Extreme dishonorable RP

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Extreme dishonorable RP

Post by NirAntae »

Okay, lousy title, but I couldn't think how to title this...

Earlier today, a friend of mine, who is very new to the game, went to try and kill mummies (far too early). He was killed from the poison after getting out of the tomb. Normally, this would be nothing more than a rather disappointing, but good learning experience.

However, my friend was not so 'lucky'. Upon returning to the ruins, an orc he did not know (though he did have the presence of mind to get his number) had collected his fallen items. If the orc had simply said 'tough luck', I would not be writing this now; rude as that would be by Illarion terms, such is perfectly in character for some. However, what the orc did was tell my friend 'here are your things', and set them out. My friend sorted through them to get his satchel to put his things in. He then began to pick up his items. He managed to get his hatchet, saw, and a single staff.

Then his items began to 'disappear'. They had not been on the ground for more than 15-20 seconds, so they were not decaying, and they were too steadily disappearing one at a time. There was no one else around. The orc insisted that he did not take the items, but unless there is a way to make one's self invisible that I do not know of, that is the only possibility.

Once back in town, he continued to confront the orc about what happened. By the orc's friends, he was told that the orc had better equipment than anything he could have taken off my friend, new as he was, so there would have been no reason for him to take them. When he asked others, he was simply told his items were gone, to forget about it. But he was new, and they were basically every item he owned. The only weapon he has is a staff that will likely break the first time it is used. His carving tools, scissors, and needle, likewise, are gone. While he could conceivably cut wood and pray someone would buy it from him, that is hardly an attractive alternative to someone who already had all the tools necessary to earn a decent living.

I told him that such are sometimes the dangers of such RPG's. He responded that if this was all he had to look forward to in Illarion, he would simply quit, because it was no better than all the other MMORPG's he had passed up because of such behavior.

I realize that, by the rules, there really isn't anything that can be done. But if such actions are allowed to continue, and with no reprisal IG or out, we will lose many other newcomers who would otherwise make a wonderful contribution to the community (this friend, for example, is in fact one of the best RP'ers I have *ever* known.. and that's saying something after 12 years of RP online).

I would ask, politely, that the orc in question please return the items, even if it isn't necessarily in character, in the interest of keeping a wonderful player.

I would also ask the community at large what they think of the matter, and more specifically if anything can be done about such things happening.
I would hate to lose this player, and truth be told, if such things *are* to slip by without anything being done, I would have serious doubts myself about continuing to play this game.... I thought this community was better than that. I would hate to be proved wrong.
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Post by Sima L. Séregon »

I agree to all points *gg*.....I think, I was one of the chars, who said something about "it's an orc, he has got a soul, [....]." but this is Sima.
I can't do anything more than talkting to the orc and try to get them back, but I didn't met him again!

In the last weeks, bad things happened ingame. Someone has stolen some items from the elves and from a friend and sometimes they fight.

I don't know, what to do now. We can't fight again these orcs ingame! So, the players must act! Orc players, please, you can play like an orc without stealing items from other characters. And if you steal something, don't bring it back to the char and steal it again *g*!!

I'm sorry for these happenings!
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Post by NirAntae »

As I said... if he had *just* taken them, I probably wouldn't have even written this. That would have been mean, btu he's playing an orc and all, it would have been acceptable RP for that character, even though still rude. It's that he offered to give them back, set them on the ground, and then took them back again and denied that it ever happened that really got my hackles up.
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Post by Dyluck »

As far as I remember and understand the system of decay, and as far as it has not been changed, (even though I haven't played or investigated decay for about two years) there is a possibility that the orc did infact not take those items, and that they did infact disappear due to decay. Of course, I do not know for sure which one it was, but let me explain why it could have been decay.

The "decay" system was rather problematic if you are unlucky, as i remember it. First of all, "decay" value of an item does not simply refresh just because you pick it up. Rather, I believe it was either one or both of the following systems: 1) Items or even stacks have somewhat of it's own personal "lifetime" decay value that is permanently stored and never goes back up. 2) The server periodically cleans off items off the ground at certain time intervals, which means if you put something on the ground right before that moment, then you're really unlucky.

