From the -Pool of Sin- to the -Hellhole-

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Tatiana Mattin
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From the -Pool of Sin- to the -Hellhole-

Post by Tatiana Mattin »

((closed board rp. If anyone has a char that currently resides in Gynk and wishes to join, write me a pm))

Tatiana removed the hood of the red cape as she came closer to the Octrilles Manor, the residence of one of the richest merchants guild of Gynk. And also the most devious. At the impressive gate to the estate were two guards lowering their pikes and the taller one of them shouted. “Halt. What’s your name and your desire?” It didn’t sound too zealous, he was probably shouting it a few times each day and might grew weary of it, the woman contemplated. Tatiana nonetheless stepped closer before she halted and nodded her greetings to both of the armored, bored men. “I wish to speak with Octrilles Senior. Tell him, it is Tati. He will know what it is about.” The taller one of the guards furrowed his brow, as he looked her over. What he saw was a woman, maybe in the age of 22 or 23, with brown, shoulder length hair and brown impish eyes. Her clothes appeared slightly shabby; especially the red cloak seemed in the bad need of a tailor. Regardless he nodded to his comrade who immediately turned from his spot. He knew that Sir Octrilles sometimes invited all kind of shady people into his house. Although the guard would never speak it out loud (he didn’t want to lose his job, or even worse, his head), but he assumed that this was after all the reason for the fame and wealth of his guild.

Tatiana forced a polite smile and turned around, rubbing her hands and hiding them underneath her cloak. It was quite a cold night considering the fact that she was in Gynk. Humming a melody she had heard the night before in tavern and that just wouldn’t leave her mind she tapped her foot impatiently, while waiting for the other guard to return. Always these annoying formalities. After noticing the aggravated gaze that the guard caste her, Tatiana stopped the humming. Awkward moments of silence settled in before the fellow guard finally returned. “She shall be accompanied to the lords chambers.”
Hrm.”, the guard only replied and nodded to Tatiana to come along.

Tatiana definitely liked the imposing architecture and decoration of the Octrilles Manor. She was stunned every time she was walking these halls and stairways. Yet all the colors were cold and sterile as if the people of this property would have decided to ban all joy from within these walls. The most dominating color although was indeed ‘gold’.
Out of habit Tatiana counted the stairs she was walking and remembered every single turning while following the guards steps. And nearly bumped into him as he suddenly stopped, facing an ebony door. He knocked and Tatiana then head his gesture to go inside. The heavy wooden door closed behind her.

“Tatiana Mattin. Come closer.”, the aged, corpulent man with his long, grey hair bound to a ponytail beckoned her closer, while leaning back in his seat behind his desk. The way he sat there implied that he didn't leave this spot too often. A grin came across his face...

((to be continued tomorrow...))
Last edited by Tatiana Mattin on Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tatiana Mattin
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Post by Tatiana Mattin »

Tatiana swiftly headed onward to the mans desk, while scanning the room for any other persons present. They were alone. She sat herself upon the edge of the wooden table that just like the door was made of ebony colored wood. “Tell me, dear child, that you have good news for me.”, he kept grinning and folded his hands over his podgy belly. Without a word Tatiana reached into the pocket of her leather trousers and tossed a massive gold ring upon the table. Octrilles Senior greedily leaned forward and grabbed the ring, examining it with a keen eye. “Bizlins signet ring.”, he said and Tatiana only commented it with a faint smile. Octrilles reached for one of the candles and twisted it vaguely. Wax dropped down on a parchment below and few moments afterwards he pressed the signet ring into it. His grin even widened as he examined the result and then nodded satisfied. “It is his ring. Good job, Tatiana.
Why thank you.”, she said and glanced quickly at the door, before returning her gaze to him. He opened a drawer of his desk, removed a leather pouch and chucked it over to her. She caught it.
It just took Tatiana to weigh the pouch in her hand to tell her that something was wrong. After opening it and casting a quick glance over the silver coins she eyed Octrilles. “That’s not the amount of silver we have agreed upon.”, she said. She didn’t know the exact number of coins missing, but she felt and saw that it was far below what she expected.
Indeed.”, he said calmly and untouched, leaning back again into his seat and folding his hands once more over his belly. His grin now became even more devious and exposed a gilded incisor. “But Tati, Tati. You forgot whom you are playing with. I know a lot of things about you, child. Facts that would become dangerous for your safety in case certain people get to know about them. Like the guard. Or certain merchants.”
‘Betrayed’, Tatiana thought. ‘Damn, he betrayed me.' This was the first really big coup she made so far and already got betrayed. Tatiana felt furious, yet hid her anger well. She narrowed her eyes and leaned a little over the table to have a better look at him. “May Ronagans curses hunt you for your greed.”, she said and then faked a smile, withdrawing from the desk and standing up. A deep laughter erupted from Octrilles. “Ronagans curse? Sweet child, Ronagan is my best friend and blessed every of my steps. Now take your leave. It is better for the both of us not to be seen and in Gynk even the walls have eyes.”
Tatiana put away the leather pouch, nodded and turned away from the desk without any further word. She opened the heavy door she had come through before and left.

