Corporal Quandry

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Cliu Beothach
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Corporal Quandry

Post by Cliu Beothach »

After his murder of the child, Aokan retired to the tavern. He mooched a drink off a man who was enjoying his own. Soon after he administered the alcohol, a man entered. The man was known as Arameh.

He had carried him off, and though an escape was made, Aokan was soon in jail. Battered from a first and cut from a dagger, Aokan was bound but not gagged. Lying in bed, he heard a familar voice, the voice of death. Kamik had entered the room. After slicing his hands off, he had brought Aokan up to his face. Blood still dribbled down his chin and his cut was still fresh. Aokan muttered words pertaining to his soul, if he had one left still. He mentioned his spirit would live on, the embodiment of evil. With that, a silver hand pinched his throat and made him choke. Kamik dealth him death and more blood was shed, even if it was his own.
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Post by Athian »

Athian moved across the northern desert in silence. Upon his shoulder he carried the limp body of the Slain Aokan. The cloak Bailey had so kindly laid upon the body had long since been pulled away by the brambles of the forest that had lain before the sands. Athian trudged through the desert in silence not allowing the events of the day drift into his mind. If he did then he knew his feet would plant themselves where they were and his fatigue would eat away the last of his reserves.
As he hefted the corpse back upon his shoulder the streets of Varshikar came into view. He shuddered however not at the destination but the thing the loomed in the distance. The Castle Varshikar. Where he would put an end to all this. It would be all he could do as his condolences To Kamik and Devrah for there loss. Even for people he shared no love for. The Lose of a child was a thing that he could never stand for.
Onward he trudged through the streets, his armor covered in blood. His eyes remained unfocused, unwilling to take in the sight of what lay before him. He stopped upon the Bridge of the Castle Varshikar. Feeling it shudder beneath his feet, it knew he was here, no doubt. The living stone knew all of itself and more. How far had it sensed him coming from, bringing it, it’s meal. He stepped inside without another thought, into the center of the castle ruins and tossed the body unceremoniously onto the floor.
From his bag his tossed down the head and hands that had been removed from the body feeling nothing for the sight he set before him. Blood had begun seeping onto the floor. And he felt as if the stone beneath his feet shifted in anticipation. Next he drew up a dagger and knelt down one knee, raising the blade high above his head and plunging it downward into the flesh of the corpse. The remaining blood that had once infused life into the sickening excuse of a life poured out in droughts so thick Athian found himself surprised there was so much still left within the remains. He quickly rose to his feet clearing his dry throat and spoke aloud.
“I know you hear me beast. Know that I will never serve your desires after this one moment. Here is your food, feast upon it until nothing remains. Suck the very essence from his bones. And in return all I ask is that you keep what wicked essence that remains in this body locked away within your belly.”
Without another word Athian turned quickly and left the castle, not wanting to be witness to what would occur behind his back. He stepped over the bridge and into the streets of Varshikar once more. He would wash and then he would work upon the wards covering the buildings of the stead, that the evil the castle absorbed not move any further. But even as he moved quickly away, the sound of blood flowing to marble floors rang endlessly in his ears.
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Post by Papoitsi »

The castle quivers as the blood pools on the marble. The floor shifts and groans and cracks under the remains of Aokan.
The castle whispers in its deep, gravelly "voice" made of shifting walls and thousands of boulders. Perhaps it whispers to itself, perhaps spitefully to Athian, hoping he will hear it.

A mossst exsssellent sacrifissse....
mossst exssellent indeed...
The blood of a murdered murderer...a traitor...

Little have given more than you realize

The crack in the floor grows wider; Aokan's remains slip into it. A shard from the ceiling falls with uncanny aim to cover the crack, enclosing Aokan in a living tomb.

The castle walls moan and shake. Pieces of the ceiling fall, some of the walls crumble. The castle is rearranging itself.
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Bailey Thunnigan
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Post by Bailey Thunnigan »

Bailey took a seat. She was sitting in the Seahorse and now leaned her head heavily into her hand. It was clearly impossible to find any good sleep this night and after some hours she gave up. The sun hasn't rised yet, though the sky was slowly growing brighter. Her gaze wandered to the sleeping boy that she took care of. Bailey Thunnigan in a mothers role? Who would have thought. She grimaced slightly and not only because she got aware once more of the pain in her shoulder, but also because she felt guilty that the young one had made so bad experiences today.While running a hand over her face she thought about it yet again...

You have 3 seconds.“
Bailey only said, straightening and reaching for her axe as Aokan came across the marketplace.
Three... two...“, the axe was drawn and Aokan hurriedly made his way out of the eastgate, mentioning that one better should look after the injured at the pillar.
Giving the order to not let Aokan inside anymore, she headed west and found Kamik and an elfess next to the wounded Devrah.
They brought her to the Seahorse and afterwards Bailey gave Lance some cloth and a bucket, to bring it to the elfess, who apparently had some knowledge about the art of healing. Bailey herself made her way around town, looking out for Aokan.
The child was dead and the hunting began. Aokan has been found and after a chasing together with Stephen and Arameh they could grab the man. Bailey watched how Stephen blew one punch after the other at the man, til he finally passed out. And even then he didn't stop immediately.
Finally they tied him up and Bailey locked him into a cell of the prison.

