a proposal of sorting proposals

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Rand Kalhan Al'Vega
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a proposal of sorting proposals

Post by Rand Kalhan Al'Vega »

I propose, now don't just make fun of me and laugh... think about it, that you open a new section in the forum where GM's and such pick out the mildly resonable proposals ( their favorites ) and we, the players, vote on each one.... say every yes vote is +1 point and every no is -1 point ( one vote a person.. not a char ) and in the end pick out the top 5 or so highest point things and work on them... or maybe instead of five like 10 percent of proposals... that are the highest.. when you make a new client... erase the proposals and start over again.
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Post by Snazug »

Doesn't sound bad, but maybe the GMs already know the top ten proposals (from reading around THIS board)? If a large discussion began over an interesting proposal here, the GMs may think about putting it at the top of the list.

That is what this board is for. ;)
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Ezor Edwickton
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Post by Ezor Edwickton »

I don't think this would work very well, as many people might be tempted to vote more than once.
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Moirear Sian
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Post by Moirear Sian »

This is what you find on the frontpage in the project section under:
"ToDos—what is yet to come".
  • • Creation of a map editor, and thereafter the map must be made
    • Monsters will recieve some intelligence (actively run around on the map, can calculate escape and attack routes...)
    • The interface will be more user friendly, e.g. with icons.
    • All the data must be compiled in a data bank.
    • Creation of a quest system.
    • Vocation system
    • Luxury points
    • The background history must be drafted.
This is of course not a complete list, more will be added over time. New items/objects and monsters and such. (that is not much work for us to implement, but alot for the artists who have to create them)
It's basically a nice idea proposed here, but the problem is that the staff does all the work in their own free-time.
There already is a giant list of things that need to be done, and having to move around and publicize ongoing developments in a list (depending on votes) would create even more work for them to do.
Not to mention that this Proposals forum is hardly ever used correctly.
As it is, it's harder to go through this forum than make any proper use for it.

If however, some players would go into scanning and compiling useful old proposals into collective threads, I'm sure something good might come out.
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Rand Kalhan Al'Vega
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Post by Rand Kalhan Al'Vega »

I am not a computer genious by any means... but wouldn't there be a way to block people from voting twice? or... that growing list could be instantly transfered to a thread in this new forum... but I think that a lot of the players on this game would love to help out with the sorting and such.. ( me being one of them ) but anyway.. I was just proposing this idea
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Post by Velin »

Honestly Rand..it is a good idea. But I don't think there is a why to stop multiple posting. If you make it so that each account is locked out of the poll after they post once, then some will just make a new account. If you lock out on the basis of IP address, then one could just go use another computer. Still though, if the multi-posting thing could be solved, then I think it would be a great thing for the GM's to make. But who would choose the canidates; one Gm, all the Gm's together, or would there be some kind of collective decision from all the forum members?
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Rand Kalhan Al'Vega
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Post by Rand Kalhan Al'Vega »

I think it would be all the GM's.. so they have some control over the matter of what 'they' would work on...
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Moirear Sian
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Post by Moirear Sian »

I just have to say it straight:
This is a waste of time.

In essence, a pleasant idea is proposed here, but the problematic is that it would add more work to the already humongous workload that burdens the staff. Not to forget, they do all their work on this game in their free-time, so doing a type of work which would cause extra work would obviously detract from their actual work. This makes this proposal somewhat defeat its own purpose.
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Rand Kalhan Al'Vega
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Post by Rand Kalhan Al'Vega »

I understand.
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Post by Neonfire »

I've seen something to get closer to the idea from above: set up a compilation of propsals. If you are willing to help us, scan through the proposals forum, collect all the (useful!) ideas and collect them into one single file/thread. When posted we will make that topic sticky to give all the posters a complete overview what has been posted before (and doesn't need to be reposted).

An (inofficial) vote for players is another aspect we can do, just to see what is wanted and what not. But the vote itself will not be an advice to implement the top 5 of that list, but it is a nice indicator for the devs to set priorities.

The choice of implementing a feature or not is done according to the current working step. Mostly new features are introduced when the development progress makes it most simple to implement the additional functions.

And please, propose no more minotaurs.
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Rand Kalhan Al'Vega
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Post by Rand Kalhan Al'Vega »

I would help you.. I can make a list of all the proposals that seem usefull and such just tell me where to start and where to send the information and it will be done.
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