Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Exelous »

On the day of 24 Eldas 51, Chancellor Banduk of Galmair and myself ventured to the site of the previous expedition. We found that the portal our fleet found at said expedition does indeed remain active and open. Deciding upon further investigation, we soon gathered our bows and arrows and headed inside the portal to take the battle to the beasts guarding this new, mysterious area. We fired over one thousand arrows at these beasts until none were left standing. However, after a short interval, more returned in their place. Usually such a thing would be expected from Letma but, seeing as there was no obvious portal source to spew these beasts, their return was somewhat of a surprise. Our scouting of the area only concluded a single fountain near the area they approached from. Could these beasts now be climbing out of fountains? This is a question that remains unanswered.

Realizing the futility of the battle we returned to Cadomyr where we were approached by bondsman Bonislav. He was overcome by distress and confusion and soon attacked us claiming he saw us as demons. After gathering together in the sanctuary of the Malachin temple, we soon concluded that his mind was cursed - by touching the objects found at the expedition, we think. The mage, Celegail of Runewick, arrived and performed a ritual to call upon the gods and, with the healing hand of Malachin, relieve the bondsman of his curse. The ritual was a success and Malachin chose to bless the bondsman.

In closing, this report aims to warn those who came into contact with the demonic objects found at the expedition. If necessary steps are not taken, the fate of the bondsman may very well be repeated.

  • ~Exelous
    • Warrior of Malachin
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Geöffnete Barrikaden und Ruhe im Felde

Post by Q-wert »

Des Barrikadenöffnen schuldig: Nostarion - Guilty of opening barricades: Nostarion
Huskarl Sefja of the House of the Sea Serpent has witnessed the Cadomyrian Elf Nostarion to have left the gates of the river barricades open while the enemy from the moutain was active during the last week. He has recieved an one time warning and will be slain upon repetition. Furthermore he is hereby denied entry to the temples and the palace of the Realm until the end of the cycle.
Huskarl Sefja des Hauses der Seeschlange erwischte den cadomyrischen Elf Nostarion dabei die Tore der Flussbarrikaden offen zu lassen während der Feind vom Berg letzter Woche aktiv war. Er hat eine einmalige Warnung erhalten und wird bei Wiederholung erschlagen. Zusätzlich ist ihm hiermit Zutritt zu den Tempeln und dem Palast des Reiches bis zum Ende des Zyklus verwehrt.

Das Dritte Haus wird nicht eingreifen, sollte das Haus des Wüstenfuchses wie angekündigt Nostarion für sein Vergehen "verprügeln oder mit dem Tod bestraft".
The Third House will not interfere should the House of the Desert Fox execute upon its announcement on this very board and punish Nostarion "by a beating or death".

Inaktiver Feind - Inactive Enemy
Since two days the enemy from the mountain is inactive, with no red skeletons or demonic activity sighted around or in the accessible parts of Letma.
Seit zwei Tagen ist der Feind vom Berg inaktiv. Es konnten keine roten Skelette oder dämonischen Aktivitäten in der Nähe und selbst in den zugänglichen Teilen Letmas gesichtet werden.

Im Namen des Grafen Hohentempler,
In the name of the Count High-Templar,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

~A note is pinned just under the previous one.~
As of todays dwarven day, the main portal at the mountain is active again. Warriors from all Realms already fight the invaders for the loot they bring. Some even utilize firewasps for their hunt.
Seit dem heutigen Zwergentage ist das Hauptportal am Berge wieder aktiv. Krieger aller Reiche jagen die Invasoren bereits für die Beute die sie bringen. Manche nutzen dafür sogar Feuerwespen.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Schriftgelehrter des Dritten Hauses
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Exelous »

Be warned, citizens of Cadomyr and beyond!

The evil of Letma is growing in power and her gates to oblivion have been spewing demonic filth on a grand scale.

I, along with baron S'rrt K'shire of Desert Fox, Chirch, Brawndara, and allies from Galmair (including chancellor Evie and Jonathan Cain) did march on the area in the past days and were set upon by tens of these beasts and their archmage partisans.

The arrival of the hellspawn followed that of the original portals crackling and more appearing which then appeared to pull together. A notable change in the energy being released from the pillars has been observed and, more worryingly, two new letters have taken their place upon the pillars.

Whether the increasing number of undead remains in place or whether they have retreated back to their hole after this coordinated attack remains to be seen.

