It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

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It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

Post by Face »

...and the commotion of Trolls Bane could have been considered sparse at best. A trio of humanoid figures crept stealthily past the dozing man behind the table inside the southern gates. As a pair departed up the tower steps the third continued along the street path, slipping from one tree to another. Upon reaching the inn and peering inside the window the hidden figure continued along the building wall, keeping it's eyes up to the windows above. Spying a clear window it drew a long length of rope from its bag and tossed up on the air a heavy stone tied carefully to the ropes end. Tossing it's thick arm back the humanoid sent the rock up and crashing through the window with a louder shatter than it had intended. Then, giving the rope a quick tug the creature smiled as in found the rock had become wedged on something. After a last wary look behind the figure pulled itself up the rope, making it's way through the broken window. What goods would the sneaky scouts find to return with?
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Re: It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

Post by HeXiS »

* a short elf opens his dull yellow eyes at the sound of glass breaking, with a sigh unfolding his hands from his robes sleeves. Haven once again fallen asleep in his chair He rises slowly and makes his way towards the stair case towards the noise. "What on Hellbriar is going on now? i swear even if i were dead something would wake me from my nap." With a snap of his finger a blue flame dances in his palm providing a dim light as he yawns.*
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Re: It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

Post by S'rrt »

An armored lizard spends most of his time, be it day or night, overseeing the workshop. The lack of active guards has forced him to stay awake and walk between the same areas often enough during the day and some during the night.
His jaw clasps shut mid-yawn as he hears the crash and his head spins toward the general location of the source.Leaning off the tailorshop wall, he wanders toward the south gate, oblivious of the criminal activity. If the burglar makes any more mistakes that give him away, the lizard might just notice him on his way past.
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Re: It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

Post by Face »

Thinking the loud clatter had not been heard, the figure crept through the room, past the bed, to the table. It peered through the darkness for anything to catch its eye. Spying a pair of fine candlesticks on the table, the intruder slid a few furry fingers over the smooth, cold surface before grasping it tightly. Hopefully there would be more to return with.


In the doorway an elfess appeared, startling the figure backwards and into her view.

"Oh no! Help!" The female called out to her companion in the hallway.

"What is it?" Came his anxious reply. But the creature, now clearly seen as a gnoll, leapt towards her with a sudden weapon in hand though her dwarven friend quickly called upon the attackers attenion, drawing it's attacks away from the elfess. He battled it with all of his strength, calling out for help as the gnoll refused to let up. As others appeared down the hall at the top of the stairs the dwarf was shoved back roughly and sent tumbling into the room behind him. Taking the chance the attacking creature lunged at his foe until he no longer rose though there was no time now to escape. Another blocked his exit to the hallway, a human male more intimidating than the others, with a weapon already in hand. With only a few simple swipes of the blade the gnoll was felled, unaware that only a few moments later his companions atop the guard tower would soon also be dead. Cut down by a pair of females no less.

Some hours later, in the forest, a stout, balding man in clothes too fine for traipsing about in his current location, tapped his stubby fingers together impatiently. His scouts did not return.
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Re: It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

Post by Evie »