The problem of decay was discussed long ago, but I don't remember if anything was changed then or after, so I'm not sure if decay is still under one or both of those systems I described, but it is a possibility.
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Post by NirAntae »

If they had all disappeared at once, I might agree with that. But they disappeared at the steady rate of someone picking them up... ie, each item disappeared just as he tried to put it in his own inventory. It's still *wildly* possible perhaps that they *all* had the same decay amount, give or take a few seconds... but since we're talking a good 10-15 items, or more, since he had almost that many shoes he'd just completed, that is hugely unlikely... not to mention those shoes had been just crafted, they had never been 'on the ground'. And if it was just 'the right time' for things to disappear, as I said, it would have happened all at once.
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Post by Dyluck »

I'm guessing that on the new map, the ruins are somewhat farther away from the cross than it used to be, and in any case, therefore some time would have elapsed from when the items were dropped and when your friend returned, and so that all of those items would have experienced some amount of decay time by then already.

If in fact my system 1 was true, the small time differences of the items' decay MIGHT be explained by the time between when each individual item was picked up by the orc and also when he laid them down. However, personally in my old experiences, I do remember that items that have been on the ground for approximately the same amount of time tend to disappear together. Example: items on the ground for 500sec, 505sec, 515sec disappear at the exact same time, while a 100sec one doesn't disappear. So perhpas the actual decay system was a combination of the two, where during the server "refresh", it only cleans up items lower(higher time) than a certain lifetime decay value.

So you are right, the items disappearing one by one by itself only a few second apart, is rather dubious, unless maybe the "refresh" part of the system was taken out, and that items only decay by individal lifetime values now. But of course, I don't know the system for a fact now.
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Post by Amber »

I asked my brother about this, and he said the server only "wipes" so often. Not every 5 seconds.
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Post by Moathia »

Yeah, the server would not have delted the items one by one, it has always done mass wipes.
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Post by Pendar »

Firstly I am actually pleased to see some orcs engaging in various forms of criminal behavior again. Those players with the guts and tenacity to play scum, scoundrels or evil megalomaniacs are a very important game dynamic illarion has been lacking in recent times. It is not an easy role to play and for every time we feel a “criminal” rps questionably or gets the better of us in a manner we not find pleasing be sure they have been player killed, hounded using OOC knowledge or otherwise set upon by a highly skilled and well armed band of heroes that makes up a large part of illa’s populace.

That said I would like to hope the player in question did not intentionally lie to new player. How ever there is so much that is the unknown factor in such a case.
.I have seen some very strange item disappearances and bugs glitches.
.Some players do not take loss well any way so just because some one is “moaning” OOC or complaining bitterly you cannot from that know for a fact they are the treasured commodity a new player
. No rules were actually breached or player’s fun impinged in anyway.
This is not a graphical chat although all of my favorite players are able to make full use of the feature, the game is not restrictive of PVP by design nor is there an accepted standard for item return/theft or not. All of this is actually the games charm and magic and we should never attempt to restrict this.

We have a playing community of people aged 13-30+ with varied and different rp experience and skill. We who profess to be rp veterans need to at times rise above what we may call poor role-play and take it and use it to advance our character while still acknowledging less experience or more conflict centered players right to be and role with in the game.
I do hope both you and your friend remain with us I have had new characters milling around game and some have been victims of crimes leaving them penniless. At times rped wonderfully other times poor enough to weep over. The nature of RP in illarion is to adept and let the events the game world throws at you mould your character.
Certainly some of our current in game villans have some to learn about both tact and execution. How ever rest assured if a player is consistently engaging in a behavior or role-play that is “offensive” they don’t stay hidden long. Most illarion veterans play new characters to so if any character was attempting to target “newbs” they will in due course be picked out.
Tell your friend to give it a chance you may find that many of illarions happier inhabitants are very sympathetic to a victim of crime
Best wishes and hoping to see you both in game

"P.s server wipes at intervals so if aformentioned character became a ghost just after a wipe. Takeing 5 minutes to return to the scene it is more than enough time for some items to get wiped...especially in a beta state of the game"
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Post by Misjbar »

Have you actually read the story Pendar? The orc layed out the items while he was back again. = / Maybe reread it? So you understand the grasp of it?
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Post by NirAntae »

I would just like to say that this 'supposed' new player LIVES IN MY HOUSE and SHARES MY COMPUTER. Rest assured, he is quite new, I think this was the fourth time he'd ever signed in to Illarion.

