Future, Fate and Faith

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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

The pain in her back made her wake up. The spider bite, which she had hidden from Inara, also hurt like hell.
Inara lay beside her, still with her arm around Aly's waist, protective, concerned.

With a small smile, she slipped out of bed, very carefully not to wake her.
With some effort, she made her way down the stairs. She grabbed a healing potion, bandages, tea and silently opened the door.
Slowly, taking in the fresh night air, she walked to the small beach in Cadomyr.
Once there, she rolled up her pants and sat down on the shore.
First she cleaned the bite, she hadn't shown to Inara, carefully with water .... yes - most likely boiled water would have been better, but she didn't care about that right now. Then she soaked another piece with the healing potion and placed it on the already slightly infected wound.
After that she bandaged her ankle. That filthy beast of a Shadow Muncher had bitten her right between her pants and shoes.
Probably that's why the potion hadn't worked well and she still didn't know what had hit her in the back like a rock.

She could understand Xannu's hurt pride, she was still grumbling to herself about what had happened.

To distract herself, she took a sip of tea and picked up her writing utensils. She had to write to Nish at last, otherwise a search party might show up here in Cadomyr soon.

It was time to focus on other things - beside searching for a sign of Drathe - again.
She also had the letter for Kyre - she would contact her friend as soon as she felt better to deliver it.

*Dear friend,

forgive me for not writing sooner.
Before you wonder - I am not feeling so well right now.
We had a treasure hunt and something went totally wrong.
First, one of Cadomyr's knights fell, and later I was knocked out too.
One of our worst spiders - a Shadow Muncher - was after me, the healing potion didn't work properly
and something hit me in the back like a boulder, when I tried to guide the evil mob of enemies away from Inara and the others.
But as always, it will be alright. You know how it is - probably the wounded pride hurts more than the injuries.

Otherwise - mmmh - yes somehow I'm still looking for a sign from Drathe. But slowly my hopes dwindle - that means again someone just disappeared from my life, because I'm just not enough maybe ?
It is not the first time - but I think the last time that I get involved with someone.

How are you ? And how are my two little darlings?

I think I have to stop, the exhaustion is spreading or the spider poison - who knows.
I'll just lay down on a bed here at the Inn, it's the closest walk from the beach here - just a few steps.

My heart is with you and I hope to hear from you soon.

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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nish schlich regelrecht ins Haus. Es war mitten in der Nacht. Kurz zuvor hatte sie sich noch von einem ihrer „Schatten“ verabschiedet, nicht ohne das sie ihm versichern musste das alles mit ihr in Ordnung war.
Aber nun, stand sie im Haus und ließ die große Tasche einfach hier zunächst einmal stehen. Ihr Ziel war ihr Arbeitszimmer und niemanden zu wecken.
Sie bewegte sich so leise wie eh und je und schloss dann auch lautlos die Tür zu ihrem Arbeitszimmer.
Ihr Ziel hier war eigentlich nur der Schrank mit den spezielleren alkoholischen Flaschen aber, ihr Blick fiel auf den Schreibtisch.
Dort lagen natürlich die ein oder anderen Pergamente, aber eben auch ein Brief. Nish seufzte leicht, denn sie sah auch noch einen zweiten, der bereits geöffnet war.
So holte sie eine Flasche Wein und einen Kelch aus dem Schrank bevor sie auf den Schreibtisch zusteuerte. Sie stellte die Flasche ab nachdem sie etwas in den Kelch gegossen hatte und wollte gerade Platz nehmen, als ein stechender Schmerz in ihrer Seite sie inne halten ließ. Das erinnerte sie daran worum sie sich nachher noch kümmern musste.
Sie nahm also den Waffengurt ab und legte ihr Schwert auf eine Kommode in der Nähe, dann nahm sie Platz, noch immer ihre schwarze Lederrüstung mit den Metallbeschlägen tragend.
Sie lass zunächst den geöffneten Brief von..Inara. Sie lächelte sacht und nahm sich dann jenen von Aly vor.
Ein Seufzen entkam ihr, der Brief von Aly lag schon viel zu lange unbeantwortet hier. Inaras, da hatte wohl Jeruno geantwortet. Was er ihr wohl geschrieben hatte? Bisher hatte sie ihren Liebsten noch nicht gesehen und das würde noch etwas warten müssen. Zunächst musste hier eine Antwort geschrieben werden.

Oh meine geliebte Schwester,

verzeih mir, abermals, dass dieser Brief fast ein halbes Jahr brauchte. Ich weiß, dass Jeruno zumindest Inara geschrieben hat, aber das ist wohl kaum eine passende Entschuldigung.
Zumal, ich weiß nicht was er ihr geschrieben hat. Nun...ich kann es mir vorstellen.
Wahrscheinlich, dass ich schlicht zuviel zu tun habe, nur, damit sie sich keine Sorgen macht. Vielleicht hatte er gehofft Dir würde diese Antwort durch Inara reichen, aber ich kenne Dich besser und du kennst mich besser.....und Inara? Sie mich wohl auch aber...ich schätze sie hat sich selbst eingeredet, dass alles bestens ist. Zumal sie ja offensichtlich mit sich selbst genug zu tun hatte.
Hier war...denke ich alles soweit in Ordnung. Das werden die Berichte und Jeruno mir morgen wohl sagen.
Ja, es ist mitten in der Nacht und nach 5 Monaten bin ich jetzt endlich wieder zu Hause.
Was ist also in dieser Zeit passiert...

Nun, ich stellte einen Trupp zusammen aus meinen Schatten und einigen der Stadtwache. Dass dieses Unterfangen einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen würde war durchaus klar.
Es galt mit Temran verbündete Dörfer und Städte aufzusuchen und nach dem Rechten zu sehen.
Das war einfach nötig. Zudem auch um die Reisewege zu sichern.
Wir sind bei den letzten Stadtratssitzungen überein gekommen, dass dies vielleicht einmal im Jahr nötig wäre oder zumindest dann wenn uns Berichte erreichen die von vermehrten Aufkommen von Banditen und ähnlichem handeln.

Die Zeiten sind nunmal unsicher. Sehr sogar.
Ich gestehe, das alles dauerte dennoch länger als gedacht. Natürlich gab es auch Ärger. Was soll ich dir sagen...
Teilweise normale Banditen, Sklavenhändler...Halunken jeglicher Art. Nichts womit wir nicht fertig werden. Wir haben deutliche Warnungen hinterlassen. Wir können nicht zulassen das diese Handelswege so belagert werden.
Aber nicht alles lief so einfach ab. Zweimal gab es einen Hinterhalt. Bei dem einen dachten sie sie hätten leichtes Spiel mit den Frauen...also auch mit mir. Jenen wurde deutlich vor Augen geführt, dass ich keine Waffen brauche um mich meiner Haut zu erwehren oder eine Rüstung.
Eine ungepflegte Prügelei wurde daraus. So wie ich es mag und in dem Moment auch einfach nur brauchte.
Das andere mal, war auf dem Rückweg. Und das, war ernst.
Ich spürte diese Kälte, hörte dieses vermeintliche Flüstern. Dunkle schwarze..dämonische Magie. Anhänger des Dunklen. Sie brauchten wohl Opfer. Sie versuchten einige Tricks, auch mentale, zwei erlagen diesen und waren zum Glück nur kampfunfähig.
Bei mir wirkt das zum Glück nicht so einfach. Dennoch war es ein langer Kampf und zumindest 2 entkamen uns.
Es gab Verletzungen, was uns in der nächsten Stadt doch nochmal Halt machen ließ.
Ich bin nachdenklich. Waren sie hinter mir her? Oder war das nur Zufall? Und das auch noch so kurz vor Mas?

