Future, Fate and Faith

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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly was dissatisfied.
Aly was stressed.
Aly was also bored and felt like she was treading water.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, was making any progress.

The desert felt colder than usual.
Shivering, she hunched her slender shoulders as the breeze caressed her.

In short, Aly felt useless, alone and unhappy.
Inara was struggling with herself and had also withdrawn from her a little.
Aly knew the young elfess was growing up and it probably had to be that way.
Still, this knowledge did not make Aly's emotional state any better.

Everyone was putting her off right now - except Kyre. The faithful friend was there for her.
And she had apparently come to terms with her break-up from Caswir pretty well, too.
Kyre had suddenly become more aware of her own strengths. Aly was happy for her friend.

Drathe - the rogue - he had promised her that they would meet soon.
Her eyebrows furrowed above her dark eyes. Kaelyn had dropped him once again and so he simply withdrew himself from everyone.
Frustrated, she picked up one of the stones and let it dance across the water with a violent throw.
Finally, a small smile tugged at her lips.

There would be better times again, times when she felt better, times when she would feel useful. Times when she felt loved.

She was supposed to write a letter to Nish, but she lacked the will to do so.
What could she write? That she felt suffocated under a thick grey blanket ?
No, she didn't want to do that to the busy mother of twins.

She laid down on her back and stared up at the starry sky of the desert above Cadomyr.
For a long, long time she simply lay there, taking in the infinity and beauty.
She would continue to do her duties, do what had to be done = and the rest would work itself out.
At some point she dozed off in her thoughts, unafraid of wild animals.
The desert had always sheltered her and always would.
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aratos had been back for two days. He had brought a message to Dragotal, to Guir.
It was good to read from her old companion. And she knew she could count on him, should it be necessary.

Again and again she had picked up parchment and quill, only to put it away again after a few minutes.
But at some point she had to answer Nish or they would start to worry.
Better a short message than none at all - she thought to herself.
It was already evening, Inara was again out somewhere alone and so she closed the quiet villa and walked to her favourite place.

Once there, she made herself comfortable by the fire, poured herself a glass of wine and then finally, with a deep sigh, wrote a short letter to Nish.

*My soul sister,

I apologise for not writing for so long - but there isn't much to report.
Inara is very reclusive at the moment, I think perhaps that's what she needs to do to grow up.
Not that I like it...
Well - and me - there is not much to say. I'm kind of treading water - I think you know what I mean.
A feeling that is definitely not good for me.

It just happens - absolutely nothing.

Something in your letter, however, gives me a headache.
What about your seals?
How badly are they damaged or out of order?
I hope your mother can help you.
You need all your strength for the twins.

Thank you again for holding me in such high esteem to name your daughter after me.
You know I had always problems dealing with things like this, but yes it has touched me deeply in my heart and made me also a little bit proud.

Please take care of yourself and yours!

Always with you in my heart


A soft whistle and Aratos elegantly glided in shortly afterwards and settled down next to her.
Aly caressed his feathers tenderly before attaching the folded letter and sending him off on another journey.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nishadaa fühlte sich seltsam. Es war seltsam wieder hier zu sein. Zu Hause? Nein, das war es nie gewesen. Aber, das Reich ihrer Mutter. Lhiras zu Hause. Aber sie hatte schnell gemerkt warum sie nicht gerne hier war. Viel zu viel von Respekt, Ehrerbietung und Freundlichkeit. Ganz anders als in Temran.
Manches ehrlich und anderes nur eine Maske, welche die Abneigung in den Augen nicht immer verstecken konnte.
Aber sie war schon froh wenn die Bediensteten nicht immer fragten ob sie was tun konnten für sie. Jeruno war natürlich recht überwältigt von Ar-Sikar.
Nish suchte gerade nur etwas Ruhe für sich um den Brief an ihre Seelenschwester zu schreiben. Was war dafür besser geeignet als der Balkon ihres Zimmers im Palast, von dem aus sie die ganze Stadt sehen konnte.

Meine geliebte Schwester,

Ich hoffe du bist gut zu Hause wieder angekommen. Aber vorallem, dass du dich weiter erholen konntest. Ich kann mir vorstellen dass das Erlebte vielleicht noch etwas nachhallt.
Bei mir ist es in jedem Fall so. Teilweise sind es Alpträume und teilweise...nun, man kann es wohl kaum wirkliche Alpträume nennen. Auch wenn man sich nach dem Erwachen eher schlecht fühlt.
Es wird besser werden, dass hoffe ich einfach.
Vielleicht helfen bei dir aber auch die Erinnerungen an die Zwillinge um das andere eher beiseite zu legen?
Aber dazu kommt noch die Lage in den drei Reichen bei dir selbst. Hat sich da denn etwas getan? Kommt Bewegung in alles oder, doch eher nicht?
Wie geht es Inara? Geht es ihr besser?
Ich habe ihr einen Brief geschrieben und erklärt was hier geschehen ist, während du hier warst. Ich bin nicht ins Detail gegangen aber es war genug um alles soweit zu verstehen. Sie muss nicht wissen was sich in meinem...unserem Geist abgespielt hat. Nur, dass wir heimgesucht wurden.
Bevor du hier aufgetaucht bist hatte ich vor dir im Brief von Nyx und Ikon zu berichten aber, nun hast du sie ja noch leibhaftig sehen können und ihren Nachwuchs.
Was gibt es noch zu sagen, außer, dass ich grade auf einem Balkon sitze, ein Kleid trage, welches auch zu mir passt und ich sehr mag. Es immer wieder geklopft wird um zu fragen ob ich noch etwas benötige und ich einfach nur wieder nach Hause nach Temran will.
Ja, ich bin bei meiner Mutter. Jeruno und die Zwillinge sind auch hier. Er wollte mich nicht alleine gehen lassen und die Zwillinge zu Hause zu lassen, war demnach keine Option
In ein paar Tagen reisen wir auch wieder zurück nach Temran.
Aber ich musste hier her kommen, Nicht nur um meine Tattoos erneuern zu lassen, diesmal ohne Siegel. Ich habe auch Lady Kandala besucht und mit ihr gesprochen, im Tempel. Den Gott jetzt wirklich zu wechseln, fällt schwer.
Sie sagt jedoch wenn ich das wirklich will, soll ich mir Zeit lassen. Selbst Brágon würde verstehen, dass so etwas nicht einfach ist und sicherlich nicht über Nacht geschehen kann. Aber meine Bereitschaft überhaupt darüber nachzudenken wäre schon ein Anfang oder auch einfach nur eine respektvolle Geste.
Vielleicht tue ich das? Ich weiß es nicht.
Irgendwie ist da ein Gefühl für Brágon. Aber ebenso für Cherga. Dennoch wirklich zu einem Gott zu beten, einem anderen Gott als Moshran, auch wenn ich das natürlich ewig nicht getan habe, fällt sehr schwer. Ich werde einfach sehen wie sich das entwickelt.
Die Beteiligung an meiner „Befreiung“ durch die Macht Brágons, können wir beide ja wohl nicht leugnen.
Oh und Lady Kandalas Arm wird ersetzt werden durch Magie und reine Kristalle und Metall... Sie meinte nur, wir werden es schon sehen.
Und du meine Seelenschwester, solltest einmal diesen Ort sehen, genauso wie Inara. Sie wird ohnehin schmollen, dass ihr Vater und sogar ihre jüngeren Geschwister ihr nun etwas vor raus haben.
Zum Ende dieses Briefes hin, kann ich offen und ehrlich sagen...
Ja, ich fühle mich anders. Befreiter und ich fühle nicht mehr die Dunkelheit im Nacken oder mir so nah.
Wir werden sehen wohin das alles führt.

Gib auf dich acht meine Schwester und auf unseren kleinen Hitzkopf.

Meine Gedanken und mein Herz sind bei euch


Nish atmete nochmal leicht durch als sie den Brief fertig verfasst hatte, zum 2. mal. Beim ersten Mal, hatte sie zu spät bemerkt das sie eher auf dem geprägtem Papier von Ar-Sikar geschrieben hatte und das, musste nun wirklich nicht sein und war ohnehin für so etwas eher ungeeignet. Sie faltete den Brief und befestigte diesen an einem Adler mit schwarz-goldenem Gefieder. Sie strich ihm durch jenes und nannte ihm das Ziel. Er erhob sich in die Lüfte und flog los.
Nish sah ihm noch eine Weile nach, bevor sie sich dem Zimmer zuwand und dort den schlafenden Zwillingen.


Nishadaa felt strange. It was strange to be back here. At home? No, it had never been. But, her mother's realm. Lhira's home. But she had soon realised why she didn't like being here. There was far too much respect, deference and friendliness. Quite different from Temran.
Some honest and some just a mask that couldn't always hide the aversion in the eyes.
But she was glad if the servants were not always asking if they could do something for her. Jeruno was of course quite overwhelmed by Ar-Sikar.
Nish was just looking for some peace and quiet to write the letter to her soul-sister. What better place to do it then the balcony of her room in the palace, from where she could see the whole city.

My beloved sister,

I hope you have returned home safely. But above all, that you were able to recover further. I can imagine that what you have been through might still linger.

It is like that for me in any way. Partly they are nightmares and partly...well, you can hardly call them real nightmares. Even if you feel rather bad after waking up.
It will get better, I just hope so.
Maybe the memories of the twins will help you to put the other things aside?

But there is also the situation in the three realms with yourself. Has something happened there? Is there movement in everything or rather not?

How is Inara? Is she better?

I wrote her a letter explaining what happened here while you were here. I didn't go into details but it was sufficient to make her understand everything so far. She doesn't need to know what's been going on in my... our minds. Just that we were haunted.

Before you showed up here, I was going to tell you about Nyx and Ikon in the letter, but now you've seen them in the flesh and their offspring.

What else is there to say, except that I'm sitting on a balcony right now, wearing a dress that also suits me and that I like very much. People keep knocking to ask if I need anything else and I just want to go back home to Temran.

Yes, I am with my mother. Jeruno and the twins are here too. He didn't want to let me go alone and leaving the twins at home was no option.

In a few days we will also travel back to Temran.
But I had to come here. Not only to get my tattoos renewed, this time without a seal. I also visited and spoke with Lady Kandala at the temple. To really change the god now is very difficult.
However, she says if I really want to, I should take my time. Even Brágon would understand that such a thing is not easy and certainly cannot happen overnight. However, my willingness to even think about it would already be a start or even just a respectful gesture.
Perhaps I will do that? I don't know.

Somehow there is a feeling for Brágon. But also for Cherga. Still, to really pray to a god, a god other than Moshran, even though of course I haven't done that for ages, is very tough. I'll just see how it develops.
The involvement in my "liberation" through the power of Brágon, I don't think we can both deny this.
Oh, and Lady Kandala's arm will be replaced by magic and pure crystals and metal.... She just said we'll see.

And you, my soul sister, should see this place someday, as should Inara.She will sulk anyway that her father and even her younger siblings are now ahead of her.
Towards the end of this letter, I can openly and honestly say....
Yes, I feel different. More liberated and I no longer feel the darkness breathing down my neck or so closely to me.
We will see where all this leads.

Take care of yourself my sister and our little spitfire.

My thoughts and heart are with you


Nish took a slight breath again as she finished writing the letter, for the 2nd time. The first time, she realised too late that she had written on the imprinted paper of Ar-Sikar and that really didn't have to be and was rather inappropriate for something like this anyway. She folded the letter and attached it to an eagle with black and gold plumage. She stroked it and told him the destination. He rose into the air and flew off.
Nish watched him for a while before she turned to the room and the sleeping twins.
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Had this night changed anything ?

She turned to the side and her eyes wandered over the sleeping man, who was snoring softly, with an intense gaze.
No, it hadn't, except that she had at last acted out what had been simmering inside her for a while.

Quietly she gathered her belongings. His taste was still on her lips and she wanted that feeling to herself for a while.
"Someone is going to get hurt," he had whispered. But she didn't give a damn.
So many had hurt her deeply, betrayed and abandoned her - she just didn't care how this one turned out now.
After her experience in Temran she just knew it was the right time and the sum up of it all.

Knowing that neither of them was on cloud nine but enjoying a comfortable base on cloud four, everything looked easier somehow.
After her morning swim, she went to the mine to get the last iron ore for Inara and the reconstruction of the villa.
A satisfied whistle could be heard and that almost hidden smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Inara took it with a serenity that surprised her a little.
She had hugged her and then came the typical Inara line "If he hurts you I'll break his nose - twice".
They both laughed and Aly assured her that she would take care of it in this case.

Inara didn't have to know that this arrangement was certainly based on feelings, on reliable ones, which would be put aside when certain people showed up again.
But she did not want to think about that.
Nevertheless, she decided to keep an eye on him - even if she would not interfere.
Both were adults, both were free - it was like before - neither he nor she belonged to each other. And yet something connected them - this little something more ....
It was more then a casual affair, it has always been, since the first time they had met a long time ago.

All these thoughts went through her pretty little head as she had to close all the gates again on her patrol walk and take care of a golem a bit outside of the realm.
There was also a letter waiting from Nish that she had to answer... and the special wine she still had to share as Nish wanted it.

Whistling a little tune she walked leisurely back to Cadomyr ...
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly sat in front of her chimney, a glass of wine and writing material at her side.
The note for the builder was already finished and on its way. She was looking forward to getting a bath - her own bath !
Her smile deepened and even tugged at the few wrinkles around her eyes. It was always like that when she thought of HIM.

But it was time to answer Nisha's letter.

*My beloved soul sister,

So you are staying in Ar-Sikar with your mother?
As much as I would like to see this wonderland, I can imagine how the courtly friendliness affects you and your mood.

Inara is doing quite well as far as I can tell. We talked about what happened - without going into details, of course.
She is very happy that you have finally succeeded in being freed.

The situation in the three realms is still the same - and the Queen has unfortunately still not contacted me about the house.
I hope so much that this thing will come to a good end one day.
It seems I have developed the patience of an angel.... well, an angel with various dark sides.

Nevertheless, my mood is - to put it mildly - at its very best. I am full of enthusiasm and energy.
The villa is ready for renovation and remodelling and Inara and I will soon have our own bathroom.
The height of luxury - before I slept in the desert and bathed in the oasis or swam out.
I've definitely been overcoming this trauma - of being trapped inside brick walls - for a while now.

And the two special bottles of wine you gave me are just waiting to be opened.
Before you burst with curiosity - yes, I have taken the risk.
Those - well nightmares as you call it - did somehow open my eyes.
We are both adults and even though we are aware that it can end, it seems that at least I am happy with it.
How he is feeling about I will find out. He warned me - insistently and ... mmm...let's say forceful.
But honestly Nish - how much time do I - do we - have left? We aren't elves - we are humans.
The next Mas I can be dead, or when we advance towards Letma it all can come to en end.
Why waste time ?
The rogue and I had a special relationship from the beginning.
We know each other for a long time now and there was always that little bit extra - that bit more than only friendship.
He always had my back and I had his, no matter what.

Well, we'll see how it turns out. It is not a foolish sentiment - or whooping with joy.
It feels warm, reliable and just right. Yes, and the other thing fits too , always had ... ... before you ask.
Yes I have a permanent grin on my face, honestly.

Kyre is very happy about it and I wish for her the same. She gave me a *special perfect apple* with a wink and the advice to put it under my bed....
I don't know for what it will be good, but you should trust a blood witch you have as a friend. Shouldn't you ?

So I'll close with that for now. Kiss the twins for me and I hope you landed safely home in Temran.

Thinking of you


She read the letter a second time, nodded pleased and folded it.
Then there was a knock at the door and her heart leapt when she heard the familiar voice "Hey - I need gem's - can we trade - I mean among other things? "
The letter was put aside for later and she went to open the door.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Wieder daheim in Temran. Das war Nish mit ihrem Gefährten und den Zwillingen schon seit ein paar Wochen wieder. Aber bisher hatte sie nicht die Zeit gefunden den Brief von Aly wirklich zu beantworten.
Auch jetzt hatte sie einige Schriftstücke auf dem Schreibtisch in ihrem Arbeitszimmer welche sie noch lesen musste. Aber in diesem Moment war es genug. Nicht das dies alles nicht wichtig war aber, ihre Seelenschwester, war dies auch.
Also nahm sie den Brief mit sich und ging nach draußen in den Garten. Das Wetter war gut, zumindest noch.

Meine geliebte Schwester,

ich weiß, es dauerte abermals länger als erwartet bis du wieder einen Brief erhalten hast. Aber nenn es die Konsequenz wenn man sich eine Auszeit von allem nimmt. Es bleibt viel liegen und anderes kommt neu hinzu.
Zum einen bleibt hier nicht alles stehen nur weil ich nicht da bin und zum anderen, steht Mas vor der Tür. Ebenso wie mein Geburtstag.

Es war, auch wenn ich diese Blicke die dort teilweise auf mir liegen, hasse, oder eher die Gedanken die in mir aufkommen, nötig in Ar-Sikar zu sein. Wie du schon weißt nicht nur wegen der Tattoos, auch die Gespräche mit Lady Kandala und, ja, es gab mehr als nur ein Gespräch.
Vielleicht wenn ich damals mit ihr gesprochen hätte...aber dazu hätte sie zu dem Zeitpunkt auch in Ar-Sikar weilen müssen. Das war nicht der Fall.
Sie ist ganz anders als die anderen Priester. Und Brágon....ich hab keine Ahnung. Das wird Zeit brauchen. Ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich mit Sicherheit weiß, ob Brágon existiert. Ich kann nur sagen, dass Moshran und das Böse mit Sicherheit existiert.
Das was geschehen ist wird Konsequenzen haben, vielleicht schon diesen Mas, oder dem Nächsten.
Keine Sorge, ich lebe mein Leben aber ich behalte es im Hinterkopf und meine Wachsamkeit wird nicht nachlassen.

Was nun Temran hier angeht und meine Arbeit, es gibt viele Berichte zu lesen. Meine Meinung wird erbeten und meine Stimme wird gebraucht. Man könnte meinen, ich hätte hier das alleinige Sagen. Aber eigentlich wollen sie nur von meiner Erfahrung profitieren und...ja, sie wertschätzen auch meine Meinung zu den Vorhaben oder Änderungen in der Stadt.

Dennoch fühlt sich alles so an als sähe ich es jetzt mit einem anderen Blick. Es fühlt sich alles auch anders an. Ich habe das Gefühl, anders zu klingen, ob ich nun etwas sage oder nur schreibe. Ist das zu verstehen?
Jeruno ist noch ganz und gar begeistert von Ar-Sikar und die beiden Kleinen, naja, sie interessiert das noch nicht wirklich.
Inara hatte mir auch geschrieben und ja sie ist wohl etwas eifersüchtig weil ihr nun die Zwillinge und ihr Vater etwas voraus haben. Dennoch, wie du schon sagtest, überwiegt doch ihre Freude weit mehr.

Und damit kommen wir auch mal zu deinem Brief.
Ich muss gestehen, dass es mich betrübt, dass es bei dir, in Illarion, fast keinen Fortschritt gibt. Das ist in der Tat, nun ja, ärgerlich sogar.
Wir verdienen wohl beide manchmal etwas mehr für unsere Geduld.

Allerdings gibt es wenigstens auch Gutes zu berichten wie es aussieht. Zudem zeugt es auch davon, dass du dich nicht unterkriegen lässt. Niemals! Aber manchmal brauch man eben trotzdem ein wenig Abstand um neue Energie zu tanken.
Aber ich denke auch dein Schurke trägt seinen teil dazu bei. Und ja, natürlich freue ich mich für dich und hoffe, das es schon eine weile anhält. Aber vor allem, dass du es genießt.
Wir sollten auch nicht vergessen, nicht nur ich habe meine dunkle Seite, du hast sie auch und manchmal, muss man ihr auch nachgeben. Ich denke das hat uns dieser Alptraum auch zu deutlich gezeigt.
Ich denke du verstehst, was ich damit meine.
Nun, Kyre, hm Vertrauen. Ich denke das solltest du, aber bedenke immer, dass manchmal selbst deine besten Freunde darin fehlgeleitet werden in dem was sie denken, was das Beste für dich ist.
Allerdings in diesem Fall...wird es wohl eine Nacht werden, die du und dein Schurke nicht vergessen werdet.

Nun, ich denke ich sollte mich wieder an meine Arbeit machen, …. nachdem ich bei den Zwillingen war. Ich denke sie vermissen ihre Tante sogar ein wenig.

