Konrad's campaign agenda.

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Konrad Knox
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Konrad's campaign agenda.

Post by Konrad Knox »

Greetings, Citizens of Troll's Bane.

I'm a simple guy, I won't bother anyone with high introductory speeches, because I don't like them myself. The closer to the point, the better. So, let me just outline in short manner some of the things that I could do for you as a possible governor.

1. Support more miners and crafters, and growth of trade routes between Varshikar, Silverbrand, Goldburg, and Greenbriar.

By this I mean establishing more roads, clearing all the unnecessary zigzags by employing builders to put more time into terrain research. You might have noticed that many roads are unneededly complex in their design. To get to the mines you have to walk in long curved trajectories and swurve around hedges. I had made a few sketches that could take care of that.

Secondary, we could establish stable contacts - people responsible for the trade, trade embassadors to every town we neighbor with. These contracts and the prices would be negotiated.

Tertiary, Building a safe storage by the northern coal mine, a depot that belongs to Troll's Bane would be nice, so that our citizens can store their coal.

Finally, moving carpentry tables to the rest of the workshop, where the smithy and tailor shop are, so that carpenters don't feel like outcasts. Swordsmiths are having the hardest time finding sword handles, because carpenters are so far away.

2. Build more roads and redesign the landscaping a bit to remove unnecessary pesky hedges in some of those uncomfortable to pass spots.

In this point I'd add building more bridges connecting us with southern and northern woods, also a bridge to the east that does not require you to swurve about in loops. Easier access from hospital to the tavern and the farm, make openings in hedges, improve streets design to encourage safer and less confusing people traffic.

3. Security - well, everyone brings it up in their campaigns with numerous promises. The truth is - security is the responsibility of everyone. Definitely not recruiting former criminals into the guard. Organize daily training sessions, that will allow the guards to practice. It can be done with minimal expenses. I already have a supply of training weapons, that I have been working on in my spare time.
Definitely recruit better gate sentry guards, who actually would do more than randomly tumble around and pick their nose.
The guards should be instructed to attack approaching monsters on sight.

4. Lower sales taxes in the town shops.

This can be done without much harm to the city. The prices do not have to be this high. Lots of money is being stashed in the city treasure, which does not need to be stashed there. Let's spend it the way citizens decide!

5. Encouraged bounty system to stimulate people to hunt down vicious criminals and bring them alive to justice.
This system got recently initiated and I think it works great. Most of the criminals got ran out of town or come in to surrender and serve their time. Bounties encourage independent warriors to come down to the city and assist in catching criminals.

6. During the nights when mummies raise from the ground and replicate from violence, establish patrols making sure no one is spreading them on purpose.
I myself would be willing to keep watch every time I am awake. And We can designate more people to be helpful in securing the citizens away from the multiplying undead.
The best idea is to secure the undead being during such a night - in a locked up location, and not let it replicate and raise more. Perhaps leading mummies in jail and locking them up would work.
I am very often awake during such nights, so I could perform that duty myself even.

7. Regular daily military training for all guards and willing citizens, in organized groups.
I firmly believe that everyone should be able to receive combat education if they choose to and obviously prove that they are good-willed. I would be willing to take up the training sessions myself.
Many a time I see an occasional lady fisher pull out a zombie from the river, screaming in fear.
Armor and weapons for self defense - to every citizen, and the skills necessary to use them for protection - is a right of everyone.

Thank you.
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Evan Ross
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Post by Evan Ross »

It seems you have copyed Deuces campain almost word-for-word and just added pointless explainations after every word. Pathetic.

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Konrad Knox
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Post by Konrad Knox »

I actually would tend to quite disagree.
Deuce brings up a lot of things I don't see beneficial.

For instance, gladiator fights to determine who will be a guard. No background history check for individuals? His idea is to have the strongest selected. My idea is to recruit the dedicated, and train them under supervision.

Deuce suggests to resist outside menace and be independent.
I say - there is no outside menace if we can establish peace with our neighbors. The town should open up its relationships with other communities wider.

I give direct suggestions on road improvement, something he did not explain.
Deuce's slogans are: freedom, equivalence of races, and independance.

I don't have slogans. I think all races already have equal rights, people are already free, nobody enslaves them, and I think that instead of independence, whe should strive for diplomacy and merchantise.
No slogans, just specific ideas.

In fact my post has little similarity with Deuce's.