Aber, wir sind alle wieder zu Hause und allen wird es bald wieder besser gehen, auch mir.
Natürlich bin ich nicht unversehrt aus alldem heraus gekommen.
Jeruno wird begeistert sein wenn er mich so sieht...
Neue Narben, Blutergüsse, gebrochene Knochen, tiefe Fleischwunden. Von allem etwas oder nur eines. Aber meinen Geist haben sie nicht berührt und das ist mir noch das wichtigste. Es genügt wenn das andere wieder an Mas tun werden...
Und ja, ich habe zumindest gebrochene Rippen und eine Fleischwunde in der rechten Seite. Ich glaube ich habe sogar ein blaues Auge von der Tavernenschlägerrei..
Ich werde mich erholen, keine Sorge.
Aber nun zu Dir.
Ich sehe, dass Du es da auch nicht leicht hattest. Vielleicht war es einfach auch nicht dein Tag bei dieser Schatzjagd? Oh und ich nehme an du hast gewisse Verletzungen sogar vor Inara versteckt? Sie deutete zumindest sowas an in ihrem Brief.

Nun Drathe...hm lass dir niemals einreden du wärst nicht genug für jemanden. Vielleicht haben die Schatten seiner Vergangenheit ihn eingeholt oder...naja, sein Herz schlägt doch noch immer auch für diese andere Frau mehr als für sonst jemanden oder.
Es ist wohl eher so, das er definitiv dann wohl nicht gut genug für Dich ist.
Verzeih diese offenen Worte dieses mal.
Und, sag das nicht! Es gibt immer noch jemanden der dir durchaus bieten will was du dir ersehnst und endlich mal verdient hast. Und einen von dieser „Sorte“ wirst du nicht so schnell wieder los, ich weiß wovon ich rede.
Uh ja...ich lache grade...und bereue es sofort wieder...

Wie es mir geht weißt du inzwischen und die beiden Kleinen? Ich bin sicher es geht ihnen mehr als gut, noch besser wenn ich wieder bei ihnen bin und ihnen Geschichten vorlese.....das hätte ich auch nie von mir gedacht.
Aber dennoch, besser wäre es wenn sie ihre Tante auch mal wieder sehen würden.
Oder auch ihre Schwester...
Ich könnte wohl grade nicht stolzer auf sie sein oder? Ritterin...ich wäre wirklich gern dabei wenn sie ihren Ritterschlag erhält aber ich denke nicht das es möglich sein wird.
Aber ich bin froh dass du an ihrer Seite sein wirst und Amelia. Und eben all jene die sie Freunde nennt.

So werde aber auch ich hier den Brief schliessen. Denn auch wenn ich gut darin bin Schmerzen auszuhalten, sollte ich meinen Rippen etwas Ruhe gönnen.

Mein Herz ist stehts bei dir und unserer Kleinen meine Schwester. Gebt gut auf euch acht, vor allen in den dunklen Tagen, die vor uns liegen.


Nish lächelte leicht und rollte den Brief zusammen. Bevor sie aber den Raum hier verließ entledigte sie sich ihrer Rüstung und hielt sich wieder ihre Seite, nur um zu merken, dass ihre Hand feucht wurde. Sie fluchte leise, die Wunde blutete wieder stärker, es wurde Zeit für etwas Ruhe.
Also schickte sie ihren Falken mit der Nachricht los nur um dann selbst in ihr Schlafgemach zu Jeruno zu gehen. Sie musste ihn doch wecken, damit er ihr half.
Ja, sie konnte manchmal auch vernünftig sein.


Nish literally snuck into her house. It was the middle of the night. Shortly before, she had said goodbye to one of her "shadows", not without assuring him that everything was fine with her.
But now, she stood in the house and just left the big bag here for the time being. Her goal was her study and not to wake anyone.
She moved as quietly as ever and then also silently closed the door to her study.
Her goal here was actually only the cabinet with the more special alcoholic bottles but, her eyes fell on the desk.
There, of course, lay the one or other parchment, but also a letter. Nish sighed slightly, because she also saw a second one, which was already opened.
So she fetched a bottle of wine and a goblet from the cupboard before heading for the desk. She set the bottle down after pouring some into the goblet and was about to take a seat when a sharp pain in her side made her pause. It reminded her of what she had to take care of later.
So she took off her weapon belt and placed her sword on a nearby dresser, then took a seat, still wearing her black leather armor with the metal fittings.
First she read the opened letter from..Inara. She smiled softly and then took the one from Aly.
A sigh escaped her, the letter from Aly had been lying here unanswered for much too long. Inaras, Jeruno must have answered. She wondered what he had written to her. So far she had not seen her beloved and that would have to wait a little longer. First an answer had to be written here.

Oh my beloved sister,

forgive me, again, that this letter took almost half a year. I know that Jeruno at least wrote to Inara, but that is hardly a suitable excuse.
Especially since, I don't know what he wrote to her. Well...I can imagine.
Probably that I simply have too much to do, just to keep her from worrying. Maybe he hoped that this answer from Inara would be enough for you, but I know you better and you know me better.....and Inara? I suppose she knows me too but...I guess she has convinced herself that everything is fine. Especially since she obviously had enough to do with herself.
Here was...I - thinking everything was fine so far. I guess the reports and Jeruno will tell me that tomorrow.
Yes, it is the middle of the night and after 5 months I am finally back home.
So what happened during that time....

Well, I put together a squad from my shadows and some of the city guards. That this venture would take some time was quite clear.
It was necessary to visit villages and towns allied with Temran and to check up on them.
That was simply required. It was also necessary to secure the travel routes.
We agreed at the last council meetings that this would be needed perhaps once a year, or at least when we receive reports of increased banditry and the like.

Times are uncertain. Very much so.
I confess, it all took longer than expected. Of course, there was also trouble. What can I tell you...
Partly normal bandits, slave traders... scoundrels of any kind. Nothing we can't handle. We've left clear warnings. We can't have these trade routes besieged like this.
But not everything went so easily. Twice there was an ambush. One time they thought they had an easy time with females ...including me. It was made clear to them that I don't need weapons or armor to defend myself.
An uncultivated brawl turned out of it. Just the way I like it and also just what I needed at that moment.
The other time, was on the way back. And that, was serious.
I felt this cold, heard this alleged whispering. Dark black...demonic magic. Followers of the dark. I guess they needed victims. They tried some tricks, including some mental ones, two were succumbed to them and luckily they were only incapaitated.
Fortunately, it does not work so easily on me. Still, it was a long fight and at least 2 escaped us.
There were injuries, which made us stop again in the next town after all.
I am pondering. Were they after me? Or was that just a coincidence? And that so shortly before Mas?