Gebt auf euch acht, vor allem an Mas. Mögen die Götter mit euch allen sein.
Meine Gedanken und mein Herz sind es in jedem Fall mit dir meine Seelenschwester und mit unserer Kleinen.


Nish lächelte leicht als sie den Brief noch einmal las. Dann aber seufzte sie, Die Zwillinge und die Arbeit warteten. Also bekam einer der Falken den Brief um ihn sicher zu überbringen. Nish selbst würde nun erst einmal Zeit mit den Zwillingen verbringen und dann zur Besprechung wegen Mas gehen.


At home again in Temran. Nish had been back with her mate and the twins for a few weeks. But until now she hadn't found the time to really answer the letter from Aly.
Even now she had some documents on the desk in her study which she still had to read. But at this moment it was enough. Not that this was not important, but so was her soul sister.
So she took the letter with her and went outside into the garden. The weather was good, or at least still.

My beloved sister,

I know it took longer than expected for you to receive another letter. But call it the consequence of when you take time off from everything. A lot of work is left behind and other stuff is newly added.
For one thing, not everything stops here just because I'm not there and for another, Mas is just around the corner. Just like my birthday.

It was necessary to be in Ar-Sikar, even if I hated the looks that were partly on me, or rather the thoughts that arose in me. As you already know not only because of the tattoos, also the conversations with Lady Kandala and, yes, there was more than one conversation.
Maybe if I had talked to her at that time...but for that she also would have had to be in Ar-Sikar at that particular time. She wasn't.
She is very different from the other priests. And Brágon....I have no idea. It's going to take time. I can't say that I know for sure if Brágon exists. I can only say that Moshran and evil exists for sure.
What happened will have consequences, maybe already this Mas, or the next.
Don't worry, I live my life, however I keep it in the back of my mind and my alertness will not diminish.

Now as for Temran here and my work, there are many reports to read. My opinion is requested and my voice is needed. People seem to think that I have the only say here. But actually, they just want to benefit from my experience and...yes, they also value my opinion on the projects or changes in the city.

Still, everything feels like I'm seeing it with a different eye now. It all feels different, too. I have a feeling of sounding different whether I'm saying something or just writing. Is that understandable?
Jeruno is still completely enthralled with Ar-Sikar and the two little ones, well, they don't really care yet.
Inara had also written to me and yes she is probably a bit jealous because now the twins and their father are a bit ahead of her. Nevertheless, as you already said, her joy outweighs by far more.

And that brings us to your letter.
I must confess that it saddens me that there is almost no progress with you, in Illarion. That is in fact, well, annoying even.
I guess we both deserve a little more for our patience sometimes.

However, at least there are good things to report as well, it seems. Besides, it also shows that you're not allowing yourself to be beaten down. Never! But sometimes you still need a little distance to recharge your batteries.
But I think also your rogue contributes his part to it. And yes, of course I am happy for you and hope that it lasts for a while. But above all, that you enjoy it.
We should also not forget, not only I have my dark side, you have it too and sometimes, one must give in to it. I think that nightmare has shown us that too clearly.
I believe you understand what I mean by that.

Well, Kyre, uh, trust. I think you should, but always remember that sometimes even your best friends are misguided in what they think is best for you.
However, in this case...it will probably be a night you and your rogue will not forget.

Well, I guess I should get back to my work, .... after I get to the twins. I think they even do miss their aunt a little.

Take care of yourselves, particularly during Mas. May the gods be with you all.
My thoughts and heart are with you in any case my soul sister and with our little one.


Nish smiled slightly as she read the letter again. But then she sighed, The twins and work were waiting. So one of the falcons got the letter to deliver it safely. Nish herself would now first spend time with the twins and then go to the briefing about Mas.
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

There he was again - this demon that seemed to accompany her and every time poisoned her relationships - made it a lost game.
A potential rival was tangible - could be defeated or simply ignored.
But what was happening right now was hardly graspable - political problems, lies and threats.
Had he really betrayed their friendship ?
And if so, would she be able to forgive it? At what price ?

Angrily she threw a branch into the fire - nothing made her more angry than being helpless.
He seemed to avoid her and she herself was too loyal to go to Runewick and confront everyone there, including him.
Kyre stood at her side - but was almost a fugitive herself. Kyre was scared - and rightfully so.
Where were the times when Eli always had an open ear?
Jakob ? Lennier ? Was there no one to stop the madness that was spreading there ?

Maybe it would help her to write to Nish - a letter that was actually already overdue.

She filled her glass and took the writing material in hand.

*Dearest sister,

I am sorry that I did not write sooner.
I sincerely hope Mas was not too intense in Temran.
Here it was quiet - but only if you use the normal standard as a comparison.
Since Bidukan became a ranger in Runewick, this city has become a rather dangerous place.

There have been serious political entanglements during Mas, the consequences of which are yet to be seen.
When I spoke to Katharina about a town meeting, I had no idea how important it would be.
Runewick has maneuvered us all to the brink of war.
And unfortunately, my rogue is playing a role in that as well.

It looks like he has not only kicked our relationship into the dirt, but also our friendship, where we could always count on each other - at least until now.
However, I admit I haven't had a chance to have a word with him - so I'm not passing judgment at this point.
I have not yet made up my mind how all this should go on.

But I am not writing to you to sob. Still, the situation is like a powder keg and I am afraid that there is not much missing and everything will blow up.
Perhaps Inara has already told you something similar. Its hard to tell the whole story - but Katharina does handle it extremly well.

Kyre supports me, but she is scared, she will find shelter in Cadomyr if needed - that's for sure. As will everyone else from Runewick.

We have a strange glass obsidian rock at our gates, the other cities as well.
Probably another attempt of our arch-enemy Prea to observe us, to influence us.

What is strange though - this old cursed blood bond is quiet.
Maybe our adventure during my last visit in Temran silenced this curse/blessing ?
I don't know. It was as dangerous as it was useful.

But now to you. How are you getting along in the meantime ?
Could you already get used to the new situation ?
And how are the two little ones ?

I hope to hear from you soon and that you have almost only good news.

I am with you in my thoughts


The short sharp whistle made Aratos appear. He must have been nearby.
With a smile, she attached the message.
*Now fly my pretty one - and bring back good news. By the gods I can use them.*
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Leise schloss Nish die Tür zu ihrem Schlafgemach, wo auch die Wiege der Zwillinge stand. Beide waren endlich eingeschlafen. Aber Nish lächelte nur und strich über das Holz der Tür bevor sie nach unten ging. Auf dem Weg zu ihrem Arbeitszimmer begegnete ihr noch Jeruno der mit Freuden seiner Gemahlin noch einen Kuss stahl, bevor er sie in ihre Arbeit entließ und ihr grinsend hinterher sah.
Nish schüttelte nur den Kopf als sie sich dann an ihren Schreibtisch setzte. Es gab das ein oder andere zu tun. Auch Alys Brief wollte beantwortet werden, den nahm sie sich nun als erstes vor.
Ein plötzlicher Hustenanfall gemahnte sie daran zu denken Sira doch zunächst noch um einen Tee mit den Kräuter von der Druidin Naira zu bitten. Noch war sie nicht vollständig gesund aber es reichte um den Papierkram zu erledigen und noch wichtiger, ihrer Seelenschwester zu versichern, dass es ihr gut ging.

Meine geliebte Schwester,

verzeih das lange Warten auf Nachricht von mir. Auch Inara erging es nicht besser. Ich fürchte auch sie macht sich schon Sorgen. Sie wird ein Schreiben erhalten so wie du jetzt auch. Dennoch habe ich ihre Briefe natürlich gelesen.
Sagen wir es so, auch wenn Mas nicht so schlimm war wie ich die Befürchtung hatte, hatte es mich dennoch erwischt.
Anders als ich erwartet hätte aber nun gut.
Mas war relativ ruhig. Keine richtigen Dämonen, dafür das übliche Untote Getier. Nekromanten aber auch 2 Trupp Dunkelelfen, je zu 6 Mann. Das war überraschend. Ich schätze das jene eher die Gunst der Stunde, des Mas, genutzt haben um einen Überfall zu organisieren. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass da wirklich mehr dahinter steckt.
Die meisten streckten wir nieder kurz bevor oder nachdem sie die Mauer überwunden hatten, bei denen steckt ja leider etwas mehr Intelligenz dahinter. Die anderen verfolgten wir zu dritt und zu Pferd. Nicht das die Verstärkungen holen.
Ich habe offenbar vergessen wie gerissen Dunkelelfen sein können und hinterhältig. Wir ritten ihnen also nach, den Wald auf der einen Seite und den Fluß auf der anderen.
Ich war einen Moment unachtsam weil ich mehr auf jene achtete die wir verfolgten als ich vom Pferd gerissen wurde. Ich landete mit meinem Angreifer im eiskalten Fluss.
Ein kleines Stück wurden wir mitgezogen, dann gab es ein Handgemenge, bis wir in einem seichteren Teil des Flusses waren und auf unsere Füße kamen.
Es war wirklich so..eiskalt und ich richtig sauer. Der Schwertkampf dauerte nicht so lange. Ich bekam nur einen Schnitt am Arm ab, aber er, verlor schlussendlich seinen Kopf.
Ithildin wartete schon am Ufer auf mich und einer meiner Leute, er half mir raus und er warf mir seinen Mantel über. Immerhin, hatten wir noch ein gutes Stück zu reiten bis wir wieder zu Hause waren. Ich war nass bis auf die Knochen und es war kalt.
Ich habe unglaublich gefroren als ich zu Hause ankam. Jeruno half mir aus den nassen Sachen, sein Blick voller Sorge und Sira ließ ein heißes Bad ein. Der Schnitt am Arm wurde versorgt und ich ins Bett gesteckt. Anstatt deswegen ungehalten zu sein war ich dankbar dafür.
Aber das war eben nicht das Ende vom Lied...
Am nächsten Tag fühlte ich mich nicht gut. Mir tat alles weh, was ich dem Kampf zuschrieb. Mir war immer noch kalt. Mir war teilweise schwindelig. So viele Kleinigkeiten, die ich eben auf Mas schob und darauf das ich erst mal was essen sollte. Soweit kam es aber nicht, zumindest hat Jeruno mir das erzählt.
Ich bin noch am Frühstückstisch zusammen gebrochen.
Die Sorge aller kannst du dir vorstellen. Das einzige was klar war zu diesem Zeitpunkt war, dass ich hohes Fieber hatte. Warum ich das und alles andere nicht erkannt habe, naja „normal“ krank war ich...fast nie. Aber der Stress der letzten Monate trug wohl auch zu allem bei.
Naira wurde geholt während Jeruno mich wieder ins Bett trug.
Es war zum Glück aber nicht meine Verletzung, ich war also nicht vergiftet worden aber Naira meinte schon, das dies auch nicht viel besser war.
Fieber, Schüttelfrost, Gliederschmerzen und vor allem sehr starker Husten, der in den Tagen darauf auch echt schmerzhaft wurde. Dazu meinte Naira das ich schlicht viel zu erschöpft sei durch die ganze Arbeit und die Kinder. Nur deswegen konnte mich diese Erkältung so umhauen. Die nächsten Wochen also Bettruhe und diesmal wirklich Ruhe. Jeruno kümmerte sich um die Kinder und um mich, so wie Sira eben auch. Was die Arbeit anging - nun das wurde auch ferngehalten.
Ich schätze, alles aus den letzten Jahren forderte nun seinen Tribut. Wenn wir zurückblicken, waren diese Jahre wirklich sehr hart, vor allem das vergangene. Wenn man bedenkt was Du mit mir durchgestanden hast. Wir sind eben auch nicht unendlich belastbar.
Egal was wir uns einreden.
Ich lasse es noch immer langsam angehen. Etwas Papierkram und Zeit mit den Kindern. Der Husten ist noch nicht ganz verschwunden aber alles andere schon. Und ich werde mir auch mehr Ruhe gönnen zwischen durch.
Wer widerspricht schon einer Druidin?
Aber mal zu dem was bei euch so vor sich geht und bei dir meine Schwester.
Irgendwie war es abzusehen, dass dieser Bidukan irgendwo unter kommen musste und wie ich gehört habe bisher war es nicht das Beste für Runewick oder alle anderen.
Du kannst dir nicht vorstellen wie leid es mir tut das zu hören, das mit deinem Schurken. Niemandem wünschte ich das mehr als dir und jetzt das. Ja ich weiß da auch von Inara einiges. Es bleibt nur die Hoffnung doch noch etwas daran regeln zu können.
Inara hat einiges erzählt auch wegen Reace und Acerd. Aber Reace...das alles scheint ihr sehr nahe zu gehen, doch im Brief wollte sie da nicht genauer werden, erst wenn sie zu Hause ist und ich denke damit meint sie schon sehr bald wieder daheim zu sein für eine kleine Weile.
Von solchen Steinen habe ich bisher noch nicht gehört oder etwas davon gesehen, zumindest denke ich das. Immerhin kann es auch speziell mit euch in Illarion zu tun haben.
Ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass dein Blutbund.....nun zum Schweigen gebracht wurde. Oder vielleicht doch? Wir wissen dass ER dich gespürt hat, dich angesprochen hat. Dass ER dich ebenso hat leiden lassen wie mich. Möglich wäre es auch das er dir diese „Gabe“ entrissen hat? Das wäre das Einzige was mir dazu einfällt. Ich kann nicht sagen ob eine Art von Überbeanspruchung dem Blutbund auch schaden kann und ihn dann für eine gewisse Zeit...ausschaltet.
Ich hoffe wirklich, dass sich das mit den Rangern nicht noch mehr verschlimmert. Ich werde ja hören was Inara zu berichten hat, wenn sie hier ist. Vielleicht hat sie wirklich eine Pause von alledem nötig. Sie ist noch so jung.
Aber wenn ich irgendwie aus der Ferne helfen kann, dann sag es mir.

Nun ja, was hier los war, weißt du ja, auch wenn es für mich wirklich schlimm war, sind es dennoch gute Nachrichten das es trotz allem in und um Temran ruhig geblieben ist.
Den Zwillingen geht es gut auch wenn es für die beiden schlimm war ihre Mutter nicht um sich zu haben die ganze Zeit über. Naira meinte das es nötig sei damit die Kleinen nicht auch krank werden.
Das Brágon Thema hingegen ist unverändert. Ich weiß es einfach nicht. Aber vielleicht muss ich mir nochmals ein paar Tage nehmen um mich noch mehr damit auseinander zu setzen, mit allem. Aber insgesamt, komme ich zurecht.
Oh da fällt mir ein, du erinnerst Dich an das mit dem Ziehen in meinem Rücken sobald etwas dämonisches...moshranisches in der Nähe ist? Ich schätze das war nie Teil meiner Moshran Weihe, weil, es ist noch da. Nicht so schmerzhaft stark wie zuvor aber vorhanden.

Nun gut, ich denke, das soll für das Erste genügen.
Gebt auf euch acht und mögen die Götter euch schützen.

Mein Herz und meine Gedanken sind bei dir meine Seelenschwester

Nish las den Brief nochmal und atmete tief durch, was ihr doch einen leichten Hustenanfall einbrachte. Ab und an war da eben noch dieses Kratzen im Hals aber der Tee wirkte wahre Wunder dabei. Sie leerte den Becher also in Ruhe, bevor sie sich erhob und an das Fenster trat um es zu öffnen und nach Aratos zu pfeifen. Nish hatte Zeit noch etwas Fleisch zu besorgen bevor Aratos am Fenster erschien. Sie strich ihm durch das Gefieder nur um dann den Brief zu befestigen.
“Und nun flieg nach Hause. Du wirst sicher schon vermisst. Zudem sollten wir ihnen die Sorge um uns beide wohl besser mal nehmen.“
Damit erhob sich der stolze Falke auch lautstark in den Himmel um die Heimreise anzutreten. Nish sah ihm eine Weile nach, bevor sie sich wieder an ihren Schreibtisch setzte.


Quietly, Nish closed the door to her bedchamber, where the cradle of the twins also stood. Both had finally fallen asleep. But Nish just smiled and stroke the wood of the door before she went downstairs. On the way to her study she met Jeruno, who was happy to steal a kiss from his wife before he left her to her work, looking after her with a grin.
Nish shook her head as she sat down at her desk. There were one or two things to do. Aly's letter needed to be answered as well, so she took that first.
A sudden attack of coughing reminded her to ask Sira for some tea with the herbs of the druid Naira. She was not fully recovered yet, but it was enough to do the paperwork and more importantly to assure her soul sister that she was fine.

My beloved sister,

forgive the lengthy delay in waiting for news from me. Inara was not faring any better either. I am afraid she is also worried by now. She will be receiving a letter just as you are now. Nevertheless, I read her letters, of course.
Let's put it this way, even though Mas wasn't as bad as I feared, it still got to me.
Different than I would have expected but oh well.
Mas was relatively calm. No real demons, but the usual undead creatures. Necromancers but also 2 squads of dark elves, 6 men each. That was surprising. I guess they used the opportunity of Mas to organize a raid. I can't imagine that there is really more to it.
The majority of them we struck down shortly before or after they had overcome the wall, unfortunately there is a bit more intelligence behind their actions. The others we chased in groups of three and on horseback. Not that they bring reinforcements.
I seem to have forgotten how cunning dark elves can be and how sneaky. So we rode after them, the forest on one side and the river on the other.
I was careless for a moment because I paid more attention to those we were pursuing when I got knocked off my horse. I landed with my attacker in the ice-cold river.
We were dragged along for a short distance, then there was a scuffle until we were in a shallower part of the river and landed on our feet.
It was really like this....freezing cold and I was really pissed off. The sword fight didn't last that long. I only got a cut on my arm, but he, ultimately lost his head.
Ithildin was already waiting for me on the shore and one of my people, he helped me out and he threw his coat over me. After all, we still had a good distance to ride until we were back home. I was soaked to the bone and it was cold.
I was shivering beyond belief when I got home.Jeruno helped me out of my wet clothes, his eyes full of concern, and Sira prepared a hot bath. The cut on my arm was taken care of and I was tucked into bed. Instead of being displeased about it, I was grateful for it.
But that was not the end of the story....
The next day I did not feel well. I was aching all over, which I attributed to the fight. I felt still chilly. I was partially dizzy. So many little things that I blamed on Mas and that I should eat something first. But it didn't come to that, at least that's what Jeruno told me.
I collapsed at the breakfast table.
You can imagine everyone's concern. The only thing that was clear at that time was that I had a high fever. Why I didn't realize that and everything else, well "normal" being sick...almost never. But the stress of the last few months probably contributed to everything as well.
Naira was called while Jeruno carried me back to bed.
Fortunately it wasn't my injury, so I hadn't been poisoned, but Naira already said that this wasn't much better.
Fever, shaking chills, aching limbs and above all a very strong cough, which became really painful in the days that followed. Naira said that I was simply too exhausted by all the work and the children. That's the only reason why this cold could knock me out. So for the next few weeks I was on bed rest, and this time really resting. Jeruno took care of the children and me, just as Sira did. As for work - well that was also kept away.
I guess everything from the last few years were now taking its toll. Looking back, those years were really hard, especially the past one. Considering what you went through with me. We are also not infinitely resilient.
No matter what we tell ourselves.
I'm still taking it slow. Some paperwork and time with the kids. The cough is not completely gone but everything else is. And I'm also going to give myself more rest in between.
Who would contradict a druid?
But let's talk about what's going on there and with you, my sister.
Somehow it was foreseeable that this Bidukan would have to be housed somewhere and as I have heard so far it was not the best for Runewick or all the others.
You can't imagine how sorry I am to hear about your rogue. There is no one I would wish this more than you, and now this. Yes, I know a lot from Inara. There remains only the hope to be able to still fix something about it.
Inara told me a lot about Reace and Acerd. But Reace...all this seems to be very close to her, but in the letter she didn't want to be more specific, only when she is at home and I think she means to be back home very soon for a little while.
From such stones I have not yet heard or seen something of it, at least I think so. After all, it may have to do specifically with the people in Illarion.
However, I can't imagine that your blood bond.....now has been silenced. Or maybe it has? We know that HE felt you, addressed you. That HE made you suffer as much as HE made me suffer. It would also be possible that HE has snatched this "gift" from you? That would be the only thing that comes to my mind. I can't tell if some kind of overuse can also harm the blood bond and then turn it off...for a period of time.