I'd ask all interested parties to seek more information from the list of witnesses or, preferably, a reigning official of the nobility of Cadomyr. I am sure I am not alone in my call for us to all band together and unite a swift and just end to this insanity that plagues us!

  • ~Exelous
    • Warrior of Malachin
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Vern Kron »

I have been asked to share some thoughts and questions on Letma, by Baron S'rrt. I claim no expertise on the matter, simply first hand knowledge of how other structures of similar construct have operated before.

The Letma Question:

It has become evident to most eyes that there is a creature known as Prea attempting to manifest herself within the world, for presumably evil purposes (such as destroying us all.) Now we could all sit down and have a good chat on why she would possibly desire such a thing, and if there was any way to perhaps satisfy this urge in some other way, but at the end of the day, this would prove to be a waste of everyone's time.

Instead, we should evaluate how she would accomplish such a thing. As the old saying goes, “a stitch in time saves nine”, it is my belief we ought to seek to prevent whatever conditions are required for her to fully arrive within our pleasant world, rather than have to actively push her back on a consistent basis.

The current meaningful pieces that are observable (or have been observed).

1) Pillars with letters appearing on them, seems to be spelling her name.
2) Portals that release a never ending stream of undead, perhaps from her own personal realm.
3) A gate located in relation to lava, but seemingly leading nowhere.
4) Lots of things Jefferson has said, while raving and attempting to harm everyone.

There are a few things that could be at play, that I cannot investigate.
The first: The gate is actually a mechanism used to hold Prea back. As she has grown in power, or opportunity, or something changed, she has been trying to get past this gate. Her efforts in trying to break through this gate (this gate being magical in nature, not simply a structure of metal and stone), have torn small openings to allow her minions to cross through, but not her as a fully competent being. A gate known as this is sometimes described as a 'ward'. The pillars could be her placing anchors into the world, to allow her to manifest fully into the world. They could also be warning marks of the gate itself failing.

The second: The gate is actually a pathway through which Prea will cross into this existence. The gate however, is sealed beyond her ability to open it until certain conditions have been met, perhaps in this case, the pillars. This would also provide a purpose to the undead, as they seem to have at times guarded these pillars. They have also been seen seeking something in the past, it is not known if they have found what they are looking for.

The third: This gate is entirely irrelevant. Prea will manifest using the pillars alone, where ever she has so managed to do so.

The fourth: The pillars are irrelevant, or operate as warnings by someone who has dealt with her before us, and we are missing the proper information on how to prevent her arrival.

Action steps:
A person with more knowledge should examine how she might make herself manifest in the world, and the role all of these pieces function.
Depending on what scholars have to say on this matter, steps should be taken to either prevent her arrival, or to limit her functions to Letma. While this feels like sweeping a corpse under a rug, this may be the best approach.
Feel free to discuss this matter at length.
The note is unsigned.
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Chirch ka shrr »

A rough and awkward drawing is nailed to the gate.
Cadomyr1.jpg (66.38 KiB) Viewed 6784 times
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

*Eine Nachricht ist am Brett angebracht//A message is pinned to the board*
Today somebody lured a Lich in front of the towngate. Tialdin, Riniao, Caine and I killed it but from what I heared somebody got hurt before. The gate near the mine was left open. Be careful in case this happens again.

Heute wurde ein Lich vor das Stadttor gelockt. Tialdin, Riniao, Caine und ich haben es getötet aber ich habe gehört, dass zuvor schon jemand verletzt wurde. Das Tor in der Nähe der Mine stand offen, als wir nachgeschaut haben. Seid achtsam, falls dies noch einmal passiert.

~Katharina Thorstar~
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Dark columns & portals next to town

Post by S'rrt »

Some days ago, during Galmair's mission to rid the dark columns outside their gate after Mas, similar five dark columns appeared in front of our own town entrance.

One by one these columns displayed the letters A, C, E and R, with the fifth one remaining blank. As each letter appeared with a flash of flame and boom, red portals also manifested around them and spewed undead at out defenses. The undead have been dispatched by now but the pillars remain.

This Noble will get in touch with experts of the arcane for assistance.

The Knights and other capable defenders of the Realm are hereby ordered to keep a constant eye on the pillars and assist Horatio in the destruction of any appearing undead.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire of Cadomyr
Noble of the House Desert Fox
Queen's ambassador to Galmair

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Lia »

a letter was hang under this last one from Srrt.

