Patreon for Illarion (funding Illarion)

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Patreon for Illarion (funding Illarion)

Post by S'rrt »

I can't believe there's only 2 mentionings of the word "Patreon" on the whole forum (as far as I'm allowed to see anyway).

Would you give a small amount of money each month for Illarion's development? I'd wager that most hardcore/long time players would happily provide a monthly payment for developing and promoting Illarion. I certainly would.

Illarion need to have a Patreon-page. Patreon is crowdfunding but monthly, so you pay an amount of your choosing toward a person/company/project automatically each month.

Are there drawbacks or something to criticize in Patreon? I would love to hear an opinion of this from the dev team.
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Re: Patreon for Illarion (funding Illarion)

Post by Jupiter »

This might be word-picking, but just let us look at some of the sentences written on patreon:

"Creators, come get paid."
"Turn your fans into predictable income by offering exclusive content"
"Anyone can earn money on Patreon"

Illarion's dev don't get paid and never should be.
We don't look and never should look at our players as income.
Illarion does and never will earn money.

You might say that this is just an issue of wording, but I don't think so. For me, using something like patreon will give (and probably quite rightly) players the feeling of "I pair for it! I have certain expectation what you will do with my money!". I do not like this. Also, why would we need patreon? You can donate or you can join the society. I do not think that we need something third. That would just create more work for our treasurer.
So my question is what is wrong with donations and/or joining the society that you consider patreon a better option?
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Re: Patreon for Illarion (funding Illarion)

Post by S'rrt »

Thanks for your reply Jupiter, I hope you don't mind me quoting parts of your message to reply to them.
This might be word-picking ...
You might say that this is just an issue of wording ...
It is word-picking and it is an issue of wording, you are right. Marketing talk is marketing talk and hardly a good factor to use to determine the quality of the service. The service works and there are many legit Patreon-page owners to prove this.
Illarion's dev don't get paid and never should be. We don't look and never should look at our players as income. Illarion does and never will earn money.
There already is a way to donate, isn't there? Could you perhaps clarify the contradiction of having a way to accept money but also say what you said above?
For me, using something like patreon will give (and probably quite rightly) players the feeling of "I pair for it! I have certain expectation what you will do with my money!"
Patreon, like the donations, is optional (it's just the better option in my mind). If a player is donating on Patreon and is expecting something to show for it, maybe they should stop donating on Patreon.
Besides there will ALWAYS be players who simply just are morons. Unless the team releases a specific plan to spend any income they receive through Patreon, or explicitly state that they're using the funding to provide new content, I don't see this being an issue. I'm sure there are also players who make normal donations and expect something for it, right...?
Also, why would we need patreon? You can donate or you can join the society. I do not think that we need something third. That would just create more work for our treasurer.
Sorry if I'm repeating myself but Patreon is more suitable for those who want to monetarily support the game, with consistency.
Could you explain to me how it would create more work for the treasurer?
So my question is what is wrong with donations and/or joining the society that you consider patreon a better option?
There's nothing wrong with donations but compared to Patreon they're unfavorable as they take more time and effort, which might deter you from making a donation completely. I don't think anyone would argue that, for instance, having to remember to pay your bill through your bank directly (manual) is a better way to pay bills than direct debit (automatic), only in this case they're optional payments and not mandatory.

I don't know much about joining the society but let's assume I don't want to join a society; I just want to give the people who made/are making Illarion something I feel they deserve each month without me having to think about it. Patreon provides this option.
Last edited by S'rrt on Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patreon for Illarion (funding Illarion)

Post by S'rrt »

I've just gone on this page:
No one gets a cent for their work at Illarion, but still the hosting of the server costs money.
Fine, if the team doesn't want my money for themselves then at least dump it on the server.
The simplest way to cover our expenses in a predictable way is your Illarion Society support membership for only ten Euro per year.
Ten euros per year? I would give 5 every month. Not kidding.
Because both sides should have a benefit, we thought about advantages for those members.
Much like on Kickstarter, you can provide something special for Patreon-donators but don't have to.

Yeah, I see the donation button there at the bottom. I have to click that each time I want to donate right? Man, if only there was a way to make recurring donations without wasting time...
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Re: Patreon for Illarion (funding Illarion)

Post by Jupiter »

Man, if only there was a way to make recurring donations without wasting time...
If that is the whole issue:
I am sure Illarion could set this up.

And yes, a new source of money will always increase the work in some way. However, since this falls in Nitram's department he can probably say more to the issue.
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Re: Patreon for Illarion (funding Illarion)

Post by S'rrt »

That's actually really good Jupiter, didn't know that existed :D
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