Bailey would not move from this spot, til the man had the punishment he deserved and so she stood before the small window of the cell, leaning against the table and occasionally peering into the room. After a few moments Bailey regretted already that she forgot to gag him. He told her, that she had no right to jail him, after all he attacked Devrah outside of town.
Maybe you aren't here because of the attack, but because you were in town yet again, despite your ban.“, Bailey said calmly.
Ah, and how long does the usual prisontime take for this?“
Bailey peered through the small window for the fraction of a second, before looking back and simply saying:
I don't know yet. I will release in a few days.“
Fine“, the man answered, and Bailey added. „Right into Kamiks arms, of course.

But that wasn't even needed. Kamik showed up earlier than she had thought and without any word she opened the prison cell for him.
Then it grew silent within the building... just one or the other noise came from the cell til it was over.

Bailey looked up from her thoughts and ran a hand through her short hair. The last few days she was busy with pondering about the guard. For a long time she had tried to deceive herself that she only joined the guard because of Pendar, but the last days showed that she was missing the job. Even though it was dangerous, it had no payment and you got not the slightest thanks from any citizen. Everything Bailey knew to do was to lead a sword and the job of the guard gave her life a meaning. Maybe, just maybe she wasn't the big, bad bully after all.
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Greta Stolthus
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Post by Greta Stolthus »

Greta closes her eyes, she tries to show no emotion as she stands at the pillar in front of Adron's lake. Carefully she touches it. There is still some remaining blood on it with her and Aokan's initials.

"A.F. and G.S."

With her left hand she touches her stomach, inside her unborn child.

"Soon. Soon, the time will come."

She lowers her head, a tear runs down her face.

"What shall I do now? How can I bring my child to live without your help? Why did you do this with that woman? You could have used my blood. But...I'm not going to give up, just because I'm alone now..."

Her hood hides her face, when she turns around and disappears in the forest.
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Silent Tear
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Post by Silent Tear »

Culandria sees Aokan coming out the east gate, Bailey stopping close to the gate, watching him make his way out. Culandria notices the pure red blood on his hands and immediately recalls the conversation she shared with Aokan some time ago. His words are the only ones swaying in her head.

" The killing ... I won't kill you ... I said it was an easy promise to keep, because I never wanted to
... It will be grand, I shall say that ... Blood worthy of any God ... And mostly, The Fallen One
... In time, it will reveal itself ... Oh, I will try to keep it silent ... But I am sure a few people will be after me ... A killing like this, can raise many heads ... Just be glad that your family will be safe ... In time you will see ... You must wait…"

She screams: "What have you done?! Who was it?!" She stands shocked, trying to figure out who it was that Aokan had murdered. His riddle sends a chill through her spine. "I do not refer to a man as it were, more as an undeveloped baby." Her jaw drops as her heart tries to pump her frozen blood through her veins. Her mind plays back to Kamik's words.

"I have a bad feeling. I had a dream this night. I haven't dreamt in months. But I had one the last night. I dreamt of my old friend Revlen. I saw him as he was in life, before he-- well... In this dream he told me he would die twice. The first time, his body. The second, his memory. I took that for a sign. Devrah and I agreed to call our son Revlen as well. As a memory of our dear friend."

She suddenly realizes what is going on, who it was that Aokan wanted to kill all this time, and the life that hangs in the balance. ”The Fallen one…Revlen…Devrah…the baby…” She loses control of her emotions at the realization. She runs into town, screaming Kamik and Devrah's names, but no one answers. She prays to herself that Devrah and the baby are still alive.

Stephen tries and comforts her, and tells her that it could have been a pig’s blood, but she knows the truth. She knows it was Devrah and her unborn son. She does not even notice Stephen walking off. It is only when he whispers the words she had feared that she notices him again. "They found Devrah. She lost the baby. You were right…"
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Post by Drathe »

Drinks had been bought and consumed as Drathe showed Jeanette the delights and flavours of fine spirit and wine, the glasses were nearing empty as to was the tavern of people when the door was opened hastily. A man, hands covered and face fleck with blood entered, a grin of contentment playing on his cut face.

‘Ay, you sir... are you all right’ inquired Drathe leaning in his chair.
‘Oh yes, quite,.’ replied the stranger.
‘Bit of a scratch you have there on your face,’ the woodsman pointed to the diagonal gash across his face
‘Oh yes, but nothing compared to what I left on the woman.’

The conversation continued, Jeanette looking away from the bloodied man. Drathe playing the man for more light on his crime. He had not killed the woman’s who’s blood stained him, that much Drathe had deduced.

‘But I killed something of hers,’ replied the murderer
‘You cut her unborn child?’ questioned Drathe.
‘I wasn't sure how innocent her blood was, I suspect.’ He paused in thought, ‘but, I do not know for sure.’

Jeanette squeezed her eyes shut swallowing hard, as the two men played with words in the empty tavern. If the woodsman could keep him around long enough surly the town guard or those had seen the crime would come. Aokan Folkbjorn was his name, traded for a full glass of Borgate finest wine. Again the banter continued until the wine was finished.

‘Well that’s my cue’ he spoke placing the glass upon the counter making for the door It opened just as the killer reached out for it, there in the door way was Arameh. The two men struggled but Aokan's fate was already decided.
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Post by Jeanette »

The man that entered the tavern was covered in blood. Jeanette took one look at him and fainted right into Drathe's lap. The next thing she knew Drathe was sharing a drink with the man! What was he thinking? Jeanette couldn't even look at him, her stomach churned when she thought about all the blood. One minute she was having a wonderful time with her only friend and the next she felt as if she would retch all over the table. How awful.

Before she knew what was happening a man came in and with much commotion dragged the bloodied man away. Outside there was more commotion, but Jeanette ignored it. She had no pity for the man who had without a doubt confessed to doing something awful. She really didn't want to think about the blood anymore.
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