Octrilles grinned satisfied and patted his belly. These young thieves nowadays just had no clue of how these games had to be played. And indeed he would take any advantage he could, no matter who he harmed or not. That was the only way to survive in Gynk: Selfishness and being without scruples. No one ever cared for someone else, unless this person was of personal use. ‘Stupid child’, he thought once more.
Self-contently he rubbed over his chin then reached for the signet ring. Or at least he intended to do so. But there was no ring on the parchment anymore where he had placed it. He furrowed his brow while his chubby face turned red in rage and embarrassment…

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Tatiana Mattin
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Post by Tatiana Mattin »

Tatiana had shut the door and patted the guards’ shoulder, who was still standing outside the chambers and waiting to escort her back to the gate or at least be in store for other orders. She winked at him after receiving his frown. “I’m finding the way back myself, thank you.”, Tatiana said and head down the hall they came. ‘Don’t run’, she thought to herself and attentively listened if the guard was following her. He put himself into motion, probably to return to the gates himself now. Tatiana couldn’t hide the grin anymore. Her fingertips ran over her pocket where she was feeling the ring. This was probably the most foolish and risky thing she had ever done, but it still amused her to a certain point. No way in Moshrans hell she would have granted this self-content, blithering idiot this victory.
Quietly she counted the seconds as she quickened her pace. “DIRTY LITTLE THIEF! GUARDS!!!”, echoed from hall behind her.
She started running. She noticed how the heavy footsteps of the guard began to quicken as well and made quite the noises as he ran. Never he would make up her margin. He himself and his armor were too heavy to compete with her pace and agility.

Her lead grew even as she left the building and came closer and closer to the gates. But there was still one problem ahead. The second guard. Tatiana noticed how he was lowering his pike and readied himself to stop her.
In an act of despair Tatiana threw up her arms and waved them wildly gesturing while still running at the guard. “Guard, guard! Help!”, she yelled and hoped her own voice drowned the shouting of his fellow guard that still was far behind her. She stopped abruptly as she reached him and put on her most panicked mimic (which wasn’t too difficult considering her situation.)
There is a thief inside the manor! He attacked Sir Octrilles. They need help. Quick!”, she nearly yelled in hysteria. The guard gave her a flabbergasted look. He appeared totally overcharged with the situation but then decided that it would be better put himself into motion. He pushed her aside a little and began to run… noticing his comrade getting closer, …and becoming conscious of his major mistake.
Too late.
Tatiana had grabbed the chance, left the gate and was now running like Moshrans servants themselves were chasing her. She could hear her heart heavily pounding in her ears and the cold air hurt in her lungs as she was breathing quickly. ‘Someone should advice Octrilles to spend more money on smarter guards’, she thought to herself and tried not to laugh.

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Post by Tatiana Mattin »

"You didn't really do this?!", he whispered sharply and casted Tatiana a shocked look, after she finished her story. She was looking ahead at the door of the tavern and nodded solely. Two days have passed and her head was still seated upon her shoulders. So far she had expected worse.