I really hope this doesn't get any worse with the rangers. I will hear what Inara has to report when she gets here. Maybe she really needs a break from all of this. She's still so young.
But if there's anything I can do to help from afar, let me know.

Well, what has been going on here you know, even though it has been really bad for me, it is still good news that despite everything it has remained calm in and around Temran.
The twins are doing well even if it was hard for them not to have their mother around all the time. Naira said that it was necessary so that the little ones would not get sick as well.
The Brágon issue, on the other hand, is unchanged. I just don't know. But maybe I have to take a few more days to deal with it, with everything. But overall, I'm coping.
Oh that reminds me, you remember the pulling in my back whenever something demonic...moshranic is around? I guess that was never part of my Moshran consecration, because, it's still there. Not as painfully strong as before but there.

Well, I guess that should be enough for now.
Take care of yourselves and may the gods protect you.

My heart and thoughts are with you my soul sister

Nish read the letter again and took a deep breath, which brought her a slight coughing fit. Now and then there was still this scratching in her throat, but the tea worked wonders. So she finished the cup in a quiet way before she stood up and went to the window to open it and whistle for Aratos. Nish had time to get some meat before Aratos appeared at the window. She stroked his feathers only then to attach the letter.
"And now fly home. I'm sure you'll be missed already. Moreover, we should probably take away their concern for both of us."
With that, the proud falcon also rose loudly into the sky to begin his journey home. Nish watched him go for a while before sitting back down at her desk.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

She was leaning back leisurely in the warm water, allowing her thoughts to wander.
They were splinters, images that came to her mind - and they had a bitter aftertaste
The two of them - laughing and teasing each other, leaving the Runewick bath back in a wild mess.
He - tenderly massaging her heavy bruises, here in Cadomyr in the bathhouse.
His bright eyes, his voice almost imploring to give him a purpose again.

And now - he seemed to have gone into hiding. She would have preferred a heated argument or even a fight with him.
Her fury and the disappointment she felt after Mas, she would have gladly thrown in his face.
But he had not been reachable for many weeks, nor had he sought her out or even sent a message.

Aratos was on his way to Temran with a message to inform Inara about the latest events.
She was soaping herself with a heavy sigh.
At least Inara would be pleased when she got back home to find out that the renovation of the villa had been completed.

Then she would answer the letter to Nish - she hadn't had time. The falcon was immediately dispatched when a messenger brought her the notification.

She grabbed the dry towel and got out of the bathtub.
Her muscles had loosened up after the hard work in the mine and she decided to take a walk in the desert before going to sleep.
She knew that even there she would be plagued by bitter thoughts and a fierce longing - but it was easier to bear.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

The newly renovated villa was beautiful. So much more air and space to breathe.
She was sitting in her armchair in front of the chimney. Inara had gone upstairs after the treasure hunt to take a well-deserved bath.
She would follow her later.

She reviewed the treasure hunt in her mind. It had gone well.
When Caswir showed up, the thought had secretly crossed her mind if he would show up too.
Would it have been good - would she have been able to control the pent-up anger towards him ?
Probably not. She was not this role model of a knight like Sir S'rrt - she had rough edges.
Nevertheless, she had been pleased as her fellow knight had shown up.
A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Helfdane - she liked the little, gallic dwarf a lot and he had put up a good fight.
Hopefully the giant's blow to his helmet had not been too violent.

But why did she worry - Galmair had Amelia and she was one of the best healers she knew.
That reminded her of two things - she really needed to pick something for the fundraising and, more importantly, she needed to finally write to Nish.
She got the obligatory glass of wine and her writing utensils, lit a few more candles and started writing.

*My beloved soul sister,

I am truly sorry that I have made you wait so long for an answer.
But Inara has been at home with you until very recently and I am sure you have had enough to do with that.
Also with the guest she had brought with her.
It was good to hear what you think about him - it coincides with my own impressions and feelings.
Be sure I will protect him with my life, by all that is sacred to me.

My rogue is still avoiding me. I don't know what to make of it.
He is present, has signed a decree to finally initiate a trial against Bidukan - but he can't find his way to me.
I wonder if he's afraid - or just doesn't feel like the inevitable confrontation? I can only guess, and that doesn't do my accumulated anger any good.
If my temper gets the better of me when we meet, he may not necessarily remain physically unharmed. I am so damn mad, Nish.

But what am I whining here and only about myself !!!!
I am very glad that you are feeling better dear. But you also attract such things like a magnet.
As soon as you are out of one health mess, the next one follows.
Fortunately you have people around you who will make sure that you take a step back if necessary.

Please give my love to everyone and also a big thank you for the potato bread that Inara brought me as a gift.

I will probably come to see you soon, if only to see the twins again.

Until then, take care of yourselves.
My heart and my thoughts are with you.

Always yours

She folded the letter carefully and put it on the table.
Tomorrow in the early morning Aratos would be on his way with it.
But now she would prepare a bath for herself and try to relax, to escape her thoughts at least for a short time.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

She felt his gaze on her body, her face. Nevertheless, she didn't want to open her eyes.
He gently caressed her cheek with his fingers and rose.
She would love to know what he was thinking.

They had drunk quite a bit, made love and there was something like desperation in it - like two drowning people trying to cling to the last straw.
Both of them did not mention the argument they had during the day - nor did they touch on the sensitive subjects.
It was more whispered sweet nothings, bittersweet lies perhaps.
He was sure of himself - at least she had that feeling.

After he left, she waited a little while and then sat up, knees tucked under the fur blanket against her body.
She rested her chin on them, wrapped her arms around and looked into the remains of the fire - the morning was already casting rosy, soft shadows over the desert.

That bad feeling that something was wrong came back, but it was elusive. After all, he had stirred doubts in her, doubts she hated and wanted to push back.

"Katharina did not let me down so far Drathe - !"

"Ha, she wont let you down so much as to keep you at her call. But she will never let you have the house.
Never, Aley. You know it. That would give you too much power and then you will be a challenge to her plans and keeping her rule over her vanity project."

His voice was clear, convinced.
Even to her ears the response sounded weak

"I will get a seat at the court. And its up to decide it for the queen. So your information is wrong"

He had just laughed out loud then he had spoken out what pained her.

"Aye, aye, sure. Just like it was said last Mas, and the Mas before that.
And before that it was jump Aley, jump through this hoop and I'll give it to you, before that it was run Aley, run over there as fast as you can and the Queen will see you."

She closed her eyes - there was no argument to the contrary. But she had Inara - her responsibility and a beautiful home.
She had told Katharina that Runewick had made her an offer and that she had turned it down without hesitation. She did so much to protect and revive Cadomyr.
But nothing came back... it felt like investing in a bottomless pit for years. If it weren't for Inara - she might have left Illarion already.
She was still fully committed to Cadomyr, but the doubts whether it was all really worth it were there as well.

And Drathe ....
So far she had blindly relied on him, on their friendship and the other things they shared.
But now she had a feeling she didn't like - being manipulated.
She wasn't sure to what end and why, but she was determined to find out.

Yes she was smart, still beautiful and she had encountered and handled some big bad boys in her past. A lot of past infact – Drathe wasn't aware of.
Sighing, she dressed, packed the empty glasses and bottles and headed back.

The walls around Cadomyr greeted her in the first light of morning, the guards bowed their heads respectfully.
Horatio saluted with a *G'morning Dame Lamar* and suddenly she was sure again.
This was her home, her pride and her passion.
She would not give up - even if no one would understand.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nish war im Bad und betrachtete sich dort im Spiegel, oder viel mehr die Blutergüsse und, ihr blaues Auge. Der Schnitt über dem Auge verheilte gut und sie seufzte nur leicht als sie sich abwandte.
Sie machte sich auf den Weg in ihr Arbeitszimmer und warf sich auf dem Weg noch ihren Morgenmantel über. Es gab noch den ein oder anderen Papierkram zu erledigen und dann, war Familienausflug angesagt.
Aber auch nachdenken musste sie über das ein oder andere und lief prompt dabei gegen Jeruno.

Jeruno: “Guten Morgen meine Rose.“

Nish hatte bemerkt, dass er kurz das Gesicht verzogen hatte. Sie sah ihn mitfühlend und entschuldigend an. Sie hob ihre Hand und strich nur leicht über seinen Arm.

Nishadaa: „Verzeih, schmerzt die Schulter immer noch?“

Jeruno schmunzelte leicht und küsste seine Liebste einfach, bevor er ihr antwortete.

Jeruno: „Nicht jeder ist in dem Punkt so stark wie du. Aber, so schlimm ist es nicht mehr. Nur eine Erinnerung an einen interessanten Abend.“

Nish konnte nicht anders als zu lachen. Sie nickte dann auch ein paar mal und schmunzelte. Sie legte ihre Hand auf seine Brust, sein Herz.

Nishadaa: „So nennst du das also mein Herz. Nun, ich, werde mich noch um den Papierkram kümmern, Aly antworten und dann, ziehen wir mit den Kleinen los. Ich denke Sira hat uns dafür auch schon alles gerichtet.“

Jeruno nickte und Nish wollte schon weiter gehen als sie Jeruno doch sanft am Kragen packte und sie ihn nochmals küsste. Erst dann betrat sie ihr Arbeitszimmer. Jeruno atmete tiefer durch, seiner Gemahlin nachsehend.

Jeruno: „Diese Frau.....“

Nish setzte sich an ihren Schreibtisch, atmete leicht durch und nahm sich zuerst Alys Brief zur Hand. Sie las ihn nochmals und würde dann darauf antworten.

Meine geliebte Seelenschwester,

zu allererst, kann ich dir versichern, dass es uns allen gut geht, bis auf...Kleinigkeiten. Dazu kommen wir später noch. Aber, ich bin wieder völlig gesund.... naja bis auf...diese Kleinigkeiten.
In Temran ist einiges vorzubereiten und das ist der Grund warum es etwas länger gedauert hat mit dem Brief.
Auch wenn ich kürzer treten will und es an für sich auch mache, werde ich irgendwie doch überall gebraucht und wenn es nur meine Meinung ist. So langsam hat man da das Gefühl man wäre noch immer im „Amt“.
Nein, eigentlich nicht, das hier ist weit angenehmer.
Der Grund ist auch einfach für all das, Alicias und Kendricks Hochzeit rückt immer näher, zu der Du ja auch eingeladen bist, falls es dir entfallen ist.
Dazu fällt mir auch ein, was willst du auf dieser denn dann tragen Schwester?
Und ja, meine Schreibweise ist vielleicht etwas anders. Befreiter. Meine Sorgen und Ängste liegen nicht andauernd im Vordergrund. Sie sind noch immer da, keine Frage und sie werden es wohl immer sein.
Diese abzulegen steht außer Frage aber, sie beherrschen mich nicht.
Die meisten Bauarbeiten sind getan in Temran, wahrscheinlich kommt wohl nur noch ein neues Gebäude hinzu aber das liegt dann wahrscheinlich außerhalb der Stadtmauer. Sagen wir, eine Art von Gefängnis, wo auch mal der ein oder andere seinen Rausch ausschlafen kann wenn er nicht in Temran lebt. Und natürlich auch für alle anderen die Ärger machen und das überleben.
Die Arbeiten am Haus aber sind abgeschlossen und werden bei Deinem nächsten Besuch sicherlich für ein paar Überraschungen sorgen.
Aber, ich sprach am Anfang des Briefes von Kleinigkeiten. Nun, ich habe einige Prellungen, einen Schnitt über dem linken Auge und genau das Auge ist auch wunderbar blau. Jeruno kam mit einer geprellten und ausgekugelten Schulter davon. Aber wie heißt es so schön, du solltest mal die anderen sehen.
Ich habe das Gefühl, das es ewig her ist, das ich in eine richtige Tavernen-Schlägerei geraten bin. Ja, du liest da schon richtig. Und dafür musste ich nicht mal weit reisen. Es war in unserer Schenke.
Lass es mich kurz erzählen.
Wir, einige Leute der Stadtwache, Jeruno, Ylara und ich, feierten mit Kendrick seine bevorstehende Hochzeit. Bisher kamen wir nicht richtig dazu. Zudem war eine Gruppe Söldner in der Stadt, welche außerhalb der Stadt abseits vom Weg ihr Lager aufgeschlagen hatten. Das war auch kein Problem, sie waren in Ordnung. Ihre Waffen hatten sie beim Wirt abgegeben, so das eben nichts ernsteres passieren konnte. Nach dem letzten mal, verständlich.
Nun es wurde viel getrunken. Ich vertrage nun mal einiges, nicht jeder kann einen Zwerg unter den Tisch trinken. Man hatte Spaß und lachte und dann...ich weiß nicht genau wie es dazu kam. Vielleicht hat jemand jemanden angerempelt oder was verschüttet oder was falsches gesagt. Auf jeden Fall, kam es zum Geschubse, Handgemenge und dann zur Schlägerei mit den Söldnern. Was wir davon getragen haben weißt du ja schon. Es wurde auch nicht ernster aber die Söldner unterlagen. Sich mit mir anzulegen wenn ich betrunken bin ist fast noch schlimmer als wenn ich nüchtern bin. Das meinte zumindest einer der Söldner. Offenbar war ich ihm schon einmal begegnet, aber als da nichts negatives nachkam, war ich erleichtert. Das war dann am nächsten Tag. Naira hatte in der Nacht viel zu tun.
Soviel zu einem ruhigen Abend mit Freunden.

Inzwischen hat auch Inara ein ums andere mal geschrieben. Es tat so gut sie hier zu haben und Reace, er ist etwas besonderes aber Inara hat dir ja gesagt hat wie ich über ihn denke. Ich hoffe, dass dies alles bei euch gut ausgehen wird. An etwas anderes möchte ich gar nicht denken auch wenn es für mich normal ist auch über einen schlechten Ausgang nachzudenken. Nur den Schmerz den dann Inara erleiden würde...den, will ich mir nicht vorstellen.
Aber sag mir, was ist nun mit deinem Schurken? Muss ich erst vorbeikommen und ihn zurecht stutzen? Inara sagt darüber auch nichts weil sie meint, es ist deine Angelegenheit. Nur bei ihr - da hat er es wohl so richtig verbockt.
Falls er das bei dir auch geschafft hat, hab ich nur eine Bitte.....hau ihm nicht den guten Wein um die Ohren, der ist dafür dann doch zu schade.

Aber wie läuft das nun mit Bidukan? Inara meinte er wäre verschwunden? Ja ich frage mich wie es nun bei Euch wirklich aussieht.
Aber das muss eben warten bis ich wieder von dir lese.
Was mich und die Götter angeht. Da gibt es noch keine Änderung. Ich will es versuchen, aber jedes mal wenn ich ansetze wirklich zu Brágon zu beten dann...schrecke ich davor zurück. Es ist keine wirkliche Angst davor. Es ist eher...es ist eine Sache sich von Moshran abzuwenden, ganz und gar. Aber eine ganz andere zu einem anderen Gott und dann auch noch zu Brágon zu beten. Das sitzt eben doch sehr tief bei mir. Es braucht einfach Zeit.
Aber für dieses mal sollte es wohl genug sein. Ich muss mir noch Berichte und Entwürfe für das Gefängnis ansehen.

Pass auf dich und unsere Kleine auf und mögen die Götter mit euch sein.

Meine Gedanken und mein Herz sind es ganz sicher...


Nish überflog den Brief nochmal und runzelte dabei die Stirn. Sie merkte deutlich, dass sie sich veränderte aber eben nicht zum schlechten hin. Sie lächelte kurz und schickte den Brief dann auf den Weg, bevor sie sich wieder an die andere Arbeit machte.


Nish stood in the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, or rather at the bruises and her black eye. The cut above the eye was healing well and she sighed only slightly as she turned away.
She made her way to her study, on the way throwing on her robe. There was still some paperwork to do and then, family excursion was on the agenda.
But she also had to think about one thing or another and promptly ran into Jeruno.

Jeruno: "Good morning my Rose."

Nish had noticed that he had briefly made a face. She looked at him sympathetically and apologetically. She raised her hand and just lightly caressed his arm.

Nishadaa: "Sorry, does the shoulder still hurt?"

Jeruno smirked slightly and simply kissed his beloved before answering her.

Jeruno: "Not everyone is as strong as you on that point. But, it's not that bad anymore. Just a reminder of an interesting evening."

Nish couldn't help but laugh. She nodded a few times then, too, and smirked. She placed her hand on his chest, his heart.

Nishadaa: "So that's what you call it, my heart. Well, I, will take care of the paperwork, answer Aly and then, we'll go with the little ones. I think Sira has already arranged everything for us for that as well."

Jeruno nodded and Nish was about to leave when she gently grabbed Jeruno by the collar and kissed him again. Only then did she enter her study. Jeruno took a deep breath, looking after his wife.

Jeruno: "This woman....."

Nish sat down at her desk, took a light breath, and picked up Aly's letter first. She would read it again and then reply to it.

My beloved soul sister,

first of all, I can assure you that we are all fine, except for...little things. We'll get to that later. But, I am completely healthy again.... well, except for...those little things.
There is a lot to prepare in Temran and that is the reason why it took a little longer with the letter.
Even if I want to step back and actually do it, I am somehow needed everywhere and even if it is only my opinion. Slowly one has the feeling that one would still be in the "office".
No, actually not, this is much more pleasant.
The reason for all this is simple, Alicia and Kendrick's wedding is coming closer and closer, to which you are also invited, in case it slipped your mind.
It also occurs to me, what are you going to wear at this one then sister?
And yes, my writing may be a little different. More liberated. My worries and fears are not constantly in the front of my mind. They are still there, no question and they probably always will be.
To put them aside is out of the question but, they do not dominate me.
Most of the construction work is done in Temran, most likely only one new building will be added, but it will probably be outside the city walls. Let's say, a kind of prison, where one or the other can sleep off his drunkenness if he doesn't live in Temran. And of course for all the others who make trouble and survive it.
The work on the house, however, is completed and will certainly provide a few surprises during your next visit.
But, I was talking about little things at the beginning of the letter. Well, I have some bruises, a cut over the left eye and that very eye is also wonderfully blue. Jeruno got away with a bruised and dislocated shoulder. But as they say, you should see the others.
I have the feeling that it's been ages since I got into a real tavern brawl. Yes, you read correctly. And I didn't even have to travel far for that. It was in our tavern.
Let me tell it briefly.
We, some people from the town guard, Jeruno, Ylara and I, were celebrating with Kendrick his upcoming wedding. So far, we didn't really get around to it. In addition, there was a group of mercenaries in town, who had set up camp outside of town, out of the way. That wasn't a problem either, they were fine. They had left their weapons with the host, so nothing serious could happen. After the last time, understandable.
Well, there was a lot of drinking. I can take a lot, not everyone can drink a dwarf under the table. We had fun and laughed and then...I don't know exactly how it happened. Maybe someone bumped into someone or spilled something or said something wrong. In any case, there was a shoving match, a scuffle and then a fight with the mercenaries. You already know what we got out of it. It was not serious, but the mercenaries were defeated. Fighting with me when I am drunk is almost worse than when I am sober. At least that's what one of the mercenaries said. Obviously I had met him before, but when nothing negative followed, I was relieved. That was the next day. Naira had a lot to do that night.
So much for a quiet evening with friends.

In the meantime Inara also wrote one after the other. It was so good to have her here and Reace, he is something special but Inara told you how I feel about him. I hope that all this will end well for you. I don't want to think about anything else, even though it is normal for me to think about a bad outcome. Only the pain that Inara would suffer... I don't want to imagine it.
But tell me, what about your rogue? Do I have to come over and straighten him out first? Inara doesn't say anything about it because she thinks it's your business. But with her - he must have really screwed up.
If he did the same to you, I only have one request..... don't throw the good wine at him, it's too good for that.

But how is it going with Bidukan? Inara said he had disappeared? Yes, I wonder how it really looks at the moment at your place.

But that will have to wait until I read from you again.
As for me and the gods. There is no change yet. I want to try, but every time I really start to pray to Brágon then...I shy away from it. It's not really a fear of it. It's more...it's one thing to turn away from Moshran completely. But to pray to another god, and then to Brágon, is another thing altogether. It' s just something that runs very deep with me. It just needs time.
But for this time it should be enough. I still have to look at reports and drafts for the prison.

Take care of yourself and our little one and may the gods be with you.

My thoughts and heart most certainly are....