But, we are all back home and everyone will be better soon, including me.
Of course, I didn't come out of all this unscathed.
Jeruno will be thrilled when he sees me like this....
New scars, bruises, broken bones, deep flesh wounds. A little bit of everything or just one. But they have not touched my mind and that is still the most important thing for me. It is enough if others will do that again on Mas....
And yes, I have at least broken ribs and a flesh wound in my right side. I think I even have a black eye from the tavern brawl.
I will recover, don't worry.
But now about you.
I can see that you didn't have it easy there either. Maybe it just wasn't your day on that treasure hunt? Oh, and I suppose you hid certain injuries even from Inara? She implied something like that in her letter.

Well Drathe...hm never let anyone tell you that you are not enough for them. Maybe the shadows of his past have caught up with him or...well, his heart still beats for this other woman more than for anyone else or....
It is more likely that he is definitely not good enough for you.
Forgive these blunt words this time.
And, do not say that! There is still someone who wants to offer you what you long for and finally deserve. And you won't get rid of one of this "kind" so fast, I know what I'm talking about.
Uh yes...I'm laughing right now...and immediately regret it again....

You know how I do by now and the two little ones? I'm sure they are more than fine, even better when I'm back reading them stories.....I would never have thought that of myself.
But still, it would be better if they would see their aunt, too, once again.
Or even their sister...
I couldn't be more proud of her right now, could I? Knight...I would really like to be there when she gets her knighthood but I don't think it will be possible.
But I am glad that you will be by her side and Amelia. And all those she calls friends.

So I will also close the letter here. For even though I am good at enduring pain, I should give my ribs some rest.

My heart is always with you and our little one, my sister. Take good care of yourselves, especially in the dark days ahead.


Nish smiled slightly and rolled up the letter. Before she left the room here, however, she stripped herself of her armor and held her side again, only to find that her hand was getting damp. She cursed softly, the wound was bleeding more again, it was time for some rest.
So she sent her falcon off with the message, only to go to her bedchamber to Jeruno himself. She had to wake him up to help her.
Yes, sometimes she could be reasonable.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

The attack came out of nowhere.

Aly just had time to pull the shield halfway up, then she saw Bidukan attack Katharina out of the corner of her eyes.
With a leap, she tried to dodge Sardon's next blow, which only grazed her.
No potion at hand - Katharina fell.
S'rrt fought with all his might against the attackers - Inara's arrows whirred in the air.
Sardon threw himself with all his might on her and two others did it too ?

Her mind just refused to follow - *They are not Cadomyrian, though.* clicked the mysterious skeleton
- then a crack and swivel at this head... it looked familar
Then two more hard blows hit her and the blood loss gave her the stumble.
There were woozy confused thoughts
"Would Drathe have let this happen ? I think I'm dying now. Where were Exelous, Xannu and Krukk ? Inara ? Would she be missed? Nish I failed ? Caldan, Kyre .. " then everything sank into a comforting black warmth.

A few hours before, the world had been fine. Sure it was Mas and there had been some surprising revelations,
but also hopeful ones. That Bidukan was back she had already learned from Sslik, two days earlier when Mas began.

Then they came - Bidukan, Orion, Sardon, KaShas and a talking skeleton. It was a comedy.
The skeleton wanted revenge for Archmage Elvaine bringing him back to life, introduced himself as Sir Sagrimore Ravenshire
holding up a banana to show that he was peaceful.
Everything was rather funny, Aly was -despite that- quite tensed but also amused.
The skeleton was somehow confused, always wanting to speak to King Reginald and to put an end to Elvaine.....

At some point Katharina decided to go down - Aly's stomach grumbled at this decision.
But she followed, as did Elderknight S'rrt and Inara.
When Bidukan stood next to her and said curtly, "Lamar," with a brief nod, she could have puked.
Sardon did not take his eyes off her and she gave back an unemotional stare.
Katharine honored the fallen Sir Ravenshire with a medal and thus dismissed him from the King's service.

Yes and then... Mas was finished for Cadomyr and drenched in blood.
Last edited by Alytys Lamar on Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Kyre »

After MAS Kyre worried about her friend. She felt guilty not having gone to her earlier but instead hiding out on the top floor of the Red at Yewdale upset with herself for not inviting Aly and Inara to join her! Slowly opening the door to check out the land, Kyre proceeded to make her way to Cadomyr.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Still under the impression of the Mage Tournament, she first wanted to drink some red wine.
Somehow she found magic even more terrifying. Still, it was strangely exciting to watch the mages *tear* each other to shreds.
She knew how powerful Nish was with that power, too, if she had to.
And yet, mages were nothing against an army of undead, helpful certainly, but so fragile.
She has missed Kyre at the tournament, the bloodwitch was rarely seen and she missed her other sister and friend dearly.
But then she shook her head to shake off some dark thoughts.
Parchment and quill - that was what was needed now.

"My dearest sister,

I am so sorry that I did not write sooner - after my visit and healing at your home. I am ashamed of it.
But I was busy hunting down those who did this to us, trying to make myself stronger, trying to take care of Inara - I don't know. Time flew by.

Here I come to Inara - I am mighty proud of her. Our queen is pleased that after a long struggle she has accepted knighthood.
And now she has also won the archery tournament - our champion!
However, I almost beat her (yes, I grin).
Unfortunately, once again someone appeared whom I had never seen before - but who was known to others.
I have no idea how he could beat me in the Melee tournament, but he did it. Maybe he hit faster ?
Anyway - I don't see it so doggedly. He was really just a tad better.

What is the situation in your house ? The twins are now almost a year older again. Give them a kiss from me.
Their godmother may be coming for a visit again soon.

Have you heard anything from Caldan ? I'm getting worried because he hasn't answered my letter.
But I don't run after him and maybe it happened to him like it did to me. Time just flew by.

Again I apologize that it took so long to write. I hope you are safe and sound and everything is going as it should in Temran.
Please give my best regards to everyone.

Yours ~Aly~"

The letter was read through, changed in some places and written again neatly.
Then it lay on the table, folded, to be entrusted to Aratos tomorrow.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

She woke up briefly and was lying on furs and pillows in her house by the chimney.
It felt as if not a single bone in her body was undamaged. With some difficulty, she took a sip of the healing potion she found next to her.
Her crusty eyes were failing her, but she could barely make out Inara and Amelia.
The two were asleep and Aly tried to smile, which caused hellish pain.