Today One column was tried today to undermine. At the same time, we realized that the portal seemed to absorb the sand. Also a soup which was used for test purposes. The sand under the column also seemed to be quite hot,

The first time sand came out of the portal, then the count was surrounded by hot sand, but could free himself.
After the experiment with the soup hot liquid shot from the portal, with the count and Caine burned in the face.
Huscarl Sefja was then plagued by visions and agonizing screams, which only subsided after a visit to the temple of Zhambras

So please be careful when you want to do something against the pillars.

Likewise again some undead were seen at the Letma, among them increased Lich and Archmage.
After cleansing, none came through the portals.
But we have to reckon with the fact that yet again some can come again.

~ Sefja

Huscarl from the House of Sea Serpent
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

The House of the Sea Serpent is working on a strike against the invaders under Letma, as the Count High-Templar is fed up with being stuck in the defence. Those involved will be informed in time.
Das Haus der Seeschlange arbeitet an einem Schlag gegen die Invasoren unter Letma, da der Graf Hohentempler es satt hat in die Defensive gedrängt zu sein. Die Beteiligten werden rechtzeitig in Bilde gesetzt.

Im Namen des Grafen Hohentempler,
In the name of the Count High-Templar,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Dantagon Marescot »

An attempt was made to remove the portals outside of Cadomyr. Tarias of Runewick bravely attempted to magically remove the portals himself while the valiant knights and warriors of Cadomyr and their allies awaited the inevitable hordes of undead. The magic surrounding the pillars proved too strong for just one person and came they did, forcing all back to the gates at least twice before it ceased. No progress has been made.

It is my humble recommendation as a knight of Cadomyr that Mas barriers be erected around the gate before another attempt to remove the portals are made. Should the legions of undead become overwhelming, warriors can safely fall back to a defensible position.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
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3rd Tanos - Gate portals w/ Tarias (no portals closed)

Post by S'rrt »

In relation to Sir Dantagon's report, this Noble would like to add that no more attempts with only one mage should be made, as it may not close a portal, leaving us to waste our effort and time on another wave of demon skeletons.

It is the stance of many mages across all towns that the pillars themselves will re-appear somewhere equally inconvenient if they are destroyed. This Noble would like to make two things clear regarding this theory:
  • The portals are to be dealt with first if possible, leaving a bit more time to think of a more permanent solution for the pillars
  • The pillars will be destroyed with or without the help of allies, as Cadomyr needs no extra undead presence on top of its Letma-problem. We have enough pillars and portals to deal with.
~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire of Cadomyr
Noble of the House Desert Fox
Queen's ambassador to Galmair

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

The portals at Letma are active again.
Die Portale bei Letma sind erneut aktiv.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Schriftgelehrter des Dritten Hauses
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Today Caine Trevall, Katharina Thornstar, and myself went to check on the temple of Sirani. As we passed through the row of pillars in front of Cadomyr, it was discovered that another row had formed. Upon one row read the word ACERD. As the letters changed, the second row spelled out CAINE. We believe it to be the disdain Preacerdhal has after Caine’s work to point out Acerd’s identity. However, the letters around Sirani’s temple have decreased and now only spell out PREA.

We were soon joined by Tarias, Evie, Uhuru, Lizzie, and Jon and as a collective, took a closer look at the pillars and discussed their meaning. Evie was plagued by a vision during her inspection. She says she felt the weight of the mountain crash down upon her. And from the opening that remained, crawled hoards of undead.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
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Plan Blau

Post by Q-wert »

~This rather lengthy paper is written in the Old and New dialect of the common language, as well as in lizard.
Dieses etwas längere Schriftstück kann ist im Alten wie Neuen Dialekt der Handelssprache, als auch der Sprache der Echsen verfasst.~

Information about length, angle and position of the tunnels or the composition of bombs are to be kept away from magicians having had visions about Letma.
Informationen über Länge, Winkel und Position der Tunnel, wie die Zusammensetzung der Bomben ist von Magiern, welche Visionen über Letma hatten, fernzuhalten.

Simplified visualisation of attack tunnels and bomb placement of Plan Blau. - Vereinfachte Dartstellung der Angriffstunnel und Bombenplatzierung von Plan Blau.