The young man next to her, with the black hair, the slightly crooked nose and the eccentric eyes was Matthew. He was about a year younger than Tatiana and had shared a similar fate. They met each other when he once tried to pickpocket her a few months ago.
"Damn Tati. You are screwed.", he said, although a spark of worry could have been seen in her eyes. "I know that, why thank you".
Tatiana sighed and leaned back into her chair, now directing her gaze to the goblet filled with cider. "You shouldn't do such jobs without being in a guild anyway." He slightly cocked his head and showed her the back of his neck. At the hairline he had a small tattoo. A foxs head.

Tatiana frowned at the sight. "So you joined them?"
"Ya.", he grinned and finished his beer. It made a thud noise as he put the empty mug back on the massive wooden table. "And you should do so as well. It's the only way not to get your hands chopped off by Octrilles. Or even worse." - "Hrm."
She gazed at the tattoo once more, then shrugged her shoulders. A sigh escaped his thin lips and he shoved the mug a tad further away from him.
"I should be going now, Tati. Think about what I said. I mean it. You are a no one in these streets and no one will care if they find your dead body at the road side." He stood up and patted her shoulder in a brotherly fashion. "Take care, Tati."
"You too, Matthew.", she replied and watched him leaving the seamy tavern.

He was right, Tatiana knew that, but that wouldn't change her mind. She has never been someone to follow rules, orders or law. Neither of a town, nor of a guild. Not even if it would be for protection. She wouldn't be happy in a thieves guild, no matter what. She would rather leave Gynk.
And yes,... that was probably where all this would lead to. If she wanted to walk savely on streets again, she would have to leave.

Tatiana sipped from her cider. This was her favorite tavern ever since she first entered it years ago. Together with Ravaelo. They were both young when Tati went up to him and persuaded him to go out with her somewhere in the evening. They ended up in this tavern. Got wasted for the first time in their young lives and didn't even make it home in the same night, but instead fell asleep at the harbour. Resting for a few moments and sitting against some barrels, Tatiana had curled up to him and fell asleep first.

Oh she missed Ravaelo. He was the only person Tatiana has ever called a friend and the only person she ever had learned to trust. Growing up like she did, that was sure not a thing easily to achieve. But Ravaelo never judged her or her doings, but simply had always accepted her the way she was.

Pursing her lips Tatiana reached for parchment, quill and ink in her bag. (She had to look for a while in this mess she was having in there.)
That was able to write and read was also thanks to him. He had the luck to get taught it. A privilege someone like Tatiana who mostly lived on the streets, never had. But yet he had took the time to teach her what he knew. Her spelling was miserable and so was her hanwriting...

"Dear Ravaelo,

has been quite a wile since we last heared from each other
. How you are doing, friend? Is Gobaith still the crazy hell hole like I remember?

Right now I'm sitting in our tavern and thinking of you. To be honest I got into some trouble. You will probebly think that this isn't anything new, but for a change I got into some really serious trouble. I kinda messed up over here, so I'm considering leaving Gynk. I just don't know yet were to go. Khenserra would be close, but I had heared that a thief can't really make a living dere.
But let forget about my problems. I hope you are alright over dere and not steeling to many womens hearts. None of them can compare to me anyway!... I'm just jokeing.
I mean it seriously though when I tell you that I'm missing you. It's just no fun to stroll Gynks streets without you.

Hope this letter actually arives you.


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Post by Ravaelo »

He strolls along the streets looking actually for nothing. His dreamy gaze rest every now and then at the fresh green trees and grass with a smile. A little red haired boy disturbed his silent walk, he runs exactly hastily in his arms.

"Ho ho .... you should open your eyes little boy if you run so wildly through this streets." he chuckled softly after his words and ruffles the boys red hair.
The child blushes and looks up to him, stuttering slightly "I.. Sir.. I .. search for a man. Ärm.. Oh ... i mean I have a message, a message to deliver "
Ravaelo let out a warm laughter and nods. "Well, if you told me the name maybe I can help you boy"

The boy's cheek always heated from the run and he answers quickly "A man... a man with the name Ravaelo it is"

Suddenly Ravaelo arches his brows as he answer with care "I know him well, give me the message i deliver it. I will give you the coins for this"
The boy nods without hesitate, glad to finished this mission. He reaches out his hand and a wide smile is to see in his face as Ravaelo let drop 30 coppers in his little hand. Without any further word he hands out a parchment and runs smiling away. "The five with you Man"

Ravaelo shakes his head with a smile, then he eyes carefully the parchment, a bright smile appears upon his lips as he figured out his name, written in a handwriting he knows well, very well. With haste he steps into the near tavern and sits at the fireplace, after he bought a red wine from Borgate.