Prea - she had tried to kidnap Reace and Acerd, throwing fireballs around, posting dragons of madness on the towers and in the city.
But the worst were the cursed knights. Probably about a dozen.
Aly fell several times, but Cherga seemed to know that she was needed and sent her back each time with a shake of her head and some strength
*You are still needed*.
So many sent to Cherga, some able to return.
Amelia had been so angry at her for dragging herself back again and again, but she just had to.
Her sense of duty was stronger and served as her backbone with an iron will.

When Inara had climbed the tower and dodged the thrown axe (which unfortunately destroyed the flag) she started shooting at the cursed knights.
In a final effort, Aly, Xanthe, Chirch and Caswir threw themselves into the fray one last time.
Mas was over the cursed knights were shouting in fury and the dragons retreated roaring.
The bitter victory was assured.

Aly dozed off again as the healing potion took effect.
But the dreams were marked by worries about Inara, Cadomyr, the queen, as well as Acerd and Reace.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Jeruno stand in der Tür zu seinem und Nishs Schlafgemach, beobachtend und, machte sich Sorgen. Nish so dort liegen zu sehen, wiedermal und Naira bei ihr, welche sich um Nishs Verletzungen kümmerte. Ebenso war Meister Kantel ab und zu hier um nach Nish zu sehen. Jeruno schüttelte den Kopf, wie konnte das nur passieren? Stand es inzwischen wirklich so schlimm um diese Welt?
Jeruno seufzte leicht und schloss die Tür dann leise. Nish schlief und das war gut so. Noch wusste er nicht alle Einzelheiten aber einiges. Genug um endlich ihrer beider Tochter Inara zu schreiben und Nishs Seelenschwester Aly.
Auf dem Weg zum Arbeitszimmer sah er Caldan der gerade mit einem von Nishs „Schatten“ nach draußen ging, aber Caldan nickte seinem kleinen Bruder kurz zu. Jeruno erwiderte das und betrat dann das Arbeitszimmer um sich daran zu machen die Briefe zu schreiben.

Verehrte Aleytys,

ich schätze du hast erwartet, dass jemand anderes dir einen Brief zukommen lässt. Leider ist das derzeit nicht möglich. Ich wünschte ich könnte dir sogar sagen, dass du dir keine Sorgen machen sollst aber weder du noch Inara würden das glauben.
Nish ist hier, auf dem Weg der Besserung und dennoch mache ich mir Sorgen.
Aber bevor ich..einfach weiter schreibe von der Situation jetzt oder auf deinen Brief noch eingehe, sollte ich vielleicht erzählen was eigentlich passiert ist oder was ich zumindest weiß.
Ich bin wohl selbst noch recht mitgenommen und wohl auch Müde von allem. Aber du und Inara, der ich einen separaten Brief zukommen lasse, müssen wissen was los ist.
Also es war der letzte Tag des Mas. Nish war mit 5 anderen, drei ihrer Schatten und zwei Stadtwachen, darunter auch Kendrick, draußen und bekämpfte dieses Chaos was die ganzen Mas Tage vorherrschte. Ja, es war nicht so ruhig diesen Mas. Wir hatten viel zu tun, kann man so sagen. Verluste gab es aber bis dahin keine, wohl aber genug Verletzungen oder von Cherga zurück Gesandte.
So sah unser Mas aus. Nun ja bis zum letzten Tag, wo Nish und die 5 anderen, aus unserer Sicht, einfach verschwanden. Und sie blieben verschwunden für die nächsten 6 Wochen.
Wir haben sie gesucht, sind jeder noch so kleiner Spur gefolgt. Caldan war über Mas hier und blieb auch die ganze Zeit über bei uns. Er beteiligte sich an der Suche, damit ich bei den Kindern sein konnte. Aber leicht war das nicht.
Wir fanden Spuren die auf einen Kampf schließen ließen und darauf, dass Nish und die Fünf verschleppt worden waren. Auch der Einsatz von Magie war unverkennbar.
Wir folgten den Spuren, tagelang, wochenlang, aber viele verliefen ins Nichts und neue tauchten auf.
Nein ich dachte nicht daran dich oder Inara zu verständigen, sieh es mir nach Schwägerin. Mein einziger Gedanke war Nish und die Angst sie für immer verloren zu haben. So etwas, fühlte ich so noch nie. Und Alicia mit ihrem kleinen Sohn ging es wegen Kendrick nicht anders. Und je mehr Zeit verging desto schlimmer wurde es.
Schlussendlich fanden wir wohl alle eine gewisse Erlösung als nach knapp 6 Wochen Nish mit 3 der anderen wieder auftauchte. Aber in einem keinen guten Zustand. Alle waren übel zugerichtet und einer der Stadtwache und ein Schatten, schafften es nicht zurück. Zum Glück aber Kendrick.
Keine konnte sich noch wirklich gut auf den Beinen halten aber Nish brach zusammen.
Auch jetzt noch kümmern sich Naira und Meister Kantel um sie. Aufstehen kann sie auch kaum aufgrund der Schwere der ganzen Verletzungen.
Sie alle wurde offenbar gefoltert soviel weiß ich. Es wurde Fragen gestellt und Nish hat es natürlich besonders schlimm getroffen. Sie..spricht nicht wirklich darüber.
Aber da auch Meister Kantel in ihre Heilung involviert ist, nehme ich an das wohl auch Moshran Anhänger im Spiel waren.
Viel mehr kann ich dir auch nicht sagen oder sollte ich vielleicht auch nicht? Ihr beide werdet euch jetzt ohnehin schon zu viele Sorgen machen.
Aber eines ist sicher, Du weißt, Nish ist stark in jeder Hinsicht. Sie übersteht dass! Ich weiß es. Ich muss daran glauben!
Aber trotz dieser schwierigen Zeit hier bei uns, bin ich natürlich unglaublich Stolz auf unsere kleine Prinzessin. Naja eigentlich schon nicht mehr so klein oder?
Ein Ritter und Champion des Turniers. Natürlich im Bogenschießen. Ja der Gedanke zaubert mir tatsächlich ein Lächeln auf meine Züge. Und Nish wird sich sicher genauso darüber freuen.
Was Caldan betrifft, er wird dir alles selbst erklären. Er ist immer noch hier und weicht nicht von unserer Seite. Familie ist ihm wichtig und du bist es ebenso.

Ich schließe hier den Brief. Vielleicht kann Nish beim nächsten mal schon selbst schreiben.
Es geht ihr langsam besser. Behaltet euch das im Herzen.

Gib gut auf dich acht Aly und auf unsere junge Ritterin.


Jeruno nahm den Brief und legte diesen auf den Tisch neben sich. Caldan würde auch noch einen Schreiben oder hatte es schon. Sie würden die Briefe gleichzeitig abschicken mit zwei Falken. Nyx und Ikon. Beide waren kampferprobt und wussten sich auch gegen Menschen zu behaupten. Sie würden Umwege fliegen und so dem meisten ausweichen. So würden beide sich dann auf den Weg machen.
Und Jeruno? Er fand sich schnell an der Seite seiner Frau wieder um einfach bei ihr zu sein.