Plan Blau
Plan Blau is an attack plan against the vast number of undead troops garrisoned under the volcano of Letma. The idea is to shatter the structural integrity of the mountains underground to collapse or flood the halls of the hostile troops. This will be accomplished by five strategially placed bombs of massive power brought into place by attack tunnels.
Plan Blau ist ein Angriffsplan gegen die immense Anzahl an untoten Truppen, die unter dem Vulkan Letma stationiert sind. Die Idee ist die strukturelle Integrität des Berguntergrunds zu zerstören um die Hallen der Feindtruppen zum Einsturz zu bringen oder zu fluten. Erreicht wird dies durch an fünf strategisch platzierten Bomben von immenser Sprengkraft, an Ort und Stelle durch Angriffstunnel gebracht.

Die Angriffsschächte - The Attack Tunnels
Die Angriffstunnel werden 15-20 Schritte tief und steil genug sein um eine Leiter zum Passieren zu benötigen. Die initiale Idee ist jeden der fünf Tunnel einer der fähigsten Organisationen der Neuen Welt zu überantworten. Zusätzlich zu den Tunneltrupps wird es eine flexible Kampfeinheit geben, welche sich um sämtlichen Wiederstand kümmert, welche die Tunneltrupps nicht alleine bewältigen können.
The attack tunnels will be 15-20 steps deep and steep enough to require a ladder for traversal. The initial idea is to hand each of the five tunnels to one of the most capable organisations of the New World. Additionally to the tunnel crews there will be an response combat unit to deal with any resistance the crews on themselves can not handle.

Minimaler Arbeitstrupp pro Tunnel - Minimal Working Crew for each Tunnel:
  • 1 Kommandant - Commander
  • 2 Gräber - Diggers
  • 1 Läufer/Träger - Runner/Carrier

Depending on number of combat personnel available a number of guards will assigned to each tunnel. All non-slaves, no matter their task, are to be armed and combat ready.
Abhängig von der Anzahl des verfügbaren Kampfpersonals werden den Tunneln Wächter zugewiesen. Sämtliche Nichtsklaven, unabhängig ihrer Aufgabe, sind bewaffnet und kampfbereit zu sein.

Benötigtes Material pro Tunnel - Material Required for each Tunnel:
  • Geballte Ladung von 20-25 Bomben (mehr sind besser) spezieller Rezeptur* - Bundled charge of 20-25 bombs (more are better) of special making.*

Ablauf - Procedure
Der Tag für Plan Blau ist noch nicht festgelegt, kann aber gegen ((Ende August 2017)) erwartet werden.
The date for Plan Blau is not yet determined, but can be expected to be towards ((the end of August 2017)).

During all stages of Plan Blau frequent communication towards the response combat unit (which will also function as central coordination) is to be held with the use of the dedicated runners of the crews.
Während aller Phasen von Plan Blau ist regelmäßige Kommunikation mit der flexiblen Kampfeinheit (welche ebenso als zentrale Organisation fungiert) mit Hilfe der Läufer der Tunneltrupps zu halten.

Am Tag von Plan Blau werden die Kommandanten der Tunneltrupps ein versiegeltes Papier erhalten. Darin findet sich Grabeort, -Richtung und -Winkel des Trupps.
Die Tunneltrupps und Kampfeinheit werden gemeinsahm gegen zum Berg vorrücken, die Kampfeinheit kümmert sich um Feindpräsenz während die Trupps unverzüglich mit der Arbeit beginnen.

On the day of Plan Blau the commanders of the tunnel crews will be handed a sealed paper containing their digging location, direction and angle.
The tunnel crews and response combat unit will simultaneously head towards the mountain, combat unit clearing any hostile presence and the crews beginning their work immediately.

It is expected that at least one tunnel will hit one of the garrison caves of the enemy. If in this case the dedicated guards of the tunnel crew can not handle the situation, the response combat unit will clear the cave so the working crew can continue.
Es wird erwartet, dass zumindest ein Tunnel auf eine Garnisionshöhle des Feindes stößt. So die zugewiesenen Wächter des Trupps der Situation nicht Herr werden übernimmt die flexible Kampfeinheit und räumt die Höhle, so dass der Arbeitstrupp fortfahren kann.

