Current Game Thoughts

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Nalzaxx »

I'm thinking that, even now, I still get pangs to play Illarion. Something will remind me of it, or I'll dream of it, or somehow otherwise be thinking of it and feel that little itch that I've had for over a decade now. I'll come back, download the latest update, and get back into the game. I'll look at the shiny new interface, the improvements in the engine and all the extra content we now have. Then I'll grow sad. I'll walk three paces with my character, maybe open my depot, before I hit escape. I'll realise that it's not the game I know and love and long for, but some other creation entirely. A new and improved sequel that just can't capture my imagination like its predecessor.

I'll search for that game. The one that haunts my dreams. Perhaps I can get a hold of the old code. Set up my own private server. Even if it's just for a moment, just so I can walk through Bane once more, or kill a Red down the yard. Just one more. Just for old time's sake.

No I'm told. That's not possible. That game you love was terrible. We erased it from existence. Why on earth would you want to play Morrowind when you have Skyrim instead? Don't you appreciate all this hard work we put into making it better? How dare you long for the game of your youth when we have these so much better things to replace it. What an ungrateful fool you are for desiring such things.

And so I'll drift awhile in memories. Of stories from the past and pictures of times long gone. I'll dig up those old files I carried with me. Through the years, the hard-drives, the moves up and down the country. They're all I kept, all that I felt worth keeping. Some skillshots, an attribute spreadsheet, a screen of three skeletons fishing and Matt's training program for n00bs. I'll browse the forums a little, see who's still around, who else might reminisce about those days, check on how the game's doing, how many are still around, if the count is still trailing off as ever. Then with a sigh I'll leave, onto other things, shelving Illarion once again in the back of my mind. Banished to age and obscurity.

And then weeks later, months, years, I'll feel it again. That tug on my heart from shadows of yesterday. Calling me back once again.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Nalzaxx wrote:I'm thinking that, even now, I still get pangs to play Illarion. Something will remind me of it, or I'll dream of it, or somehow otherwise be thinking of it and feel that little itch that I've had for over a decade now. I'll come back, download the latest update, and get back into the game. I'll look at the shiny new interface, the improvements in the engine and all the extra content we now have. Then I'll grow sad. I'll walk three paces with my character, maybe open my depot, before I hit escape. I'll realise that it's not the game I know and love and long for, but some other creation entirely. A new and improved sequel that just can't capture my imagination like its predecessor.

I'll search for that game. The one that haunts my dreams. Perhaps I can get a hold of the old code. Set up my own private server. Even if it's just for a moment, just so I can walk through Bane once more, or kill a Red down the yard. Just one more. Just for old time's sake.

No I'm told. That's not possible. That game you love was terrible. We erased it from existence. Why on earth would you want to play Morrowind when you have Skyrim instead? Don't you appreciate all this hard work we put into making it better? How dare you long for the game of your youth when we have these so much better things to replace it. What an ungrateful fool you are for desiring such things.

And so I'll drift awhile in memories. Of stories from the past and pictures of times long gone. I'll dig up those old files I carried with me. Through the years, the hard-drives, the moves up and down the country. They're all I kept, all that I felt worth keeping. Some skillshots, an attribute spreadsheet, a screen of three skeletons fishing and Matt's training program for n00bs. I'll browse the forums a little, see who's still around, who else might reminisce about those days, check on how the game's doing, how many are still around, if the count is still trailing off as ever. Then with a sigh I'll leave, onto other things, shelving Illarion once again in the back of my mind. Banished to age and obscurity.

And then weeks later, months, years, I'll feel it again. That tug on my heart from shadows of yesterday. Calling me back once again.

So this !!!! :? You spoke out of my heart Nalz - Always if I look who is playing and I see 1 or 2 ( which is very often ) players with a GM - - - I just can't get online. Its not my Illa anymore, grinding I can in other games - RP is nearly impossible.

But then it will come back - this special feeling :? :?