Carefully, still smiling he begins to read with a quiet mumble...*Hello my sweet friend Tati, good to hear from you*
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Post by Ravaelo »

The next afternoon Ravaelo sits on the river under the huge cherry tree with some writing stuff, his darkbrown eyes glancing over the Water surface. He begins to write with a faint smile.

Dear Tati sweetheart,

it is so good to hear from you my friend and I always remember at our nights under the stars or in the tavern. Yes, I miss you too my dear.

But I'm really worried about your writing .. you are so deep in trouble ? You know I can't come back to help you. So move your sweet little ass to Gobaith, take a ship my dear and come over here. Sure, Bane is always a bit like a rathole and the new Governor is not really my friend. I'm unfortunally in love to his lady, but I guess we respect each other, something in this case...
But otherwise it could be a quiet and safe place for you Tati.
So don't let me beg you thousand times.

If you aren't able to come please let me keep informed whats going on.

Love you Tati .. your fast friend


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Tatiana Mattin
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Post by Tatiana Mattin »

“Tati, Tati! Come quick! Come!”

What’s the matter?”, Tatiana turned around and looked at the young girl that had called for her. The girl was of the Gynks orphan home but usually spent its time on the streets. She didn’t grow up much different to how Tatiana did and therefore she felt a lot of sympathy for the blonde girl with its curly hair and shabby clothes.
Something’s wrong with Matthew. He’s behaving funny. I think he is ill. He threw up, however he is laughing about it. I think he went insane, Tati, come and help him?”, the Girl tucked at the womans red cloak.
A frown crossed Tatiana’s gaze and she nodded. “Alright, Suna.. guide the way” she answered then and accepted Sunas offered hand.

They took a few minutes before they arrived an old, abandoned house. From the looks it seemed that no one had lived in there for a few years and it was too old and damaged to be restored. A perfect place for any homeless. Suna pushed the jarring door open and beckoned Tatiana to follow quickly. Underneath the scent of dust and mold she noticed the smell of vomit as she entered the next room. It was Matthew who was kneeling on the floor, giggled and drew circled with his fingertip in the dust. Tatiana raised an eyebrow. “See what I mean?”, the girl said with a concerned gaze. The woman kneeled down next to Matthew, carefully avoiding the vomit and patted his shoulder. “Matthew?”
He giggled and looked up. “Tatiii, aw, good to see you.”, he chuckled and wiped some tears from laughter from his dirty cheek. He looked like he had wallowed on the dusty floor. “What’s wrong with you?”, she frowned.
Matthew withdrew a leather pouch and held it over to her while giggling. “You should try some of those, hihi..” He rolled over onto his back and gazed up to the ceiling, now staring at it. Tatiana looked into the leather pouch.
Oh Matthew. You shouldn’t take those.They are screwing up your mind. And only a working mind will keep a thief from prison.. ” She closed the pouch with the odd-smelling mushrooms and tossed it aside.
Aww… Tati.. don’t be so serious.. look it’s all wonderful.. have you ever seen such a beautiful ceiling? The pattern in the wood’s dancing.. it’s like a sky.. made of wood” – “Hrmpf

Did he eat something ill?” a concerned voice asked behind her. The small hand now resting on Tatianas shoulder. “Yes he did. It might look like he is having fun, Suna, but never eat those things. They don’t do any good.”
Will he be alright?” – “Yes, in few hours probably. You should go back to the orphan house, I will take care of Matthew til he is back to normal.”
Alright Tati, thank you that you came with me.” – “Thank you for telling me Suna, you are a good girl.”
The blonde girl beamed happily. She turned around and made her way out.