And I *said* I realize that dishonorable behavoir is quite in keeping with some chars. It was just the nature and extent to which this was done that gets under my skin.
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Post by Aristeaus »

Hi there Maggie, im afraid you friend has no chance of redeeming the items, there is now way to trace what happned to these items or an Audit system to proove the orc owns them, luckily enough there are many kind roleplayers, more so even than evil roleplayers, or bad roleplayers as your saying in this case. And im certain when they hear what has happned,, through a good story of course ;). They will see that he is taken care off.
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Post by NirAntae »

I know there's no way to track them or anything... as I said in the very first post, I realize there is nothing to be done, inside of the rules, to 'make' him give them back... which is why I appealed to his decency, in helping a newcomer feel welcomed.

I didn't share this to try and attack anyone in particular, nor did I do it to try and open a flamewar upon myself. I did it because this is *exactly* the sort of behavior that has driven me away from *every* other MMORPG, and I have seen too much fabulous RP... and fabulous attitudes... in Illarion to just sit idly by seeing this happen. You have no idea what an incredible wonder it was to me that 'trading' can take place by putting items down on the ground for others to pick up, even in a crowd. If there are people who go around doig this sort of thing, how can anyone feel safe 'trading' via the ground? How can newcomers feel the exhiliration of such a wonderful place if this happens to them on the 3rd or 4th time they log in? It is the symptom of a MUCH larger problem, which is why I brought it up. When my char was 'death robbed' of a few coppers amidst everything she dropped, I didn't say anything. And, I might add, the person who took it was hounded by many people in the room at the time, and she eventually gave the coppers back, if 'silently'. But it was perfectly in char for the person who did it, and it wasn't *all* my stuff, and she didn't put it down then claim it 'must have just disappeared'. This is especially angering for me, since earlier today I made a deal with someone for a large number of items... then just before I had finished the order, and thus receive payment, he logged off, after I'd already given him half. I am trying to convince myself something happened, he'll take the rest of the items and pay me tomorrow when he gets on, but I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the joy and excitement I felt at how honorable players were with each other on here was a bit premature.

Anyway. I think I'll just shoosh before I say something to really upset someone. Sorry if this comes across as nasty, but I'm really upset by all this.

I'll do my best to keep him in the game, and maybe after a good night's sleep he'll be willing to continue. (I did offer to replace most of the items myself already... but it's the principle of the thing that really upsets him)
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Post by Pendar »

Edit: I certainly hope I am not comeing over as even attempting to flame i am actually comiserateing at the same time playing devils advocate as there is no such thing as a "small quiet" thread on Illa forums. Many opinions will be voiced before it is over.
Certainly most of us are honorable role-players and then again some people simply are not. PKing, un role played theft, logging and just about anything else does happen. In such moments i take a breath and remember it is just a game and I play and enjoy it with 90% of the community the 10% is not about to spoilt it for me :)

I wrote:
Some players do not take loss well any way so just because some one is “moaning” OOC or complaining bitterly you cannot from that know for a fact they are the treasured commodity a new player
I was not clear enough I meant the orc had no way of knowing. Not that I disbelieve the player is infact i new. While in game it is sometimes hard to know new players from old players who complain.