Sobald alle Sprengsätze als bereit und vor Ort gemeldet sind werden sie simultan ausgelöst, während eines zügigen Rückzugs zu den Mauern Cadomyrs. Sämtliches nichtkämpfendes Personal hat sich dann für Feuerlöschdienst vorzubereiten.
Once all charges are reported to be in place they will be lit simultaneously, followed by a quick retreat to the walls of Cadomyr with the use of portals. All non-combat personnel is to then make itself ready for firefighting duty.

Bedenken - Concerns
There have been vision about the volcano exploding and flooding half the desert with lava, followed by an demonic army besieging Cadomyr. Due to the timing of the visions arrival (they appeared as soon as the magicians having visions about the mountain heared from the plan, while it has been under way for months prior) it is save to assume them to originate from the enemy, who of course would seek to discourage potent attacks against its forces. Concerns regarding the visisons will be disregarded. Still, the Cadomyrian defences will be prepared for the day of Plan Blau.
Es gab Visionen in denen der Vulkan explodierte und die halbe Wüste mit Lava flutete, gefolgt von einer Belagerung Cadomyrs durch ein dämonisches Heer. Aufgrund des zeitlichen Auftretens der Visionen (just nachdem die Magier welche regelmäßig Visionen über Letma haben davon erfuren, obwohl der Plan schon Monate zuvor bestand) kann guten Gewissens angenommen werden, dass diese von Feindeshand stammen. Dieser wird natürlich versuchen potente Angriffe gegen seine Streitkräfte zu verhindern. Bedenken bezüglich dieser Visionen werden verworfen. Dennoch wird die Verteidigung Cadomyrs für den Tag von Plan Blau vorbereitet.

Andere Pläne - Other Plans
Es gibt andere Pläne gegen Letma vorzugehen. Mit dem Rahmen der Planung und Vorbereitung für Plan Blau sollten diese vorher genügend Zeit zur Durchführung haben. So Zeit, Ort und Durchführungspläne mit der Obrigkeit Cadomyrs geteilt werden, sollen diese Pläne mit Mannstärke, Material und Führung unterstützt werden.
There are other plans dedicated to strike against Letma. With the frame of planning and preparation for Plan Blau these should have enough time for execution beforehand. Given their time, place and plan for execution is shared with the Nobility of Cadomyr, they shall be supported with manpower, material and leadership.

For the glory of the Realm of the Chosen One,
Für den Ruhm des Reiches der Erwählten,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange
      Hohentempler Zelphias
      Patrizier Cadomyrs

By the magnificent Lettarius. Who not only is the best of scribes there ever was, but (with some little help) also a genius in geology, math and military tactics!

* Rakaya von den Trägern des Feuers ist hierfür mit einer Empfehlung eines Adeligen Cadomyrs zu kontaktieren. - Contact Rakaya of the Bearers of Fire with a recommendation of one of the Cadomyrian Nobles for the recipe.
Last edited by Q-wert on Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Plan Blau: Beteiligte Organisationten

Post by Q-wert »

At the moment of this publication the following organisations agreed to provide material, manpower and organisation for one tunnel crew of Plan Blau:
Zum Zeitpunkt dieser Publikation haben folgende Organisationen sich bereit erklärt Material, Mannstärke und Organisation für einen Tunneltrupp von Plan Blau zu stellen:

  • [Cadomyr] Haus der Seeschlange - House of the Sea Serpent
  • [Runewick] Träger des Feuers - Bearers of Fire
  • [Cadomyr] Haus des Wüstenfuches - House of the Desert Fox
  • [Cadomyr] Orden des Silbergreifen - Order of the Silver Gryphon

Für weitere Organisation zu Papier wurde ein Planungstisch in der Reichsbibliothek bereitgestellt:
For further organisation by paper a plannint table has been set up in the library of the Realm:

For the glory of the Realm of the Chosen One,
Für den Ruhm des Reiches der Erwählten,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange
      Hohentempler Zelphias
      Patrizier Cadomyrs

By the most handsome of scribes, Lettarius. Who is curious to see who to be big with words and action alike.
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Archmages in Blood Circle

Post by S'rrt »

As this Noble was doing a routine containment of the spread of undead around Letma, along with Krukk Krakash, three Unholy Archmages were found trapped inside the Blood Circle Arena. The beastmaster Dale was found to be wounded by these creatures after they were destroyed. He was sent help after some more containment.

