Downtime / Abwesenheit

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Evie »

I have been away for a while dealing with some things. Hope to be back soon.
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Tyan Masines
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Tyan Masines »

Won't be in town the whole weekend and therefore also no playing. Have fun & I'm looking forward to rp with y'all again soon. :)
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Q-wert »

I'm working on some homebrew Pen&Paper stuff.
My characters will be there for the mandatory stuff but not much else for the next two or three weeks.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Moving over the next week or two. Play will be sporadic and not sure when the Wifi in the new place will be set up.
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Vern Kron
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Vern Kron »

Hey it's Thanksgiving stuff around here so I'll be busy for like the next 5 days. I might be able to pop in from time to time, but most likely not.
Caine Trevall
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Caine Trevall »


as i heard of today that one of my best friends passed away i guess i will take a few days of Illarion and well ...

just wanted to let you guys know if someone wondered why i'll probably not be online the next days as long as im able to type and translate, so see ya ...
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Tyan Masines
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Tyan Masines »

Will once again be out of town over the weekend. The following week might also be busy, but I should find time to peek in.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Azure Lynch »

sorry i have been absenti had a string of bad luck. i lost my job, i then lost my internet. but it will be back up on mon so ty for patience and understanding i hope to see some of yall mon
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Flint Stoneside »

A little late on this post but I will be away until I get a new computer. I will be lurking around the forums and IRC chat on and off for now.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by TiaSarah »

Tomorrow starts a new schedule at work, and from the sounds of it, it won't be pretty. I'm barely going to have enough time at home to sleep during the week. Gaming will have to be cut back to Saturday afternoons and Sundays at best. Should last about a month, but we'll see. I'll sneak Era and Sam on whenever I can, and I should be able to check the forum from my phone on breaks.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Banduk »

Probably off from 12.28 to at least 01.18.
I cannot say if I have any LAN and if still, how good.

Update 2018-01-02
I have very limited LAN here. 2 - 3 times a day I get a chance to have a glimpse of Internet and can read and answer. The other time I develop on local server or are occupied with RL hospital stuff. This will last until end of January.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Charlotte-ate-wilbur »

Motivation is like -50%

Please pm me if you need something
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Charlotte-ate-wilbur »

Yep, I'm gone til this game doesn't suck.

Love you guys who rp well and even those who don't but still try their damndest.
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Flint Stoneside
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Flint Stoneside »

Super busy as of late and suffering wifi issues. I will try to be around as much as I can. Sorry.
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Tyan Masines
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Tyan Masines »

Just a lifesign: After Christmas I had am unexpected busy schedule, then underwent minor surgery and when I actually had time and motivation to log in, it was during hours where not much was going on. And when I would have wanted to (e.g. Mas), there was no time. I hope that the two things -- my free time and ig busy hours -- will line up more in the days and weeks to come.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by S'rrt »

This is coming a bit late, seeing as my activity has been low since December, but I'm not on good terms with Illarion right now. I find it hard to enjoy the RP and the responsibility which is partly the reason why S'rrt stepped down from nobility. I'm hoping to regain my motivation to play in the coming months.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by nathi »

PO Deanna is on travel and offline until 13.03.18

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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Kyre »

PO Kyre will be busy next few days until 3/27 so not sure when/if she will be able to get in game, hopefully occasionally. :)
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by S'rrt »

I probably won't have time for Illa up until 9.4 as I got a foreign friend visiting for two weeks.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Charlotte-ate-wilbur »

Computer is quite fried, it may be two to three weeks or more before I can get back to playing.

Can I get suggestions on someplace that ships to the U.S. that sells top shelf custom desktops? Any help would be great, I'm coming into some money and want to go Top shelf but not to get ripped off for it!
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Achae Eanstray »

Won't be around for awhile, not sure how long possibly a few weeks. Everyone have fun and enjoy your time in game.

PS I'll probably get my PM's but not sure how often.

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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Charlotte-ate-wilbur »

Apologies to those I play with off and on, I intend to make it up when I'm not so busy.

I'm working on a big investment right now that's making it difficult to find time to play. Buying a new house, fixing the old and the new (bad tenants in a bad town) and making a bit of a fresh start. Also getting married and stuff so... Yeah.

Fortunes in your rp 😁
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Q-wert »

I'll be visiting an old friend for the rest of the week (just like the 3 years before around the same time).
No Ssar'ney until that is done.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by nathi »

PO Deanna is offline for next 3-4 days.
lg nathi
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Q-wert »

I'll be visiting another old friend and family. Will take something between one and two weeks.

Ssar'ney probably shut himself in somewhere, feasting and praying.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Not been around much these past few weeks. Life got me. Trying to make time to be around when possible.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Drugar Stonesmasher »

I will be off for holidays for about 4 weeks.

sadly will most likely miss some interesting development.
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Alrik »

Real life and work got me. Will be online a few times but not on a regular base
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Alrik »

Aaand.... Away on vacation
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Re: Downtime / Abwesenheit

Post by Jupiter »

More or less inactive for the next week
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