Tatiana sat down and leaned against the wall while Matthew made some funny noises and still stared at the ceiling. She shook her head. He looked over to her.
I love you, Tati.” – “I know. Just like you love the dancing patterns of the ceiling.”
He giggled. “No Tati… I love you more than the ceiling. Why do you say such funny things?” – “I’m saying the funny things? I beg your pardon.”, she added somewhat more sarcastic.
So… you are leaving me?”, he said, although the grin didn’t fade from his thin lips.
What are you talking about?”
He wrote it.”
Who wrote what?”
He asked you to come over no? This Rav-guy?”
She blinked. Only now she noticed the parchment next to him with the broken wax seal. Tatiana narrowed her eyes and leaned over, grabbing for the letter. She blew some dust from it and frowned. “You are reading my letters?
The letter was already open..”, Matthew giggled although he tried to sound serious at least. “Oh damn you Matthew, how long do you have this letter already?”
Got it only today,hihi..”
Tatiana leaned back again and began to read…
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Tatiana Mattin
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Post by Tatiana Mattin »

Tatiana pursed her lips so tight that they were only thin, bloodless lines. Her narrowed eyes stared at Matthew who was bandaging her right upper arm. “That was close, Tati.”. She nodded only.
Hurry up, Matthew. I only have a few minutes left.” – “Yes, yes.”
He finished the bandage and rubbed the blood from his hands with a piece of dirty cloth. As he looked at her again how she sat like this in front of him he rested his hand upon her cheek. “Are you sure you want to go now? You are still quite pale from the shock.”
Tatiana hesitated. This was the first time he touched her. But why now? Maybe because she was about to leave and he started to realize that he will soon never have the chance to do this again. Her stomach cramped at the thought that he might out of sudden declare his love to her or even attempt to kiss her. Tatiana had to admit that a few times she secretly had imagined this. But it was only nonsensical daydreaming of a young woman. In reality Tatiana knew that Matthew and her did not fit together at all. And although she didn’t really knew what love was all about, but she certainly knew that what she felt for him was friendship and nothing even close to so called love. “I’m fine Matthew,.. just when we stay here much longer, I will not only miss my ship but we also might be found by the guy who did this.”, she nodded to her injured arm. It has been a dagger that someone had thrown at her. Tatiana didn’t doubt that that guy was paid by Octrilles. Yet it was luck that he hasn’t been able to finish his job.
Hrm.”, Matthew nodded but instead of withdrawing his hand he ran his thumb carefully over her lips. That was a step too far. Tatiana moved her head just slightly but still noticeable enough to imply that Matthews gesture wasn’t welcome. With a slight disappointment in his eyes he retracted his hand. “Alright…”, he said as if nothing happened. “Let’s try to get to the harbour then unharmed. Will you be okay?”
- “Yep..”, Tatiana stood up and beckoned Matthew to follow her. 15 minutes later they had reached the harbour without any incident. Tatiana motioned to one of the ships. “That’s it. That’s the ship to Gobaith. I better get on it.”
Do you actually have enough coins for that travel or do you just sneak on board?”
Tatiana grinned and patted a purse at her belt. “That are the coins I got from Octrilles. It’s enough to get there.”
Matthew nodded and gazed at the ship as he spoke: “And what are you going to do there on Gobaith? Will you find some honest work and settle down?” Tatiana blinked. “Erm, I haven’t thought about that yet. I was too busy keeping my behind save in these streets. But .. hm. I don’t know. Maybe. But considering that I have never learned any real craft I doubt it. I should go now Matthew.”
He directed his gaze back to her and grimaced just slightly. “Yeh. Maybe I will come and visit you on Gobaith one day, Tati.” – “That would be nice Matthew. Take care, yes?” – “Sure.”
Tatiana hesitated but gave him a quick hug with just one arm, since she wouldn’t want to move the injured one. It hurt enough already as it was. She smiled slightly at him and then ran towards the ship…
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Post by Tatiana Mattin »