Jeruno stood in the doorway to his and Nish's bedchamber, watching and worrying. Seeing Nish lying there like that, once again, and Naira with her, tending to Nish's injuries. Likewise, Master Kantel was here from time to time to check on Nish. Jeruno shook his head, how could this happen? Was the world now really in such a bad state?
Jeruno sighed slightly and then closed the door quietly. Nish was asleep and that was good. He didn't know all the details yet, but he knew some. Enough to finally write to both, their daughter Inara and Nish's soul sister Aly.
On the way to the study he saw Caldan who just went outside with one of Nish's "shadows", but Caldan nodded briefly to his little brother. Jeruno returned that and then entered the study to start writing the letters.

Dear Aleytys,

I guess you were expecting someone else to send you a letter. Unfortunately, that is not possible at this time. I wish I could even tell you not to worry but neither you nor Inara would believe that.
Nish is here, on the road to recovery, and yet I worry.
But before I..just keep writing about the situation now or respond to your letter, maybe I should tell you what actually happened or at least what I know.
I'm probably still quite shaken up myself and probably also tired from everything. But you and Inara, to which I will send a separate letter, need to know what is going on.
So it was the last day of Mas. Nish was out with 5 others, three of her shadows and two city guards, including Kendrick, fighting this chaos that was going on the whole Mas days. Yes, it was not so quiet this Mas. We had a lot to do, you could say. But there were no casualties until then, but enough injured or sent back from Cherga.
That's how our Mas looked like. Well, until the last day, when Nish and the 5 others, from our point of view, just disappeared. And they stayed gone for the next 6 weeks.
We searched for them, followed every little trace. Caldan was here through Mas and stayed with us all the time. He joined in the search so that I could be with the children. But it was not easy.
We found traces that indicated a fight and that Nish and the five had been abducted. The use of magic was also unmistakable.
We followed the tracks, for days, for weeks, but many went to zero and new ones appeared.
No, I didn't think of contacting you or Inara, please forgive me, sister-in-law. My only thought was Nish and the fear of losing her forever. I never felt like this before. And Alicia with her little son was no different because of Kendrick. And the more time passed the worse it got.
Finally, I think we all found some relief when after about 6 weeks Nish showed up again with 3 of the others. But in a very bad condition. All were badly battered and one of the city guards and a shadow did not make it back. Fortunately, Kendrick did.
None could really stay on their feet anymore and Nish collapsed.
Even now Naira and Master Kantel are taking care of her. She can hardly get up either because of the severity of all the injuries.
They all seem to have been tortured as far as I know. Questions were asked and Nish of course was hit particularly hard. She..doesn't really talk about it.
But since Master Kantel is also involved in her healing, I assume that Moshran followers were also involved.
I can't tell you much more than that, or maybe I shouldn't? You two will be worrying about too much by now anyway.
But one thing is for sure, you know Nish is strong in all aspects. She will get through this! I know it. I have to believe it!
But despite this difficult time here with us, I am of course incredibly proud of our little princess. Well, actually not so little anymore, isn't it?
A knight and champion of the tournament. Of course in archery. Yes, the thought actually puts a smile on my face. And I'm sure Nish will be just as happy about it.
As for Caldan, he will explain everything to you on his own. He's still here and won't leave our side. Family is important to him and so are you.

I will close the letter here. Maybe next time Nish will be able to write by herself.
She is slowly getting better. Keep this in your hearts.

Take good care of yourself Aly and our young knight.


Jeruno took the letter and placed it on the table next to him. Caldan would also write another one or already had. They would send the letters at the same time with two falcons. Nyx and Ikon. Both were battle hardened and knew how to hold their own against humans. They would fly detours to avoid most of it. So both would then set off on their way.
And Jeruno? He quickly found himself at his wife's side to simply be with her.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Inara had gone to meditate on her favorite spot on the roof. She would surely pray for her mother now.
Aly would certainly not do that, in her eyes the gods had failed once again. Failed to protect the good ....
She had a sense that Nish would look at it the same way.
The letters had taken a long time to get to both of them. That gave her a little hope, hope that Nish was already feeling better.
She thought about it for a while, but then decided to send the letter directly to Nish and not to Jeruno.

*Dear soul sister,

this has been shocking news, especially for Inara.
I hope and wish that you can already read this letter again, holding it in both hands, since almost 5 months have passed since Mas.
Be assured that I will help you to punish the villains, because what they have done to you, they have done to me...
These murderers will atone for everything they have committed and they will curse the day they made this plan - before they die.
I swear this to you with my heart's blood.

Inara was struggling quite hard with Jerunos's letter.
I hope I could at least comfort her a little and keep us both from just packing our things and rushing to your side.

Mas was also difficult for us and I had a longer recovery period than planned. Prea has once again shown what she thinks of us.

I hope the twins are doing quite well ? I think Jeruno has shielded them a bit.
And I am glad that Caldan is with all of you - was ? to help.

I will write an answer to him in the next few days. I miss him ...

But now get well, regain your energy and then one call is enough and I will be at your side.

You are always with me in my heart


With a deep sigh, she put the letter aside as Inara came downstairs. "I've already written too - shall we send the letters off together ?"
Aly forced a smile and nodded, handing her the letter, so Inara could send them on their way.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nish setzte sich in ihren Stuhl an ihrem Schreibtisch. Zu Hause, in ihrem Arbeitszimmer. Ihre Verletzungen heilten immer noch, zumindest die eine oder andere. Was ihrenGesamtzustand anbelangte wurde es besser. Sie seufzte leicht und sah auf all den Papierkram. Meistens nur Berichte, damit sie auf dem neusten Stand war. Aber auch Briefe. Aly und Inara...
Nachdem Caldan nochmal nach ihr gesehen und ihr den Kräutertee von Naira gebracht hatte, nahm sie sich den Brief von Aly. Las diesen, um dann auch zu antworten. Etwas das ihr nicht so leicht fiel in diesem Moment.

