Rage ((closed rp))

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Rage ((closed rp))

Post by Larien. »

((anyone who is involved in this is welcome to post here))

Hours after the "execution", when the moon hangs high in the dark sky, an elfess sits alone, deep in the southern forest. Her thin shoulders lift from their slumped position and she presses her back against the tree, tilting her tearstained face back with her mouth open wide. A piercing shriek cuts through the silence, an outpouring of all the anger and pain coursing through her soul. She had sworn to never feel like this again...yet that elf had gotten through the walls around her heart. He had broken her down and made her his...only to betray her like all the others. The scream fades slowly, echoing back from the darkness. Images of Wolf...her Wolf...staring back at her emotionlessly as he announced his allegiance to Rothman haunted her mind. Another jagged scream jerks her head back again, her fingernail digging into the earth on either side of her in her rage. He would pay for making her feel like this...for ripping her apart. Ragged breaths rasp from her throat as the elfess struggles to regain control. Her pale face seems to almost glow in the moonlight as she tucks her chin to look into her bag, her hand fumbling and finally pulling out a few wicked looking tools and an inkwell. Ripping her shirt aside carelessly, she begins her meticulous work, her jaw clenching against the pain as she whispers into the cool air

You will regret ripping me in two every day of your life, elf.
Last edited by Larien. on Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Larien. »

The wind whispers through the trees as the sun slowly peeks above the horizon and the birds begin their morning chorus. The sleeping form of the elfess, curled at the base of the tree, stirs fitfully, her pale blue eyes fluttering open. The breeze caresses her sore body, the marks of her feverish act during the night are bold and black against her alabaster skin. A slender hand presses into the forest floor as she pushes herself up and takes her first look at the world through new eyes. Carefully leaning against the strong trunk of the tree, she inhales slowly of the crisp air and raises a hand to rake back the deep auburn hair from her face. Her expression is one of frigid resolve, the raw emotions that gripped her so tightly the previous day shoved back deep inside her. Leather squeaks as she runs her hand down her thigh and climbs to her feet. Her shirt as been torn into strips, wrapped around to cover her chest, leaving her inky marks inescapable to any eye. With one hand on the hilt of a blade, she turns towards Troll's Bane.

Gone is the old bird and from the ashes arose the new.
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Post by Na-Chaya »

The breeze grows stronger, seems to concentrate over the wandering elfess, words of might whispering in her ear ...

You want revenge ? You hate him ? He has ripped you apart ? If you dare to met me bring me blood - your blood in a vial -

... the voice was fading slowly, only the circling flaw wraps the elfess in a vortex, waiting for a answer ...
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Post by Larien. »

Her body tensed as the wind circled around her, her head twisting right and left as she looked in vain for the voice. Her deep auburn hair whipped around her face, stinging her eyes as she finally whispered, "I will come."

Gods damn it all, was everyone to betray her? She stumbled and fell to her knees as she reached the edge of the forest, her vision blurring with a new deluge of tears. Her hand rose to claw over her heart, as if she could pierce the skin and be rid of the painful thing. The desert woman...I'm sorry...it meant nothing... Random snatches of the woman's pleading words cut through her mind like a razor sharp dagger, Kaelyn's anguished face swimming before her eyes. Empty words...empty words The elfess shook her head violently, her hands raising to rake her hair back from her face, gripping the locks painfully as she raises her face to the sky, the bold inky lines of her tattoos of agony seeming to almost glow in the moonlight.

The elfess has, perhaps, never looked more beautiful...than in the throes of such gut wrenching heartache...or seemed so far from beautiful, her features smoothing into a spiritless cold. The hand that gripped the dagger and jerked it from its sheath wavered not once, steady as she raised it to her breast, directly over her heart, and slid the edge across her skin. Her chin raises as the blood begins trickling down her chest, catching the precious drops in a tiny vial, seeming to relish what little pain it affords her. Physical pain can be tolerated, even enjoyed, but the pain in her heart would be the end of her. Her chin lowers as she carelessly tosses the dagger away and corks the small vial, now filled with her own hot, dark red blood. She lifts the bottle to the sky, her face raising with it as a burning rage ignites her pale blue eyes, her lips parting to utter a few words, "I am ready."
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Post by Larien. »

The elfess meanders lazily through the trees, her hands reaching out to trail over the rough trunks, making her way slowly towards her secret place far from any town or road. The forest is strangely silent, mimicking her calm mood. She drops down beneath the oak, pressing her bare back against the solid wood and releasing a heavy sigh, her head dropping back and her eyes staring distantly at the branches above.

The sun peeks through and dapples her skin as her mind replays her meeting with Na-Chaya. Seeing Wolf tied to the tree, defenseless and yet still defiant had brought a shiver down her spine. Even after it all, the mere sight of him could still nearly bring her to her knees in longing and desire. Only by sheer will had she kept her face blank and walked calmly past, feeling as though an iron fist was clenching around her stomach as she willingly handed the woman the vial. Being relieved of some of the pain in her heart was more a curse than a blessing...now she must dig deeper to find fuel for her rage, for her revenge.