It is not common for the red skeletons that come from the portals at Letma to interact with doors. If the assumption is made that the Archmages didn't suddenly gain higher intelligence and stage an ambush for anyone who might come by, we are left with the possibility of someone intentionally using them to create a "trap" to harm anyone who enters the Blood Circle Arena. Such a person would also have to be quite capable in combat, to be able to withstand their magic blows during the ordeal. Since it is a public building, though undoubtedly in a risky area, such action is deplorable.

Considering the possibility that this was an attempt to contain the Archmages so that they are not free to cause great harm to anyone passing through the desert, it should be stated that this was a rather poorly thought out plan, not only putting Dale at risk but also anyone who simply wishes to use his services.

This Noble requests that regular patrols include the interior of the Blood Circle Arena in their routine. If this sort of thing is seen again, a further investigation will be launched into the true reason, or culprit, of this circumstance.

~~ Noble of House Desert Fox, Baron S'rrt K'shire

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

Today I found a Lich captured inside of the Bloodcircle Arena. I would like to remind at the baron's words to NOT trap undeads into the arena.

Furthermore the gate at the bridge was left open again and an unholy acolythe used this chance to pass the brige. Yarbuul closed this gate again after I visited Cherga.

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  • House maid ~Katharina Thorstar~
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Taiah »

A dove drops a parchment near the board and as it slowly unfolds, immediately flies away.

Two lich and an acolyte (possibly more beyond my vision) await the unwary down the main road past the gate. The gate remains closed but it may be very hard to reclose once exiting toward the arena. An expert archer with bow and arrow, or a mage that can aim well may be a good choice. This traveler elected to use the gate near the altar and went without incident.

~Knight Caiah Daekash~
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Caine Trevall »

Ich rate den schwächeren Kämpfern unter uns die Kantabi-Wüste strikt zu meiden. Aufgrund meiner täglichen Patroullien kann ich sagen dass es so scheint dass die Untote Streitmacht von Letma nicht nur an Mannstärke, sondern auch an magiern zugenommen hat. In den letzten Tagen wurden abermals Lichs gesichtet die die Wüste durchstreifen. Mittlerweile kann angenommen werden dass man in der südwestlichen Kantabiwüste mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Untote treffen kann, ebenso wie bei der Blutkreisarena. Außerdem habe ich bei meiner letzten Patroullie zwei Lichs entdeckt. Einer davon war FAST DIREKT am östlichen Tor zur Wüste zu sehen und der zweite in der nähe der eben genannten Blutkreisarena.

~Sir Caine Trevall
Ritter von Cadomyr
Ritter des Ordens des Silbernen Greifen


I advise that the weaker fighters under us to stay out of the Kantabi-desert. Through my daily Patrols i can tell that it seems like the Undead Forces of Letma have not only gained strenght in Numbers, but in Mages as well. In the past few days there have been sightings of Lich's wandering though the Desert. Meanwhile it can be assumed that someboy will encounter Undeads in the South-eastern desert with great propability, as well as at the Bloodcircle Arena. At my last patrol i have sighted two more Liches. One of them was ALMOST directly at the eastern gate to the Desert, and the second one was close to the Bloodcircle Arena.

~Sir Caine Trevall
Knight of Cadomyr
Knight of the Order of the Silver Gryphon
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

Die Anzahl der Invasoren jenseitig des Kantabi, wie deren Komposition bei Erscheinung, ist aufgrund der Art und Weise wie die Portale funktionieren seit über einem Jahr unverändert. Die gegenwärtige Situation ist hierbei keine Ausnahme.
Es gibt lediglich Unterschiede im Aufenthaltsort der Angreifer, abhängig davon wohin sie schlurften oder gelockt wurden (im Optimalfall hinter den Berg Letma oder weit in die Wüste oder gar hinter die Grenzberge) und zwischenzeitliche Inaktivitäten der Portale.

The number of invaders on the far side of the Kantabi, as their composition upon arrival, remains unchanged for over a year due to the way the portals work. The current situation is no exception.
There only are changes in the locations the invaders, depending on where they wandered or were lured (optimally behind the mountain of Letma, deep into the desert or behind the border mountains) and occasional inactivity of the portals.

The House of the Sea Serpent does recommend to lure red skeletons that wandered too close to the defences away. This requires only fleet and smart movement and no ability in actual combat.
Capeable fighters should slay red magicians and lure them far away from Cadomyr as soon as they come back as non-magicians to keep the magical portion of current invaders small.