It was quite of a bad omen that the first person she would encounter on Gobaith was a guard and knight. But then again, Tatiana thought, it was at least no undead. Now it was very early in the morning and Tatiana stood at the well in the middle of Trolls Bane. The very same spot she had met the guard the night before. Amadi Yus-something. The name was too long for her taste. She would probably just call him Ama, if they ever meet again. Which she did not hope. Close relationships with guards weren’t good for the business. Unless they were corrupt.
Unfortunately Trolls Bane isn’t Gynk”, Tatiana whispered just quietly and pulled up the bucket from the well. She sniffed at the water and frowned. As she released the rope and the bucket fell back into the well it took a few moments til she could hear the splash of water. Instead of finding the spring outside of Trolls Bane for clear water, she leaned lazily against the wooden beam of the well. The first sunrays warmed her face. Only then, after she opened her eyes again, she noticed something strange on the wooden beam she was leaning sideways against. Carvings.
Tatiana chuckled and examined the curved line that was carved into the wood. In the eye of a normal person this was nothing. Just a scratch or a simple line maybe, with no specific meaning. But for Tatiana this simple carving was more. She turned around and looked down the well. This was indeed interesting. And helpful.
“Maybe Troll’s Bane isn’t Gynk…”, Tatiana thought quietly to herself and looked back to the carving. “.. but I’m indeed not the first thief who has travelled this town.”
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Post by Tatiana Mattin »

Tati examined the small boy in the crowd. He seemed to be her age. Maybe 8 or 9 years old and his gaze rested dreamily at the baker who sold some pie to an old lady. Gynks marketplace was crowded, as always. The young girl stepped next to the boy and for her surprise he didn’t take the slightest noticed of her. He seemed completely lost in thought. Without hesitation Tatiana reached for the boys leather purse that was attached to his belt and ripped it off in a not very elegant way. Then she started running. “Hey!!”, she heard the boys voice behind her. He was following her. “Wait! Wait!!” But Tatiana didn’t stop. She swiftly sprinted between the massive crowds of people. Yet she couldn’t shake him off. As Tatiana ran into a lonely and narrow alley he shouted again desperately while running after her. “Wait! I will get my head chopped off when I don’t come back home with the money! Please!”
The young thief slowed down a little and looked over her shoulder. Then she came to stop and turned around. The boy panted heavily as he reached her finally but kept a respectful distance and didn’t even seem to think of a forceful attempt to receive the purse back. Tatiana narrowed her eyes suspicously.
Please…”, said the boy again. He had dark blonde hair and brown eyes. “I’m just a stable boy. The lord of our house sent me off to quickly get some bread for dinner. I will get into very deep trouble if I lose the money…”
Tatiana remained silent and tightened her grip lightly on the leather purse. She hadn’t eat anything since more than one day and she felt hungry. The coins in this purse could provide her food for the next weeks. She grimaced and reached out her hand, offering him the purse back and the boy stepped closer to take it. He smiled thankfully and relieved as he attached it back to the belt. “Thanks so much.”
“… what is your name?”, were Tatianas first words she now directed at him. He looked up into her eyes, still smiling. “Ravaelo. And you?
I’m Tatiana. You won’t report me at the guards, will you?”
Ravaleo looked slightly surprised. He seemed like he hadn’t thought of this at all. “No… I mean, why should I? You stole nothing.”
Now it was Tatianas turn to smile. “Alright…erm.. I’m sorry.” – “It’s okay. Hm…”, he looked thoughtfully at her. “…are you hungry? After I got the bread for the lord it’s time for the servants to get food as well. You can have some of mine, I’m not very hungry today.”
Tatiana suspiciously wondered why he was so kind towards her. After all she had tried to steal his money. But the rumbling of her stomach made her decision a lot easier. She nodded hesitatingly. “Well then…just followe me.”, he grinned a little and beckoned her to follow…

Tatiana looked up from her thoughts. She stood in Elizas shop and had glared for a long time into her depot, while she was daydreaming of the first time she had met Ravaelo in Gynk. In Tatianas opinion Ravaelo was so completely different to everyone else she had ever met. Even though they first got to know each other because she stole from him – he had never judged her doings. Like it was something normal. Like she was someone normal. And not a thief.
It was about time to meet him again but Tatiana didn’t feel like forcing it. Alone the thought of being on the same island and the same town as Ravaelo reassured her already. They would meet whenever Ronagan thought it was time for them to meet. But of course she would keep her eyes open. Although… maybe she should leave him a message.
Tatiana withdrew ink and parchment from the depot and quickly wrote a small note:

“Hey Rav,
I’ve savely arived Gobaith. I’m traveling around abit and see what the different towns can opher. Bet I meet you sooner or later in a tavern.
Just wanted to let you know I’m fine.