Nish reviewed the letter again, frowning as she did so. She clearly noticed that she was changing, but not for the worse. She smiled briefly and then sent the letter on its way before getting back to her other work.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

She had noticed his hesitation, the kiss was not immediately returned.
Out of the corner of her eye, she also noticed the movement - the hand that reached out to her and then, almost discouraged, clenched into a light fist and pulled back.
This scene occupied her thoughts.
What kind of game was he playing? Did he want her closer for himself - or rather even further away ?
Drathe had never been easy to figure out, but it had become even harder. Sometimes his actions didn't match with what he said - or the other way around.

Sitting in front of the chimney, she finally took the time to answer Nish's letter.

Beloved soul sister,

Didn't you once say to me, "Trouble finds us?" Seems to be true. I guess not even a celebration with friends is spared.
But knowing you, I think you almost enjoyed the brawl.
Getting rid of some excess energy, beating down doubts... well, you know what I mean.
And Jeruno found it probably rather *interesting*.
I couldn't help smiling, nor did I have any problems picturing the whole thing.

About this wedding ... do I have to wear a dress? Really ???
I might as well have a beautiful black leather armor designed for me - ??

I am very curious about the renovations and the new rooms - and about the two sweeties.
With Reace and Acerd we have no problems in Cadomyr. Especially not since Bidukan, but also that haughty elf and self-proclaimed demon hunter Avaroth, disappeared.
It has almost become boring. Such a bar brawl could do me good too, I can tell you that.

Kyre has also retreated once again. And when we meet then always only briefly. I miss our gossip.

My rogue ? Yes hard to describe. He has always been hard to figure out and it seems with his new position in Runewick it has become even harder.
So far we get along quite well - even if we leave out certain aspects.
He almost seems to enjoy the fact that Inara rejects him. But Inara is also smart enough to tolerate this man on my side and not to interfere.
I would never throw the good wine at him, that would be too much of a waste.

The thing with the gods - well, you know my opinion about that. So just take your time, I don't think Bràgon is really interested in whether you find him or not.
Please don't let Inara know that or she will lecture me. Inara, by the way, has been very instrumental in detoxifying the water around Runewick.
I was told this by the elf Deanna when she asked me for advice. Runewick is very grateful for Inara's help and I think there will be a little surprise for our little one in the future.

After all, I am currently working hard to rebuild the Sirani Temple when Letma is finally finished.
I consider it a worthwhile goal - and it brings at least a few people together.

That's such a topic anyway - cooperation ....

But let's not go there. When exactly will the wedding take place ?
I really have to prepare myself mentally for it.... ( yes a giggle accompanies this sentence )
But you have no idea how much I detest skirts and dresses.

So - before I fill you with more nonsense - I hereby close for now.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
Take care of yourselves


After she had read the letter again, it was carefully folded. She dressed in her light armor to run one last patrol before night fell.
The villa was locked and Aratos was already waiting for her.
Sometimes she thought this proud bird could read her mind.

As he quickly took to the skies with a soft caw, she watched him fly away with a smile.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nish war grade aus Brimshire zurück und wollte sich auf den Weg zum Schneider machen, als da auch schon eine der Wachen dazwischen kam und ihr einige Berichte übergab, welche offenbar wichtig waren.. Nish blieb vor ihrem Haus stehen und runzelte die Stirn als sie jene kurz überflog. Sie sah auf und nickte dem jungen Elfen zu. Sie würde sich darum kümmern.
Damit betrat sie dann doch das Haus. Sie übergab Sira die Schatulle und schickte sie zum Schneider, damit Sira und er die Arbeit vollenden konnten.
Sie sah kurz schmunzelnd Sira nach. Der Schneider hier in Temran, Alec, war nicht viel älter als Sira und alleinstehend und er mochte Sira. Zudem war er aber auch sehr angetan von ihrem handwerklichen Geschick im Schneidern.
So war es besser und Nish konnte sich um die Berichte und den Brief an Aly kümmern. Kurz warf sie aber noch einen Blick in den Garten wo Jeruno mit den Kindern war.
Nein, sie konnte es sich nicht nehmen lassen, ihn und auch die Zwillinge zu begrüßen und, noch gut 2 Stunden bei ihnen zu bleiben. Die Sorgen rückten in den Hintergrund. Zumindest solange bis Nish dann in ihrem Arbeitszimmer war.
An ihrem Schreibtisch ging Nish die Berichte nochmals durch, sah sich die Zeichnungen an und fuhr sich tief durchatmend kurz durch das Haar.
Dann nahm sie Pergament und Feder zur Hand um Aly zu schreiben.

Meine geliebte Schwester,

was?? Ärger?? Wir???? Niemals!
Ja, ich lache gerade. Aber ich gestehe, das war eine Art von Ärger der angenehm war. Wenngleich ich zuweilen auch weit härteren und gefährlicheren Ärger als angenehm empfinden kann.
Das scheint wohl einfach so zu sein und sich nie zu ändern, weder für mich, noch für dich.

Also, für die Hochzeit, habe ich schon alles vorbereitet. Mach dir da mal keine Sorgen. Und nein, keine Leder Rüstung. Aber, vertrau mir Schwester, es wird dir gefallen.
Die Hochzeit findet im übrigen am 02. Adras statt. Ich weiß der Brief wird sehr kurzfristig ankommen aber, du schaffst das schon.
Inara weiß deswegen auch Bescheid und wird sich nicht wundern. Sicher wäre sie auch eingeladen aber, scheinbar ist ihr nicht danach oder sie hat zuviel zu tun? Zumindest liest es sich bei ihren Briefen so.

Alles bei euch scheint so....ruhig geworden zu sein. Aber eigentlich ist so eine Ruhe nie ein gutes Zeichen und jemanden wie mich oder auch dich, macht das vielleicht auch etwas nervös, neben dem gelangweilt sein.
Aber wie es mit deinem Schurken nun aussieht, dass wirst du mir sicher ohnehin sagen wenn du hier bist.

Inara...sie hilft meist völlig selbstlos. Sie hat auch geschrieben natürlich was sie alles tut und das sie ihren Großmeistergrad bei der Glasbläsergilde in Cadomyr erlangt hat. Ich bin wirklich so stolz auf sie.
Das Schreinern, die Glasbläserei, Inara bringt das wenigstens wirklich zu Ende, neben allem anderen. Im Gegensatz zu mir. Bei mir bleibt das nur als Freizeitbeschäftigung, und andere Dinge sind meine Priorität. Was eben auch eher zu meiner Art passt.
Und ja, sie hat mir auch bis ins kleinste Detail ihr neustes Meisterwerk beschrieben. Auch wie sehr sie sich dafür mit den reinen Element Kristallen auseinandersetzen und darüber lesen musste.
Ihr Verständnis für diese und andere Dinge ist eben doch recht erstaunlich.
Und ich schwärme schon wieder von meiner Tochter...

Sirani Tempel, nun wenn solch ein Unterfangen die Leute nicht zusammen bringt was dann? Oh ja ich weiß etwas aber das wäre wohl kontraproduktiv. Kämpfe, Kriege und all diese Dinge. Es sei denn es ist ein gemeinsamer Feind. Aber es sollte eben doch mehr geben als das, was einen zusammen bringt.

Als ich heute aus Brimshire zurück kam, erwarteten mich schon Berichte über einige seltsame Vorkommnisse. Nichts gutes, soviel kann ich dir sagen.
Ich werde mir davon gleich erst einmal selbst ein genaues Bild machen. Ich will nicht das irgendwas diese Hochzeit stört.
Worum es geht sind seltsame gebaute Gebilde im Wald, die auch angebrannt wirken. Und, was noch beunruhigender ist, seltsame Schmierereien an der Stadtmauer, von außen. Und wenn die Zeichnungen davon, welche ich in meinen Händen halte, korrekt sind, dann ist das weit mehr als eine Schmiererei.
Es ist eine Schrift, welche wohl kaum jemand hier lesen kann, außer mir. Eine dämonisch/moshranische Schrift, welche Textzeilen aus einem Buch mit Lehren Moshrans wieder gibt.
Ich werde sie entfernen lassen oder das sogar selbst tun. Es ist zum Glück nicht so leicht als Schrift zu erkennen.
Ich werde auch die Augen und Ohren offen halten und meine Krieger die Umgebung im Auge behalten lassen. Einfach zur Sicherheit.
Es kann was Ernstes sein oder auch nur Vorbereitungen für Mas, Angst einjagen oder ähnliches. Die Zeit wird es zeigen.

Wir sehen uns bald Seelenschwester und bis dahin gib auf dich und unsere Kleine, die wohl so langsam genau das nicht mehr, acht.

Mögen die Götter mit euch sein wie meine Gedanken und ihr beide in meinem Herzen.


Nish atmete tiefer durch und faltete den Brief und nahm ihn mit, ebenso ihre Waffen, als sie wieder vor die Tür ging. Mit einem Falken, wie gehabt, schickte sie den Brief auf den Weg. Sie selbst machte sich auf, die Stadtmauer zu inspizieren und diese „Schmierereien“ zu entfernen.


(( english below ))

Nish had just returned from Brimshire and was on her way to the tailor when one of the guards intervened and handed her some reports which were obviously important.... Nish stopped in front of her house and frowned as she looked them over. She looked up and nodded to the young elf. She would take care of it.
With that, she entered the house after all. She handed the casket to Sira and sent her to the tailor so that Sira and he could finish the work.
She looked after Sira for a moment with a grin. The tailor here in Temran, Alec, was not much older than Sira and single, and he liked Sira. Moreover, he was also very taken with her craftsmanship in tailoring.
This way it was better and Nish could take care of the reports and the letter to Aly. But she briefly glanced at the garden where Jeruno was with the children.
No, she couldn't miss the chance to greet him and the twins and to stay with them for another two hours. The worries faded into the background. At least until Nish was in her study.
At her desk, Nish went through the reports again, looked at the drawings and, taking a deep breath, ran her fingers through her hair.
Then she took parchment and quill to write to Aly.

My beloved sister,

what?? Trouble?? We???? Never!
Yes, I'm laughing right now. But I confess, that was a kind of trouble that was pleasant. Although I can find far harsher and more dangerous trouble pleasant at times.
I guess that just seems to be the way it is and never changes, for me or for you.

So, for the wedding, I've already made all the arrangements. Don't worry about it. And no, no leather armour. But trust me, sister, you'll be pleased.
By the way, the wedding will take place on the 2nd of Adras. I know the letter will arrive at very short notice, but you'll manage.
Inara knows about it and won't be surprised. I'm sure she would have been invited but, apparently, she doesn't feel like it or she has too much to do? At least her letters read like that.

Everything seems to have become so....quiet at your place. But actually, such calmness is never a good sign and someone like me, or even you, might be a bit nervous about it, besides being bored.
But I'm sure you'll tell me what's going on with your rogue when you get here anyway.

Inara...she usually helps completely selflessly. She has also written, of course, what she does and that she has achieved her Grand Master's degree at the glassblowing guild in Cadomyr. I am really so proud of her.
The carpentry, the glassblowing, Inara at least really finishes that, besides everything else. Unlike me. For me, it's just a leisure activity, and other things are my priority. Which is more in line with my nature.
And yes, she also described her latest masterpiece to me in great detail. Also how much she had to deal with the pure element crystals and study about them.
Her understanding of these and other things is quite amazing.
And I'm raving about my daughter again....

Sirani Temple, well if such an initiative doesn't bring people together what will? Oh yes I know something but that would be very counter productive. Fights, wars and all that sort of thing. Unless it's a common enemy. But there should be more than that bringing people together.

When I came back from Brimshire today, reports of some strange happenings were already waiting for me. Nothing good, I can tell you that much.
I'm gonna get a clearer picture of this myself in a bit. I don't want anything to interfere with this wedding.
What we're dealing with are strange built formations in the forest that also appear burnt. And, even more disturbing, strange scribblings on the city wall, from the outside. And if the drawings of them, which I have in my hands, are correct, then this is far more than a smear.
It is a writing that hardly anyone here can read, except me. A demonic/Moshran writing, which reproduces lines of text from a book of Moshran's teaching.
I will have it removed or even do it myself. Fortunately, it is not so easy to identify as a scripture.
I will also keep my eyes and ears open and have my warriors keep an eye on the surroundings. Just to be on the safe side.
It may be something serious or just preparations for mas, striking fear or the like. Time will tell.
I'll see you soon soul sister and until then, take care of yourself and our little one who is probably starting to stop being just that.

May the gods be with you as are my thoughts and you both in my heart.


Nish took a deeper breath and folded the letter, taking it with her, as well as her weapons, as she walked back outside the door. With a falcon, as usual, she sent the letter on its way. She herself set out to inspect the city wall and remove these "smearings".
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Inara was not at home by the time she arrived. The first thing was to prepare the bathroom and to clean her fine armor.
Spiders !! She detested those critters.

But she did everything for Cadomyr - or to phrase it better, everything for Letma to finally be completed.
A slight guilt gnawed at her - she should have voted against the group splitting up.
To her own defense - she couldn't even remember about this spider den, nor the danger it did possess.
But since this stranger named Linden said he could handle the sword and Hurr was there, she thought it shouldn't be a problem.
Sammy also did mention he had plenty of Potions. That the Spider Queen then sent the other group to Cherga was more than unfortunate.
Her group also had some problems but they just got away by a hair's breadth.
What would have happened if they would have met the Spider Queen ? Impossible to predict.
Amanda had her disgusting stuff and could continue her studies.
Aly just hoped it was worth it.
She had thought she might be able to exchange a few words with Drathe - but that had not worked either.

A lot went through her mind and she sighed.
Much was at stake.
The warm water caressed her and she slowly relaxed.
It was time to spend another night, or two, in the desert. She would get some wine and leave a message for Inara.
And she could write a letter to Nish - maybe that would help her too.

Grabbing the towel, she got out of the bathroom and put the plan into action.

Some time later, she was lying in her beloved desert, gazing at the velvet dark night sky.
The stars sparkled like small and large diamonds and the moon shone silvery on the sand.
It was peaceful and quiet.
And it was then that she remembered those gray-green eyes. Drathe still shifted in front of them and her heart made a few extra beats.
It wasn't going to get any easier.

After drewing in a few deep breath of air she decided to write the letter for Nish

* Beloved Soulsister,

I hope with all my heart that you are feeling better after this cowardly attack.
Didn't you write that we don't attract trouble?
I think that was more of a joke.
Despite everything it was a beautiful wedding. I think I have never danced so long.
Your brother-in-law is an interesting case.

Actually, I should be mad at you all for never mentioning him. But he explained it to me - well, he tried.

Everything is getting more and more complicated here. And it's too quiet while we're heading unmistakably for Mas.
There are things in motion that I can't grasp and those who are familiar with me know that this almost drives me crazy.
So don't be surprised if a few grains of sand land on the letter here.
Once again I am looking for my peace of mind in the desert.

Hopefully you still have time to send an answer before Mas. It would reassure me to know if you are well again.
Kiss the little ones and hug Jeruno and Sira for me.

In thoughts with you

P.S. Say hello to the charmer from me ...

The letter was freed from the drifted sand grains and she folded it carefully. The whistle summoned Aratos and she sent him on his way to Temran.

That night someone could be heard singing sad songs in a broken low voice ....
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nish entspannte nach einem intensiven Training bei einer Tasse Tee auf der Drachenbank in ihrem Garten. Alles schien so ruhig zu sein obwohl Mas schon recht nahe war. Nish traute diesem Frieden aber nicht und genau da und bei dem Überfall auf sie, waren auch ihre Gedanken. Noch immer.
Doch davon wurde sie schnell abgelenkt als ein erneuter Überfall sie mehr als überraschte.
Zwei kleine junge Drachen, getragen von zwei starken Kriegern überfielen sie regelrecht um Nish niederzuringen.
Und Nish, gefiel das grade nur zu sehr, was ihr Lachen dabei deutlich machte. Das war die Ablenkung die sie brauchte. Ihre Zwillinge die glucksten und lachten. Jeruno der Nishadaa hielt und auch küsste und ihr Schwager der sich mit den Zwillingen scheinbar voll und ganz verschworen hatte.
So war für die nächsten Stunden auch eindeutig Familienzeit angesagt. Es lenkte Nishadaa mehr als gut ab, soviel war sicher.
Aber irgendwann mussten die Kleinen auch ins Bett. Danach war dann der Zeitpunkt wo Nish sich in ihr Arbeitszimmer zurück zog. Papierkram gab es kaum im Moment, nur zwei Briefe, von denen aber nur einer auf eine Antwort wartete und die sollte schon vor Mas erfolgen.
Also setzte sie sich an ihren Schreibtisch mit einem weiteren Tee und machte sich daran Aly eine Antwort zu schreiben.

Meine liebe Seelenschwester,

zu aller erst, kann ich dir sagen, dass es mir gut geht. Diese Bilder sind soweit abgeklungen, nur meine Träume, wenn ich mal schlaf finde, machen noch Ärger. Aber ich schätze das brauch einfach etwas mehr Zeit.
Ansonsten ist es im Großen und Ganzen ruhig hier in Temran und der Umgebung. Aber das kann sich noch ändern je näher Mas rückt. Du kennst ist, da drehen alle etwas durch oder sehen eine Chance wo gar keine ist einen Überfall zu starten. Banditen nutzen das gerne, aber wie gesagt, bisher keine Andeutungen in diese Richtung.
Wobei, heute Mittag wurde ich tatsächlich überfallen. Von zwei jungen Drachen welche getragen wurden von zwei starken Kriegern.
Nicht mal im eigenen Garten auf der Drachenbank von Inara ist man sicher. Du kannst dir vorstellen das wir den ganzen Tag dann zu viert verbracht haben, ja Caldan ist immer noch hier und er bleibt es auch bis Mas vorbei ist. Nur um sicher zu gehen, meint er.
Ich schätze, zu sehen in welcher Gefahr ich schweben kann, hat ihn vielleicht doch etwas erschreckt aber auch vieles deutlicher werden lassen.
Wo wir grade von ihm sprechen kommen wir vielleicht nochmal zu dem angenehmeren Teil in den tagen als du hier warst, die Hochzeit. Ich denke du hast selten solch eine Feierlichkeit so genossen oder?
Alicia und Kendrick waren..begeistert das du da warst und du hast ja selbst gesehen wie sehr sie und andere sich gefreut haben dich zu sehen. In dem Sinne, sende ich dir hiermit nochmals liebe Grüße von den beiden.
Ah ja, Caldan und sein, „Man redet nicht über ihn wenn man ihn noch nicht kennen gelernt hat“, Ding. Nun, ich habe auch Jerunos andere 4 Brüder nie erwähnt, von dem her...
Zudem kannst du ab und zu wohl auch mal eine Überraschung vertragen vor allem eine so gut aussehende.

Korrekt, das Grinsen kriege ich grade nicht vom Gesicht.

Oh aber ich kann dir sagen, er ist kein Plappermaul. Ich will damit sagen, was ihr untereinder besprochen habt, bleibt auch genau da, unter euch. Er meinte tatsächlich nur, dass ihr euch grade kennen lernt und er sich wohl darauf freut dich wieder zu sehen. Letzteres entnehme ich mal seinem Lächeln.

Die Situation bei euch ist also ähnlich wie hier...zu ruhig, wie ich schon erwähnt habe und doch..., das Chaos steht niemals still. Ich weiß, was du meinst und fühlst, mehr als du hier schreibst. Und ja, das sagt mir der Sand unter anderem.

Vielleicht ist es gut, dass Inara hierher kommt, auch wenn sie bei den Vorbereitungen bei euch vielleicht nützlicher wäre. Aber durch Inaras Brief weiß ich auch, das es zu wichtig für sie ist um es noch länger aufzuschieben.
Sie kommt zuerst hier her nach Temran und wird von 3 meiner Garde nach Ar-Sikar begleitet, nur um sicher zu gehen. Zumal Inara die Wege nicht kennt. Ich hoffe sie findet etwas Ruhe mit dem was sie vorhat. Und ich gestehe, ich habe sogar eine Nachricht schon an meine Mutter geschickt aber auch an Kandala. Ich denke Inara brauch...genau das im Moment.
Trotzdem freue ich mich sie zu sehen, oh und ja, die Kleinen bekamen die Küsse von dir und manchmal könnte man meinen sie würden verstehen was ich ihnen dazu gesagt habe.
Jeruno und Sira lassen dich ebenso grüßen.

Was Caldan angeht, der schreibt dir wohl selbst. Er kümmert sich selbst darum, meint er.
Und für mich wird es Zeit für etwas Meditation, das hilft mehr als der Schlaf derzeit und lässt sich besser kontrollieren.