Das Haus der Seeschlange rät dazu rote Skelette, die zu nah an die Befestigungen streunen, wegzulocken. Dies benötigt lediglich geschicktes und voraussehendes Laufen und keinerlei Kampfkenntnisse.
Fähige Kämpfer sollten rote Magier erschlagen und sobald sie als Nichtmagier wiedererscheinen weit weg von Cadomyr locken um den magischen Anteil an den gegenwärtigen Invasoren niedrig zu halten.

Einjeder Besucher der Wüste kann und sollte sich darum kümmern, dass eine Situation wie von Ritter Trevall berichtet nicht wieder eintritt.
Everyone heading to the desert can and should make sure a situation as reported by Knight Trevall does not happen again.

For the Realm of the Chosen One,
Für das Reich der Erwählten,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange
      Hohentempler Zelphias
      Patrizier Cadomyrs

By none other than Lettarius. Who by the way minds not to forget ladies to be married for a night or two, if they like.
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by S'rrt »

For the sake of understanding the presence of red skeletons that have strayed into the desert, this Noble lists the following numbers on ones that were found and destroyed during the latest containment:
  • 4 Liches
  • 1 Archmage
  • 2 Mystics
  • 13 Acolytes
  • 11 Demon skeletons
Any red skeletons near Mount Letma were not included in the numbers.

The House of the Desert Fox recommends regular containment of the invasion by securing the area on the town's side of the river and then sweeping the desert of red skeletons so that they do not get a chance to spread and cause havoc to wildlife, travelers, the recluses, herb gatherers, woodcutters and others.

There is no easy solution to dealing with the constant onslaught of invaders; we must keep a constant pressure up against the pressure from their side.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox


((OOC note: As a player I fundamentally disagree with this supposed IG knowledge that there is a "portion of mages to fighters" or that there is a "maximum number of red skeletons" at any given time, as these are limitations set by the game's engine which do not make sense for an invasion like this. IMO it'd be better RP for characters to NOT assume that those limitations exist, because (again IMO) assuming they exist would be unrealistic... and boring.))
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by S'rrt »

Be warned: Massive increase of red Archmages and Liches at Letma, impossible to charge head on.

House of the Desert Fox is organizing help with allied mages to try and find a way to affect the changed behavior of the portals.

Strong warriors are encouraged to regularly destroy any mages the may stray too far from Letma's perimeter.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

Last edited by S'rrt on Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Guir Rabenflügel »

Today the gate at the temple was open again. At the other side of the river were 3 Acylotes, 2 Archmages and several Skeletons. One of the skeletons was already at the temple.
I managed to close the gate.

At the other gate there was a Lich. I couldn't fight it, but I was able to lure it into the dessert.

~Guir Rabenflügel~
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Lia »

Open door again! Lot of undeads on the bridge! Take Care!

In the night of 12 Findos to 13. Findos I met at the bridge to the desert on a couple of undead right at the open gate.
When trying to lure them back into the desert suddenly emerged behind me from the dark undead mages and a Archmage like a few more demon skeletons and acolytes.
Unfortunately, she had encircled me before I could act, and since I could do nothing against this crowd alone, I found myself on the cross again.

With this crowd, hidden among the palm trees on the otherwise safe side of the river, they were obviously deliberately lured there.


Huscarl of the House of Sea Serpent
Knight of Cadomyr

Caine Trevall
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Caine Trevall »

Ich rate zur äußersten Vorsicht beim betreten der Wüste. Die Untoten haben allem Anschein nach, nach dem gestrigen Angriff auf die Mauern Cadomyrs einen weiteren Vorstoß unternommen und wandern wieder bereits am Osttor zur Wüste. Der Großteil jener Untoter scheint dabei aus Magiern zu bestehen.

Ritter Cadomyrs
Ritter des Ordens des Silbergreifen
~Caine Trevall

I advise to utmost Caution when going into the Desert. The Undead Forces seem to have advanced after the Attack onto the Walls of Cadomyr from yesterday, and can be found at the Eastern gate to the Desert. The bigger part of this Group seems to be Mages.

Knight of Cadomyr
Knight of the Order of the Silver Gryphon
~Caine Trevall
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Durchführung von Plan Blau

Post by Q-wert »

As no one in all of Illarion was able to bring forth an alternative solution, Plan Blau, after a lot of waiting and delays, will be executed at the beginning of Adros.
Da niemand in ganz Illaion eine alternative Lösung vorbringen konnte wird Plan Blau nach zahlreichem Warten und Aufschub am Anfang des Adros durchgeführt.