Hey lizard..err-lady. Would you mind to pass this note to the man called Ravaelo? Thanks!”
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Post by Ravaelo »

Eliza snarl at him as he arrives the shop.

Ravaelo, you scallywag, don't think I'm your Postillon d'amour. Say to your sweetheart I'm a saleslady

Ravaelo blinks in surprise to Eliza, then he chuckles.

Well Liza Honey, to my knowledge I can't remember a lady who would dare.... he breaks and gasps.

Give it to me Eliza and sorry if she has offended you, I'll apologize for her

Eliza grumbles few not understandable words and hands him out a little parchment. Ravaelo stores it in his pocket with a grinning face and bows.

My dear lady Eliza thanks to you for deliver this then he heads out of the shop. Still this grin is seen on his face as he arrived his beloved place at the river. With a light chuckle he takes out the parchment, his brown, at most very dreamy eyes, getting a warm glint.

No one beside you Tati, ma sweet friend, would dare this. But where the deuce did you hide it?
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Tatiana Mattin
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Post by Tatiana Mattin »

The goulash had more water in it than tomatoes, spice or meat, but still Tatiana greedily ate it with the spoon. Ravaelo quietly watched her. They were both sitting outside of the horse stable where he used to work. The first stars became visible upon the dawning sky. It was a very warm summer evening. Tatiana broke some bread from the loaf and shoved it into her mouth and munched. She didn’t care about manners or what Ravaelo might think of her. She was hungry.
The boy grinned just slightly and then looked up to the sky. His gaze grew dreamily again. Tatiana looked over to him as she finished her meal and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. That has been the best dish she has had in ages. Thoughtfully she examined the blonde haired boy. It was strange that he didn’t ask any questions about her. “Thanks for that, Rav” Tatiana said and pointed at the empty bowl.
You’re welcome, Tati…”, he replied and smiled as he shortened her name in return. Tatiana chuckled. “Tati…hm, I like that.” She rubbed her stomach satisfied and looked up to the sky now as well. She felt comfortable and secure in his presence, even though she knew him now for only a few hours. Carefully she peeked over to him. “Hey.. Rav?”, she asked and he looked questioningly to her. “Do you want to be my friend?” He smiled and nodded. “Yep.. I would like to be your friend.”

Tatiana had spent about an hour now in front of the town board, looking through old messages, parchments and announcement…and daydreaming again. Right now she was reading the first edition of the Gobaith Courant. A short edition but it was indeed interesting. Especially the part of the guards captured her attention. Tati was not at all interested into politics, but she had to know as much as possible about the place she was. Just the day before she had attentively read the laws and regulations of Trolls Bane. With a profession like hers you had to know these things. And you also had to know about the towns’ important people. Edward Cromwell, Silas Farron, Dantagon Marescot,… she made notes in her mind to each person and so far she came to the conclusion that Trolls Bane wouldn’t be an easy playground for her. But then Trolls Bane was different to any other place she has ever been or she could think of. In Salkamar for example you had a hard job as a thief. Although people were trusting and the act of thieving itself was quite easy, but the guards were quick in capturing. That’s what Tati had heard at least. And there was no chance of bribing anyone. At least you could be assured that you wouldn’t lose any fingers, unlike in Gynk. Merchants mostly preferred quick self-justice instead of troubling to call a guard. Yet in Gynk a thief could most easily make a living. Especially if you would join a guild. The worst place for a thief to be was definitely Albar. Most people on the streets were poor anyway, so pick pocketing was useless. The only way to make some proper coin was in big coups or in violent robberies. But once you were captured, you were dead. No way out of that.
Tatiana turned away from the town board and walked out of the Elizas shop.
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