Modify Cursed Shield

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Modify Cursed Shield

Post by CJK »

This code exists: ... shield.lua

What does that code mean? Well, if you are wielding a cursed shield (Reminder: this shield is only level 30), this code triggers.

Code: Select all

 -- if shield was purified, then no possibility of curse
		if ( tonumber(SourceItem:getData("cursedShield")) == 1 ) then return true; end;

		-- if the shield is cursed, make it impossible to unequip
		if ( tonumber(SourceItem:getData("cursedShield")) == 2 ) and ( ( SourceItem.itempos == 5 ) or ( SourceItem.itempos == 6 ) ) then

			-- if successfully removed
			if ( math.random( 2000 ) <= User:increaseAttrib( "willpower", 0 ) * 4 ) then
				base.common.InformNLS( User, "Mit deinem starken Willen und Ausdauer schaffst du es, das verfluchte Schild von deiner Hand zu lösen.", "With a strong will and perseverance, you manage to detach the cursed shield from your hand." )
				return true;

			-- else unable to remove shield

			base.common.InformNLS( User, "Eine dunkle Energie scheint dich daran zu hindern das Schild loszulassen.", "Some kind of dark energy seems to prohibit you from releasing the shield." );
			return false;

What that means is that a trigger can occur which makes it literally impossible to remove a cursed shield from a character who doesn't have a high willpower. The cause of the trigger is based on this condition:

Code: Select all

curseChance = math.random( 5 + User:increaseAttrib( "essence", 0 ) + math.floor( User:getSkill(Character.magicResistance) / 5 ) );
Here's the problem:
1) Cursed shields are TERRIBLE as shields, but are also the only shields with this ridiculous limitation placed on them. The tradeoff is terrible.
2) There is no way to remove the shield sort of breaking it. This can be done by either HOURS of parrying with it, or stripping down and charging to cherga until it breaks. Both of these are frankly terrible RP, one promoting needless powergaming, and the other promoting a ridiculous indifference toward death and manipulating the game engine.

My character got slapped with this script earlier, and the next several hours became devoted to breaking it. It was one of the most frustrating things the post-VBU game has thrust upon me (totally without any warning. Nobody around had ever heard of this happening before), and left no good RP way to fix it.

Here are some ways I think we can fix this:
Proposal 1: Keep the script as is, maybe even make it more frequent, but raise the shield's level DRAMATICALLY to make the tradeoff fair.
Proposal 2: Remove the script altogether. I am not entirely for this, as I think the idea is interesting, but it is incredibly frustrating.
Proposal 3: Create a RP way, explained when the player tries removing the shield, to purify the shield. A purified shield cannot have this happen according to the code, but how is it purified? I feel like this should be made clear to the afflicted player, even if it is a quest that has the initial state of just "Go talk to Priest Jimbob at Temple Zulu to purify the shield."
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Estralis Seborian
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Re: Modify Cursed Shield

Post by Estralis Seborian »

I will implement proposal 2. Such effects should be limited to special quest items.
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Achae Eanstray
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Re: Modify Cursed Shield

Post by Achae Eanstray »

Will Unlock since there is more discussion on this subject.
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Re: Modify Cursed Shield

Post by Rincewind »

Thanks Achae.

The curse of the shield is also lifted if you sell the shield to an NPC. ;) Which is probably the best solution to get rid of it.

Also: When My char got cursed by this item that declares itself cursed (which should be warning enough :P) I had a lot of fun, punishing the guy who sold it to me. Also I had no trouble to integrate this in my Role-play and after an appropriate time I found out a good solution.

So aye, after all I thought this gimmick was fun, especially because I asked my self since years why this shield got it's name. Found out on the spot, and I felt like... Well I should have known it better.

This Item and the script attached to it is cool.

So will this be another Content you just dump, because it could scare Noobs?

My alternative solution proposal is to give the Shield a higher Powerlvl, so in future only experienced Chars have to deal with it. Soon many Characters will know about the course anyway and then people will get rid of it too easy anyway.
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Re: Modify Cursed Shield

Post by Achae Eanstray »

As a new player I was warned indirectly about this cursed shield. When asked was simply told it "was cursed" with this chuckle afterwards...all this in game however. I paid heed to the advise and used it sparingly even though one skeleton seemed to give it out regularly.

I love the idea of this and other little surprises similar in the game... making for the uniqueness of Illarion. Moving it to a higher level for the older players sounds like a good adjustment.
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Re: Modify Cursed Shield

Post by CJK »

Like I said, I appreciate the existence of this feature. It is an interesting addition of immersion, I just think we should reconsider how it is handled.

Also, selling the shield should be considered a glitch. If it can't be removed, then it can't be removed. And why would a merchant want to buy a curse shield that locks onto somebody''s arm anyway?

I should also confess that this occurrence IG and thread occurred well past any reasonable hour of the night, magnifying my reaction.
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Re: Modify Cursed Shield

Post by Banduk »

Please don't remove the script. I stumbles over by myself and it was a good reason for some RP.

- There are at least 3 ways to remove it.
- The name itself should warn everybody.
- Level 30 is sufficent, so a new player will not come into contact in the first days.

So what remains is RP.

Maybe we can give it some better parameter (a parry plus of 40) to make it more interesting. And why not get some more cursed items like dagger, sword and mace?

One point should change: The cursed items should not be able to craft! These are loots only.

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Hew Keenaxe
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Re: Modify Cursed Shield

Post by Hew Keenaxe »

Banduk wrote:Please don't remove the script. I stumbles over by myself and it was a good reason for some RP.

- There are at least 3 ways to remove it.
- The name itself should warn everybody.
- Level 30 is sufficent, so a new player will not come into contact in the first days.

So what remains is RP.

Maybe we can give it some better parameter (a parry plus of 40) to make it more interesting. And why not get some more cursed items like dagger, sword and mace?

One point should change: The cursed items should not be able to craft! These are loots only.

Completely agree.
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Estralis Seborian
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Re: Modify Cursed Shield

Post by Estralis Seborian »

Please give your input there.
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