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange
      Hohentempler Zelphias
      Patrizier Cadomyrs

By Lettarius. Who after all his contributions to the plan, intends to take well earned shelter in the palace during the operation.
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by S'rrt »

The Count was told immediately after the departure of the sand fairies that the House Desert Fox will work on an alternative plan to Plan Blau. This plan is top-secret for a very good reason; it is important for the plan's success that the enemy does not learn of any of its details.

This Noble asks that the Count shows the courtesy to have patience with the development of this plan as the information that it was born from was only known very recently, otherwise the Queen will have yet another dispute to settle. Surely she has enough things to decide as it is?

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

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Cavern with big portal

Post by S'rrt »

Way to massive underground cavern with a big portal discovered
(Same cavern found by Sir Caine, Acerd, Sir Exelous, House Maid Katharina and Tarias as reported by Dagbladden)

On the 13th of Olos, an expedition to search for the Maid of House Desert Fox, Katharina Thorstar, was initiated based on the clues given by various people's visions as well as the magic ritual to locate her performed by Celegail and Tarias from Runewick.

The clues led our group consisting of citizens from all realms first to the east side of Letma, where many red skeletons were vanquished. When no sign of Katharina or a cave that supposedly hid her was found, the group took a ship to the old Cadomyr harbor. There a tunnel was discovered inside a cliff which led to a dark underground maze where Katharina was found alive, even if weak. The group came across an extremely large and completely empty cavern, one that took several minutes for our group to walk around in before reaching its corners.

As it was starting to look impossible to find a way out until an opening with lava and red portals was discovered. The group dug a way through the surprisingly soft rock wall to get to this area, all the while carrying and guarding Katharina along. It was in this area that Sir Caine and Acerd both mentioned having seen it before, with pillars for "Instructions of servitude" and a whole array of pillars with the letters P-R-E-A-C-E-R-D-H-A-L, along with an altar, present. As the group got further, a big portal identical to the one reported by this Noble from before was seen, with path to it blocked.

*An illustration similar to the one that was made in another invasion-post is shown*


This Noble was carrying a small amount of silver sand given by the sand fairy Delnora which supposedly can close red portals but never managed to get near enough to the big portal to use it. While this Noble and some others were trying to clear a path to the big portal, an exit portal was discovered where Katharina was taken to. After that happened, tremors shook the cavern and an endless stream of liches started pouring out of the big portal. With the following onslaught of skeletons and rumbling, the group had to escape. Back on the surface, the tunnel leading to the big portal cavern had collapsed.

This Noble is currently finding ways to re-open the tunnel ((this would already be tried but a GM is needed)). If this succeeds, an attempt to use the silver sand on the big portal may be made. If what the sand fairies said about the silver and its ability to close red portals is true, its highly likely that if enough of the sand is used, it will also be able to close the big portal itself, which could potentially mean ending or at least severely crippling the demon's ability to send in invasions at Mount Letma. The House Desert Fox will soon be taking down the pillars in front of the town which will be a favorable opportunity to test the silver sand on the red portals surrounding the pillars. As an important detail: unlike the last discovery of a big portal, the way to this one was not a magical portal that then disappeared but rather an actual, physical entrance, making it much more likely to be found again.

Let it be known that this Noble still has his own secret plan under research as a backup, in the case that it is not possible to get back to the big portal or the silver sand doesn't work on it. If a way into the cavern can be re-opened, it should be more than enough justification to postpone the execution of Plan Blau as we would then have a chance to find a way to destroy the big portal.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Reconnaissance for any new developments after the pillars in front of Cadomyr fell have so far provided little. No new pillars have appeared in any of the other towns. Eight pillars still stand around the altar of Sirani. The only activity worth reporting is the formation of four mounds of sand in the farmland outside of Runewick. This sand, deemed "madness" sand, by the investigating mages, appears to grow as grains are removed. Why or where the sand came from, I shall leave to the mages of Runewick, but I would not be surprised if it can be linked back to the fall of the pillars in Cadomyr. At least for now, all seems quiet on Cadomyr's eastern front.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Master of the Order of the Silver Gryphons
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