EDIT: Overview (State: 08. July 2014 17:20:10 pm)01st Ushos 43 - 04:00:30 am

The server is up and running but nobody plays currently. This should stop noone from logging on. Usually other follow if someone is playing. :( :( And NO - there is none who follows usually
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Current Game Thoughts

Post by Jupiter »

Alytys Lamar wrote: Its not my Illa anymore, grinding I can in other games - RP is nearly impossible.
How can we solve this? We need people like you and your opinion how to imrpove it. Nobody wants Illarion to be about griding. But how can the staff improve the roleplay?
(So, we might want to discuss this not here but somewhere else :P)
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Annabeth »

Illa is just not the same anymore. Still, doesn't mean we should just give up and go inactive like so many have.
I'd say we should use that special feeling, the nagging urge that brings us back to illa, to help illa improve and take the right turns on its progressing development.
To you that are inactive, yet keep returning. Why not let your voices be heard and help make this new alien version of Illarion become more like the Illarion you miss, or an even better version of it?
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Achae Eanstray »

Annabeth wrote:Illa is just not the same anymore. Still, doesn't mean we should just give up and go inactive like so many have.
I'd say we should use that special feeling, the nagging urge that brings us back to illa, to help illa improve and take the right turns on its progressing development.
To you that are inactive, yet keep returning. Why not let your voices be heard and help make this new alien version of Illarion become more like the Illarion you miss, or an even better version of it?
Some things are worth working to help and improve.

Unlike a lot of games...Illa actively encourages your participation. How would you improve things, what would you do, voice an opinion, make suggestions and proposals, help even more with promoting others to join so there are more roleplayers. Yes, it may not be done the way you or I wish because we are one voice among many however that one voice IS listened to.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Kugar »

Jupiter wrote:
Alytys Lamar wrote: Its not my Illa anymore, grinding I can in other games - RP is nearly impossible.
How can we solve this? We need people like you and your opinion how to imrpove it. Nobody wants Illarion to be about griding. But how can the staff improve the roleplay?
I'm thinking right now that Illarion could be improved drastically by having more quests that promote the chance of a large group of players to be involved, as opposed to an exclusive group. I think that recently things have been going in this direction but it's not quite there yet. A truly dedicated team of creative individuals needs to be created by the staff and said team need to rub their brains together to come up with more 'huge' storylines that effect the WHOLE island. People who play(ed) Illarion are often fantasy movie/book buffs, and one thing those books and movies share are basic and core concepts eg a common enemy and an ongoing struggle.

Illarion has been good at this in the past, but it needs to get better. It needs to pull on the strings of the players' imaginations more. I keep coming back to see the new stuff and probably just continue to come and go. The development side of the game has went pretty well, now time to concentrate on other departments so as not to lose more players :wink:

Kind regards :mrgreen:
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Ufedhin »

Large themes are helpful yet that is not the only way of it ,look at the longer running rpg's that still have a healthy player base ,they tend to also include many small things aswell that add up to making the experience special.
Variations in all things ,the more the better! We need a magic system! nothing will compensate the lack of that,
Building and owning your own properties is a huge pull . The ability of players to become powerful rulers in there own right (Gm ruled towns in my opinion stifle that).
This 5 % tax in my mind is also a negative , a general sales tax and perhaps an annual tax based on current coin wealth and property for those based in the town realms would be better, players dont like seeing there hard earned wealth vanish in a way they cannot control even if magic gems are handed out.
Magic gems need to be turned back into something interesting, at present they are about as exciting as cold porridge.(variation is needed and not this chicken feed hand out system of magic gems )
All games of the nature of illarion that succeed seem have a blend of this ,an overall theme (yet not to invasive) and a myriad of interesting possibilitys ,at the present players can do nothing with the towns unless it is gm ruler sanctioned,the pure fact that the ruler is a gm gives the town rulers absolute power no one could really challenge this longterm (i know i tried out the idea ,did not like the idea of character permadeath after period of time)
Banditry is out of the question as merely the act of survival is questionable, and yet if a bandit king could build a stronghold ???, possibilities, the moment Illarion lacks this..... .
The old illarion did not ,even if an individual idea never came to fruition the possibility was always there ,secret groups ,skullduggery ,the possibility of making a living from being naughty (armed robbery,happened to me i ranted for ages yet never would i forget the experience ,it made me more cunning in my rp, i loved it!) all added spice !.It would also be nice to be able to make a decent living at the higher end of crafts and from warrior loot .Death for example ....why fear death now nothing happens, just a wee rest for a bit then back to the coal face no harm done! the old death was far far better ,dropping your bag and a random item on your person made death hellish yet avoiding it is soo much more exciting ,building good frienships really helped.Now the very things the developers have done in my opinion is try to make the game appealing and safe......and it has had the opposite effect as i warned, we now have creeping entrophy due to boredom.(STOP WRAPPING US IN COTTON WOOL WE WILL DIE ONE DAY ANYWAY ,LET US LIVE EXCITING LIVES!).

