Grovestriders Mercenary Band

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Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »

The Grovestriders Mercenary Band


I, Slazf Kruvkva, now declare the Grovestriders Mercenary Band available for service in supporting any goodly cause, for fair pricing. Our band will consider all alliances and trading agreements offered by any good aligned organization. We offer definite discounts to any other organization that permanently sponsors or offers a continuous support to the Grovestriders.

The Grovestriders hold a high standard of honor in battle and in times of peace, and hope that all of its associates will maintain this standard when dealing with others. My deepest gratitude goes out to all peoples who assisted us in the building of this guild, as well as to it's loyal members.

-Slazf Kruvkva-


((further updates will be made ASAP))


Darius Kain & Joxia Doral

Darius Kain

Joxia Doral

Tactical Officer: Mattin Dogain

Officer: Christopher Ridgden
Dellakim Thornbrey

Guild Mage (equivalent of officer)


Johnathan Caine
Draken Delgado

Guild Crafters:

Aldan Vian
Doric Hammersmith
Zach Dawson
Ceridaelathian Elathyn
Maeglin Telemmaite

All of the current members who aided in the creation of the guild have earned the rank "soldier". Any further entries will begin as recruits.
Recruits shall be suggested for non combat jobs

Aldan Vian
Nathan Grimskalle
Johnathan Dawson
Wrath Nightblade
Avion Kull
Maeglin Telemmaite
Corin Valdan

Available Men-at-arms
These members can be called upon in times of need, but have opted not to be fully attached as a soldier.
John Smith

Allies and sponsors

The Knighthood of Gobiath
Magnus Magnol

Chester Copperpot
Phillibald Sonnenkern Littlethorn
Artimer Fault

Current and Potential Jobs
*10% of all earnings through mercenary work go to the guild fund.
*15% for Recruits. 20% for members under probationary punishment.

Armory and Treasury
*any donations made will be updated into the armory within no more than a week.
*all of the preferences for donations are vague. This allows a donator to provide anything within that catagory, to his best abilites. Only donations of at least average quality items will be accepted (except leather products and hides, due to the recent plague)

Equipment and materials needed:

Any ranged weaponry
Light Hunting Leather armor
Metal armor
Leather hides (cured or uncured)
Ore (copper, iron, and coal)
Currency (gold, silver, or copper)
Food (rabbit dishes preferred)

Funds in Treasury:
Gold: 3
Silver: 0
Copper: 0

Novice - Beginner fighter/non-fighter
Journeyman - Can 'just' kill a skeleton or Goblin
Advanced - Can kill Red Skeletons and Gnolls, 2-3 at a time preferred
Demi-God - Can kill a him/her-self!

Heres just a few tips every fighter should keep in mind

S. A. M. - Strength - Armament - Movements

D. O. C. - Deployment - Organization - Communication

S. A. L. U. T. E. - Size - Activity - Location - Unit - Time - Equipment

Numerical superiority is of no consequence in battle, the victory will go to the best tactician.
~ R. Asperin ~

One need not fear superior numbers if the opposing force has been properly scouted and appraised.
~ S. Bull ~

Anything worthy doing is worth doing for a profit.
~ Teresias ~

Diplomacy is the delicate weapon of the civilized warrior.
~ A.T. Hunn ~

Chain of command is the backbone of military structure and must be strictly obeyed.
~ F. Christian ~
Last edited by Grovestriders Mercenaries on Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:07 pm, edited 35 times in total.
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »

Laws and Regulations
any member who is inactive for long periods of time without notice to a commander is subject to be cut as a member
(any cut member is welcome to rejoin should they find they are available)
1. All members of the guild must abide by the laws of the region or town that they enter, rather than the laws of the guild. (Except for confirmed outlaw and hostile areas whose laws are then void)

2. Any member who commits a crime will be handed over to the appropriate authorities. If the crime is confirmed, they will be banned from the guild. If the crime is pardoned or the perpetrator is proven to be innocent, he may re-enter the guild, but the captain or commander reserve the right to a assign a charge to watch him for a designated period of time (depending on the severity of the crime in question)

3. Laws within the guild:
3.a. Offences: When the guild is in an area that is without an assigned owner (and subject to no laws) ,members are answerable to the laws of Trolls Bane (( ... hp?t=27188)) ;perpetrators will be punished with work (cook duty, foraging, setting up camp, etc..) for a light offence (being denoted a rank after two light offences) ; banned from the guild for a medium offence (permanent banning or being denoted a rank may result); and transported as a prisoner to Trolls Bane (at the mercy of it's authorities) for a serious crime. These laws are seen to by the Commander -or the Captain, in the Commander's absence only-