Auf bald meine Schwester, meine Gedanken und mein Herz sind bei dir, möget ihr alle Mas gut überstehen und die Götter mit uns allen sein.


Nish atmete tiefer durch, lass nochmal den Brief bevor sie diesen faltete und in den Garten ging. Da saß Aratos auf der Drachenstatue aus Holz und verschlang grade die Reste seiner Beute, offenbar eine Feldmaus. Stolz blickte er danach zu Nish herüber was sie schmunzeln ließ. Sie befestigte den Brief bei ihm und ließ ihn dann die Heimreise antreten, nachdem sie ihm nochmal sacht durch das Gefieder gestrichen war und ihn gelobt hatte. Es waren einfach so wundervolle und stolze Tiere. Eine Weile, sah sie Aratos auch nach, bevor sie wieder ins Haus ging und sich ihrer Meditation widmete.


Nish was relaxing after an intense training with a cup of tea on the dragon bench in her garden. Everything seemed to be so quiet although Mas was already quite close. Nish did not trust this peace, however, and right there and at the attack on her, were her thoughts as well. Still.
But she was quickly distracted from that when another attack more than surprised her.
Two small young dragons, carried by two strong warriors, attacked her to wrestle Nish down.
And Nish liked it all too much, as her laughter made clear. This was the distraction she needed. Her twins gurgling and chuckling. Jeruno who held Nishadaa and kissed her, and her brother-in-law who seemed to be in full conspiracy with the twins.
So for the next few hours it was also clearly family time. It distracted Nishadaa more than fine, that much was for sure.
But at some point the little ones had to go to bed. After that, it was time for Nish to retire to her workroom. There was hardly any paperwork at the moment, only two letters, but only one of them was waiting for an answer, and it should be done before Mas.
So she sat down at her desk with another tea and started to write an answer to Aly.

My dear soul sister,

first of all, I can tell you that I am fine. These images have faded away so far, only my dreams, when I find sleep, still cause trouble. But I guess that just needs a little more time.
Otherwise it is quiet here in Temran and the surrounding area. But that can change, the closer Mas gets. You know how it is when everyone goes a little crazy or sees a chance to start a raid where there is none. Bandits like to take advantage of that, but as I said, so far no hints in that direction.
Whereas, today at noon I was actually attacked. By two young dragons which were carried by two strong warriors.
Not even in your own garden on the dragon bench of Inara you are safe. You can imagine that we spent the whole day together, yes Caldan is still here and he will stay until Mas is over. Just to be on the safe side, he says.
I guess maybe seeing how much danger I can be in scared him a little, but also made a lot of things clearer.
Speaking of which, let's get back to the more pleasant part of the days you were here, the wedding. I think you've rarely enjoyed such a celebration so much, haven't you?
Alicia and Kendrick were... delighted that you were there and you saw for yourself how happy they and others were to see you. With that in mind, I send you their warmest regards once again.
Ah yes, Caldan and his, "You don't talk about him if you haven't met him yet", thing. Well, I never mentioned Jeruno's other 4 brothers either, from that....
Besides, I guess you can use a surprise now and then especially one so handsome.

Correct, I can't get the grin off my face right now.

Oh, but I can tell he's not a chatty guy. What I'm saying is, what you two have talked about in private stays right there, among the two of you. He actually just meant that you were just getting to know each other and that he was looking forward to seeing you again. I take the last from his smiling face.

So the situation with you is similar to here...too quiet, as I mentioned before and yet..., the chaos never stands still. I know what you mean and feel, more than you write here. And yes, that's what the sand tells me among other things.

Maybe it's good that Inara is coming here, even if she might be more useful in the preparations at your place. But I also know from Inara's letter that it is too important for her to postpone it any longer.
She will come here to Temran first and will be accompanied by 3 of my guards to Ar-Sikar, just to be sure. Especially since Inara doesn't know the ways. I hope she finds some peace with what she is about to do. And I confess, I even sent a message already to my mother but also to Kandala. I think Inara needs... precisely that at the moment.
Still, I'm glad to see her, oh and yes, the little ones got the kisses from you and sometimes you'd think they'd understand what I said to them about it.
Jeruno and Sira send you their love as well.

As for Caldan, I guess he will write to you by himself. He'll take care of that, he says.
And for me it is time for some meditation, that helps more than sleep at the moment and can be controlled better.

See you soon my sister, my thoughts and heart are with you, may you all get through Mas well and may the gods be with us all.


Nish took a deeper breath, reading the letter again before folding it and walking into the garden. There, Aratos was sitting on the wooden dragon statue, devouring the remains of his prey, apparently a field mouse. He proudly looked over to Nish, which made her smile. She attached the letter to him and then let him start his journey home after gently stroking his feathers and complimenting him. They were just such wonderful and proud animals. She looked after Aratos for a while before going back into the house and focusing on her meditation.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly awoke with a scream, trying to shake off the nightmare in which she was burned with all those she loved.
Her head was heavy as lead, the cuts on her neck were burning and she had trouble catching her breath. The violently bruised ribs hurt.

*Damn I'm getting too old for this shit ... *
she muttered softly and glanced over at Inara.
Luckily she hadn't woken the girl, but Inara was also sleeping fitfully.

She had seen her - felt the demon face to face for the first time, talked to her.
Aly still felt her heart freeze. Fortunately, her training and self-control had been good enough to get the trembling under control.

Katharina had only sent her to see if Galmair was safe....

*Hm.. If these stones are connected... Aly, please see to Galmair briefly.
And come back with a report.*

A quick glance at the stone and her hand froze in midair as more than a dozen bolts of lightning struck down and a clap of thunder rang her ears.
With a cry, she backed away slightly.
The obsidian rock opened with a violet light and there she stood....
Preacerdhal - dark, ominous -unholy.

Aly's heart still fluttered at the thought alone.
The demoness raised her wand without attacking, Aly raised her firebow ...
*I guess I know who you are ....*

*Await the day I release my prodigy from the bottle!

*You want me to deliver this message?
Or should I pepper you with my arrows?

Prea cackled *I deliver my own message as we speak.*

That was enough - Aly fired with a steady hand and hit the demoness.
Prea spun and did blast the rock with her wand - sending shards and fire all around.
Aly had to protect her eyes, and she hardly noticed the splinters that hit her in unprotected places.
*Do you ever learn?

Then the others came... Prea vanished.
Aly tried to make Clairette understand that her bottle had been noticed by Prea and that the Demon was up to something with it.
Short discussions followed and they went back. Aly dabbed away some blood unnoticed.

And then came the hordes of the Legion - the red ones... the mages, the liches, as the rock exploded.

Sighing, she got up and put some cold water on her face. She went downstairs quietly and drank a sip of water.

Her concern was for S'rrt. He was wounded in his pride that he had been knocked down twice, because the healing potion had slipped from his claws.
Inara tried to cover him, throwing herself into the line and got slightly wounded. But it was to late...
Aly was sure that magic had struck S'rrt - but she hoped that he would recover quickly.
He should have stayed in Cadomyr after the first time - but Aly sympathized with him.
Probably she would have gone out again herself.

After all, Runewick came for reinforcements and wiped out many from the other side.
Sardon, Shiba, Caswir, Gamliel and.... Dugi. The mine was full of the damn red unholy mages.
She and Inara would not have made it - since Oxiana was already gone - tired and exhausted and with bruises like them all.
Confronted with the happening earlier, Dugi told that the skeletons had attacked him and he had practiced *hit and run* to escape them and survive.
She assured Runewick that she would report this to Katharina. However, this dwarf could not really be trusted.

*Another sip of water and then I'll try to rest again ....*
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

She came from swimming, her daily routine in the early hours of the morning.
She rubbed herself reasonably dry with a towel and then squeezed the water out of her long hair.
She gazed thoughtfully across the water.
*Time to write one or more letters I think* she could be heard murmuring.

In the villa, she decided to light the chimney and have breakfast, made up of the last of the potato bread and some fruit.
Inara was still asleep, so Aly made herself comfortable to write a letter to Nish.

*Dear Soul Sister,

I sincerely hope that you have overcome Mas well.
Are the two sweet ones doing well? Jeruno and the rest ?
And above all - you ?
I mean, you have a tendency to throw yourself into the thickest battle without taking care of your health.
Well - so do I. But I confess I have become more cautious with age.

Mas was here - well, more than quiet at first. Good news = the obsidian rocks in front of the realms are gone.
Bad news = they were definitely Prea's.
Yes, I saw the demon, spoke and attacked her. With little success though.
She is more powerful than all the demons and archdemons I have met before and my heartbeat could hardly keep up.
We should be glad that we are able to have absolute discipline and self-control.

So yes, I survived - with a few scratches. One or two splinters hit me when she blew up the obsidian rock.
Later, when she marched her army of red skeletons against Cadomyr, I got a few bruises.
But really nothing worse - Inara also suffered only minor injuries.
Unfortunately, a Lizard from Runewick afterwards meant he had to insult us as *Dog Knights*.
There's obviously an old feud between him and the Countess - which doesn't justify these outbursts from the self-proclaimed *Last of the Atarka*.

Anyway - I will receive my official Knighting from the Queen in a few days.
Sometimes I am not sure if these are just stalling manoeuvres because of the house and the status of a noble in Cadomyr.
There are just these doubts in me after years of being delayed, put off and doubted.
Katharina, however, has always been a friend, someone I could rely on.
This inner conflict is not always easy to cope with.

To come back to Inara - this - or rather - the tattoos, have become really good and distract the girl from the scars on her back.
It was a good decision to travel after her. She needed you and your hand.

Kyre had disappeared for a while, but her last message let me know she was on her way back.
I miss her and our conversations. I hope to see her again soon.

Caldan will also receive a letter in the near future. He really is a cheeky one.

I will leave it at that and hope you will get in touch soon so I know you are fine.

You are always in my heart


After reading the letter again, she put it on the table. She would send it when she returned from the morning patrol.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nish kam gerade zurück von ihrem Rundgang. Hier und da mussten Reparaturen gemacht werden, vor allem an der Mauer. Dort hatte es den ein oder anderen Einschlag gegeben.
Dennoch war Mas noch recht ruhig von statten gegangen. Sie hatte mit Schlimmerem gerechnet.
Durch alles was in der Stadt selbst anstand hatte sie den Brief auch einige Tage liegen lassen.
Nish zog sich, nachdem sie sich noch kurz um ihre Zwillinge gekümmert hatte in ihr Arbeitszimmer zurück um sich eben darum genau zu kümmern und Aly zu antworten. Besonders nach Mas war es schon wichtig das es schnell geschah. Sonst standen als nächstes Aly und Inara vor dem Tor mit gezückten Waffen...
Nish grinste bei dem Gedanken.
Sie nahm sich einen Kelch und eine Flasche Wein als sie sich an ihren Schreibtisch setzte und Alys Brief heraussuchte aus den ganzen anderen Berichten und Briefen.
Nish trank einen Schluck bevor sie sich an das Antwortschreiben machte.

Meine geliebte Seelenschwester,

vorweg, kann ich dir sagen, dass es uns allen gut geht. Niemand der zu Cherga geschickt wurde und auch sonst haben sich schwere Verletzungen in Grenzen gehalten.
Mas war hier ruhiger als ich es erwartet hatte und auch nicht das schlimmste Mas das wir bisher hatten.
Dennoch gab es die ein oder andere Überraschung und Schäden an den Mauern wie auch an dem ein oder anderen Haus.
Jeruno blieb bei den Zwillingen, da die beiden sehr unruhig waren als wenn sie diese Finsternis genauso spüren wie ich es tue. Ich hoffe das ich mich einfach irre und es nur jetzt, wo sie noch so klein sind, eine Wahrnehmung des Mas ist, die sich wieder legen wird.
Die beiden weinten oft und lange, was es mir wirklich schwer machte in den Kampf zu ziehen. Man stelle sich das vor. Erst als Mas vorbei war oder wenn sie eben schliefen fanden sie halbwegs Ruhe.
Was alle anderen angeht, das meiste hier waren Schnitte und Schürfwunden, Verbrennungen und einige Knochenbrüche.
Caldan und ich blieben davon verschont. Allerdings bleibe ich noch nicht von Alpträumen verschont. Besonders an Mas nicht. Aber wen wundert es.
Ich habe nun einmal etwas Dunkles in mir und das wird nicht so einfach verschwinden. Vielleicht ist das auch etwas dafür mit verantwortlich wie ich mich in Kämpfe stürze und ich diese dann auch genieße, wie auch diesen Mas.
Vorsichtiger oder umsichtiger im Kampf werden? Wie soll ich das sagen, im Kampf fühle mich so jung...wie ich auch eigentlich noch bin, zumindest nach elfischen Maßstäben.
Dennoch, stürze ich mich meisten nicht planlos in so etwas hinein.
Insgesamt kann man sagen, wir haben es gut überstanden.

Was eure Steine da angeht, kann man wohl wirklich mehr als froh sein das sie nun weg sind. Aber was du von Prea erzählst....
So wie es scheint, ist sie vielleicht ein besonderer Günstling Moshrans. Auf der einen Seite erklärt es auch leider warum sie so mit euch allen spielt aber glücklicherweise auch warum sie Dich am Leben gelassen hat obwohl du ihr gegenüber gestanden bist.
Dennoch, irgendwo muss die Quelle ihrer Macht sein.
Unsere Angst würde sie nur stärker machen. Unser Leid sie nähren.
Meine Erziehung hatte in diesem Punkt vielleicht sogar Vorteile.

Ich bin froh das ihr beide auch so glimpflich davon gekommen seid. Auch Inara wird immer hm...besser? Zielsicherer und selbstsicherer. Auf der einen Seite erwachsener und auf der andere Seite kann sie immer noch mehr oder weniger Kind sein wenn sie will oder es zulässt.
Zudem kann man sie auch immer noch sehr gut überraschen. Wie eben auch als sie dann ihre Tattoos bekam. Ja, sie sind großartig geworden und sie helfen ihr...ich denke in mehr als nur einer Weise.
Sie hatte Angst und ich konnte sie damit nicht allein lassen, egal ob sie dieses Sibanac Gebräu hatte oder nicht. Sie ist und bleibt eben meine Kleine und ich liebe sie über alles, wie auch die Zwillinge.

Was diese Echse angeht, egal was da vorgefallen ist, jene sollte mal darüber nachdenken ob solche Beschimpfungen wirklich so ehrenhaft sind. Bei solcher Wortwahl, kann sie sich auch gleich selbst so bezeichnen.

Ich gestehe ich bin schon neugierig wie das nun mit dem Ritterschlag vor sich gegangen ist. Ich freue mich aber natürlich für dich. Da kannst du dir sicher sein.
Für mich selbst würde ich mir das seltsam vorstellen. Aber das liegt wohl an meinem eignen gelebten Status den ich nie ganz loswerden werde. Immerhin war ich einen Schritt weiter in dem Punkt als du. Königin und nicht nur Prinzessin. Wobei...wiederholen, würde ich das auch nicht wollen. Ich bin zufrieden mit dem wie es jetzt ist.
Aber du, bei allem was Du getan hast für Illarion, verdienst das wie jeder andere an Deiner Stelle ebenso.
Wobei ich wetten würde, dass Inara das noch ablehnen würde.

Ich hoffe Kyre ist zurück und ihr geht es gut?

Oh ja, Caldan. Es könnte etwas dauern mit seiner Antwort, da er sich auf den Weg gemacht hat zu seiner Mannschaft und seinem Schiff. Aber er wird dir antworten, da kannst du sicher sein. Nur ist es auch verständlich, dass er nach seinen Leuten sehen will und...ja..nun seiner „Arbeit“ nachgehen muss.

Du siehst, soweit ist hier alles in Ordnung.

Gib auf dich, deine Freunde und unsere Kleine acht.

Meine Gedanken und mein Herz sind immer bei euch...


Nish lächelte leicht als sie den Brief nochmal las und dann faltete. Sie erhob sich von ihrem Stuhl und machte sich auf den Weg nach draußen wo Aratos genau darauf schon wartete.
Nish strich dem stolzen Tier nochmal durch das Gefieder, bevor er sich auf den Weg machte...

Nicht ganz 2 Tage später wurde Nish geweckt in der Nacht. Von lauten von Schmerz und Panik erfüllten Rufen die typisch für Falken waren. Nish eilte also in den Garten, gefolgt von Jeruno, nur um dort den verletzten Aratos zu finden auf der Drachenbank.
Jeruno macht sich sofort daran den armen Falken erst einmal zu beruhigen, nur um dann Nish bei ihm zu lassen damit er einige Sachen holen konnte um sich um Aratos zu kümmern.
Nish strich im sacht über die Brust und nahm ihm zunächst den Brief wieder ab, während er leise noch immer fiepste. Nish sah auch die Verletzungen und verzog das Gesicht leicht. Da war ein Schnitt an seiner Seite und am Flügel. Damit grenzte es an ein Wunder, dass er es zurück geschafft hatte.
Nish atmete nur tiefer durch und überließ Jeruno das versorgen des Falken. Sie nahm den Brief mit und ging wieder hinein. Natürlich war da nun auch Blut daran aber das war nicht zu ändern.
Sie würde dem Brief in den nächsten Tagen noch ein Blatt hinzufügen aber zunächst, musste sie dieser Sache auf den Grund gehen, denn das war nicht einfach ein Unfall gewesen, dafür waren die Verletzungen zu..präzise, wie Jeruno es ihr später bestätigen würde...

Du wunderst dich sicherlich über das weitere Blatt und das Blut auf dem Rest des Briefes. Wahrscheinlich kommt der Brief nun auch weit später bei dir an als ursprünglich vorgesehen.
Wie du gemerkt hast bringt nicht Aratos den Brief. Aber bitte keine Sorge, er ist auf dem Weg der Besserung aber brauch noch etwas Ruhe und Pflege.
Aratos wurde angegriffen auf dem Weg zu dir. Sein Flügel war verletzt und auch seine Seite. Aber er wird wieder.
Seit dem ursprünglichen Brief hat sich einiges, sagen wir offenbart und ereignet.
Zum einen verzeichnen wir mehr Aktivitäten von Banditen im weiteren Umland zu Temran. Das hört man auch überall derzeit. Überfälle, Entführungen, Sklavenhandel, Erpressungen. Die Reiche sind mehr oder minder auseinander gefallen. Die Straßen sind nicht mehr so sicher aber, dass alles zeichnete sich jetzt ja schon länger ab.
Das mit Aratos kann ein Zufall gewesen sein oder Absicht. Dass kann ich nicht mit Bestimmtheit sagen.
Dafür aber einige andere unschöne Dinge.
Zum einen scheint der Außenposten Bralenar unter Belagerung zu stehen. Dass nimmt meine Mutter zumindest an und ich habe 5 meiner Schatten zur Unterstützung eines weiteren Trupps geschickt den meine Mutter von Brimshire abzieht.
Bralenar ist die direkte Verbindung nach Ar-Sikar durch das Portal welches dort steht. Oder eher die Verbindung direkt vor die äußeren Tore, hinter der magischen Barriere.
Dazu noch habe ich Nachricht aus Brimshire erhalten von Lady Keona. Diese werde ich dir und auch Inara nicht vorenthalten und ich denke, du solltest es Inara auch sagen. Wenn sie es anders erfährt, wird sie sonst mehr als sauer auf uns sein. Tut nur beide nichts dummes und bleibt wo ihr seid. So wie ich auch...
So wie es aussieht, wurde Amelia verschleppt und verkauft. Ich würde am liebsten direkt selbst dorthin aber Jeruno hat recht. Ich kann nicht einfach gehen und die Zwillinge und alle hier allein lassen, bei den wachsenden Gefahren.
Allerdings schicke ich 10 meiner Krieger um bei der Suche zu helfen. Also, ich habe sie schon längst auf den Weg geschickt.
Wir müssen die Ruhe bewahren. Ami wird gefunden werden und es wird ihr gut gehen.
Ich muss daran glauben.

Ich werde dir schreiben sofern ich Neuigkeiten habe oder wenn vorher ein Brief deinerseits seinen Weg zu mir findet.

Bleib stark meine Schwester und bleib es auch du meine kleine...große starke Tochter.
Ich liebe euch beide.


Oh und, ich dachte du würdest Nyx mal gerne wieder sehen...sie war gar nicht davon abzubringen den Boten zu spielen.


