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Hew Keenaxe
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Post by Hew Keenaxe »

The time for Cadomyr to excude any and all that are also in a jam with another town or just choose not to be part of another town , has to end.
This is a RP game, with a very limited population. So if I have a problem with the elfs of Ruinwick, I cant go to Cadomyr.
If I hate orcs, I cant go to Cadomyr.
If I want to forgo taxes and gems, And live free, I cant go to Cadomyr.
But If I log on, and everybody is in Cadomyr, I cant RP with anyone.
If I was banned from one town or was just a free Necktie sole, I can go to the other towns. But not there. And they know it, and use it. You say great, we dont want your kind. But that doesnt support a rich, RP enviroment. So I cant enter, no conflict, but also no other interaction. No trade either, even though this game has been moving to a certain personality for each town. One town will support this but not that, but you cant come here to do that. It has to change.
Each town should stand on its own. And as been talked about to exhaustion, all bans should be used sparingly, and after other options have been used first. They should have a short life. There is absolutely no reason to log on to a RP game, that excludes you from "ALL" RP. And thats what happens if all are in just one town.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Kamilar »

First of all, Hew isn't banned from Cadomyr because he's banned everywhere else. He's banned from Cadomyr because he's banned from Cadomyr. Does it suck? Yes, it does. But honestly, we've beaten this to death tonight in IRC and I'm a little bit sick of the discussion now given all the hostility and personal attacks.

Here's the thing ...
Say Hew came to Cadomyr. Just because he's allowed entrance doesn't necessarily mean he's going to find RP there. He can come, we can go. He's not the kind of character everyone wants to play with and as the PO you really need to accept that. Playing him is a choice for you. Playing with him is a choice for everyone else.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Aegohl »

The issue of whether town banning should be allowed has been covered. The rest is an ingame and in-character problem.
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Hew Keenaxe
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Hew Keenaxe »

Except it aint a choice. He aint allowed in. An that would be fine for awhile. But it aint fine forever. Limits need to be in place.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Aegohl »

I'm not arguing whether or not your points are legitimate. You are, however, posting them in the wrong place.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Hew Keenaxe »

No the PROPOSALis to modifiy the bans. The attacks are in the wrong place.
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Juliana D'cheyne
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Juliana D'cheyne »

I have had no problem not being able to go to Cadomyr, in fact have had some very nice roleplay just outside of town. If someone is in town I want to speak to, I grab another entering and ask them to send so and so out. The last time this character was at Cadomyr, the guard allowed her to enter despite an incident with her pulling a dagger on another standing too close :wink: . It was the first time she had been in town in a long time.

I am not sure this will continue or is a one time thing but at the time we were talking to a "bigwig" of the town. Hence yes, you can be allowed to enter, simply using ingame roleplay but also you can do fine without ever entering the town. I am not quite understanding what you wish possibly.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Fooser »

The bans should be removed, or at least heavily modified.

If you look around right now 0 towns have any sort of functioning defensive force. Outside of Mas does anyone really feel like their character's security is threatened in town? Villains and criminals are never allowed to come inside. The knowledge that legit threats may enter town could go a long way towards promoting faction cohesion and also promoting conflict.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Uhuru »

I, personally, don't like Cadomyr's decision to ban all "outlaws" regardless of personal status... based solely on the fact that they have chosen to live in the wilderness. This blanket banning of an entire group of people is ridiculous. Is there any proof that any of them have committed a crime?

Merung says that a character can get special dispensation from the queen to gain access, but how is a character to know that? How are they to suddenly think, oh wait! Let me go talk to the queen and see if she'll suddenly let an outlaw walk her town's streets for the same reasons that every other "outlaw" will want to walk her town's streets.

Why ban some but not all? Why give some access but not all? It makes no sense to force each one to talk to the queen unless the queen likes to talk to outlaws? Personally, I think it's the last one... the queen likes it for some reason. ;)

"Outlaws" have enough against them already, why do we need to have an automatic ban from Cadomyr too?
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Q-wert »

RP-wise the decision to initially ban all outlaws does totally make sense to me and looks like an ingame decision to me.
Only people with a certain credibility are granted the privilege to be let inside town. That can either come from being a member of one of the other towns, if relations with those towns are good.
Or from being allowed in on behalf of an influential Cadomyrian (who then is responsible for the action of that person).
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Jupiter »

This is an ingame matter.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by S'rrt »

I really don't see why this is so difficult to deal with IG.

If you're really that desperate, have your character swallow a part of his pride and prove himself worthy of entrance, then have him NOT acting like a fool once in there so that he can keep returning. No matter how much being "outspoken" and "reckless" seems like a "cool" thing to do, it'll mean certain places and people won't like you and won't want you around.

He's free to continue acting the way he does outside the town, nobody is trying to stop that.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Uhuru »

Do all "outlaws" know they can do that? Gain entrance to Cadomyr? Or what the process might be to do so? Who even lives in Cadomyr that they might speak to or how to bump into them to talk and ask questions?

Sure, in game issue. But this issue keeps being brought up over and over again without fail by different people.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Zalkani »

As a player of an outlaw that has managed to get access to Cadomyr I didn't 'know' I gain entrance to Cadomyr and personally I wouldn't want to. The right for my character to enter Cadomyr came about through role play and was a nice development in a long running relationship with a Cadomyrian business associate, as opposed to a direct appeal to the Queen - my character would never have done that. To me part of the charm of this game is not knowing the limitations of your character and that things are very rarely set in stone... I don't want a predetermined arrangement of if you do X you get Y all the time. Access to Cadomyr shouldn't be considered a right to all outlaws but rather a goal if that's something that drives the individual in game.
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Re: Cadomyr

Post by Azure Lynch »

Its like this most kingdoms wouldn't let anyone in unless they had some sort of pass letting them past the guards. Would be nice to see grappling hooks that work the opposite of ropes and are use to scale walls me I am thinking of recreating my thief just for the sole purpose to steal a kiss from the queen and maybe her crown as well :twisted:
But the whole.point is unless their is like some sort of special event then I don't see going there as an outlaw.
And hew even if the did lift it for outlaws you still wouldn't be allowed in cause they would consider you a threat.
Does it effect rp not really get a gm to help you sneak in make it the day of hew or start a ruckus outside people will come to investigate. Or just shout for the person you looking for.
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