3.b. Promotions: A member of the guild will be promoted on these conditions:

3.b.1.Recruits may earn their rank as soldier after the commander or captain deems it so, or through defeating any higher ranking member in combat using nonlethal weaponry (defeating a member ranked higher than soldier will still only promote the recruit one rank)

3.b.2.Soldiers may earn their rank as officer after participating in a minimum of five battles against an enemy confirmed by the Commander or Captain, and asking for the promotion from the Commander or Captain (though the Commander or Captain may refuse, given a reason, sometimes subject to voting by all members higher ranked than "Recruit"). The Commander or Captain may also promote a soldier to officer without any requirements, but this also requires a reason that is subject to a vote (through a successful vote to make that reason subject to voting by Soldiers or higher ranked members)

3.b.3.The "Captain" rank is given to an officer by the Commander only. The Commander is not required to give a reason (but it is polite to do so).

*An "Available Man-at-arms" may fully join as a Soldier upon meeting the Commander or Captain ((IG)) and confirming the transaction. He may also go directly fro "Available Man-at-Arms" to officer, but is subject to the same conditions as a soldier seeking promotion.

3.c. Authority within the guild: this given authority does not overrule any local authority subject to 3.a. and is only able to be employed within the guild: (any members disobeying authority can be reported to the Commander -or captain, in the commander's absence only)

3.c.1.Recruit: a recruit has no authority within the guild.

3.c.2.Soldier: A soldier has some authority over recruits. A soldier is able to request that a recruit attend training sessions with that soldier (the recruit may bring the matter up with an officor or higher authority than soldier if he disagrees) A soldier may order a recruit to do any task (that is not potentially harmful of life threatening) in the absence of any higher rank than soldier.

3.c.3.Officer: An officer has the same authority as a soldier, but this applies to soldiers and recruits. Officers are also able to command a recruit or soldier to do up to one dwarven hour of labour work. An officer also has the authority to command troops in battle- lower rank than his/herself-Any of these abilities misused can be reported and will be questioned and perhaps punished by a higher ranking authority. (while not in combat)

*(an Available Man-at-arms is not subject to the authority of an officer, Commander, or Captain, unless temporary or permanent connection is confirmed between the Available Man-at-arms and the Commander or Captain. Note that: the Available Man-at-Arms will not be able to travel or enter combat with the Guild as a soldier, unless he confirms temporary connection or permanent)

3.c.4.Captain: The captain has all of the authorities of the Commander when the commander is absent, but decisions concerning offences will be noted and taken to the Commander upon his return. The Commander is not considered fully absent until he has been away for more than five dwarven days, in which case the Captain must hold any prisoners that have commited offences until five days have passed, or the Commander returns. The captain otherwise has the same authorities as an officer would, but over all lesser ranks (including officers) The captain can be taken down to officer if the Commander deems it neccesary. The Commander will be forced to do this to the Captain, if voted to by over half of the members ranking above "recruit"(Unless he can provide an agreed upon reason to reconsider the vote) . Upon the fully confirmed death of the Commander, the captain is promoted to "Commander" from there on (If the dead Commander returns by some miracle, he assumes the rank Commander yet again, and the Captain returns to his position)

*Any above brackets in all of the "Laws and regulations" section that apply to a captain are not subject the 3.c.4. rules, allowing the captain to perform the task in brackets if the conditions are met, but no other extra additions to the law in brackets

*No outsiders are subject to the above laws, excluding the laws of Trolls Bane when in the area covered by Trolls Bane authorities. Only members answer to the guild laws.

*Changes to these laws may be done through agreement of the Commander only.
Last edited by Grovestriders Mercenaries on Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HeXiS »

welcome to the new board this shall be the place to get your updates and make your job posting. please only post serious job postings. ((i like a good laugh as much as the next guy but it does get old fast.))

Grovestriders Leader and acting Captain,

Darius Kain.
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Juniper Onyx
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Post by Juniper Onyx »

Welcome Grovestriders!

I have always been happy to support this Guild. It is unaffiliated and has allowed people to get things when they are unable to due to time or ability. It's nice to be able to hire some help, and may it last a long time!

A few points of Business:
Job - Guarding the road by Goldburg never existed. I don't know how this was posted, but it was due to misinformation. Please remove it.