Also did the orc deny OOC taking them or in character, it is little matter as Arist summed it up nicely. How ever the items were lost IC so it really should not have been an OOC issue.
I suppose it was in keeping with the orcs idea of his character to lie with a straight face. How ever stupid "we" may or may not find that.
Have you actually read the story Pendar? The orc layed out the items while he was back again. = / Maybe reread it? So you understand the grasp of it?
I assume the position the orc was not lieing by some stroke of luck, you will note most of my post adress's dealing with poor rpers and "funny business"

I have seen some very strange item dissapearance glitches in game I was simply pointing out that it is possible the orc is inocent and a bug occured. As he went to the trouble of laying out the items...
Last edited by Pendar on Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aristeaus »

Hi again ;) ill make this brief as i am meant to be working. The occurance of the player logging on you halfway through tradeing is actually more of a serious act than the one with the orc. If you have the logs you should be able to get the chars number. I reccomend contacting the char and trying to continue the deal, otherwise pm the chars number and reason for the pm to a GM. It is one thing to steal items in good form,, another to just log out.
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Post by NirAntae »

Oh, I know exactly who it is, and so would everyone else... but it was taking a while to make all the items, he probably just had to go. If not, then I will most certainly make an issue of it. :) I *do* try to give other players the benefit of the doubt. Especially when they're well-known and oft well-liked, lol.
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Post by Damien »

Item rotting, in short : Every few seconds or minutes, there is a kind of impulse. Every item lying on the ground which has been lying on the ground somewhere before, can vanish when this impulse comes.
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Post by Garett Gwenour »

Why would this be dishonorable roleplay? He gave back what he wanted your brother to have and took what he wanted.
Your brother's character should be happy he got anything back at all. And maybe he will learn not to bring the item he makes ((shoes)) with him when he goes fighting monsters.
This is no discussion.
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Post by Nop »

Regardles of "virtual morality", it is just not a good idea to frustrate new players right away by harassing them. Being rather new myself, I still remember that getting familiar with Illar ist not an easy task. There is enough to learn and enough problems to master without more experienced players preying on a beginner's mistakes.

It is not important whether _YOU_ think it's all right or not. All that counts is how the newcomer feels about it. Because it his his decision whether he will stay and find his way into the game or go away to find a nicer place to play.

If you want Illarion to grow and become more populated, diverse and interesting (and so far I had the impression most people had an interest in that) then players should be helpful to newcomers and restrain their "truly evil ingame thug" for a little while. If you have the unrestrainable need to play it hard, better look out for a character of your own size instead of harassing the helpless and the clueless.

In the long run, driving away newcomers is suicidal for any community.
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Post by Garett Gwenour »

We want new players yes, but we do not want to sacrifice our roleplay because there is a noobie around. How else will he learn to roleplay? He should not be attached to his character and so bent on "winning" the game that he cannot accept a "loss". And that is what it really comes down to.
A player should be able to accept what happened and roleplay off of it. Begin to dislike orcs, (or the organization the orc is in ;) ).
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Post by Nop »

This is not about taking a loss, this is about one player needlessly destroying another player's first idea and first attempt to establish himself in the game - and making fun of him at the same time.

I think the expression "sacrifice your roleplay" is greatly exaggerated. You don't sacrifice anything if you take your "nasty mean lowlife" roleplay past a newbie and on to the next established character you meet. Just RP that your char is currently in a hurry, or hungry, or hunting or not interested in beginner's items that are useless to him.

10 seconds slightly besides your stereotype will not hurt you. But driving away a newbie with your behaviour will hurt every other player - well, at least everyone more interested in new people than in a cheap win for his own character.
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Post by Devrah Liioness »

Yeah, as people have said, the best way to deal with this is to simply solve it IG. Have your friend tell his tale of woe...

If you catch Devrah in a generous mood, she might just be able to replace some things, particularly weapons ;) However, catching Devrah in a generous mood...

Heh. Well anyway, good luck, and just tell some others of your poor sad story, I am sure you will find that many characters are very helpful :)
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Post by Nop »

A newbie will not solve anything IG because he doesn't know the game and the ways things may be done yet. That's why he is a newbie. :-)

He will deduce from his first impressions on the character of the whole game and most likely leave.
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Post by Garett Gwenour »

Well then maybe he shouldn't play this game in that case.
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Post by Nop »

You want to send everybody away who does not already know how Illarion works?