Nish just came back from her patrol. Repairs had to be made here and there, especially on the wall. There had been one or the other damage.
Nevertheless, Mas had still been quite calm. She had expected worse.
Due to everything that was going on in the city itself, she had also left the letter lying around for a few days.
Nish retreated, after she had taken care of her twins, to her study to attend to that and to answer Aly. Especially after Mas it was important that it happened quickly. Otherwise Aly and Inara would be standing in front of the gate with their weapons drawn...
Nish grinned at the thought.
She took a goblet and a bottle of wine as she sat down at her desk and picked out Aly's letter from all the other reports and correspondence.
Nish took a sip before she set to writing the reply.

My beloved soul sister,

first of all, I can tell you that we are all fine. No one sent to Cherga and other serious injuries have also been limited.
Mas was calmer than I expected and not the worst Mas we have had so far.
Nevertheless, there were one or two surprises and damage to the walls as well as one or two houses.
Jeruno stayed with the twins, as the two were very restless as if they felt this darkness as I do. I hope that I am simply mistaken and that it is only now, when they are still so small, a perception of Mas that will subside again.
The two of them cried often and for a long time, which made it really hard for me to go into battle. Imagine that. Only when Mas was over or when they were just asleep did they find halfway peace.
As for everyone else, most of this was cuts and scrapes, burns and some broken bones.
Caldan and I were spared. However, I am not spared from nightmares yet. Especially not on Mas. But who would be surprised.
I have something dark in me and it will not disappear so easily. Maybe this is also responsible for the way I get into fights and enjoy them, just like this Mas.
Becoming more cautious or more prudent in battle? How can I put this, in combat I feel so young...as I actually still am, at least by elven standards.
Still, I don't usually rush into something like this haphazardly.
All in all, I'd say we got through it okay.

As for your stones there, you can be more than happy that they are gone now. But what you tell about Prea....
As it seems, she is perhaps a special favorite of Moshran. On the one hand it explains why she plays with you all like that, but fortunately it also explains why she left you alive even though you faced her.
Still, somewhere must be the source of her power.
Our fear would only make her stronger. Our suffering would nurture her.
My upbringing may even have had advantages in that regard.

I'm glad you both got off so lightly, too. Inara is also becoming hm...better? More purposeful and self-confident. On the one hand more adult and on the other hand she can still be more or less a child if she wants or allows it.
Besides, she can still be surprised quite well. Like when she got her tattoos. Yes, they turned out great and they help her...I believe in more ways than one.
She was scared and I couldn't leave her alone with that, whether she had that Sibanac concoction or not. She is and always will be my little girl and I love her more than anything, just like the twins.

As for this lizard, no matter what happened, that one should think about whether such insults are really so honorable. With such a choice of words, he may as well call himself that.

I confess I am already curious how that went on now with the knighthood. But of course I am happy for you. You can be sure of that.
For myself I would picture it strangely. But that is probably due to my own lived status which I will never completely get rid of. After all, I was one step ahead of you in that respect. Queen and not just princess. But... I wouldn't want to repeat that either. I am content with the way it is now.
But you, with all you have done for Illarion, deserve that as much as anyone else in your place.
Although I would bet that Inara would still refuse.

I hope Kyre is back and doing well?

Oh yes, Caldan. It might take him a little while to reply, as he has left to join his crew and ship. But he will answer you, you can be sure of that. Only it is also understandable that he wants to check on his people and...yes..now has to go about his "work".

You see, so far everything is fine here.

Take care of yourself, your friends and our little one.

My thoughts and heart are always with you....


Nish smiled slightly as she read the letter again and then folded it. She stood up from her chair and made her way outside where Aratos was already awaiting just that.
Nish stroked the proud animal's feathers once more before heading out....

Not quite two days later Nish awoke in the night. There were loud cries of pain and panic that were typical for falcons. Nish rushed into the garden, followed by Jeruno, only to find the injured Aratos on the dragon's bench.
Jeruno immediately started to calm the poor falcon, only to leave Nish with him to fetch some stuff to take care of Aratos.
Nish gently stroked his chest and took the letter from him, while he still squeaked softly. Nish also saw the injuries and frowned slightly. There was a cut on his side and wing. With that, it almost was a miracle that he had made it back.
Nish just took a deeper breath and left Jeruno to take care of the falcon. She took the letter and went back inside. Of course there was blood on it now, but that couldn't be helped.
She would add another page to the letter in the next few days, but first, she had to get to the bottom of this, because this was not just an accident, the injuries were too...precise, as Jeruno would confirm later....

You are surely wondering about the further page and the blood on the rest of the letter. It's also likely that the letter is now arriving at your house far later than originally intended.
As you noticed, it is not Aratos who delivers the letter. But please don't worry, he is on the mend, but still needs some rest and care.
Aratos was attacked on the way to you. His wing was injured and also his side. But he will be alright.
Since the original letter, a few things have, shall we say, revealed and happened.
For one thing, we are seeing more bandit activity in the wider Temran area. This is also heard everywhere at the moment. Raids, kidnappings, slave trade, blackmailing. The empires have more or less fallen apart. The roads are no longer so safe, but all this has been apparent for some time.
That with Aratos can have been a coincidence or intentionally. I cannot say that with certainty.
But there are some other unpleasant things.
For one thing, the outpost Bralenar seems to be under siege. At least that's what my mother assumes and I have sent 5 of my Shadows to support another squad that my mother is pulling out of Brimshire.
Bralenar is the direct connection to Ar-Sikar through the portal that is there. Or rather the connection directly in front of the outer gates, behind the magic barrier.
In addition, I have also received a message from Brimshire through Lady Keona. I will not withhold this from you and also from Inara, and I think you should tell Inara as well. If she finds out otherwise, she will be more than angry with us. Just don't do anything stupid, both of you, and stay where you are. Just like me...
It seems that Amelia was kidnapped and sold. I would like to go there myself, but Jeruno is right. I can't just go and leave the twins and everyone here alone with the growing dangers.
However, I am sending 10 of my warriors to help with the search. Well, I've already sent them on their way.
We must remain calm. Ami will be found and she will be fine.
I have to believe that.

I will write to you if I have news or if a letter from you finds its way to me before then.

Stay strong my sister and you too my little...big strong daughter.
I love you both.


Oh and, I thought you would like to see Nyx again...she was not to be dissuaded from playing the messenger.
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Inara and Aly sat in front of the fireplace, drinking tea and brooding. Few words were spoken.
Amelia kidnapped, probably sold - what a horrible story ....
And even worse the feeling of being helpless.

It was like a stab in the heart for Aly when Inara almost cried out, "I can't lose her...."

The girl was now asleep in the chair, but restless.
Aly could not sleep. Too much was going on in her head.

She decided to send Nish at least a short message with Nyx

*Dear Soul Sister,

it is difficult to stay calm and... just do nothing.
Inara is suffering and I am caring for her as much as I can.

I really hope Aratos will get well soon even if it was nice to see Nyx again.
I hope I get some good news about Amelia soon....
Everything else seems irrelevant to me.

Stay strong....
Our thoughts are with you as much as you are with us.


Quietly, not wanting to wake Inara from her restless slumber, she rose and went out to send Nyx home with the short message.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nishadaa machte sich auf den Weg in ihr Haus, in ihr Arbeitszimmer. Bei sich hatte sie ein paar Berichte der Stadtwache, ihrer persönlichen Krieger die noch hier waren und die Gegend immer wieder auskundschaften. Briefe von ihrer Mutter, Inara und von Byron Blake, dem Anführer von Nishs Elite Kriegern, welche sie auf die Suche nach Amelia geschickt hatte.
Nish legte alles auf ihren Schreibtisch. Nur das Schreiben von Byron nahm sie direkt zur Hand.
Sie wanderte durch den Raum, atmete tiefer durch und legte das Schreiben schlussendlich auf den Tisch. Nish schüttelte den Kopf als sie recht unvermittelt mit einer geraden auf den Tisch schlug.
In ihren Augen glühte der Zorn...darüber so hilflos zu sein..
Sie schloss die Augen, atmete tiefer durch, ein paar mal. Nur um sich dann an den Schreibtisch zu setzen und auch alles andere noch zu lesen. Vieles davon verbesserte ihre Laune nicht unbedingt.
Also machte sie sich dann daran einige Briefe zu verfassen. Genau genommen vier.
Der erste würde an Aly und Inara gehen, die anderen an Lhira, Byron und Keona.

Meine liebe Schwester,

ich kann mir nur zu gut vorstellen wie es euch beiden gehen muss. Nichts tun zu können als abzuwarten ist unerträglich, für uns alle.
Für Inara ist das vielleicht sogar noch schlimmer als für uns beide. Wir kennen viele solcher Momente aber Inara?
Für sie ist das immer noch neu. So hitzköpfig wie sie ist, will sie helfen und doch sagt ihre Logik ihr, dass sie es nicht kann.
Aber natürlich weiß ich, dass du alles für Inara tust was du kannst und ihr seid dort ja auch nicht alleine mit der Situation.
Aratos geht es aber schon wieder weit besser. Nur weite Flüge sind noch nicht möglich. Wir gehen da einfach auf Nummer sicher. Auch wenn er es nicht erwarten kann zu dir zurück zu kommen um dir zu zeigen das es ihm gut geht.
Aber nun, zu den Neuigkeiten.
Meine Mutter hat Ar-Sikar in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Offenbar steckt wohl doch mehr hinter dem Angriff auf Bralenar als gedacht. Laut Berichten, welche meine Mutter erhielt, sind unter den Angreifern offenbar auch übrig gebliebene Anhänger aus Amat'Aras. Wäre auch zu schön gewesen wenn es keinen Ärger mehr von dieser Seite geben würde.

Nun aber zu dem was ebenso wichtig ist.
Byron, der Anführer meiner Krieger, hat mir eine Nachricht zu kommen lassen, einen Bericht.
Offenbar haben sie in Brimshire jemanden inhaftiert, der direkt für Amis Entführung verantwortlich ist. Er wurde verhört und so konnte man erfahren, dass Ami an Sklavenhändler aus Gynk verkauft wurde. Demnach wurde sie auch dorthin verbracht.
Byron und seine Leute sind dann weiter nach Gynk und haben dort so diskret wie möglich, was in Gynk nicht schwer ist, jeden Stein und Person auf den Kopf gestellt um an Informationen zu kommen. Also wird wohl auch einiges an Alkohol und Münzen geflossen sein. Gewalt ist leider selbst dort oder vor allem dort nicht immer die beste Lösung.
Sie konnten so zumindest in Erfahrung bringen, dass Amelia an einen albarischen Adelsmann verkauft wurde.
Und genau hier verliert sich bisher die Spur.
Albarische Adelsmänner gibt es wie Sand am Meer. Bisher konnte nicht ausgemacht werden um welche Familie es sich handelt.
Ob das insgesamt gut oder schlecht ist, lässt sich nur schwer sagen. Es ist Albar.
Der Großteil, und jetzt wo die Reiche zerfallen wohl mehr als je zuvor, des Adels dort hat viel Geld und dadurch Macht und sie nutzen es ohne Rücksicht. Intrigen sind ihr liebster Zeitvertreib.
Das macht das ganze noch zusätzlich gefährlich.
Byron wird noch weiter versuchen Informationen zu bekommen, aber es sieht schlecht aus. Er wird noch einige Informanten beauftragen Ausschau zu halten, aber letztendlich wird er sich mit den Kriegern nach Brimshire zurück ziehen, vorerst.
So wie die Lage derzeit ist, will ich das Brimshire zumindest etwas mehr Schutz hat als es gerade der Fall ist.

Das zu den neusten Entwicklungen. Gib es weiter an jene für die es auch wichtig sein könnte, nun bis auf das mit Ar-Sikar natürlich aber...was schreib ich, das versteht sich von selbst.
Ich werde mich nun wieder den Problemen hier widmen.
Macht euch keine Sorgen, so groß sind die noch nicht.

Gebt auf euch acht. Meine Gedanken und mein Herz sind immer bei euch.


Nish seufzte leicht. Aber sie schickte den Brief mit Nyx direkt wieder los und hoffte die Falkendame würde auch sicher ankommen.


( english below ))

Nishadaa made her way to her house, to her study. With her, she had a few reports from the city guard, her personal warriors who were still here, always scouting the area. Letters from her mother, Inara and from Byron Blake, the leader of Nish's elite warriors, which she had sent in search of Amelia.
Nish put everything on her desk. Only the letter from Byron she took directly to her hand.
She paced around the room, took a deep breath, and finally placed the letter on the desk. Nish shook her head as she rather abruptly hit the table with a hard jab.
Anger glowed in her eyes... about being so helpless....
She closed her eyes, took a couple of deep breaths. Only to sit down at the desk and read everything else as well. Much of it did not necessarily improve her mood.
So then she set about writing some letters. In fact, four of them.
The first would go to Aly and Inara, the others to Lhira, Byron and Keona.

My dear sister,

I can only imagine how you two must be feeling. To do nothing but wait is unbearable, for all of us.
For Inara it is perhaps even worse than for both of us. We know many such moments but Inara?
For her, this is still new. As hot-headed as she is, she wants to help and yet her logic tells her she can't.
But of course I know that you are doing everything you can for Inara and you are not alone in this situation.
Aratos is doing much better. Only long flights are not possible yet. We are just playing it safe. Even if he can't wait to come back to you to show you that he is fine.
But now, to the actual news.
My mother has put Ar-Sikar on alert. Apparently there is more to the attack on Bralenar than we thought. According to reports my mother received, among the attackers are apparently leftover Amat'Aras supporters. It would have been nice if there would be no more trouble from this side.

But now to what is equally important.
Byron, the leader of my warriors, has sent me a message, a report.
Apparently they have detained someone in Brimshire who is directly responsible for Ami's kidnapping. He was interrogated and so they were able to learn that Ami was sold to slave traders from Gynk. According to this, she was also taken there.
Byron and his people then went on to Gynk and there, as discreetly as possible, which is not difficult in Gynk, turned every stone and person upside down to get information. So probably also some alcohol and coins must have flown. Violence is unfortunately not always the best solution even there or especially there.
At least they were able to find out that Amelia was sold to an Albarian nobleman.
And this is exactly where the trace gets lost so far.
Albarian noblemen are a dime a dozen. So far it could not be determined which family it is.
It is difficult to say whether this is good or bad overall. It is Albar.
The majority, and probably more than ever now as the empires are crumbling, of the nobility there have a lot of money and therefore power and they use it without a second thought. Intrigue is their favorite pastime.
This makes the whole thing even more dangerous.
Byron will try to get more information, but it looks bad. He will hire some more informants to keep an eye out, but eventually he will retreat to Brimshire with the warriors, for now.
The way the situation is right now, I want Brimshire to have at least a little more protection than it has right now.

That's about the latest developments. Pass it on to those for whom it might also be important, well except for the Ar-Sikar thing of course but...what am I writing, that goes without saying.
I will now return to the problems here.
Don't worry, they are not that big yet.

Take care of yourselves. My thoughts and my heart are always with you.


Nish sighed slightly. But she sent the letter with Nyx right off again, hoping the falcon lady would arrive safely as well.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly checked the outer borders of the kingdom rather relaxed, when she decided to light a small fire and eat some of the provisions.
She had taken parchment and quill with her to write a letter to Nish, if everything went according to plan.
It was very quiet at the moment.
And since Amelia had returned, Inara had also found a little more inner peace.
After a leisurely sip from the water bottle, she began to write.

"My dearest soul sister,

First of all, we are all very relieved that Amelia is back in one piece.
She has been through a lot and I think her soul has been scarred.
Scars are never absent in a life - but I wish it didn't have to mark the young woman in such a brutal way.
Fortunately she has Oxiana, Inara and Clairette - and these druids - to care for her and give support.

Do you have news from the Bralenar outpost yet? How bad is it?
If too many from Amat'Aras show up let me know and I will come to help - with pleasure !
It's quiet here - which, as usual, I don't take too well and already see the big end coming.
Yes - I don't break this habit at my age and experience.

How are you and the twins dear ?
And have you heard anything from Caldan ?

My rogue has also somehow disappeared. Maybe he was aware that I wanted to have a serious word with him and thought he'd rather avoid it.
I doubt quite strongly that this love affair will last much longer.
There was also resistance from some in Cadomyr. But I can't and won't take that as the measure of all things.
It is my private life and even as a knight one should be allowed to have one.

Well - whining on a high level at the moment I would say.

My heart and thoughts are always with you and I look forward to your answer - and to Aratos.
Nyx hardly leaves me out of her sight, but she is also a bit restless. She probably also misses her second home.


After she had looked through the letter once more, a soft whistle was enough, and shortly thereafter Nyx flew up to receive the message.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Kyre »

A very large raven drops a parchment on the roof of Aly’s house not waiting for an answer as it’s wings fly away. A day later a sudden desert wind blows it to the ground

I’m on Raven’s ship now, no time to buy new clothes. Apologize to Inara for me? I feel underdressed in this ship having the best of everything. I was very worried when he and I talked on the balcony they called the bow. He is thinking of staying in his home land and just visiting me occasionally in Runewick. Will that work for us… should I stay there with him as he wants? It’s raining and I’ve been advised his raven wants to leave before the wind gets faster ..I’ll try to write more later!
Your friend,
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Es regnete in Strömen als Nish nach Hause kam von einer längeren Patrouille. Sie rauschte regelrecht durch das Haus in ihr Arbeitszimmer und schien recht sauer zu sein. Zudem, ließ sie vor der Haustür zwei ihrer Elite Krieger zurück, welche nur seufzten und sich unschlüssig ansahen.
Einfach so Nishs Haus betreten, stand ihnen nicht zu, also taten sie das nächst Beste. Sie suchten Jeruno.
Nish ließ ihren durchnässten Mantel zu Boden fallen, ebenso ihren Schwertgurt und den für ihre Dolche, wo einer fehlte, was sie dann doch nochmal, als sie es wieder sah, fluchen ließ. Sie trat an einen ihrer Schränke um diesen zu öffnen und holte durch, nachdem sie etwas tiefer durchgeatmet hatte um ruhiger zu werden, ein Tablett heraus worauf kleine Wundtücher lagen, eine Schale stand, ein scharfes Messer, eine Schere, eine Pinzette und kleines Kästchen lagen. Außerdem nahm sie noch drei Phiolen aus dem Schrank und größere Tücher wie auch einen Verband. Alles was man zum Versorgen einer Wunde brauchen würde.
Nish strich die nassen Haare zurück und zog die Lederrüstung aus, ohne eine Miene zu verziehen. Auch das Hemd darunter war durchnässt. Aber nun sah man auch den Riss an der rechten Schulter darin und das Blut. Nish fluchte erneut.
Sie riss den Ärmel ab und macht sich daran den tiefen Schnitt zu versorgen. Dafür hatte sie alles hier, damit sich diese Wunde auch ja nicht entzünden würde. Sie nähte die Wunde auch selbst.
Das war dann auch der Moment wo Jeruno herein kam und sie nur mit einer erhobenen Braue ansah.
Er konnte sie zumindest beruhigen, mit einem Kuss, seinen Worten, seiner Nähe. Er kümmerte sich dann auch um die restliche Versorgung während Nish erzählte was geschehen war.
Danach gab es ein wohltuendes und entspannendes Bad aber zu guter letzt wartete eben doch noch Arbeit auf sie, wenngleich nicht alles Arbeit war.
Nun ging es daran einen Bericht und einen Brief zu schreiben.