Meine geliebte Schwester,

es ist wohl ein Wunder das ich Dir schreiben kann, oder wieder schreiben kann. Und ich weiß wie viele Sorgen du Dir, und auch Inara, um mich machen. Oder um uns, betrifft das alles doch nicht nur mich allein.
Ich weiß, ich, mache wohl allen die meiste Sorge.
Ich kann dir nicht mal wirklich sagen, wie das passieren konnte. Zuerst war noch Mas und da waren die Untoten und dann, waren meine Leute nicht zu sehen und ich, ich war umzingelt von 7 Kerlen. Ich weiß nicht, vielleicht war ich schon zu erschöpft. Aber kampflos haben die mich trotzdem nicht klein bekommen. Genützt hat es wenig.
Aber alles zu seiner Zeit....vielleicht. Dein Brief, zuerst gehe ich auf diesen ein.
Wie du ja siehst kann ich Deinen Brief lesen und Dir antworten. Ich bin auch schon im Training um wieder ganz auf die Beine zu kommen. Ich brauch nicht sagen, dass Jeruno das nicht so sonderlich gefällt. Aber ich brauche es, mehr als er ahnt. Nur so halte ich diesen Zorn in mir unter Kontrolle, diese Wut, diesen Hass.
Rache. Ich werde sie jagen und zur Strecke bringen, mit dir meine Seelenschwester. Ich werde kein Risiko eingehen, also nicht allein. Aber nicht mit Inara, sie ist zu...rechtschaffen dafür.
Ich werde mir zurückholen was sie mir genommen haben. Sie haben sich mit der Falschen angelegt. Aber das haben sie während meiner Gefangenschaft auch schon gemerkt.
Aber ich kann mir vorstellen wie schwer das gerade für Inara ist. Für sie bin ich immer noch unbesiegbar. Leider bin ich das eben nicht. Und das musste nun auch sie erkennen...
Du bist für unsere Kleine da und sie hört auch auf Dich, das ist das Wichtigste.
Jeruno tat gut daran euch zu sagen, dass es kein guter Zeitpunkt war herzukommen. Jetzt sähe das wohl schon anders aus.
Ich bin noch nicht vollständig geheilt. Vor allem mental nicht. Aber auch körperlich gibt es das ein oder andere was noch so heilen muss, dass man es nicht sieht.
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich solche Folter teilweise noch nie durchmachen musste. Aber das Einzige was diese auslöste, neben Schmerz, ist dieser Zorn und er brennt so unglaublich heiß in mir dass es mir manchmal schwerfällt ihn unter Kontrolle zu halten.
Also erlaube ich mir nach Möglichkeit keinen Gedanken an das Geschehene. Außer Kantel ist hier. Oder als Kandala hier war.
Ja, du liest richtig, sie war hier. Es war nötig. Denn bei diesen Bastarden war auch ein Moshran Priester. Ohnehin schien alles wieder damit zu tun zu haben. Aber eigentlich will ich das nicht alles in einem Brief erörtern, sofern ich das überhaupt so einfach kann.

Etwas anderes...dein Brief...die Zwillinge. Es geht ihnen gut, Jeruno hat sich um alles gekümmert.
Entschuldige ich bin gerade wieder etwas durcheinander, kann man sagen.
Aber Caldan ist noch immer hier und das ist auch ganz gut so. Wie er das mit seiner Crew geregelt hat, wird er dir wohl selbst sagen oder schreiben. Er vermisst dich sehr, soviel weiß ich, aber da ist er ja nicht allein.

Ich denke wenn Dich der Brief erreicht, geht es mir noch besser.

Gib auf Dich acht Schwester.
Oh ...natürlich bin ich unglaublich stolz auf Inara und ich bin froh, dass sie so anders ist als ich. Wenngleich sie auch mein Temperament hat, nur weniger Kontrolle darüber. Aber wer redet hier im Moment von Kontrolle...
Die ist bei mir im Moment auch sehr angeschlagen, wie so vieles...

Bis wir uns wiedersehen oder lesen meine Schwester

Du bist immer in meinem Herzen und meiner Seele


Jeruno kam passend zu Nish als sie fertig war mit dem Schreiben der Briefe. Sie wusste, dass jene anders klangen als sonst, Aber das war dem geschuldet, was geschehen war. Jeruno brachte Nish ins Bett, stützte sie, als die Erschöpfung sie einholte. Noch immer konnte das recht schnell geschehen, vor allem nach einem anstrengendem Tag. Vor diesem Vorfall wäre das so nie der Fall gewesen.
Jeruno sorgte aber auch dafür, dass die Briefe auf die Reise gingen. Nish brauchte Ruhe und derzeit, sah sie das sogar selbst ein.


Nish sat down in her chair at the desk. At home, in her study. Her injuries were still healing, at least some of them. As for her overall condition, it was getting better. She sighed slightly and looked at all the paperwork. Mostly just reports, so she was up to date. But also letters. Aly and Inara...
After Caldan checked on her again and brought her the herbal tea from Naira, she took the letter from Aly. She read it and then answered it. Something that was not so easy for her at that moment.

My beloved sister,

it is a miracle that I can write to you, or write again. And I know how many worries you, and also Inara, have about me. Or about us, all this does not concern only me.
I know I'm the one who worries the most.
I can't even really tell you how this could happen. First there was Mas and there were the undead and then, my people were out of sight and I, I was surrounded by 7 guys. I don't know, maybe I was already too exhausted. But they didn't get me down without a fight. It has not been of much use.
But all in due time....maybe. Your letter, first I will respond to this one.
As you can see, I can read your letter and answer you. I am already in training to get back on my feet. I don't have to tell you that Jeruno doesn't like it very much. But I need it, more than he knows. It's the only way I can keep this anger in me under control, this rage, this hatred.
Revenge. I will chase them and hunt them down, with you my soul sister. I won't take any chances, so not alone. But not with Inara, she's too...righteous for that.
I'm going to get back what they took from me. They messed with the wrong one. But they already realized that during my captivity.
But I can imagine how hard this is for Inara right now. For her I am still invincible. Unfortunately, I am not. And now she had to realize that too...
You are there for our little one and she listens to you, that is the most important thing.
Jeruno did well to tell you that it was not a good time to come here. Now it would be different.
I am not completely cured yet. Especially mentally. But also physically there are one or two things that still need to heal in a way that you cannot take notice.
I must confess that I have partly never had to go through such torture. But the only thing that triggered this, besides pain, is this wrath and it burns so incredibly hot in me that sometimes it's hard for me to keep it under control.
So, if possible, I don't allow myself to think about what happened. Unless Kantel is here. Or when Kandala was here.
Yes, you read correctly, she was here. It was necessary. Because with these bastards there was also a Moshran priest. Anyway, everything seemed to be related to that again. But actually I don't want to discuss all this in a letter, if I can do it at all so simple.

Something else...your letter...the twins. They are fine, Jeruno took care of everything.
Sorry I'm a little confused again right now, you can say.
But Caldan is still here and that's quite good. I guess he'll tell you or write to you himself how he handled it with his crew. He misses you dearly, I know that much, but he's not alone in that.

I think when the letter reaches you, I will feel even better.

Take care of yourself, sister.
Oh ...of course I am incredibly proud of Inara and I am glad she is so different from me. Although she also has my temperament, just less control over it. But who's talking about control right now....
That's also very fragile with me at the moment, like so many things....

Until we meet again or read my sister

You are always in my heart and soul


Jeruno appropriately came to Nish as she finished writing the letters. She knew that those sounded different than usual, but that was due to what had happened. Jeruno put Nish to bed, supporting her as exhaustion caught up with her. It could still happen quite quickly, especially after a busy day. Before this incident, that would never have been the case.
Jeruno, however, also made sure that the letters were on their way. Nish needed rest and at the moment, she even acknowledged that herself.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

After helping the man named Silas reclaim his cargo from the filthy Orc thieves, she had a serious talk with Inara.
She tried to make her understand that panic is a very bad advisor, but also that Aly could understand after her recent experiences in Temran.
Actually, she could only hope that the little stubborn one had understood that 1.) she was not too old to fulfil a mission and task
(which, to be honest, had almost offended her a little) and 2.) that with the title of knight she also bore responsibility for the queen, Cadomyr and all the inhabitants.