Noticing a strange instance of gnolls beyond their normal territory the treasure hunting party branched out, some of the members guarding the boundaries while others searched for the loot they had journeyed into the forest for. The gnolls appeared south of them… and north stealth fully moving in unnoticed till they were upon the party.
Chaos ensued as the dragon’s treasure appeared with one dig, this left the adventures to wonder. Had the gnolls already been digging there and loosened the dirt? Had they in fact been after this same treasure? The party 2 men and 3 women fought valiantly and determined defeating their foes and claiming the much sought after loot. A quick check proved all party members still standing and healthy, so they quickly ported out to distribute the goods.
As they were catching their breathe and shaking off not a few nerves from the adventure, the loot was showed and shared amongst the party. Suddenly an eerie howl pierced throughout the night. The members looked at each other, and considered that they had in fact disturbed a scouting party of some kind. Goodies where quickly stored, and the party returned to their previous area to scourer for more gnolls and their purpose.
Returning to the area more gnolls were discovered. They worked south thru the woods to the gnoll’s camp above the harbor. Nothing at the camp seemed strange.. But then more were spotting further south. The party worked south to the harbor checking that area, then Vanima, Sirani , and the Union as they were the closest areas to the finding of gnolls. All while never knowing some had slipped north and into the town they called home.
They returned home and settled in at the workshop speaking of their adventure when loud cries for help carried out. The party jumped and ran trying to find the location. They all thundered up the inn stairs, the first most finishing off the gnoll but not before one of the victims fell down.
The party branched out the men and one of the woman carrying the fallen dwarf to the hospital, and the two remaining woman securing his mule and talking to the elfess the other victim. When the men returned from the hospital they went to the inn to look search for the gnoll’s purpose and to see it there were more and any damage. The two women not tending the wounded walked the area of town looking for more intruders.
Upon reaching the south tower they both paused and looked at each other. “Blood. “ they said. The air smelled of fresh blood and a closer look revealed some coming down the north wall of the south tower. They grabbed weapons and cautiously approached the tower then up the stairs. Immediately they attacked and dispatched the two Gnolls they found on the tower top, looking at the blood coating the stones but finding no victim. The continued their search of the town pondering.. Who was hurt up there, is there more , and why were they in town?
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Re: It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

Post by HeXiS »

The tiny elf looks about the hall stepping lightly past the Dwarf with out even a glance. As he surceys the damage he notices the candle sticks not where they ought to be and quietly picks them up examining the gnoll's features. " Hmm. Now this could be useful." After placing the candle sticks back to their respective places he Snaps his fingers. A mixed scent of death and aether fogs the halls and as it clears a Wrath in servant attire wanders from the darkness. " Elvis. I want you to take this to the academy I have a use for it. Do not Doddle." The wraith wastes no time gathering up the gnoll but seems to have trouble deciding what direction to go upon reaching the front door. After some time it decides to head out the south gate and make it's way up and around the town heading off towards the lighthouse.

" Now then i should see to the repairs." The elf makes his way down to the front desk re-seating hims self in the chair. After a moment he produces a quill and ink and begins to write a note.
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Re: It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

Post by Face »

After much deliberation at his new small camp in the forest, the uknown man was undertaking another approach to complete his endeavor. He paced idly back and forth in seemingly deep thought as he scribbled words onto a scrap of parchment. His quick escape from the gnoll encampment put him at ease now for he feared risking this last chance to gain his coin. Not only that but he'd managed to several of the beasts to join him with promises of a share in his wealth and whatever they could pillage from the town. Hells, they could even keep the town for all he cared. For him, there would be no more debt and he could continue to practice his magic in peace.

"I ain't gettin' close to them things there." Came a voice from behind and the stubby mage turned to face the stranger.

"You don't need to." His tone was irritated. "You only need to deliver this letter to...I don't know, whoever runs the place. If you don't know, find out." He scribbled a short while more, hardly listening to this man droning conversation. Then finally, he folded it up and placed it in the paid carriers grasp. He waved him away dismissively. "Go now, my friends are looking hungry." He laughs. Besides,the forest is a pain i'm sure you don't want to be here in the night."

He did hurry away quickly for he had no desire to be anywhere nearer to the gnolls than he had to be.
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Re: It began in the early evening... ((Completely open RP))

Post by Oxi »

Shaken by the recent attempt on his life, the messenger was met with great suspicion as he asked for the Town's leaders. Only after the man had turned to leave did he snatch up the dropped note with a grimace. His eyes rapidly scanned the parchment, rage rising within at the sheer audacity of the scribed words. Sighing deeply the troubled man laid it by the fire for his companions to read. Muttered debate ensued as they deliberated the sincerity of the demands.

"Are you sure you are still prepared to take the Captaincy?" The man murmurs anxiously to the woman beside him.
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