Just my opinion. :wink:

Oh yes and bring back donkeys ,rabbits and deer and no more feeble excuse as to why not.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Mephistopheles »

Ufedhin wrote:Large themes are helpful yet that is not the only way of it ,look at the longer running rpg's that still have a healthy player base ,they tend to also include many small things aswell that add up to making the experience special.
Variations in all things ,the more the better! We need a magic system! nothing will compensate the lack of that,
Building and owning your own properties is a huge pull . The ability of players to become powerful rulers in there own right (Gm ruled towns in my opinion stifle that).
This 5 % tax in my mind is also a negative , a general sales tax and perhaps an annual tax based on current coin wealth and property for those based in the town realms would be better, players dont like seeing there hard earned wealth vanish in a way they cannot control even if magic gems are handed out.
Magic gems need to be turned back into something interesting, at present they are about as exciting as cold porridge.(variation is needed and not this chicken feed hand out system of magic gems )
All games of the nature of illarion that succeed seem have a blend of this ,an overall theme (yet not to invasive) and a myriad of interesting possibilitys ,at the present players can do nothing with the towns unless it is gm ruler sanctioned,the pure fact that the ruler is a gm gives the town rulers absolute power no one could really challenge this longterm (i know i tried out the idea ,did not like the idea of character permadeath after period of time)
Banditry is out of the question as merely the act of survival is questionable, and yet if a bandit king could build a stronghold ???, possibilities, the moment Illarion lacks this..... .
The old illarion did not ,even if an individual idea never came to fruition the possibility was always there ,secret groups ,skullduggery ,the possibility of making a living from being naughty (armed robbery,happened to me i ranted for ages yet never would i forget the experience ,it made me more cunning in my rp, i loved it!) all added spice !.It would also be nice to be able to make a decent living at the higher end of crafts and from warrior loot .Death for example ....why fear death now nothing happens, just a wee rest for a bit then back to the coal face no harm done! the old death was far far better ,dropping your bag and a random item on your person made death hellish yet avoiding it is soo much more exciting ,building good frienships really helped.Now the very things the developers have done in my opinion is try to make the game appealing and safe......and it has had the opposite effect as i warned, we now have creeping entrophy due to boredom.(STOP WRAPPING US IN COTTON WOOL WE WILL DIE ONE DAY ANYWAY ,LET US LIVE EXCITING LIVES!).

Just my opinion. :wink:

Oh yes and bring back donkeys ,rabbits and deer and no more feeble excuse as to why not.
YES, my god yes... I am in complete agreement. The biggest difference between now and then is the endless possibilities and player control, not that I am against the gms they try very hard but they simply can't keep so many players involved. It takes alot of work, so the answer has been there all along and I believe I've said this, players need more control as to what happens ingame. players tend to entertain the players, and gms are that extra push to make things even better. We need immersive features like before with the magic gems (YES I FREAKIN know they were buggy but it was a hell of alot more interesting then the current gem system it also required hard work and effort) and magic and poisoning. In terms of character growth you have levels and thats it... What happened to being able to have a town guard with actual authority and governers and leaders who meant something? Now we have unassailable town leaders who govern with complete control over the only places that support any kind of play and gm chars with utterly insane stats. Oh yeah the level system f**kin sucks, it just does... It doesn't keep with the old realism of the older illa, back then a serinjah sword could get the job done, now you need a highly magical weapon and a repair npc to take care of your equipment. The list goes on and on about what the old players miss... Some have an open mind while others in control guard their developed work like a parent would guard a newborn child.

Some may take this as offensive, but I am starting to care less and less as I write this, I can rant and rave for days and then finally decide to forget about it and move on, maybe some other's will follow, but whateves, as far as I see it Illarion is dying but I keep trying to cling to the hope that it will be back to the illa we loved and improve from there.. not keep looking to "Runescape, Tibia, and other sucessful rpgs" looks where that's got us.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Alytys Lamar »

I think it is good to speak this things out openly !

All of the above is true, but the most dangerous thing for Illa is the low player base. And no one will sign in here if so less are playing, even if it is a free game., No one wants to play alone.
Also I have a feeling some of the players who recently left the game are Germans - Question why didn't they feel home here anymore ?