Meine geliebte Schwester,

ich weiß, es dauerte wieder eine Weile bis mein Brief dich erreicht hat. Manchmal ist das wohl einfach so, dass es zu viel zu tun gibt und das muss nicht unbedingt dann immer etwas...Schlechtes sein, also nicht unbedingt Wesen die Ärger machen.
Die Zwillinge machen ihre ersten Stehversuche und sind schon jetzt sehr neugierig. Aber ich denke sie vermissen dich und auch Inara.
Vorfälle gab es dennoch, so hat sich Jeruno aufgrund eines Streiches von ein paar Kindern hier den Arm angebrochen. Aber das ist schon wieder fast verheilt.
Es gab aber auch immer wieder Ärger mit Dieben und Banditen. Zuletzt sogar mit Sklavenhändlern, die meinten hier Geschäfte machen zu können oder sagen wir eher, die dachten hier „Ware“ zu finden. Falsch gedacht.
Die Stadtwache habe ich hier gelassen und meine verbliebenen Krieger mit auf diese Jagd genommen. Sie hatten schon einige Sklaven bei sich und waren noch auf dem Weg direkt nach Temran. Sagen wir, sie gehen nirgendwo mehr hin und die Kinder verbleiben in Temran. Ja, Kinder...
Wir werden versuchen ihre Familien zu finden, nach Möglichkeit, aber das wird recht schwer werden denke ich.
Aus dem Kampf, bin ich leider nicht unverletzt heraus gekommen. Ein Schnitt an meinem rechten Oberarm. Nichts dramatisches. Oh und einer meiner Dolche ist mir abhanden gekommen. Ich werde die Tage nochmal die Stelle des Kampfes absuchen, sobald eben der Regen aufgehört hat. Nochmal eine Erkältung muss ich nicht haben.
Vielleicht ist es nur meine Erziehung, wie ich aufgewachsen bin, aber manchmal habe ich das Gefühl schwächer zu sein. Verletzlicher, langsamer als ich vorher war als.....ich das Weihe Symbol noch hatte. Vielleicht ist das nur Blödsinn, ich weiß es nicht. Aber vielleicht hat es mir doch auf irgendeine Weise Schutz gewährt? Etwas gegeben?
Wahrscheinlich bin ich auch einfach nur immer noch sehr unsicher mit der Situation wie sie jetzt ist. Zu Brágon beten? Dazu kann ich mich immer noch nicht überwinden. Einfach zu ihm zu sprechen wie Inara es mir geraten hat? Ich breche schon am Anfang des Satzes ab und lasse es.
Ich werde wohl noch lange mit all diesen Dingen zu kämpfen haben.
Vielleicht konzentriere ich mich auch einfach zu sehr auf die Zwillinge. Aber wenn es das ist...dann soll es so sein. Ehrlich gesagt könnte ich das nicht ändern. Ich kann nicht mal daran denken es zu versuchen.
Soweit also was sich hier so ereignet hat und wie es mir geht, aber widmen wir uns mal deinem Brief.
Ich gestehe ich kann mir nicht vorstellen wie das für Amelia war. Für eine Seele die so gütig und rein ist wie die ihre. Es wird Narben hinterlassen, was immer ihr auch passiert ist. Aber du hast auch recht damit, dass sie reichlich Freunde und Familie an ihrer Seite hat um das zu überstehen und gänzlich zu verarbeiten.
Sicher habe ich auch Nachrichten erhalten aus Brimshire und, worauf deine nächste Frage ja abzielt, Bralenar und Ar-Sikar.
Also was ich insgesamt bis jetzt sagen kann ist, dass Lhira einen...nennen wir es „großzügigen Verstärkungstrupp“ nach Bralenar geschickt hat. Zudem werden sie begleitet von Lady Kandala Bra Sénar, Hohepriesterin des Brágon und ihrer Leibgarde, als wenn sie diese nötig hätte.
Zu gerne wäre ich jetzt wirklich dort. Sicher nur wenige von diesen Moshran Anhängern werden sie vielleicht erkennen, sofern sie aus Amat'Aras sind. Reden wir nicht drumherum, offenbar haben sie Kandala erkannt. Nach den letzten Informationen, halten die sich nun wohl etwas mehr zurück. Leider halten sie aber auch immer noch den Mana-Bannkreis aufrecht. Ergo, immer noch keine Portale.
Es gab auch ein kleines Gefecht in dem, wie gesagt, die Moshran Anhänger sich herausgehalten haben.
Das Gefecht fiel nun erst einmal zu Gunsten von Bralenar aus und die Belagerer haben sich zurück gezogen. Vorläufig zumindest. Man geht nicht davon aus, dass es das schon gewesen ist.
Aber, um das Gefecht zu beenden, mit so wenig Opfern wie möglich. Es gab es wohl ein interessantes Duell zwischen dem Befehlshaber der Belagerer und der Befehlshaberin Lady Selenlaya, soweit ich weiß, ist sie die rechte Hand von Keaona Narsir. Es war ein Unentschieden kann man sagen.
Mal sehen wie das dort weiter geht.
Aus Brimshire gibt es nicht viel zu berichten, nur dass durch diese Plage Geschichte, welche sie dort aufgezogen haben, diese Belagerer sich natürlich auch zurück halten.
Leider aber ist wohl dieser Luke entkommen. Genaueres weiß ich allerdings darüber nicht. Wer weiß wo der nun steckt. Vielleicht sogar bei den Belagerern.

Oh, Caldan? Naja, ich habe eine kurze Nachricht von ihm erhalten oder eher Jeruno. Er ist wohl wieder auf See und weiß nicht wann er wieder zurück ist oder wann er sich das nächste mal mit einem Brief melden kann. Also, alles beim Alten.
Womöglich hast du ja inzwischen schon von ihm gehört?

Ehrlich? Dein Schurke hat vielleicht Nerven. Ich wüsste was er beim nächsten mal wenn ich ihn sehe kassieren würde...
Aber Cadomyr sollte wirklich endlich mal mehr vertrauen in Dich und Deine Wege haben. Bisher hast du doch nie einen Grund geliefert um sie an dir zweifeln zu lassen!
Dass man dem Schurken nicht traut ist eine Sache aber Dir auch nicht in dem Punkt??
Kommen die auch noch mit dem Argument: „Blind vor Liebe sein!“ Oder was??
Dafür hast du nun wirklich schon zu viel durchgestanden.

Langsam solltest Du doch wissen das Du Dir bei mir immer alles von der Seele reden kannst und da, bin ich sicher nicht die Einzige.

Und bevor ich den Brief hier nun schließe, habe ich noch eine kleine Geschichte für dich, welche sich im Garten zugetragen hat.
Wie du siehst, ist es ja Aratos, welcher nun wieder bei dir und voll und ganz genesen ist. Aber, er durfte erst antreten zum Briefe überbringen, nachdem Nyx ihn mehr als gründlich in Augenschein genommen hat. Du hättest sehen sollen wie sie ihn an gemeckert hat bis er tat was sie wohl wollte. Aber dann war sie wohl überzeugt. Ich schätze ihre Familie hat sie auch schon vermisst.

Und nun, hoffe ich, dass bei euch alles soweit in Ordnung ist. Ich wünsche euch das Beste und meine Gedanken und mein Herz sind auch bei dir meine Schwester, immer.


Damit würde Nish den Brief auch am nächsten Tag wenn der Regen nachgelassen hatte auch Aratos mitgeben und ihn auf den Weg schicken aber nicht ohne zu betonen, das der stolze Falke sehr gut auf sich aufpassen sollte.


It was pouring rain when Nish came home from a longer patrol. She rushed through the house to her study and seemed to be quite pissed off. She also left two of her elite warriors at the front door, who just sighed and looked at each other with indecision.
It was not their place to enter Nish's house, so they did the next best thing. They searched for Jeruno.
Nish dropped her soaked coat on the floor, as well as her sword belt and the one for her daggers, where one of them was missing, which made her curse when seeing it again. She went to one of her cupboards to open it and, after taking a deep breath to calm down, she took out a tray on which there were small bandages, a bowl, a sharp knife, a scissor, a tweezer and a small box. She also took three vials from the cupboard and larger cloths as well as a bandage. Everything that would be needed to treat a wound.
Nish brushed back the wet hair and took off the leather armor without flinching. The shirt underneath was also soaked. But now the tear on the right shoulder could be seen in it and the blood. Nish cursed again.
She tore off the sleeve and set about tending to the deep cut. She had everything for that here, so that this wound would not get infected. She also stitched the wound herself.
That was the moment when Jeruno came in and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
At least he could calm her down, with a kiss, his words, his nearness. He then also took care of the rest of the supplies while Nish told what had happened.
After that there was a soothing and relaxing bath, but in the end there was still work waiting for her, although not all of it was work.
Now it was time to write a report and a letter.

My beloved sister,

I know it again took a while for my letter to reach you. Sometimes I guess it's just that there's too much to do and that doesn't necessarily have to be something...bad then, so not necessarily beings that cause trouble.
The twins are making their first attempts at standing and are already very curious. But I think they miss you and also Inara.
There have been incidents though, Jeruno broke his arm because of a prank by some kids here. But that is almost healed.
There was also time and again trouble with thieves and bandits. Recently even with slave traders, who thought they could do business here, or rather, they thought they could find "goods" here. Wrong thought.
I left the city guard here and took my remaining warriors with me on this hunt. They already had some slaves with them and were still on their way directly to Temran. Let's say they are not going anywhere and the children remain in Temran. Yes, children...
We will try to find their families, if possible, but it will be quite a difficult task I think.
Unfortunately, I did not come out of the fight unharmed. A cut on my right upper arm. Nothing dramatic. Oh, and I lost one of my daggers. I will search the place of the fight again the next days, as soon as the rain has stopped. I do not need to have another cold.
Maybe it's just my upbringing, the way I grew up, but sometimes I feel like I am weaker. More vulnerable, slower than I was before when.....I still had the consecration symbol. Maybe that's just nonsense, I don't know. But maybe it did give me protection in some way? Gave me something?
Probably I am just still very insecure with the situation as it is now. Pray to Brágon? I still can't bring myself to do that. Just to speak to him like Inara advised me? I break off at the beginning of the sentence and leave it.
I will probably have to struggle with all these things for a long time.
Maybe I'm just focusing too much on the twins. But if that's it...so be it. Honestly, I couldn't help it. I can't even think about trying.
So far what has happened here and how I am doing, but let's turn to your letter.
I confess I can't imagine what it was like for Amelia. For a soul as kind and pure as hers. It will leave scars, whatever happened to her. But you are also right about the fact that she has plenty of friends and family by her side to get through this and fully process it.
Certainly I've received news from Brimshire and, which is where your next question is going, Bralenar and Ar-Sikar.
So what I can say overall so far is that Lhira has sent a...let's call it "generous reinforcement squad" to Bralenar. They are also accompanied by Lady Kandala Bra Sénar, High Priestess of Brágon and her bodyguards, as if she needed them.
I would really like to be there now. Surely only a few of these Moshran followers might recognize them, if they are from Amat'Aras. Let's not beat around the bush, apparently they have recognized Kandala. According to the latest information, they're probably holding back a little bit more now. Unfortunately, they are still holding the mana ban circle. Ergo, still no portals.
There was also a small battle in which, as I said, the Moshran supporters stayed out of it.
The battle turned out in favor of Bralenar and the besiegers retreated. For the time being, at least. It is not considered that this is the end of the matter.
But, to end the skirmish with as little casualties as possible. There was apparantley an interesting duel between the commander of the besiegers and the commander Lady Selenlaya, as far as I know, she is the right hand of Keona Narsir. It was a draw you can say.
Let's see where that goes from there.
From Brimshire there is not much to report, only that by this plague history, which they have reared there, these besiegers hold back of course also.
Unfortunately, however, this Luke has probably escaped. I don't know anything more about it. Who knows where he is now. Maybe even with the besiegers.

Oh, Caldan? Well, I received a short message from him, or rather Jeruno. He's probably back at sea and doesn't know when he'll be back or when he can send the next letter. So, everything is the same.
Maybe you have heard from him by now?

Really? Your rogue has a lot of nerve. I know what would happen to him the next time I see him...
But Cadomyr really should have more trust in you and your ways. So far you have never given them a reason to doubt you!
That one does not trust the rogue is one thing but not you in this point either?
Do they also come with the argument: "To be blind with love!" Or what?
You have already been through too much for that.

Slowly you should know that you can always talk everything off your chest with me and I am certainly not the only one.

And before I close the letter here now, I have a little story for you, which has happened in the garden.
As you can see, it is Aratos, who is now back with you and fully recovered. But, he was only allowed to deliver the letters after Nyx had examined him more than closely. You should have seen how she bitched at him until he did what she wanted. But then she was convinced. I guess she missed her family too.

And now, I hope that everything is fine with you. I wish you the best and my thoughts and heart are also with you my sister, always.


With that, Nish would also give the letter to Aratos the next day when the rain had eased and send him on his way but not without emphasizing that the proud falcon should take very good care of himself.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly was angry, really angry.
The wolf who dared to jump at her didn't even have the time to regret it.
Aly's steel boots struck him in the flight and a flashing arrow directly in his eye.
*This is for you* a hiss was heard.
As she lowered the bow, she tried to calm down a bit.

Why was he eluding her? She couldn't confront him, couldn't figure out what weird game was being played.
Yes, he had warned her once, yes - she had known there was a risk, but she was willing to take it.
But this warning now sounded like a mockery in her ears.
She was tired of being a puppet in an unknown game, with unknown masterminds.
Moreover, this love was not welcome in Cadomyr, bringing her nothing but suspicion and distrust.

According to Renar, it was her position in Cadomyr that made him not even respond to her message.
According to Renar, as a short-lived being, one should try to classify exactly where one's treasure, one's priority, lay.

But wasn't this treasure Inara ? She held back because of her, although she did not trust Drathe. Inara wanted to see her happy.
Aly was anything but happy, because he avoided the confrontation for the reason he had once pushed himself - Cadomyr and her position there.

The sigh was deep as she stepped out of the forest into the open.
Kyre seemed to have problems as well - it seemed that this relationship had failed too.
She hoped to meet her soon. So far, they had always been able to lift each other up.

Soon she would be back home and then it was time to write two letters ....
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

She cleaned the weapons and armor carefully, as usual, after arriving back home.
Inara was preparing for the craft market and working.
Aly had already gathered the material that she wanted to sell.
It never hurt to earn a little gold.
Then she grabbed a glass of wine, ink and quill, lit the chimney and began to write.

" Beloved soul sister,

Slave traders in Temran ? Not good - and they also deal with children ? I hope you have taught them a lesson they will never forget.
I think I can imagine your rage about the lost dagger, that probably made you more angry than your injury.
I hope you find the families of the children, if not they will find a new home in Temran - I know that.

Caldan sent me a letter and I confess I was pleased to receive it. I almost felt the sea breeze in my hair.

My rogue - yes he still avoids me. And I even know why. His disapproval of Cadomyr and my position has grown... though he had instigated it himself back then.
An elf said you have to set priorities as a short-lived human, think about where the *treasure* really lies.
After careful consideration, I think that Inara is my treasure that I have found, my daughter...
Kyre also doesn't quite understand why he acts the way he does and would like to talk to him too. I don't want that... Either it happens or it doesn't.
Can you understand that ?
And Cadomyr - well - it is what it is.
Inara and I have the trust of the queen - isn't that what counts ?

Amelia is not quite her old self yet, I think what she went through will stay with her for a while.
But there are many who are willing to help and support her, as Inara and I do.

Aratos is back to his old self, thank you for taking such good care of his wound.

Maybe I should take some time off - but I can't bring myself to do that yet.

Cuddle the twins for me and I look forward to seeing the two of them running towards me someday....

I am with you in my thoughts


The tiredness overcame Aly and she decided to put the letter on the table and send it on its way the next morning.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nishadaa saß in ihrem Arbeitszimmer und lass den ein oder anderen Bericht zudem beantwortete sie auch einige Anfragen oder gab Aufträge von Dingen die gemacht werden mussten. Zudem wollten aber auch Briefe beantwortet werden. Allerdings ging ihr Blick immer wieder mal zu dem offenen Fenster durch welches sie Sira, Ylara oder auch Jeruno mit den Zwillingen Lachen hören konnte. Es zauberte ihr ein Lächeln auf das Gesicht bevor sie sich Alys Brief widmete.

Meine liebe Seelenschwester,

inzwischen sollte es wohl aufgegangen sein, dass wir dich etwas....zum einen an der Nase herum geführt haben und zum anderen dadurch genötigt haben andere Wege zu gehen.
Man muss dazu sagen unsere Kleine ist ganz schön raffiniert geworden. Dazu hast du aber auch gut beigetragen würde ich meinen.
Ich grinse grade, korrekt.
Inara hat das ganze auch eingefädelt. Sie hat mit Caldan geschrieben und gesprochen schätze ich und eben mit mir.
Es war wirklich schlau mich in ihrem Brief zum einen zu fragen ob ich noch Teleportbücher habe, die cih ihr schicken kann aber auch zugleich zu verlangen, dass ich zurück schreibe, dass ich ihr natürlich welche schicken kann sobald ich neue habe.
Dir muss ich nicht sagen, dass hier natürlich noch welche liegen, aber auf diese weise, hat Inara nicht gelogen oder war gezwungen das zu versuchen. Du weißt selbst wie schlecht sie darin ist und wie ungerne sie das überhaupt versucht.
So gestehe ich meine Mittäterschaft also ein und fühl mich überhaupt nicht schlecht oder schuldig dabei. Ich hoffe einfach, dass du eine wundervolle Zeit hast und vor allem das es dir hilft.
Ich kann nicht sagen wie sehr du mir schon geholfen, also ist es nur normal, dass ich davon auch etwas zurück gebe.

Aber nun, kommen wir mal zu deinem Brief und dem was hier so ...naja...vor sich geht.
Was diese Sklavenhändler angeht, die können ihr nächstes Geschäft mit Cherga aushandeln wenn du verstehst. Wie ich schon schrieb, die versklaven niemanden mehr.
Ein paar der Kinder konnten wir zu den Familien zurück bringen, die anderen verbleiben zunächst hier. Wenn sich niemand mehr finden lässt werden sie ein gutes Leben hier haben.
Den Dolch fand ich wieder und nach der Reinigung und pflege sieht er auch wieder fast aus wie neu.
Ausserdem kann man sagen, dass ich derzeit so etwas wie freie Zeit habe? Genauer gesagt, führe ich im Moment nur ab und zu das Training der Wachen und erledige den ein oder anderen Papierkram. Und gehe Anfragen nach und gebe Aufträge weiter. Ich überfliege eben das eion oder andere was der Stadtrat an mich heran trägt.
Aber die meiste Zeit, verbringe ich grade wirklich eher mit den Zwillingen. Ich will das und ich brauche das. Ja sicher, ich brauche auch etwas anderes, das merke ich schon. Der Kampf...dieser Nervenkitzel und mehr...fehlt mir und nagt auch an mir aber...ein Lächeln von Maliel oder ein Lachen von Darius reichen grade schon um das wieder zurück zu drängen.
Dieses Entspannen, auch mit Jeruno, tut gut im Moment.

Drathe, nun ich kann dich verstehen und ich sage dir, falls er nun doch wieder ankommt irgendwann und das sollte nicht weil es ihm jemand sagt sondern von allein, solltest du ihm deutlich zeigen was du von dem ganzen hälst. Und genau aus diesem Grund brauchst du diese Zeit mit Caldan.

Inara...sie ist ein Schatz vor allem für dich und für mich noch immer mein kleines Wunder. Weißt du, der Anfang war so..schwer für mich, nach Inaras Geburt. Alpträume und nicht wirklich wissen was ich...wie ich mich verhalten soll. Aber immer dann wenn sie neben mir lag und ich sie ansah und wieder diese zweifel aufkamen, legte sie einfach nur ihr kleines Händchen auf meine und alles war...besser.
Das tut sie auch heute noch, immer wenn sie merkt, dass es mir nicht gut geht und das vor Inara zu verbergen ist fast unmöglich.

Hm Cadomyr....was ich dir dazu sagen kann, als jemand die auch Königin war, ja, das ist es genau was zählt. Denn die Königin hat das letzte Wort und niemand sonst. Wenn sie euch beiden vertraut ist das mehr wert als alles andere.

Was noch zu erwähnen wäre, ich habe schon einige Zeit aus Bralenar nichts mehr gehört. Selbst wenn da gerade nichts passiert sollten sie sich aber mal melden. Nun vielleicht hat meine Mutter neue Informationen. Ich mag es einfach nicht wenn es so ruhig ist an Krisenpunkten.

Aber, ich freue mich darauf dich zumindest für ein paar Tage noch zu sehen bevor du zurück nach Cadomyr musst. Oh und die Zwillinge werden sich auch sehr freuen, da kannst du sicher sein.

Bis dahin gib auf dich acht Schwester. Mein Gedanken sind bei dir und mein Herz ebenso


Nish übergab den Brief daraufhin an Aratos aber, er würde ihn nicht nach Cadomyr zu Aly bringen, sondern eher zu einem zerstörten alten Hafen wo in der Nähe ein Schiff vor Anker lag...


Nishadaa was sitting in her study and read the one or the other report, furthermore she also answered some inquiries or gave orders of things which had to be done. In addition, however, also letters wanted to be answered. However, her gaze went every now and then to the open window through which she could hear Sira, Ylara or Jeruno laughing with the twins. It conjured a smile on her face before she turned her attention to Aly's letter.