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Post by Deuce »

For instance, gladiator fights to determine who will be a guard. No background history check for individuals? His idea is to have the strongest selected. My idea is to recruit the dedicated, and train them under supervision.
Ofcourse background checks will be in order, I'm not that reckless.
There is a difference between dedicated and useless Konrad, I have been on the isle a while now, and know many people in any case to forward good choices for this procedure. I even taught you a bit of what you know, in which case you no doubt deny.. If there is one thing I can achieve, it is a force to behold.
Deuce suggests to resist outside menace and be independent.
I say - there is no outside menace if we can establish peace with our neighbors. The town should open up its relationships with other communities wider
You do not seem to understand that we have the resources and material's handy to us to rely on ourselves, get things moving faster, rather than long needless waits.
Perhaps you have not been on this isle long enough to learn from the past, ofcourse, there has been much pushing and shoving on the town of trolls bane, many unfair demands, and even nanny cultures from our counter parts.
Our surrounding neighbours do not find the need to dabble with us, unless the situation is of a critical status.

More importantly in my campaign I look to what the people want, and plan to give it to them - if they dont want independance they dont get it.
I think all races already have equal rights
Again Konrad, I do not believe you have been on this isle long enough to understand this point. Orc's and halfling's are shown far less respect than that of human's and elves for example.
Many times have I seen a terrible display of action towards these races and I intend to change this.

You seem to dabble in much talk of cutting hedges and so forth Konrad,
Perhaps it is architecture you wish to explore rather than an election campaign.
No slogans, just specific ideas.
The people want peace and power, Not pots and plants.

Deuce for governor

~Frederic Deuce Gretchen~
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Konrad Knox
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Post by Konrad Knox »

Nothing personal, Deuce. Just defending what I propose. Everyone should have a chance with their ideas.

We can ask the people what they want on the election day.
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Lance Thunnigan
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Post by Lance Thunnigan »

I love Sibanac, Deuce.

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Drex Thaendrak
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Post by Drex Thaendrak »

Stable contacts are indeed a must for smooth trade. However, handing out weapons and armor to everyone for free will destroy the business of at apprentice armorers trying to earn their living. It is not necissary to turn every citizen into militiamen. Not everyone has a talent for fighting, and putting them into cheap armor will only get them killed, no matter how much training they recieve. Leave the farmers on their farms, the traders in their shops and the fighters on the battlefield, each where they belong.
Lowering sales taxes in town shops will also have a side effect. It will bring more customers to Eliza and her men, luring them away from independent merchants and crafters. Eliza will get even more rich and everyone else will lose.

Drex Thaendrak
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Konrad Knox
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Post by Konrad Knox »

I see these points as valid and we can together find a perfect balance of things where they should be. Currently, the taxes are at the edge of very harsh. When freelance traders are not awake, crafters cannot afford to buy things from shop traders. I see this every time I am awake.

Notice, that I am not encouraging farmers and crafters to necessarily start training. I said I am willing to offer training to all who are willing, willing to learn to defend themselves.
People's immediate lives and well being are more important that trade stability. If people's safety needs are met, they will strive to fulfill their economic needs.

I have heard many craftsmen and farmers say "I wish I could fight" and "I wish someone could train me". I don't believe that art of self defense should be only given to the elite. Anyone should get at least a chance to learn it if they wish to. Only if they wish to.

I do not encourage people to run out of town and seek battle. No.
Maybe I am failing to communicate. I don't speak of putting armor on women and children and marching them like stock into dungeons. Hells no.
I speak of real individual training, in organized classes, in safe environment, where people who wish to defend against town attackers can learn the basic moves and practice them in their spare time.

We're not talking about highly skilled enemies who live in secluded territories. I don't call for mothers of Troll's Bane to form armies and go to Ogres, Trolls, Gnolls or demons. I am talking about basic self defense against hazardous creatures that live close to town and tend to trepass it. Things like mummies, scorpions, goblins and skeletons - everyone should at least have a right to learn defense against these creatures.

One time I saw a golem walk into Troll's Bane and the guards were not there. It sent 4 people heavily wounded to the cross before it finally met me in the way. Things like that should not happen. People should at least be aware of how to block basic attacks.
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Drex Thaendrak
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Post by Drex Thaendrak »

Still, giving out free equipment to everyone willing can be a major cut into town economy, unless you refrain from making them yourself and rather use the money stashed in the city treasure and buy them.

Drex Thaendrak
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Vern Kron
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Post by Vern Kron »

As it stands, lowering taxes from Eliza's would do nothing, because she does not have the best quality of items. Most craftsmen who can make those items can make them better than she can, and sell them for the same price, if not a little less. Also...isn't Eliza a citizen of our town too? She gets taxed as well, so it does not truely work as an arguement.
~Artimer Fault
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