And I also think I have a headache today :?
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Fooser »

Mephistopheles wrote: YES, my god yes... I am in complete agreement. The biggest difference between now and then is the endless possibilities and player control, not that I am against the gms they try very hard but they simply can't keep so many players involved. It takes alot of work, so the answer has been there all along and I believe I've said this, players need more control as to what happens ingame. players tend to entertain the players, and gms are that extra push to make things even better. We need immersive features like before with the magic gems (YES I FREAKIN know they were buggy but it was a hell of alot more interesting then the current gem system it also required hard work and effort) and magic and poisoning. In terms of character growth you have levels and thats it... What happened to being able to have a town guard with actual authority and governers and leaders who meant something? Now we have unassailable town leaders who govern with complete control over the only places that support any kind of play and gm chars with utterly insane stats. Oh yeah the level system f**kin sucks, it just does... It doesn't keep with the old realism of the older illa, back then a serinjah sword could get the job done, now you need a highly magical weapon and a repair npc to take care of your equipment. The list goes on and on about what the old players miss... Some have an open mind while others in control guard their developed work like a parent would guard a newborn child.
It's pretty sad but all the advances that have been made have been covered up by the dysfunctional roleplay framework that has been set-up after the VBU. Whenever a GM leader is on that town has 10-15 players and everyone else has 1-2. When the GM leaves every town is back to 1-2. People log on because something might actually happen because the GM leader is there. In old Illarion something could happen at any moment regardless of which GM's were hanging around. The NPC leaders have been a revolving door of GMs. There have been four or five players playing the same character. Or one player playing three different characters (as Flux had to do multiple times). We pride ourselves as a roleplay enforced game and this is the foundation of the game? Seriously? Does an NPC leader even remember a conversation that happened a month ago? Who knows. If no one else cares why should I? There's very little lore/background to any of these people/locations. Even guard duty has been outsourced to NPCs. Having issues? Set up the ban script and forget about it. You only have to be vigilant during Mas now, a whole 1 day over 4 months.

In the new Illarion we are guests in someone else's house. In the old Illarion we owned the house.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Alytys Lamar »

To say it in another sentence -

You did go through the streets of any town and something happens - the players made the stories, they filled a gem named Illarion with the stories and lived them.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Annabeth »

GM lead towns promote the idea that you need a GM to create your fun for you I guess..?
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by rakust dorenstkzul »

Hey guys, Remember when Jorokar was in charge of Troll's Bane?
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Achae Eanstray »

rakust dorenstkzul wrote:Hey guys, Remember when Jorokar was in charge of Troll's Bane?
Poor Jorokar had a rough time! The PO needs to play again...
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Velisai »

Annabeth wrote:GM lead towns promote the idea that you need a GM to create your fun for you I guess..?
No, but since GM leaders have unlimited power in their towns, you can't risk any intra-town (or inter-town, as long as your leader doesn't want a war for that matter) conflict that goes beyond insults or maybe a bar fight. Anything more severe just gets you outlawed sooner or later and playing an outlaw has so crippling disadvantages that from an IC point of view it isn't worth risking 99% of the time. This, plus the gem system that cannot work without inter-town trade, stifles so much potential for danger, excitement and hostile relations between players and groups, that everyone has just stopped fighting and struggling. Occasional petty bickering over minor differences is as good as it gets.

Don't get me wrong, you can still have fun with or without GM involvement, but the static nature of the town politics and the map (every map change that has any kind of impact upon anything at all is decided upon OOC, for reasons like balance and such nonsense) are definitely taking away many RP possibilities. Personally, I just try to stay positive and roll with it as best as I can, but I still think any limitation of the sandbox approach we used to have for the game is a big mistake.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Ufedhin »

The game needs fears and hardships aswell, these things generate excitement and fun not blahness and boredom.
Its even good to howl and moan about how hard such a thing is :lol: ,and so sweet if victory is final achieved 8)

One of my fondest memories of my first Mas in Gobiath was finding out the hardway about madness mummies
and spending the Mas trapped in a room while a dozen (only three to begin with)mummies moaned and shuffled
around the door,yet i survied untill the framers turned up and slew the offending dead.