She had just sat down to write a letter to Nish when Irana called from the roof that Geraia was visiting and that she would get some meat.
Heart pounding, she took the map and the letter, caressed Geraia's feathers and then left it to Inara to feed the lady eagle.

She read the letter and a smile appeared on her lips.
Now she would bring the answer to this letter personally.

She took the note back for Nish and read it through again, changed a few things here and there and then folded it up contentedly to entrust it to her falcon Aratos later.

*Dear soul sister,

another Mas has passed, one that was frighteningly quiet. Are they just catching their breath to hit us with full force next time? Or do I see only ghosts everywhere ?
I had made it my mission to watch Letma, just to see what was happening during Mas. But there was nothing - absolute oppressive silence.
Something was still strange - I felt like I was being watched. But not the kind of - hairs on the back of my neck standing up - danger looming, perception.
It was our little one who, in a panic, simply crept up behind me without saying anything to anyone.
You have to give her credit that I didn't see her - but imagine if something had happened to her... No one would have known where she could be or what she was doing,
I set her straight. Panic is a bad advisor - even though I can understand her reaction after what happened in Temran. But she has also taken responsibility for the queen and Cadomyr.
Of course, it also scratched my ego a little that she doesn't even trust me to carry out a mission on my own - well, that's the preserve of youth.
But as I said, everything was rooted in the experience of what happened to you and then in Temran. We are fine with each other again.

As I have just heard from Caldan, your Mas was calm and I am glad that you did not have to put yourself in danger again.

Otherwise, everything is as usual here - that means I will now pack up a few things and take a boat to the island that is marked on the map.
I miss the sea bear very much and can hardly wait to see him again.

Give the twins a kiss and say hello to everyone else.

with love
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nish kam spät von der Ratssitzung zurück. Ihr erster Weg führte sie leise in das Zimmer der Zwillinge, welche tief und fest schliefen. Nish küsste sacht die Stirn von Darius und Maliel bevor sie wieder hinaus ging und sie schlafen ließ. Ihr Weg führte sie aber nicht in ihr Schlafzimmer sondern wieder hinunter in ihr Arbeitszimmer. Sie nahm den Brief, welcher schon etwas mitgenommen aussah vom Schreibtisch und seufzte einfach nur. Sie öffnete ihn, las ihn nochmals bevor sie ihn zusammen knüllte und ins Feuer des Kamins warf. Sie würde einen neuen schreiben.
Anders war es nicht zu machen. Immerhin hatte das ganze jetzt wirklich lange gedauert. Zum Glück war Caldan ja öfter bei Aly und konnte so durchaus jene beruhigen. Ihr sagen, das im Grunde in Temran alles in Ordnung war. Sie nahm sich einen Kelch Wein und setzte sich an den Schreibtisch. In dem Brief bedurfte es vor allen Dingen gewisser Erklärungen.

Geliebte Schwester,
was soll ich dir schreiben? Zuerst vielleicht dass hier soweit alles in Ordnung ist? Aber ich schätze, dass Caldan dir dies jedes Mal auch gesagt hat.
Erklärungen folgen. Zunächst bin ich sicher dass dieser Brief dich noch vor Mas erreichen wird. Ich werde Ikon schicken wie du sehen wirst, wobei er nirgendwo hinfliegt ohne deine Nyx.
Nun, ich hatte eigentlich kurz nachdem ich deinen Brief erhalten hatte, eine Antwort geschrieben. Allerdings habe ich mich überreden lassen von Jeruno das diesmal einem Jungfalken machen zu lassen. Es war nicht sein erster Flug aber leider brauch ich dir ja nicht zu sagen, dass es wohl sein längster war und er nicht am vorbestimmten Ziel ankam. Genau genommen haben wir ihn drei mal losgeschickt. Das nächste mal lass ich mich nicht von Jeruno dazu überreden. Soll er seine Nachrichten dafür verwenden. Ja, ich war schon etwas sauer auf ihn. Und ich habe im Arbeitszimmer übernachtet ein paar Nächte. Was mir aber nicht ganz so gut tat.
Mir geht es insgesamt besser natürlich. Nur ab und an...suchen mich Alpträume eben doch heim. Verschiedene Dinge aber ja auch von dem was dieser Priester getan hat und die anderen Bastarde.
Ich schlafe einfach besser wenn Jeruno bei mir ist.
Aber etwas anderes, ich hoffe Inara hat es inzwischen verstanden, dass ihr Verhalten an Mas nicht das klügste war. Allerdings wenn einem..sagen wir ein Schatten noch im Nacken hängt, in diesem Fall all das was mit mir und in Temran geschehen ist, ist die Angst jemanden zu verlieren um so größer und damit musste sie so noch nie zurecht kommen. Aber ich bin sicher, dass sie daraus lernt und mit mehr Bedacht vorgeht.
Jener Mas war hier recht ruhig und ich habe mich auch zurück gehalten.
Nur waren auch die Zwillinge krank, aber das war erst so kurz nachdem dein Brief hier ankam. Ja da war ich wirklich mehr als eingespannt, aber eigentlich war es nicht wirklich etwas Ernstes. Die beiden schleppten es nur etwas länger mit sich herum. Deswegen war ich auch...eher zu Hause bei ihnen. Immer noch ein seltsames Gefühl wenn ich daran denke...aber auch ein sehr schönes.
Es geht ihnen aber wieder gut, also mach dir keine Sorgen. Sie lieben auch ihren Onkel und würden gerne ihre Tante wiedersehen.
Caldan und seine Leute sind hier wirklich eine große Hilfe und für die Dörfer in der Umgebung oder etwas weiter weg. Zudem kann ich dir sagen, er ist glücklich. Mit dir und wegen dir.
Heute hatte ich noch eine Ratssitzung wegen Mas, der schon wieder vor der Tür steht. Sie war recht lang und ich freue mich gleich auf mein Bett und meinen Mann neben mir.
Übersteht Mas gut ihr beiden, Inara bekommt auch direkt einen Brief von mir, ihr beide seid in meinen Gedanken und meinem Herzen.
Geb gut auf dich acht meine Schwester.

Deine Nish

Nish atmete nochmals leicht durch bevor sie de Brief nochmals überflog und diesen dann beiseite legte um ihrer Tochter ebenso einen zu schreiben. Sie nahm sodann beide und ging an das Fenster. Sie pfiff und Ikon und Nyx waren fast sofort da. Gefolgt von ihrem Nachwuchs. Jungfalken. Aber sie sollten nur begleiten was wohl keine schlechte Idee war. Nyx bekam den Brief für Aly und Ikon den für Inara.
Nish blickte der Familie kurz hinterher, dann begab sie sich ins Schlafgemach. Raus aus der Kleidung zu ihrem Mann ins Bett, welcher direkt den Arm um sie legte und Nish sich anschmiegte, sich sicher fühlte und so ruhigeren Schlaf finden konnte.


