near miss.

"Careful.", the voice teased him.

"You elude me easily, and you know it, yet you egg me on. Why? I am no match for you in this child's game."

"Just a little fun. No need to anger yourself.", it assured him.

"What is to happen when this is over? What if I do find you? What will you do with me?", he asked.

"That's up to you."

Alvis looked about himself again, considering new possibilities. This unknown thing was toying with him, and he did not enjoy being the toy.

"Perhaps you are some thief.", he spoke.

"What would I steal?", she casually inquired.

"You would steal my peace. Though I may seem scholarly, I have little patience, and that is easily stretched thin..."

"I see that."

Alvis walked forward slightly with every voiced word. He peered closely into a space. The very air was different. He closed his eyes and listened, feeling with his hands, and encountered soft fabric. Feeling more, he found it to cover a small woman's figure.

"Ah ah, now you're learning.", it spoke over him softly, "Keep those lovely eyes open."

Alvis did what she bade him, and the pale blue stared in front.

"Now look.", she said as the air began to shimmer in front of him. A young woman appeared to him slowly, with a small build, pale skin, and dark hair in contrast. Her eyes were a piercing steel grey, and there was something about them that was a bit more or a bit less human. Alvis could not help but stare as words found their way to his throat once more...

"Who are you...?"

"I have so many names, titles...", she replied.

Alvis reached out a hand in its dark green sleeve, and attempted to touch her, as if needing to know she was real. She was cloaked and hooded, the light of the remaining hour shielded from her face. The fabric of her clothing is a strange black that eludes light. He brought his hand back to himself. She was cold...

"I don't bite.", she assured him, as she lifted her head slightly so that more of her face was visible beneath the hood.

"What would you have...?", Alvis managed to whisper, "What I see before me goes against reality. Yet, if I am losing my mind, it is in better ways than I would have thought before."

The woman formed a slow and oddly sweet smile as she spoke, "My my, you are charming."

Alvis himself smiled, seeming a little embarrassed. He was no longer afraid, but rather taken with the figure before him.

"Why do you do this to me? What am I to you?", he asked.

"An interest.", came the short reply. This caused Alvis to look at her rather curiously.

"An interest, mm. And how am I interesting? Less than average, and known for no great deeds, I am.", he said, for while many may recognize Thyrm now, at this time his name was only known to a few.

The woman pursed her lips and as looked Alvis over, pacing a little as she spoke, "I am unknown as well."

Alvis's gaze followed her with his reply, "Then we have something in common."

"What brings you out here, so far from others?", she asked him.

"I like nature..", Alvis said simply. It wasn't much more complicated than that.

"What do you like about her?", the woman continued.

"Well... When you ask a great admirer of art 'What do you like about art?', what is he to reply? It seems there may be no specifics to be pointed out, or if there are, then they are endless."

"So you're intelligent... I like that, too.", she softly purred to him.

"I am often out here because I have much in common with the ways of the Druids, though much of their company and knowledge I lack.", Alvis continued.

The woman looked over Alvis's form with an unabashed gaze, stating, "The potential is there, however."

"Why are you out here?", Alvis asked.

The woman said nothing, tilting her head as though in consideration, regarding him with a light expression.

"What is your purpose with me?", Alvis pressed.

"Just an interest, nothing more.", she replied.

"Shall I simply sit, if I am such an interest, for your viewing enjoyment?", Alvis said, almost sarcastically.

The woman chuckled softly, asking him, "Do I not interest you, too?"

Alvis's voice leapt with his reply, "Verily so! I have never encountered your likeness. I should like to again, though."

The woman smiled with an, "Of course you would. And I think... you will, yes."

"Do you live out here?"


"May I... have a name to call you by?", Alvis asked.

The woman grinned cooly, saying, "Choose one for me."

Alvis breathed out softly, thinking for a while. His mind went back to his homeland, and the distant works of legend. He soon pulled a name from the mists.

"How about... Vaetta?"

"I like it.", she said simply.

"It's an old name I know of no one using. It is a spirit creature."

"Keep it for me, then. Until next time.", she told him.

Alvis stammered out, "You're leaving, then? Oh, not before you have my name! Unless you already know it..."

"Alvis Thrym.", her reply came. It blew Alvis's mind that someone would care to actually learn his name first, and then seek him out.

"Indeed, yes, of the Northlands.", Alvis said.

"Well then, Alvis Thrym of the Northlands... I will see you soon."

She began to draw her hood back, but before her face was fully visible, she vanished.

"Until next time.. Vaetta."

Alvis pulled his hood back over his own head, his mind empty of thought. This enchantress had him. He looked toward the sky, and over to the sun, which now was nearly below the horizon. Then he headed through the trees once again...
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Post by Thrym »

Voices in memory seem distant and echoed, the persons they belong to no longer remembered...

"She does not hold you in thrall... you do."

"... consume your soul..."

He couldn't stand it...

"... you desire the dark, don't you?"

The thirsting drives him to terror and anger...

"You have no IDEA!!"

"What has she done to you?"

"You may know your problems, but you have no idea what mine are!"

The memory is hazy, and blurs in and out as the last words are spoken...

"You have no idea..."

Then flight! A terrible flight through the forest, pursued by voices crying "Stop him!". He had to run. He couldn't stand them! He knew the forest paths well, and soon left them behind...

Then came a cool womans voice through the trees...
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Post by Orioli »

A young woman walks east of Trolls Bane with a nice man. Suddenly red clouds appear.
The way appears blurred and they both are stunned. They watch the clouds for a moment when suddenly a beautiful goddess appears to them.

"Go to him." She says.

"Go to whom, and where?" The young woman manages through her confusion. Already a premonition of dread surrounds her heart.

"He is wounded you must hurry." A voice seems to reverberate around her ears.

"Who are you? A name?" Both man and woman inquire like idiots.

"Forget me, go to him." The voice comes again. With it knowlege enters the mind of the woman, as to the location she must seek, while her heart has a stronger knowlege of whom.

Mumbling, perhaps shouting a few things, she takes flight through the town and south.

Coming to a cave in the forest she finds her fears realized. There on the cold, yet strangely scorched ground, lays a young man. He seems lifeless. She runs to his side and kneels.

His condition is grave, his body in torment it seems. Touching his skin she finds a strong heat is there. Hastily she reaches to the stream and finds water. Splashing it on him she tries to quiet the fevers.

Desparatly she rips at his clothing, Tearing off first his cloak and next his shirt. His skin is strange and his veins protrude in a very odd fashion. She turns to the stream, dipping the shirt to soak it. She quickly begins to drench him in the wrung out waters.

He convulses and she panics, "Stay Alvis" (she shouts among other things)as she grabs him she cradles him close to her.

Suddenly an elf wanders in from the forest. Miraculous he is a druid!

He offers a potion and helps her tend to Alvis, even they carry him to the safty of the union.

Upon arrival, Phibol is present alone. He makes a desparate dash to town and returns quickly to help them take him inside and deposit him in a soft bed. He sleeps now it seems in peace.

Exhausted and after exchange of instructions from the Druid, the woman leaves him in the Union's care.
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Post by Thrym »

Alvis drifted in and out of consciousness for a long time before he awoke. He found himself alone, covered only by a sheet in a bed of the Union house. His clothes were nearby. As he dressed himself, he noticed what seemed like a sickness underneath his skin. He ignored it.

Whoever had been tending him before never saw him leave.

((New RP thread for those involved will be started. Title will be "Tears of the Afflicted".))
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