Job #1 - Treasure Maps (Journeyman/Advancerd - Adventure) - I have arranged to get most of our maps located, however I have come across a few more. It is still current.

Job #2 - Collect 75 Parchments (Novice - Item collection) - completed.

Job #3 - COWS Auction Guard (Journeyman - Guard) - COWS is now closed. Please remove.

Job #4 - Collect 25 Torches (Journeyman - Item collection) - completed

Now....I would like to offer another Job...or two. Beside each new Job, I'll post a "Level" of need and Type so the Guild as a whole benefits from these and can select the Job that works best for each member of the Guild.
The levels will be & have always been:

Novice - Beginner fighter/non-fighter
Journeyman - Can 'just' kill a skeleton or Goblin
Advanced - Can kill Red Skeletons and Gnolls, 2-3 at a time preferred
Demi-God - Can kill a him/her-self!

Please add:

Job #5 - (Novice Level) Item Processing - I have 10,000+ Raw Stones that need to be cut into Stone Blocks. Pay is 5 silvers per 1000 stones. May keep Pebbles for Guild! Any number of workers needed. Training and tools provided.

Job #6 - (Journeyman Level) Item collection - I require 25 small healing potions. It is rumored that bandits north of the North woods brew the potion in these small quantities. Pay is 20 silvers.

Job #7 - (Advanced Level) Adventure - Expedition to Ogre Mountain. I require 2 advanced warriors to accompany me to explore the Ogre Mountains. I have never been there, and I would like to see it. Pay is 15 silvers each plus treasures. Funeral expenses provided.

Thank you and hope to post more jobs as these get completed!

In Service,
~Chester Copperpot
Clanlord of Silverbrand
"former" Chief of Goldburg
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »


Please remember that i ask for a spar with each of you in order to evaluate your skill. This is better be able to place you in jobs with minimal risk to your life. Also please look at the jobs posted and see if there is anything you might help to get accomplished. If theres something you want to help with please contact me and leave a post here on the board.

Thank you,
Grovestrider Commander
Joxia Doral
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Post by HeXiS »

hmm im in on the stone cutting as i could always use more rocks..

also i've done it before..

i have a few of those tiny healers aswell but i think i'll go get more
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Gregor Antus
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Post by Gregor Antus »

In the darkness, a cloaked figure strolls along with a slight limp. Noticing the nearby board, he walks up to examine it. After a moment, the man puts aside his ornately carved dragon-pipe, and pulls out a quill and ink; He then begins to write.

This is very good indeed. I knew the Grovestriders would carry on splendidly without me. I see no event in which you would require the aid of an old Lizard; but if one arises, I am always there for my mercenary allies. Best of fortune, Grovestriders.

-Slazf Kruvkva-
Friend of the Grovestriders

The Lizard smiles, tucking away his quill and ink. After replacing his pipe between his lips, he pulls a tattered grey cowl further about his hatted head. He limps off slowly, leaving behind him a thin trail of smoke that fades into the starlit night.
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Post by HeXiS »

*looks to a parchment he had written up to post and then to the words of the lizard he'd thought of as a second father.. he crumples the parchment up and tosses it away in favor of a new one and begins to write..*

Grovestriders we have our first bounty head.. the man who can catch and hold a tiny halfling thief shall have 3 silvers from my hands.. he will ask to buy things or gather near dealers.. and steal there goods and money.. you need only detain him as i must have words with him.. i can only pay one person so if you can tie him up that would be best. he was last seen in trolls bane but i suspect he travels.
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Kevin Lightdot
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

Rukka come to Orge Mountains if joo wunt her, she happy smash stoopid orges.

Also Rukka still offur smash defendurs of deh biggur treasures if need her, Rukka nub dig dough. Dis time dough Rukka wunt get answur wethur she needud or nub dough.

Rukka berreh buseh fur wile, an nub in Trollsbane muches, so reply meh take few days. Rukka make time fur hunt dough.

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Post by Christopher..Rigden »

Some awkwardly written words have been scratched onto the parchment with blue ink...

I woke up a few hours ago... I volunteer to help Chester with his stones...

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Post by CJK »

*the parchment is blown away*
Last edited by CJK on Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Juniper Onyx
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Post by Juniper Onyx »

I am at Goldburg Castle now if any of you have completed, or wish to start some jobs for me.

Thank you,
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Post by Garen »

Greetings Grovestriders,

I call for a general meeting on ((Friday the 19, 12 am -6 gmt)). Outside of the theater.
I need as many members to arrive as possible. I will be teaching something that this guild greatly needs.

