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Inara Valdris
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Re: Downtime

Post by Inara Valdris »

Inara mag gesehen worden sein wie sie hinter der Villa in der sie mit Aly lebt ein silbernblau schimmerndes Portal öffnet und mit mehr Gepäck als gewöhnlich hindurch geht. Vertraute und Freunde wie auch Familie sind über diese Reise und den Grund durchaus informiert.

((Inara wird wohl vor Mas zurück sein. Charakterbezogene kurze Auszeit))


Inara may have been seen opening a shimmering silver-blue portal behind the villa where she lives with Aly and walking through with more luggage than usual. Familiars and friends as well as family are well informed about this journey and the reason.

((Inara will probably be back before Mas. Character related short time out))
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Dragonlord Atarka
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Re: Downtime

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

Sardon sends notes to a few who it concerns.

"The Dragon slumber calls once more, it cannot be helped. This one will come back refreshed and reinvigorated."

Tonight I take flight
On the winds of dreams
With wings, luminous in the night
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Yridia is seen with light bags, opening a shimmering bluish portal and striding through with a smile.


Dame Aleyts Lamar leaves Illarion almost at the same time. Should anyone observe her, she will take a ship that leads to the old,
destroyed, port of Cadomyr.
Surprisingly, there is a small dinghy that seems to be waiting for her.

Vacation until May 26
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Dragonlord Atarka
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Re: Downtime

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

Sardon has been seen packing an entire caravan full of valuables, with some armed guards, assumedly mercenaries from far off foreign lands. He appears to be taking everything with him and could be heard saying "There's nothing here worthy of thiss one'ss ambition, let the dog brain's have it, this empire of Sssh*t"

Ohh how the years have been wasted, time to start again in new lands with new people. The life of the Wandering Sage continues.
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Re: Downtime

Post by Caswir »

Caswir is seen taking a ship from the harbor.

((Will be with out internet until the 16th.))
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly is seen to leave Cadomyr with a big backpack.

Yridia seems not reachable.

on vacation for a couple of days
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

An attentive observer might see a blue shining behind Villa Edward.
A portal seems to open and Inara, Aly, a young man - as well as a dog, two falcons and a... ferret disappear into it.
Then it closes again with a soft crackling sound.

(( gone until Sunday night ))
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Dragonlord Atarka
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Re: Downtime

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

Sardon vanishes from the lands without a trace. Perhaps one of the Cadomyrian knights got him after all?

((Im not playing an enforced rp game where people refuse to play the game and instead want to use meta gaming and the forum to use mechanical bans instead of role-playing. There are plenty of characters to act out a myriad of scenarios, yet it comes down to engine bans because people are really just malicious and don't want you to play the game. You literally NEED the engine bans because you know you couldn't face this group of characters. Now 6 people are leaving illarion for good. Enjoy asking the question 'why isn't there anyone here' a month from now.))
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Yridia Anar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Yridia Anar »

Yridia is seen leaving Trollshaven on an unknown ship with blue sails.
At her side Guir was seen carrying her bags to the ship.
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Re: Downtime

Post by Aswe »

A large orcess has been found dead in the desert, her dessicated body stuck with javelins and arrows in her chest
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Re: Downtime

Post by Kyre »

Left her favorite foods on Hur's body before running away.
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Re: Downtime

Post by Aswe »

Aswe is seen boarding a ship.

When questioning the harbourmaster, it appears it is planned as a return trip
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

You can see Inara, Reace and Aly walking through a bluish portal with light luggage.
Previously, halflings were sent with messages to inform all friends.
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Katharina Brightrim
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Re: Downtime

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

There is a certain spike of excitement noticeable around Villa Annabeth. Asked about the source of the excitement, the Countess of House Desert Fox would brightly tell people about an upcoming visit of her son. At the same time, though, preparations will probably reduce her time out and about.

((On vacation from Friday on. Probably around now and then, but wouldn't really bet on it))
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Re: Downtime

Post by shireenail »

Some Runewickers might have been the last to see Shireena'il walk out of town with backpack and walking stick in hand.
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Rumours are spreading that Aleytys Lamar has a severe feverish cold and has to stay in bed on Amelia's advice.
Inara Valdris will certainly know more about this and ensure that the knight really stays in bed.

(( on vacation 'til Sunday, 15th. Reachable if necessary over Discord ))
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Re: Downtime

Post by shireenail »

"Get off the wagon!" The roar thudded into her returning consciousness. Shireena jolted awake, feeling as if she had been thrown from a dark hole directly into a explosively light. Startled, she looked around. There was load noise arround, but she saw nothing around her but dim light. It took her a moment to realize that she was in a covered wagon, lying on sacks of grain.
It came back to her as she could hear the loud yelling of voices outside the wagon. The weeks-long journey had sapped the last of her strength, she asked a traveling merchant to take her on the wagon, but had to pay in advance. She just wanted to conserve her strength to give her battered feet a rest and not fall asleep.
"Does the lady want to be taken out of the carriage with a sedan chair? We're here! Come on out you lazy foot, I don't want any trouble with the gate guard!" yelled the wagon driver from outside. Shireena didn't answer, she adjusted her bag whose strap was still around her upper body, grabbed the staff she was still lying on, looked around briefly and pushed herself forward through the rear tarpaulin of the wagon.
With one leap she stood on the ground and saw the stocky wagon driver staring at her with a dirty grin, "You've been sleeping for a long time, girl, now get lost." She looked around and saw many people walking past on both sides of the wagon, almost all of them carrying sacks, baskets and individual goods, with handcarts and other oxcarts being pulled past. Shireena stepped a little to the side next to the cart and saw a raised town wall on the front of the oxcart, the path they were on ran straight towards a gate. The people around them were talking loudly, she couldn't make out any coherent words, the babble of voices, the bellowing of the oxen, the milling of the wheels on the stony ground and the cracking of the whips over the draught animals was too loud.
Shireena quickly searched through her bag and checked the equipment she was carrying. Finally, she nodded with satisfaction and gave the wagon driver a gold coin. "For your decency in not mugging me in my sleep." The wagon driver showed his teeth, or what was left of them, with a broad grin. He bit the gold piece and then put it away with a furtive glance. "I'm not so stupid as to attack a witch" he rumbled and looked with distaste at the magic staff she was holding. Then he walked forward without another word, shouted at the oxes and cracked his whip at them. The wagon started to move and rolled with the stream towards the town gate.
Shireena moved to the side, straightened up a little, then looked up the city wall. High towers rose above the wall, and even higher towers behind them. The city towered majestically before her, for a moment she held her breath in awe, then only one word passed her lips "Lor Angur" as she slowly walked towards the city gate.

((I'm taking the character out of the game for the time being. The background was not a good idea and the RP did not develop as I had hoped))
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Katharina Brightrim
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Re: Downtime

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

A public letter at the palace informs citizen and visitors about the temporary absence of the Countess.

((Vacation until the 8th or 9th of September. Probably sporadically available via Discord or DM))
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly was seen at the harbor leaving Illarion by ship once again. But this time it was different.
Inara stood there, brave but tearful, waving until the boat was no longer visible.

(( Aly is out of the game, and will only return in a crisis and if called ))
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