I was a noob then, i could easy have died ,but i would have come straight back for more excitement the fact i lived
was a bonus and a tribute to my own endevours.I was yet to find out the penalty for death at the hands of orc thieves
The loss of my gear spurned me on for revenge and murder, .....all my fondest memories i find are of the old game..
..this seems true of all the older players so lets bring back those things to this vastly richer canvass the dev's have
created for us.Lets bring those things back and stop the slid ..................Bring back madness mummies !
bring back madness mummies! bring back madness mummies ! bring back madness mummies
Bring back the madness!
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Hew Keenaxe »

Stats 3
Stats 3
us_online_2h.png (14.24 KiB) Viewed 25152 times
Stats 2
Stats 2
us_online_1d.png (17.45 KiB) Viewed 25154 times
us_actplayers.png (20.33 KiB) Viewed 25154 times
For me, my last day of was when my PC died. Truthfully, the magic had already gone. The charm of Illarion was always the RP and old school feel. The introduction of the VBU was exciting, briefly. With it came a whole new world to explore, shiny new graphics and new game mechanics. Lost was the player base, old, experienced Rpers. The game became centered on the new features and imagination went away.
Still, I find myself missing it. But what I miss is what it used to be.
When me and the wife went to replace our dead PC, we brought home a pair of tablets instead. We love them. They do everything we want except play this game. Sometimes I think about picking up a PC just to play this game but then I look at the statistics. This game is already dead. I can't justify the expenditure of a PC just for this. It's hard to let an old friend go. Illarion was truly on of the greatest games I ever played. Who knows, maybe I'll be proved wrong and Illarion will rebound back to its former greatness. I sincerely hope so.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Evie »

Reading these posts make me nostalgic and sad. I have not played the game for as long as many of you. I have only known the world of Illarion for three years myself. I remember with a smile, the first day in-game loading in Trolls Bane and walking out of the library to see someone fishing over an ice flame and immediately catching a mummy. It was a very nice mystical first impression. The of the lore and the stories told by others soon hooked me to the game. There was no quests or set order of things you had to do, it was all free form I got to choose what I wanted to do. Illarion was also my first experience into the world of role play games. The bar got set so high no other game even compares. :D I still regret my hiatus at times, that took me away for the last few months of Gobaith and the beginning of VBU. I came back looking for the magic of the world that was, both literally and figuratively. In some respects the world we had is gone, sank by the gods with Gobaith, but the core of the magic is still there. The core of Illarions magic is not in the client, the graphics, quests, or even our new fancy user interface, its in the players. I continue to play, I hope I always will. Online count is down and it saddens me.. its like a dear friend is ill in some ways. So what does all my rambling mean :wink: , yes I know I ramble! Its not what it was and it will never be the same.. the core magic is still there as long as us the players are. Sadly online counts say we have a problem in that respect. The world of illarion was created by the players, and through players it can come back to life. I challenge each of you, and I will do the same myself, to think on your characters and on the world. What is some things we can do as players to help our sick friend Illarion. Things I have tried and will continue to try: player run rp quests, helping develop content, trying to help out new Po's so they feel the magic, and of course keep logging in even if I am the only one online.

also thinking.. its 3 am.. Evie should be alseep!
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by rakust dorenstkzul »

Achae Eanstray wrote:
rakust dorenstkzul wrote:Hey guys, Remember when Jorokar was in charge of Troll's Bane?
Poor Jorokar had a rough time! The PO needs to play again...
But i would say that Jorokar's non tenure of Troll's Bane is probably the reason we have GM led towns now
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by nathi »

rakust dorenstkzul wrote: But i would say that Jorokar's non tenure of Troll's Bane is probably the reason we have GM led towns now
I think this is not "the" point, but its an important point. Actual the town and the citizen are more or less pressed in rigid GM/town rules. The town leaders occurs seldom and there comes nothing new to the town, no changes always same townrulesblabla. Before the VBU the game was much more flexible in the leadships. The leadership of towns and guilds changed from time to time (ok, except one). That made the game much more sprightly to me. The actual world is bigger, at the beginning it was interesting to discover this wourld. Yes we found a lot of quests and monsters, but less rp. Its a rp vacuum out there. The number of players is to less to fill this big world. Maybe one town and smaller map would be enough for the start. Then expand the world and number of towns if necessary. I think the actual world was founded by good intentions and for sure it was very much work of the dev. Do the game really need for more technical perfection for rp? In the last year I was frustrated after every update, sometimes I was not able to play for weeks (mac), new bugs prevented me to do simple things like properly char moving, or to pick up things, and yes also the editor made problems. Thats a no go for a rp-game. So I became more and more tired of Illarion. I think Illa needs urgend the back the magic system (even I was never a mage), forget the ig-Chat system, parallel ooc kills the rp, forget the guild system and forget the priest system, think about how to bring back the game to the basics, and send the town leaders far away to bigger towns ;-) But this is not against the GMs, they do a great job an I love the Illa GMs But please think about to make the game more open. This is what I think.
(and please please please make the automatic walk function selectable in the options - I'am going cracy)