No a very constructive attitude. :-(
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Post by Gabon Corad »

hate to tell you all but thats not the story because i was the orc....hers the exact conversation

Gabon Corad: You are stuffed.
Gabon Corad: hur
Gabon Corad: me get yer tings
Terran Nytefyer: Thank you.
Terran Nytefyer smiles gratefully.
Gabon Corad: poisen get yoo?
Terran Nytefyer nods.
Terran Nytefyer: Yes, unfortunately
Gabon Corad: go be carefuls wif dat
Terran Nytefyer: Yes, I do.
Terran Nytefyer chuckles a bit.
Terran Nytefyer: I wasn't expecting it . . .
Gabon Corad: it hits hard and fastly
Gabon Corad: welp...good luck ter yoo

heres what your new player said to me:
Terran Nytefyer: You!
Gabon Corad: yar?
Terran Nytefyer: You ran off with teh rest of my belongings!
Gabon Corad stands and growls.
Terran Nytefyer teh anger in his eyes in more than evident.
Gabon Corad: me tooks nuffen of yours
Terran Nytefyer: No?
Terran Nytefyer: What about my tools, my sword, my food, my innards . . .?
Terran Nytefyer: Anything sounding familiar?
Gabon Corad opens his bag and shows there is nothing in there.
Terran Nytefyer: Then you stashed it.
Gabon Corad growls loudly.

Stephen Rothman looks to the man, "You should know, this orc you address is a Knight. Equipped with the finest armour and weaponry on the isle. Stealing a sword from you would be a waste of his time.".
Salathe Kankas: Human, the orc stole nothing..
Terran Nytefyer: Oh?
Gabon Corad: hooman...me takes nuffen of yours...me cud takes all but me give back

Terran Nytefyer: Then you tell me how I manage to find him in the Temple, after I cam back for my things, and he explains to me that he was getting my things for me.
Stephen Rothman: There were two orcs in that temple.
Terran Nytefyer: And then, after I get my pack back on, he hightails it out of the Temple with the rest of my belongings?
Terran Nytefyer: I recognize THIS one.
Gabon Corad: because i gave all me had back!
Stephen Rothman murmers, "You try my patience, come here.".
Gabon Corad yells at the human in rage.
Terran Nytefyer narrows his eyes but doesn't say another word at the moment . . . just glares.
Terran Nytefyer: Kind of coincidental . . . that my other staff, my sword, my leather armor, all of my innards, my food . . . My needle, my scissors . . .
Terran Nytefyer: All of these happened to disappear right when YOU do.
Terran Nytefyer: But . . . you said you didn't take them . . .
Stephen Rothman: Why would you carry your tools while you are fighting undead?
Gabon Corad: Stephen me can handles
Stephen Rothman: Your story sounds fishy.
Gabon Corad: wish ter duels bout it?
Terran Nytefyer: I don't care if it sounds fishy to you at all.
Gabon Corad: me will talk no more
Terran Nytefyer: I'm not even talking with you.
Gabon Corad growls.
Terran Nytefyer: Because I carry my tool on my belt at all times.

Gabon Corad: me takes nuffen of yours...if me is at da ladder and stuff goes how can me reach it!
Terran Nytefyer growls softly to himself.
Terran Nytefyer: You were standing right next to my stuff, right before it disappeared . . .

Gabon Corad: if wish ter settles dis worrior ter wut eva yoo is...dem come wif me....if doesnt dem better back off
Terran Nytefyer raises a brow and looks at him.
Terran Nytefyer: You, a warrior?
Gabon Corad: why would me come ter Trollsbane of alls places if me steals!
Terran Nytefyer: Anyone who thieves another man's belongings is no warrior in my eyes