My dear soul sister,

by now it should have become clear that we have been leading you on a merry chase and on the other hand have forced you to go other ways.
It must be said that our little one has become quite cunning. But I think you have also contributed well to that.
I'm smirking right now, correct.
Inara also set the whole thing up. She wrote and talked to Caldan, I guess, and to me.
It was really smart of her to ask me in her letter if I had any teleport books to send her, but also to ask me to write back that I could send her some as soon as I got new ones.
I don't have to tell you that there are still some here, but this way Inara didn't lie or was forced to try. You know how bad she is at it and how reluctant she is to even try.
So I admit my complicity and don't feel bad or guilty about it at all. I just hope you have a wonderful time and most of all that it helps you.
I can't tell you how much you've already helped me, so it's only normal that I give something back.

But now, let's get to your letter and what's going on...well...here.
As for those slavers, they can negotiate their next deal with Cherga if you know what I mean. As I wrote, they don't enslave anyone anymore.
We were able to return some of the children to their families, the others will remain here for the time being. If no one else can be found, they will have a good life here.
I found the dagger again and after cleaning and taking care of it, it looks almost like new.
Besides, you can say that I have something like free time at the moment? To be more precise, at the moment I only occasionally lead the training of the guards and do some paperwork. And follow up on requests and pass on orders. I skim over the one or other thing that the city council brings to me.
But most of the time I really spend with the twins. I want this and I need that. Yeah, sure, I need something else too, I can tell. The fight...that thrill and more...I do miss it and it gnaws at me but...a smile from Maliel or a laugh from Darius is just enough to push that back.
This relaxing, also with Jeruno, is quite good at the moment.

Drathe, well I can understand you and I tell you, if he arrives again at some point, and that should not be because someone tells him, but on his own, you should show him clearly what you think of the whole thing. And that's exactly why you need this time with Caldan.

Inara...she is a treasure especially for you and for me still my little miracle. You know, the beginning was so...hard for me, after Inara's birth. Nightmares and not really knowing what to do...how to act. But whenever she was lying next to me and I looked at her and those doubts came up again, she just put her little hand on mine and everything was...better.
She still keeps doing this today, whenever she notices that I'm not doing well and hiding that from Inara is almost impossible.

Hm Cadomyr....what I can tell you about that, as someone who was also queen, yes, that's exactly what matters. Because the queen has the final say and no one else. If she trusts you two that is worth more than anything.

One more thing to mention, I haven't heard anything from Bralenar for some time. Even if there is nothing going on, they should get in touch. Well, maybe my mother has some new information. I just don't like it when it's so quiet on crisis points.

But, I am looking forward to seeing you at least for a few days before you have to go back to Cadomyr. Oh and the twins will be very happy too, you can be sure.

Until then, take care of yourself sister. My thoughts are with you and my heart as well


Nish then handed the letter to Aratos but, he would not take it to Cadomyr to Aly, but rather to a ruined old port where a ship was anchored nearby....
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

She had lost money on the gambling night, but that wasn't the reason she couldn't sleep.
Quietly she went downstairs and decided to go to the desert.

Arriving at her favorite place, she lay down on her back, arms crossed behind her head.
Despite all the relaxation, despite Nishadaa and the twins, despite Caldan - heavy and gloomy thoughts were chasing behind her forehead.
Most of them were about Drathe.
Surely he had done things she did not approve of, surely he had double-crossed her, but now he had vanished from the face of the earth.
That worried her deeply. Even if she couldn't or wouldn't admit it in front of others, he was deeply embedded in her heart.

At some point she dozed off, only to fall into a nightmare.
Drathe, his kiss was on her lips, but he was only a shadow.
A shadow which slowly disappeared in a red mist - heavy with grief and frustration.
Aly tried to reach out to him, but he didn't even look at her - or didn't want to notice her.
His lips kept forming one word.... "Kaelyn." Then a terrible pain went through her heart and she cried out.

Sitting up, she realized that her blouse was soaked with sweat and her cheeks wet with tears.
Kaelyn - this woman was a curse for Drathe. Aly had accepted long ago that Kaelyn would always be in his heart.
But she also hated her for breaking Drathe again and again, leaving him alone. Lying to him and using him - when it suited her.
Drathe had fallen for her and had believed everything. But to Kaelyn he was a toy, something to be pulled out of a dusty chest every now and then. And made compliant for a while with lies.

If she ever met this woman again, Aly would guarantee nothing…

An icy grip squeezed her heart - deep inside - something must have happened.
Breathing heavily, she tried to catch herself and made a decision.
She would look for him, secretly.
She would tell no one how much it tormented her that he had disappeared without a word - probably without a thought of Aly -
and of that which had bound them both.
Kaelyn had been jealous of the intimacy of the two, and of the fact that one always had the other's back. So she broke Drathe again.

Aly had the feeling of having failed - she wanted to heal him, and herself, too. But the external influences, her love for Inara, staying in Cadomyr, had outweighed them. In the end, it didn't seem to be enough.

Her thoughts wandered to Caldan and that night she had spent time with him on the ship.
And now..." He looked into her eyes, loving, and caressingly stroked her cheek. "Be weak for a moment, give yourself permission. One minute, five minutes, or much longer. A moment is as long as you want it..need it. I am here holding you..I am just here saying nothing more. And then....you come out of it all the stronger...knowing that no one can hurt you...because your weaknesses remain here."

It had touched her deeply, but Drathe remained in her heart, both the anger and the concern for him.

She simply needed certainty - should she find him.
And if not, once again someone who had meant a great deal to her had disappeared from her life.

She laid back again and watched the starry sky of the desert. This time it gave her no peace and no solution.
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Her search was relentless. She refused to give up.
She allowed herself only short breaks, every patrol was extended and one could say every stone was turned over - just to find a trace of Drathe.

Night had fallen and Aly managed to find a relatively safe place in a dry little cave. The campfire was lit and the sparse meal eaten.
Aratos sat on a rock not far away and dozed off just as sleepily.

Lying down on her stomach, Aly began to write.
The letter would find its way to Nish at dawn.

*Dear soul sister,

I thank you and Inara from the bottom of my heart for your cunning plan.
It certainly did me good and it was full of adventure.
Perhaps you have heard already a thing or two from Caldan.

In any case, I have secured the appreciation of his ship's crew.
Besides getting a family a new home, brawling, stopping some slavers and putting a stop to some pirates, Caldan and I have grown closer.
However, I cannot fully commit to him. Even though I know that you might not like to hear that. The future will show where it leads.
He is something special and certainly deserves a better wife than I am, Nish.
Don't get me wrong -not that I don't know my worth, but I can't open up to him - yet - and my rogue is still too deeply embedded in my heart.

Oh Nish, I have had terrible dreams several times. Kyre is convinced that dreams mean something... and they did not bode well because of Drathe. Something happened to him - and I'm seeking for him - extending my patrols and just wanting to leave no stone unturned to find out the truth.

I still find comfort in the thought that you are well - I miss the twins. You looked so beautiful and rested - it was a true splendor.
What you said about Inara is true. She has often reassured me with her seriousness. Her loyalty and love is something special.
And yes - hiding something from her is ... mmmh - a difficult task. That's why I'm not much at home right now.
I know she wishes I would get together with her favorite uncle. But I can't fulfill her wish at the moment.
I haven't told her about my dreams - by the way, I haven't told anyone except you until now.
I saw Kyre only briefly and somehow there was no time for it.
But enough of my doom and gloom.

Have you heard any news from Bralenar? What is the situation there?
Since Mas is close, it will surely be rather quiet, not even the boldest will dare to open a sideshow in Mas
- it would be terribly doomed to failure.

I hope we all survive the dark days well.
My thoughts are with you

With love

After carefully reading the letter again, she folded it neatly.
Then she turned to the side - put her coat as a pillow under her head and waited for sleep.
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Lacy Dracu
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Re: Future, Fate and Faith

Post by Lacy Dracu »

(( english below ))

Nishadaa hatte gerade die Zwillinge ins Bett gebracht und beiden noch einen Kuss auf die Stirn gegeben. Leise verließ sie das Zimmer und atmete leicht durch bevor sie nach unten ins Kaminzimmer ging und sich zu Jeruno auf das Sofa setzte. Sie zog die Füße hoch, schmiegte sich an ihren Mann mit einem sachten Lächeln. Jeruno indess küsste dann ihr Haupt und legte den Arm um sie.

Jeruno: Na, sind die kleinen Wirbelwinde endlich eingeschlafen?

Nish lachte leicht und atmete tiefer durch.

Nishadaa/Lacy: Nach der 3. Geschichte dann wohl schon. Ich frage mich ob sie wirklich schon etwas davon verstehen oder ob es an etwas anderem liegt.

Jeruno konnte gar nicht anders als zu lachen und Nish kurz an sich zu drücken welche aber nur die Stirn runzelte und verwirrt den Kopf schüttelte.

Jeruno: Oh meine wunderschöne Frau versteht ihre eigenen Babys nicht. Die beiden lieben es einfach nur deine Stimme zu hören, nicht mehr und nicht weniger.

Nish runzelte nur leicht die Stirn und lächelte dann versonnen. Sie küsst Jeruno innig und jener erinnert sie dann doch noch an etwas.

Jeruno: Sag mal meine Liebste, hast du inzwischen mal vor lauter Arbeit nach Mas daran gedacht Aly zu schreiben?

Jeruno konnte sich ein Grinsen beim entgleisen von Nishs Gesichtszügen nicht verkneifen.

Nishadaa/Lacy: Verdammt...ich wusste irgendwas vergesse ich wieder.

Sie lehnte den Kopf zurück ans Sofa, schloss einen Moment die Augen und schüttelte den Kopf. Dann erhob sie sich langsam und küsste Jeruno nochmal.

Nishadaa/Lacy: Vergib mir mein Herz...

Nish flüsterte ihm dies zu, aber er lächelt nur und nickte und als sie sich dann abwandte und gehen wollte, verpasste er ihr wirklich einen Klaps auf den Hintern. Er erntete dafür doch einen feurigen düsteren Blick, aber...sie machte ihm keine Angst und so grinste er nur als Nish grummelnd das Kaminzimmer verließ und in ihr Arbeitszimmer ging.
An ihrem Schreibntisch suchte sie dann nach dem Brief von Aly und räumte den Tisch auch zugleich auf. Erst dann nahm sie Platz und atmete tiefer durch bevor sie anfing zu schreiben.

Meine geliebte Seelenschwester,

vergib mir dass dieser Brief nach Mas nun doch länger dauerte. Es gab viel zu tun aber das berichte ich dir auch in Ruhe.
Ich hoffe, dass ihr Mas gut überstanden habt. Offenbar hat Inara aber auch gut zu tun denn auch von ihr kam bisher noch kein Brief.
Nicht das ich mich wirklich sorgen würde. Ihr beide seid miteinander in guten und sicheren Händen.
Was dich und Caldan angeht, die Zeit wird es zeigen und, es geht nur euch beide etwas an. Er kann warten und wird es auch. Er ist zu sehr von dir angetan um das nicht zu tun, drücken wir es mal so aus.

Was Drathe eben angeht...ich weiß nicht vielleicht kann ich in diesem Punkt nicht wirklich mitreden. Ich weiß nur dass dir dies alles nicht gut tut - aber natürlich...wünsche ich mir nicht das ihm etwas zugestoßen ist. Also kann ich zumindest verstehen dass du dir um einen Freund sorgen machst.

Träume sind nun mal immer..so eine Sache. Wer weiß das besser als ich und du leider auch..
Vielleicht sind es nur Warnungen, dass er in Schwierigkeiten steckt. Würde dich das wundern? Aber so oder so ist es nie leicht ihn zu finden richtig?

Aber nun was gibt es hier zu berichten, außer das es viel Arbeit gab?
Mas war nicht so schlimm? Zumindest für die anderen. Leichte Verletzungen, Verbrennungen und eben Beschädigungen an den Mauern und den Häusern.
Keine Kratzer diesmal bei mir...zumindest keine sichtbaren. Ja ich hatte schwere und intensive Alpträume in den 2 Schlafphasen die ich hatte.
Glaub mir, mehr als die habe ich mir nicht erlaubt. Ertragen..hätte ich mehr, aber ich muss mich nicht selbst geißeln.
Ich denke ich muss dir nicht erzählen worum es dabei ging, es ist ohnehin immer das gleiche. Ich habe ihn verraten, und so bezahle ich unter anderem dafür.
Die Reparaturen sind im Gange und Verletzungen verheilen.
Oh und die Kinder welche wir nicht zu ihren Familien bringen konnten weil..jene nicht mehr da waren, haben hier bei anderen Familien nun ein neues heim gefunden und bisher gibt es auch keine Probleme.
Händler kamen vorbei um Handelsverträge abzuschließen und zu berichten das es immer noch nicht besser aussieht in den großen Reichen. Zudem immer wieder Berichte über Banditen und Sklavenhändler. Im Moment scheint das ein echtes Problem zu werden.
Außerdem haben wir auch ein Treffen der nahegelegenen Dörfer und Städte abgehalten um Beziehungen wieder zu festigen, Handel, Begleitschutz und vieles andere politisches Zeug.
Und soll ich dir was sagen? Ich war bei all dem anwesend und meine Meinung und Rat waren gefragt.
Ich meine, ich kann dazu nicht nein sagen aber kannst du dir vorstellen wie sehr sich das nach meinem früheren Stand anfühlt?
Manch einer würde sagen ich könnte jetzt etwas Ruhe vertragen...mir ist eher nach einem Krieg zumute...

Und wo wir davon sprechen, Bralenar...
Nun Mutter meint es ist an sich dort unverändert.Außer, dass Kandala wieder nach Hause zurück ist und..nun sie hat wohl etwas Beistand in Bralenar zurück gelassen...kann man sagen.
Eine Kriegerin dort, Alithia, eine rothaarige Schönheit, soll sich dort als Kandala, nun, ausgeben.
Ohne das sie wirklich ganz gesehen wird. Dafür wird eine Kopie der Rüstung von Kandala angefertigt, Alithia ist kleiner als Kandala aber..wer ist das nicht? Deswegen die Kopie der Rüstung, sonst hätte Kandala ihre eigene dort gelassen. Was sie allerdings im Original dort gelassen hat, ist ihr geweihtes Schwert.
Zudem hatte Kandala wohl magisch verstärkte Wind-Feuerpfeile mitgebracht zur Verteidigung und so eine Art von Feuer-Effekt-Fallen. Damit sollen die anderen wohl getäuscht werden, so dass sie glauben Kandala wäre wirklich noch dort und macht ihr Hohepriesterinnen...Zeug. Wie auch immer, klingt eigentlich alles sehr gut.
Allerdings gibt es auch eine Sache die Mutter Sorgen bereitet. Südwestlich von Bralenar liegt die Stadt Arakanth. Es ist leider noch nicht sicher ob sie sich Bralenar anschließen würden und Hilfe schicken oder sich doch mit Caprarius verbünden.
Du siehst, langweilig wird es in jedem Fall nicht.

Nun ich hoffe ich habe wirklich an alles gedacht. Ich meine, dass du hier vermisst wirst, versteht sich von selbst.

Pass gut auf dich und die Kleine auf Schwester. Der Prinzessin muss ich jetzt auch mal noch einen Brief schreiben und dann....begebe ich mich zurück zu Jeruno ins Kaminzimmer.

Mein Herz und meine Gedanken sind bei euch beiden


Nish atmete tiefer durch und überflog den Brief an Aly nochmals, bevor sie jenen an Inara schrieb. Dann würde die Falken jene mit auf ihren Weg nach Illarion nehmen und sie selbst, überfiel ihren Gatten im Kaminzimmer.


(( english below ))

Nishadaa had just put the twins to bed and placed a kiss on both of their foreheads. Quietly, she left the room and took a light breath before going downstairs to the chimney room and sitting down on the sofa with Jeruno. Pulling her feet up, she snuggled against her husband with a gentle smile. Jeruno, meanwhile, then kissed her head and put his arm around her.

Jeruno: Well, have the little whirlwinds finally fallen asleep?

Nish laughed lightly and breathed deeper.

Nishadaa/Lacy: After the 3. story then I guess they did. I wonder if they really understand any of it yet or if it's because of something else.

Jeruno couldn't help but laugh and hug Nish, who frowned and shook her head in confusion.

Jeruno: Oh my beautiful wife doesn't understand her own babies. They just love to hear your voice, nothing more, nothing less.

Nish only frowned slightly and then smiled pensively. She kissed Jeruno intimately and then he reminded her of something after all.

Jeruno: Tell me my love, did you ever think of writing to Aly because of all the work after Mas?

Jeruno couldn't help but grin at the derailing of Nish's facial expressions.

Nishadaa/Lacy: Damn...I knew something I was forgetting again.

She leaned her head back against the sofa, closed her eyes for a moment, and shook her head. Then she slowly rose and kissed Jeruno again.

Nishadaa/Lacy: Forgive me my heart...

Nish whispered this to him, but he just smiled and nodded and then as she turned away to leave, he really gave her a slap on the butt. He earned a fiery gloomy look for it, but...she didn't scare him and so he just grinned as Nish grumbling left the chimney room and went into her study.
At her desk she searched for the letter from Aly and cleaned the desk at the same time. Only then did she take a seat and took a bigger breath before she started to write.

My beloved soul sister,

forgive me that this letter to Mas took longer. There was much to do but I will tell you about that in time as well.
I hope that you survived Mas well. Apparently, Inara is also very busy, because she has not written a letter yet.
Not that I am really worried. You two are in good and safe hands with each other.
As for you and Caldan, time will tell and, it's between the two of you. He can wait and he will. He is to fond of you not to, let's put it that way.

As for Drathe just now...I don't know maybe I can't really speak on that point. I just know that all this is not good for you - but of course...I don't wish that something happened to him. So I can at least understand that you are worried about a friend.

Dreams are always..such a thing. Who knows that better than me and unfortunately you too.
Maybe they're just warnings that he's in trouble. Would that surprise you? But either way it's never easy to find him right?

But now what is there to report here except that there was a lot of work?
Mas wasn't that bad? At least for the others. Minor injuries, burns and just damage to the walls and the houses.
No scratches this time for me...at least no visible ones. Yes I had intense and heavy nightmares in the 2 sleep phases I had.
Believe me, I didn't allow myself more than that. Endured..I would have more, but I don't have to torment myself.
I don't think I need to tell you what that was about, it's always the same anyway. I betrayed him, and this is how I pay for it, among other things.
The repairs are underway and injuries are healing.
Oh and the children that we couldn't bring to their families because..those weren't there anymore, have now found a new home here with other families and so far there are no problems.
Merchants came by to sign trade contracts and to report that it still doesn't look good in the big empires. There are also reports of bandits and slave traders. At the moment this seems to be a real problem.
We also held a meeting of the nearby villages and towns to reestablish relations, trade, escort and a lot of other political stuff.
And let me tell you something. I was present at all of this and my opinion and advice were sought.
I mean, I can't say no to that but can you imagine how much that feels like where I was before?
Some would say I could use some rest right now...I rather feel like I am in need of a war....

And speaking of which, Bralenar...
Well mother says it's unchanged there per se.Except that Kandala is back home and..well she left some assistance in Bralenar...you can say.
A warrior there, Alithia, a red-haired beauty, is said to be posing as Kandala, well, there.
Without really being seen in full. For this, a copy of Kandala's armor is made, Alithia is smaller than Kandala but..who isn't? Therefore the copy of the armor, otherwise Kandala would have left her own there. However, what she left there in the original is her blessed sword.
In addition, Kandala had probably brought magically enhanced wind-fire arrows for defense and some kind of fire-effect traps. This is probably to fool the others into thinking Kandala is really still there doing her high priestess...stuff. Anyway, it all sounds very good actually.
However, there is a thing that worries Mother. Southwest of Bralenar is the city of Arakanth. Unfortunately, it's not sure yet if they would join Bralenar and send help or ally with Caprarius after all.
You see, it won't be boring in any case.

Well, I hope I really thought of everything. I mean, it goes without saying that you are missed here.

Take good care of yourself and the little one, sister. Now I have to write a letter to the princess and then I will go back to Jeruno in the chimney room.

My heart and my thoughts are with you both


Nish breathed deeper and reviewed the letter to Aly before writing that one to Inara. Then the falcons would take those with them on their way to Illarion and she herself, ambushed her husband in the fireplace room.
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