lg nathi
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Re: Current Game Thoughts

Post by Achae Eanstray »

Since this seemed like a topic in itself in the off-topic thread, moved to here for discussion. :)
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Nitram »

Hew Keenaxe wrote:This game is already dead.
The game is dead once the last person gives up on it. And I fully intent to keep kicking it until it chooses to come back to life.
You can moan the past stages of Illarion all you want. What is here right now is what we got. I'll do everything I possibly can to get Illarion over this rough patch, but there is only so much I can do alone. If everyone chooses to cry that the old Illarion is gone and watch the new Illarion die, the game is truly lost. So I am grateful to everyone, be it as player, as gamemaster or as developer, who helps this game to continue.

In the end we all want the same thing: to make Illarion as great place to waste a lot of free time. :wink:

I do not ignore that its a difficult time currently. But I really believe that we'll be able to get over this time.

I will not give up on Illarion. What about you?

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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by Fiona »

Nitram wrote: I will not give up on Illarion.
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Re: Current Game Thoughts

Post by Alytys Lamar »

You Nitram ( and all the Dev's ) did an awesome job with the VBU. A lot of things are nicer and improved - I am sure that's not the case people leaving - stop playing - Illa.

The thing I miss is the soul, the life- which comes with creative players. Jen dragged ma back to Illa - after some weeks the number of players dwindled more and more.
New players had a blast - didn't play long, though. Even Jen and Mitch I do not see very often IG anymore.
I was hoping for the thrill I had as I started play Illa (/ or at least near that ), the players you met had stories to tell, some where even dangerous, mysterious.
The problem is the less people - and /or that they do not stay.

In old Illa there where always a lot of players around - I would say more then 20. So if you played a fairy ( like I did ) you could find in Bane, the Grey Rose or everywhere someone to make jokes with.

Major problem is to get more people and to KEEP them playing. So what to do about this ? I have a problem to go IG if only 2 - 5 players playing I mentioned - grinding I can in other games. Illarion is RP, head cinema, soul food if done right .. bah- I stop now.
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Re: What are you thinking right now?

Post by rakust dorenstkzul »

Nitram wrote:I will not give up on Illarion. What about you?
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Re: Current Game Thoughts

Post by Annabeth »

I feel an important thing that's missing is the kind of thing we had with troll's bane. The leader wasn't a GM, but was rather selected through RP. Another thing is how most of the playerbase gathered there (even though there were exceptions who lived in Varshikar, Vanima or such), and now we are nearly equally spread across three different factions with a playerbase that is scarcer than it was back when we mostly had players in one town.
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Re: Current Game Thoughts

Post by Ufedhin »

Illarion is not dead as some have claimed "they know nothing of the stubborness of dwarves" this can be fixed and i will stay untill im turned to stone or roll in mountains of gold.
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Re: Current Game Thoughts

Post by Mephistopheles »

I can arrange the mountain of gold, but only if you promise you won't leave when you get it lol

I'll be heres too, trying to make some good rp ig, and being annoying to the devs for being redundant.
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Re: Current Game Thoughts

Post by Gina South »

hmm guess that answers that.. got a message.. that I created and account but never played... now I can not even load the game.. still miss many good times..and I was totally VBU.
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Hew Keenaxe
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Re: Current Game Thoughts

Post by Hew Keenaxe »

Fiona wrote:
Nitram wrote: I will not give up on Illarion.
Ok then.
I'll give it another shot.
I went and bought some used PC parts and cobbled this old thing back together, I think :wink:
I'll be on-line, not as Hew, atleast not right away. I've forgotten how to play, game controls, and RP too. Might take some time to get back into the swing of things.
See you IG. :)
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