At the Lakeshore

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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Her hands were covered in blood, the fine supple leather ladies gloves she had bought earlier now were darkened and stiff. The metalic smell on them left no question to the origin of the substance. Quickly Lyrica starts a fire in secluded rocky alcove along the shore and starts stripping and burning everything she had on, along with the clothing she had wore into town earlier. As the items burned, she waded into the surf trying to clean it and calm her racing mind from what had just unfolded.

She had walked back into the bar later, dressed very much the lady. Red skirt, red lacy shirt, fine soft leather gloves all had adorned her body. She had flashed winks and come-hither looks to the males as she entered taking a seat a few stools from the man she had came to see. Crossing her legs at the bar, making sure to exspose a well toned bare calf she leans forward flirting with the bar man and asks for a bottle of rum. As he takes the coins and wanders off she fumbles with the bottle for awhile before turning to the man beside her and asking him for help to open it.

So easy men were lead along. He fell into her plan moving closer and sharing that bottle and another with her as the night grew on. He told her all about his glory days in the Albarian army , along with his twisted version of his dismissal. She faked interest and played the adoring female. Some more rum, a few more winks and a squeeze to his knee had him following her out the back doorway and into the darkness.

As they had cleared the doorway, she had surprised him by swinging around and pinning him to the wall of the tavern with her hand gripping his throat. "Me and you need to talk".

"Darling call it whatever you like but lose the clothes." had came his slurred reply.

A low growl had come from her throat and her gripped tightened so that the ladies gloves were digging into his flesh and making him realize for the first time the strength of the person holding him. "Does the name Reena Morelis mean anything to you?" she had leaned forward and whispered in his ear trying not to gag on the smell of unwashed body and stale alcohol.

"I don't know the whore!"

Lyrica had then hauled off and punched him in the mouth with her free hand. After that its a blurry memory of punching and struggling. At some point she was holding a bloody half sobbing man who spilled out the truth. His sick obsession and how her refusal had ruined his life and that he was going to get revenge the next time he seen her. Stunned she had slackened the hold with her arm that was now bruised from his continued grip trying to free himself. Noticing her distraction he had grabbed a knife that he had hidden and swung it at her. Only at the last moment did she realize and swing up her left arm to deflect the blade. As pain burned in her arm she leaned forward to head butt him then she finally released his throat as he fell to the ground using her now free right hand to jerk the blade from his hand.

"Never more will you be a shadow in her life." With that she had drove the dagger in the mans throat getting covered in more blood as it flowed out of him and his body went slack. In the streets she heard people moving and the tavern was still in full swing. Raven was right, no body cared what happened to others. They hadn't saved her and they hadn't saved him. Quickly she grabbed his money so it looked like a robbery and left his dagger in his throat as she slipped away in the dark.

Stepping from the water she pauses by the fire bandaging the cut on her arm after drying and tossing any remenants into the flames before dressing again in yet another outfit hiding her hair out of site. If she hurrieed she could make the next town over and maybe get the next ship home. She missed her women like an ache in her soul. She one last time prods the fire making sure everything is burned up then takes off at a fast lope moving from the shore to the woods quietly slipping through the night to the next town.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Dawn was starting to break on the horizon when Lyrica slipped into the next harbour town. As she slipped into an alley to change once again, she heard a commotion deep in the dark depths. Sliding along the wall she soon spied two large wild cats cornering a small white kitten. The kitten already had one of its ears tore and leaking blood. It was out numbered and vastly outsized. The sight of it standing up and fighting brought a smile to her lips, no cowering for the little one. If left alone the kitten would die and even as it surely knew this it fought on.

Leaning down and grabbing a stick in one quick motion as she steps forward, Lyrica swings the stick at the two wild cats knocking them aside. They tumble snarling and squalling into the nearest wall only to come back up on their feet hissing at her. "Try me kitties?" she mocks softly. They both keep their distance and eventually slink away in the night. As she leans down picking up the white kitten it attacks, biting her hand and clawing her arm. Eventually subduing it and wrapping it in her tunic so only the head peaks out Lyrica starts to bribe it with bits of stale bread left in her bag. Setting it down long enough to quickly change into her own leather gear she quickly picks up the kitten again and makes her way to the harbour.