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Post by Larien. »

I warned you not to push me, brat. The elfess slinks down to her refuge deep in the woods, her hands still stained and sticky with Kaelyn's blood. A pang went through her heart for a split second, she didn't want the woman's for an enemy. The woman from the desert was the closest thing she had to a true friend... The elfess snarls and shakes her head, her hair flinging wildly around her face, She should have kept her damn mouth shut and her legs closed.

The bark deliciously scraped down her bare skin as she slid down to sit at the base of the tree, a hint of the bloodlust still shadowing her pale blue eyes. Fight for what you -love-, she'd said. The elfess glides a reddened finger over her lips as her eyes stare distantly into the depths of the forest, What -do- I love? Him? That should be gone. The image of the woman laying spread eagle and riddled with her blades flashes through her mind, bringing a sadistic twist to her lips. The woman's bloodcurdling screams had made her stomach tighten in pleasure, her skin flush as she slide the steel through her flesh. -That- was what she loved. Pain
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Post by Larien. »

A braying donkey woke the elfess from her exhausted sleep, her stiff and battered body slowly uncurling as she untangles her limbs from the sleeping elf. His blond hair shining in the early morning sun was blinding to her eyes as they roamed over his sleeping form. A flash of regret shadows her eyes as they drift to the north and her mind replays those hungry caresses as they held on tight, writhing together on the ground. Whatever regret she feels is quickly shaken off, she needed some sort of release...she had been ready to explode with all the different emotions charging through her soul. Wolf has to be dead to her...she has to move on.

She winces as she gets to her feet, her bandaged arms sending flashing of pain through her body. The long cut over her hip has crusted over, her face is a mess of dark bruises. The desert woman's blueblood was a little angry, a low chuckle slips past her lips as she remembers the rage on his face and how her taunting words flowed so easily from her lips. She wanted him to hurt her, to avenge the woman he loves so much, the way it should be. She was, at first, surprised when he pressed his lips against hers but the surprise changed to an almost fascinated respect as his hands moved up to grip her throat. The darkness came as a welcome relief...a respite from her tortured body and soul.

Soon...soon she would have her revenge and could pick up the pieces of her shattered life and move forward. The elfess' feet move silently through the grass as she heads for the forest, her chin lifted proudly.
Last edited by Larien. on Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Larien. »

The elfess' body trembles violently as she climbs the ladder to the surface, dropping into the snow as soon as her boot leaves the last rung. Her face and body are covered with crimson blood, a dripping sword clenched tightly in her hand. The frigid wind whips her hair around her face as she pulls her knees to her chest, the tears finally bursting through and creating pink trails through the blood drying on her cheeks. She cradles her head in her hands as images of him flash in front of her eyes...

His snarling face glaring down at her, his hand gripping the front of her shirt as he jerks her forwards, "You come here...provoke me to my face...and expect me to let it slide like your other elf pet? You tell me I chase women, when you know very well the only female I want is you?!"...Her own words, then bitter in her throat, now bringing a new deluge of tears down her cheeks, "Why couldn't you just die?!" Her fists slamming uselessly against his broad chest, the same chest he had once cradled her against...His hand closing around her throat... A ragged sob broke from the elfess' throat as her words cycled through her head, "...I could go on thinking you hadn't lied..that you loved me as much as I loved you.." She knew now...knew he'd loved her, and if she was honest with herself, had known it all along. The sword he had slammed into her hand was the same one she gripped now..staining the snow a bright red. His face a mask of fury as he roared the words, begging her to kill him...She had dropped it then, let it clatter to the floor...shaking her head. No..no she couldn't kill him. The next words that slipped past his lips had chilled her to the bone, "If you don't have the guts to do it, then I will." She tried to stop him...tried to pull the sword away as he pointed it his chest. The dull look on his face would haunt her forever, his last words searing into her already shattered heart, "I lost your love" Then the hot blood..splattering over her as he jerked forwards and impaled himself on the steel and fell to his knees. She had cradled his head in her hands, kneeling before him, and had pressed her lips to his for the last time...hoping against hope that he felt the love she had for him..and that it was strong enough to surround him in peace...wherever he might be. Her wolf had fallen then, his massive body still and quiet, his eyes closed as she whispered her last goodbye, "I love you, little wolf...the bastard that you were."

She had left him there..her eyes strangely dry as she fought her way numbly to the surface to drop where she sits. The pure white of the snow is marred by the crimson covered elfess now sitting in a heap, sobbing for him for the last time. Nothing the witch had done..nothing even he had done to her had prepared her for this final blow...but she was stronger now, because of him, and could walk with her head held high...come what may.
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