Salathe Kankas: Human he didnt steal anything from you
Gabon Corad: den yoo is blind...me takes nuffen
Terran Nytefyer rolls his eyes.
Salathe Kankas: His weaponry and armor is much better than anything you mighthave dropped
Terran Nytefyer: You believe what you want.
Terran Nytefyer: I love how you're a fit judge of character.
Gabon Corad: he is mes broder!
Terran Nytefyer: How in the Gods' names do YOU know what I might have dropped?
Gabon Corad: he knows me better dan mental hooman!
Terran Nytefyer: You weren't even there.
Gabon Corad: yoo said it five time
Salathe Kankas grins.
Terran Nytefyer glares at the person in front of him again.
Salathe Kankas: You shouting out what you dropped...
Terran Nytefyer: So, he either hid it or sold it.
Gabon Corad: yoo tings wuddent sells
Gabon Corad: and me wuddent sells or takes damn hooman
Terran Nytefyer: All I know is, he tells me he is going to give my stuff back, and then he takes off before I even have half of it back . ..
Terran Nytefyer: You go ahead and stick to your story . . .
Gabon Corad: me lays on ground in front of yoo!
Terran Nytefyer: Shows exactly what kind of "Warrior" you are.
Gabon Corad: me say Farebba den leaves

so you decide whos doing the bad RP and whos not, all i can say is i gave everything back and it must have dissapeared. plus, if i was a thief char then it wuddent be bad RP at all, accept the lack of #me's but... my point is just because you die and your things are taken (even though they wernt) doesnt mean someone had bad RP. Learn the game before you go off posting about things you have no clue about

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Post by Dyluck »

From the conversation log, there was no bad roleplaying from either person in this scenario. Both the human and the orc managed to stay in character, and especially the new PLAYER who managed to keep his cool despite losing his items.

Let me clear up here that the "BAD RP" that SUPPOSEDLY occured would NOT have been simply the taking of the items, but RATHER the supposed act of the orc character doing it and then the player of the orc implicitly denying it and saying it was "decay", which would be a technical exploit and lie. Of course we don't know for sure whether this actually happened or not. Gabon says he didn't do it and Nirtae thinks he did. We just don't know.

However, also take a side note of the word "mental" First, the word is an adjective that means "of the mind" and not "mentally retarded" a slang commonly mistakenly made by american teens. Second, even if the world officially carried that slang meaning today, it's still out of context in the medieval world to be used like that.
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Post by Pendar »

I assume the position the orc was not lieing by some stroke of luck, you will note most of my post adress's dealing with poor rpers and "funny business"

I have seen some very strange item dissapearance glitches in game I was simply pointing out that it is possible the orc is inocent and a bug occured. As he went to the trouble of laying out the items...
Haveing had the pleasure of playing with Gabon through a few of his characters I would glady say that he did not steal the items.
So misjbar sometimes the benifit of the doubt may lie with a orc player, reading the post I opted to point that out.

I am sorry to harp on this merely I place valuable time and energy into posts made on this forum. My intention is usually to say something of value, the implication that I had not taken the time to read the post i was replying to seemed to me a little rash :)

So here we have a clear case of glitches and misunderstandings happen as per my orginal post.
I of course cannot prove Gabon didnt take the items but haveing spent hours in game with him I have found him both honest and fair in RP. I can also vouch for him being wealthy enough to not need to thieve basics.

As arist said speak to the good folks of trollsbane, you may be suprised how sympathetic we can be
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Post by Nop »

Well, in the light of this information, I am glad that in the actual case that started all nothing undue has been done. I don't think any player would fall so low as to lie OOC in a forum. Seems to be a really bad combination of circumstances.

Still, inciting something like this deliberately would be rather harmful.
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Post by martin »

I read this thread now (I read it my way, meaning that it took me about 1 minute, so I have no detailed information), but what I find strange is that this dead newbie actually SAW how the items were picked up. My question 1 is:
Can I have a chronological order of events, seen from this newbie? What I'd guess is:
* Died from poison
* Orc came
* Orc took everything
* Newbie runs to the cross (why was he waiting for the orc?)
* Newbie comes back
* Newbie doesn't get all his stuff back and blames the orc

Assuming that this is a correct description of the situation in chronological order, there is my question to the orc:
Did you see the items this newbie is missing? Did you see them disappear as he describes it?

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