They pass many a homeless person on their way. Some old drunks, others families with small kids. Upon passing one of the familes, Lyrica takes the man's money bag she had collected in the alley and places the contents near them slipping away.
At the shore she fills the bag with rocks and tosses it far out into the water. Moving along she finds a ship heading back towards home. By the gods she missed her women and and longed to hold them. The ship she picked looked worse for the wear but she wasn't waiting another day to start back. She only hoped she didn't spend as much time hanging over the rail loosing the contents of her stomach as she had the voyage over.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

With a weary tread she steps off the dock. Home thank the gods home at last. The driving need to see her ladies made her pace fast as she stepped of the ship, belying her pale fatigue ridden face. She had not slept since she left her women and sea travel did not seem to suit her. She made a vow to herself never to be parted from them again if at all possible. Shifting her wiggling bag she moves on talking over her shoulder, "Hold on you will see your new home and family soon."
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Sarai Flysse
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Sarai Flysse »

She sat on the beach, watching the waves drift over outstretched legs. She'd been spending more and more time alone, these last few months. Unsure of her purpose in life, unsure of her friends, and unsure of herself, she'd taken to spending long stretches of time hunting or sitting where nobody could find her.

Kharamesz. Lono. Her mercenaries.

She'd failed all her tasks, and now the nightmares would devour her. Reena and Lyrica were all she had left, it seemed.

Her finger circled the water, ripples breaking the surface. She recalled the argument she'd had with Reena, how suddenly the anger and fears had poured out of her. She'd felt resentment, powerful resentment during those moments. Why did Reena never come to her with things? It was as if she had to drag every thought out of her, every problem or concept. The woman was too damned passive. And something had been bothering her. She could sense it, even if she didn't know what it was.

Sarai shuddered against the cold morning waves, looking skyward. Where had Lyrica gone. Why did she feel so alone. What was she now? A homemaker? She didn't feel like one.

She lay back down on the sand, and let the water trickle over her.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

She thought things had been going well, somehow she had messed things up with her Raven's sister. As Lyrica walks the shoreline she reflects on the day. What had she said and done? Til now things with Minerva had been so good, she had finally relaxed and been her real self, gone had been her fear that Reena's family would try to cast her out.

Her idea of a walk had been a bad idea, when did she think she learned to talk to women she wasn't seducing? She picks up a rock and heaves it across the water hearing a distant "Ploink" somewhere off in the dark. Where was Sarai? She needed her fire, her wit. Someone to tell her to stop caring what people think and to stop being soft. Sarai, her other worry, she was disappearing for longer stretches of time now.

With a soft sigh she walks off to where her drunk Raven is passed out and lays down beside her to rest. She hoped the sisters worked out their problem soon or she would have to shackle one to each bed in the flat til they hashed it out.
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Sarai Flysse
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Sarai Flysse »

*A letter has been left with the innkeeper at the Lakeshore*

Dear Reena and Lyrica,

I'm writing to tell you that I'm leaving for Salk. I've had an offer to join the mercenary corps in the city, and I've decided to take it. You are likely both furious with me, and have every right to be. The truth is, I haven't been happy for months. While I love you both, being tied down in one place living the quiet life is not what I was meant to do. Nor is Cadomyr a place I could ever in good conscience call home.

You are both wonderful people, and I've enjoyed every second we've had together. However, I've also found that my wilder ways tend to get you both into trouble, and certainly cause you both sometimes serious stresses. While I'd love to change for you, I don't think its possible, at least not yet. I need to go back on the road, back to war, and find what it is I truly want.

This isn't the end. Some day I'll return, and I hope to find Reena still being an ice bitch overseeing Cadomyr and Blue still being a stupid noble girl when I do. I wish you both the best in everything, ask you not to worry about me, and live your lives to the fullest.

Always yours,

Sarai Flysse
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Waking from her nap near the Inn Lyrica stands in stunned silence as she reads the note that is delivered. Sarai had never said a word.. she lied to her .. not hours before they had spoke.

"I have to go do something I will be back soon."
"Please don't be long."
"I won't I promise."

But she wasn't coming back. Would she ever? In shock, Lyrica grips the note tightly in her hand and turns walking off beginning to methodically search Cadomyr. Her expression seems to be calm but every so often a tear can be seen trickling down her face. Anyone that bumps into her or speaks to her only gets the response, "I have to find my Raven."
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Reena Morelis
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Reena Morelis »

After having spent the last two nights sleeping on the inn balcony with her sister Minerva, Reena's back was stiff and aching when she rose that morning. Clambering down the stairs to the first floor, she rubs her eyes with slow hands before waving to the innkeeper.