Mattin Dogain,
Tactical Officer of the Grovestriders
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »


While you are training, if you come across any mana potions please bring them to the commanders or any officer for the guild mages to use. It will be greatly appreciated.

Grovestrider Commander
Squire Joxia Doral
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Post by Garen »

Greetings Grovestriders,
I unfortunatly must push back the date by one dwarvin day. ((family matters came up. might have to cancle completly, but i doubt it.))
I apologize my brothers and sisters,

Mattin Dogain,
Tactical Officer of the Grovestriders
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Post by Juniper Onyx »

I will either be at Goldburg castle or Silverbrand this week's end.

C. Rigden has already begun on 3000 stones for me, and I hear the bottles are collected.

Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »

I would like to welcome our guild tailor and fighter. Gwen Harris to our ranks.

Grovestrider Commander
Squire Joxia Doral
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »

Please welcome to our ranks Guild Carpenter Ceridaelathian Elathyn

Grovestrider Commander
Squire Joxia Doral
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »


In order to continue our evaluations for improvement and discuss ideas , Commanders Darius and Joxia would like to try and meet with each of you. So at at 2pm((GMT)), 8pm ((GMT)) and 4am((GMT))saturday and sunday morning we will be available in Greenbriar. We are offering the three different times, in order that hopefully everyone will find one that fits their schedule.

Thank You
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »

PLease welcome Dave Price who has joined our ranks as a recruit.
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Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »


If any of you see him please try to capture him or at least notify guards of Trolls Bane.

Squire Joxia Doral
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Joxia Doral
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Joxia Doral »

Uemalyr has been apprehended...

thank you,
Grovestrider Commander
Squire Joxia Doral
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Post by lyken »

A group of 2 dwarves has been walking around trollsbane attempting to rob any folks who are in the Grovestriders or are connected to them. Be on the lookout and don't forget to give em hell and tell the city gaurds. Please also spread the word and be on the look out also, post more of this on the public boards. I must be off im in a hurry.
STAY safe. friend
~ Cirdan Seregan.
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »


Grovesrtider Commander
Squire Joxia Doral
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »

Please welcome Ryan Grey and Srr't K'shire to our ranks.
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Leave Of Absence in 12 dwarven days. ((12 RL days))

Post by donaideenn »

**Upon the board is scribbled a note**

~ To Captain Darius Kain & Cammander Joxia :

In twelve days I shall be making a journey into the surronding forests of the Trollsbane area. I shall be gathering lumber for the next few cold winter months. To keep the band from freezing when on duty. I shall send my lumber to Ceridael the Carpenter when I am done. But remember I am not leaving for twelve days, so any small farewells are appreciated. I am just letting you know so I am not kicked from the Band in my long absence. I may scribble down a few more details in a few days. I shall also be writing or sending another letter about three days before the trip to serve as a reminder.
((My family is going to the Dominican Republic, for a week (me & my two brothers and sister) are returning on the 26th of October. While my parents are staying yet another week. So I can log on a bit longer in the evenings. It is to celebrate my parents being together 20 years-married. Ill keep you all posted, sorry for the OOC explanation but seems to get to the point alot quicker and easier then in character. Once again thanks, and sorry for the OOC explanation-Ron))

Thanks Grovestriders Yours truly ~ Lumber Jack & Recruit Cirdan ~
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Joxia Doral
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Joxia Doral »

Thank you Cerden, I appreciate being informed so that we know your all right and dont worry that something has happened to you.

Grovestrider Commander
Squire Joxia Doral
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Gregor Antus
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Post by Gregor Antus »

Dearest friends. I travel to Albar within the tenday. I expect this to be my last long voyage, and I shall return to Gobiath to stay. I know not how long 'twill be before I see Trollsbane agian. Fare thee all well, and may I return to a thriving band. Ghuarn beckons, and I take my leave.

-Slazf Kruvkva-
Friend of the Grovestriders
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Joxia Doral
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Joxia Doral »

My old friend Slazf, I wish you safe journey, and may you return to us safely sooner than later.

Your friend and pupil,
Commander Joxia Doral
Grovestriders Mercenaries
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Grovestriders Mercenary Band

Post by Grovestriders Mercenaries »

Please welcome Enathron Qualinesti to our ranks.

Also Julius Rothman has generously offered half price training to all Grovestrider members, so any of you wishing to be trained at his fighting academy please feel free to do so.

Grovestrider Commander
Squire Joxia Doral