Nish returned late from the council meeting. Her first way led her quietly to the twins' room, who were sound asleep. Nish gently kissed the foreheads of Darius and Maliel before going back out and leaving them sleeping. Her way did not lead her to their bedroom, but back down to her study. She took the letter, which already looked a bit battered, from the desk and just sighed. She opened it, read it again before she crumpled it up and threw it into the fire of the fireplace. She would write a new one.
There was no other way to do it. After all, the whole thing had taken a really long time now. Fortunately, Caldan was often with Aly and could calm her down. Tell her that basically everything was fine in Temran. She took a cup of wine and sat down at the desk. In the letter, above all, certain explanations were needed.

Beloved sister,
What should I write to you? First, maybe that everything is fine here so far? But I guess that Caldan has told you this every time.
Explanations follow.
First of all, I am sure that this letter will reach you before Mas. I will send Ikon as you will see, flying nowhere without your Nyx.
Well, I had actually written a reply shortly after I received your letter. However, I let Jeruno persuade me to let a young falcon do it this time. It wasn't his first flight but unfortunately I don't need to tell you that it was probably his longest and he didn't arrive at the predetermined destination. In fact, we sent him off three times. Next time I won't let Jeruno talk me into it. Let him use his messages for that. Yes, I was a bit angry with him. And I slept in the study a few nights. Which didn't do so well for me.
I'm doing better overall of course. Only now and then... nightmares haunt me. Different stuff, but also from what that priest did and the other bastards.
I just sleep better when Jeruno is near me.
But something else, I hope Inara has understood by now that her behavior at Mas was not the smartest. However, when you have...let's say a shadow still hanging on your neck, in this case all that happened to me and in Temran, the fear of losing someone is that much greater and she has never had to deal with it like that. But I'm sure she'll learn from it and be more discerning.
That Mas was quite calm here and I also held back.
Only the twins were sick too, but that was just after your letter arrived here. Yes, I was really more than engaged then, but actually it wasn't really anything serious. The twins were just dragging it around a bit longer. That's why I was...more at home with them. Still a strange feeling when I think about it...but also a very pleasant one.
They are doing well again though, so don't worry about it. They love their uncle and would love to see there aunt again.
Caldan and his people are really a big help here and for the villages in the area or a little further away. Besides, I can tell you, he is happy. With you and because of you.
Today I had another council meeting because of Mas, who is already on the doorstep again. It was quite long and I am looking forward to my bed and my husband next to me.
Get through Mas well you two, Inara will also get a letter from me directly, you are both in my thoughts and my heart.
Take good care of yourself my sister.

Yours Nish

Nish took another breath before she skimmed the letter again and put it aside to write one to her daughter as well. She then took both and went to the window. She whistled and Ikon and Nyx were there almost immediately. Followed by their offspring. Young hawks. But they were only supposed to accompany which was probably not a bad idea. Nyx got the letter for Aly and Ikon the one for Inara.
Nish glanced after the family for a moment, then headed for the bedchamber. She got out of her clothes and into bed with her husband, who put his arm around her and Nish snuggled up, feeling safe and thus able to find a more peaceful sleep.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Her rage was so great and fiery that even the sheep, foxes and other animals of the desert gave her a wide berth.
A pirate had the misfortune to cross her path and after he thought he could rob a woman alone and without armor, his last thought was bewilderment.
Her knife, which she always carried hidden, had pierced his heart, she just kept walking. She was on fire ....

How could Runewick dare, what an absurd trial and judgment.
100 gold ???
A fatal sign for any criminal.
"Go to Runewick, save gold and murder and rob. Then say it's a trauma - pay a little gold and all is well"

They were not allowed to defend themselves or testify. It was a farce. Instead, she - Aleytys Lamar - was accused of attacking harmless visitors.
A slap in the face for her, who had always spoken out in favor of Runewick. Criminals were worth more in Runewick than the truth, victims and their suffering.

She had trusted Caswir. Aswe was fighting a losing battle alone and Malchus - well, he was a hired sellsword and not trustworthy either.
The fact that he was a Guard Captain did not change this fact.

Deanna found it all amusing and the archmage always kept his mouth shut anyway.
Sardon and Ka'Shas had dared to make a farce of the whole thing - nobody stopped them.
And then that lawyer de'Puy ...
What on earth was "in dubio pro reo"? She didn't know that language... it probably meant something like "Let criminals go if they pay for it?"
Besides, it was an impertinence to inflict this on Amelia. Everyone knew her and knew how honest and caring she was.
One thing you had to admit to this de'Puy, she had brilliantly divided everything into side issues and diverted the focus from the truth.

If Orion had at least confessed to his crime and shown remorse, she would have been able to live with the verdict to some extent.
But these outrageous lies ....

The letter to Nishada was simply crumpled up and the desert wind carried it away.
Inara had asked not to mention it to her mother.
That meant she had to talk to Caldan first. He knew about the trial and to fulfill Inara's request he had to keep quiet.

She walked through the desert all night, turning the consequences back and forth in her mind.
One thing was certain for her.... should Orion cross her path, may the gods have mercy on him.
Suddenly she was overcome by tiredness.
She was too far away from Cadomyr, so she lay down to rest in her beloved desert - just as she had always done and would always do.
The desert wind sang along with its defiant lullaby ....
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Alytys Lamar
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Joined: Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:13 pm
Location: Always in the middle of nowhere

Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly poured herself another glass of the excellent red wine she had received from Caldan.
He spoiled and surprised her again and again. He also usually gave Nish all the news.
Nevertheless, she finally had to confess to her what had happened at the trial.
Inara was still struggling to come to terms with the verdict, but was also firm and snappy enough to stand her ground.

"Beloved soul sister,

we have now come to terms with the verbal bearer of news, named Caldan.
Nevertheless, there is something I should tell you, because Caldan promised silence.

The court case went badly, to say the least.
The verdict was a joke - 100 gold for Inara's life. As victims, we weren't even given a hearing.
I'll spare you further details. Runewick and Cadomyr live in a lousy political state.
Now that my anger is gone and I hope you won't freak out after the time that has passed, I knew you should know.
In any case, Inara is handling the situation maturely and in her own way.
She had asked me not to say anything after the verdict. But since she is dealing with it so consciously, I no longer see any reason to hide it.

Mas was - mmmh - quiet here. We had to deal with doppelgangers and it wasn't easy to decide who or what was the real person.
I'm almost afraid there's more to it than that, as Countess Katharina had been kidnapped. I think she got off relatively lightly.
Nevertheless, I have the feeling that it was a kind of demonstration of power. By whom? - I'll give you three guesses. "Look, I can copy you whenever I want"

I hope the dark times went just as smoothly for you without any major disasters. Caldan is not back yet.

I am with you in my heart, give the twins a kiss from me.

Yours Aly"

After reading the letter once more, she went to the balcony where Aratos was already waiting and after a few words of endearment and treats, he set off on his flight.
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