"You have a letter waiting for you, Reena."

He hands her the letter, a look of concern on his face as she accepts it and turns her back on him to read it.

She reads it once.

Then once more.

Then finally a third time, though it still hadn't changed despite how much she willed it to. Reena folds up the letter and tucks it into her skirt pocket.

"Can I have a key?"

He hands her one, the key belonging to the room she used to take residence in, and Reena makes her way back upstairs to lock herself inside the bedroom. She hangs a blanket over the window before curling up on the bed under the blankets that remained.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Prowling Cadomyr had been quite ineffective. She had even stalked around the Palace til Anthar had told her "Get out of here she isn't working today." Where was her Raven, the pain in her chest was growing and only she could stop it.

With a low rumbling growl she returns to the Inn and addresses the Innkeeper. "Has the Commander got her letter yet, and have you seen her?" the words come out fast and in a jumble her voice harsh with emotion.

"I gave the Commander a letter."

"Which way did she go?"

His tone is protective as he speaks "What the Commander does is her own business."

With a low growl Lyrica reaches across the table and grabs his shirt front lifting him "Where... is .. she" The words are punctuated with another growl and harsh shake. "The Commander is my business and my heart, where by the gods did she go?" Her grip on his shirt remains firm though a tear starts trickling down her face and her voice breaks.

"I gave her the key to her old room." he speaks in reply tone almost gentle.

Abruptly the Innkeeper is released, dropped back on his stool disheveled. Lyrica turns on her heel and marches to the stairway without another word.

The door was locked..She had been knocking without success for five minutes or was it thirty seconds. Time was a blur everything was a jumble she needed her Raven. Two steps were taken back.. then another..


With a running lunge Lyrica rams the door, once, twice, then a third time before it splinters and the frame busts. Breathing ragged she crosses the threshold to spy the figure curled up in the bed. She moves silently to the bed not speaking a word and slides under the cover and against Reena.

Still not speaking she wraps an arm around Reena's middle pulling her close a shudder going through her as they touch. "Raven.." she finally speaks in a low voice filled with pain but says no more simply burrowing her face in Reena's neck and holding her growing silent.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

In desperation she had went looking for Minerva. Someone to help her with Reena. She couldn't bear to lose them both, the pain over Sarai's leaving was horrible even though she simply said she was fine if asked. Reena's tendency to close off to herself was worrying her .. so here she was reaching out to the one person she thought maybe could help.

Twenty minutes later she was cursing herself and ready to punch the woman in front of her. Minerva was trying to toss Lyrica from the room, implying she was the reason Reena wouldn't get up. She hadn't done this .. Sarai had!! to both of them. As their arguing continues they wake a groggy disheveled Reena. At a request from Reena, Lyric leaves the room so she could speak to Minerva. Too antsy to sit she went down stairs and gathered some items returning to sit outside the room. They talk some, mostly in low whispers. As she hears Reena begin cry, her own heart breaks even more. She sits silent, joining the crying while staring at the door.

Awhile later, after Minerva doses off, Lyrica slips back into the room. Her and Reena look at each other not saying much. They had this conversation before. Sarai was an old hand at breaking both their hearts. Recalling the items she had collected earlier, Lyrica cajoles Reena into going to the lake. Once there she carefully washes Reena's hair and bathes her. This was a task she always relished doing, though today the her mood was more nuturing and comforting, than the teasing flirting banter they normally shared. With the bath complete she walks with Reena back to the upstairs room where Minerva is sleeping and tucks her back in bed.

Lyrica takes a seat outside the room at the table staring at it blankly. As the fight over making her leave the room comes back to mind, and she wonders if she ruined any chance of becoming friends with Reena's sister. She was powerless to venture far.. no matter who got mad. Short of Reena herself telling her to leave she couldn't, the pain in her chest was overwhelming. Why had Sarai done this? Why. She hadn't hunted in days nor had she ate. She finally had managed some juice at the tavern earlier at least. Only being near Reena, even while she slept made the pain ease.

Laying her head on the table she waited. Her Raven would need her to get through this , and she would need her as well.
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