Letters to Salkamar / Briefe nach Salkamar

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Richard De Adytum
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Letters to Salkamar / Briefe nach Salkamar

Post by Richard De Adytum »

((This Topic will include official or personal letters of Richard to Salkamar, and maybe ones he receives. It will of course not show the whole correspondence, but only excerpts. I will write in both languages if possible. ~ Dieser Strang wird offizielle oder persönliche Briefe von Richard enthalten, die er nach Salkamar schickt und vielleicht auch ampfängt. Es wird natürlich nicht die gesamte Korrespondenz veröffnentlicht, sondern lediglich Ausschnitte. Ich werde in beiden Sprachen schreiben, wenn möglich.))


the letter opens with the De Adytum family crest

Honorable Pontifex Arnobius,

I inform you that I have arrived on the island of Gobaith with the whalers. By the way, the name of the island is truly Gobaith and not Gobiath.
This was probably a mistake by a cartographer from the mainland and some speakers of the 'old language' like it better as well.

By now I've got a general idea of the island and its most important settlements. There is Troll's Bane, which was the first settlement and is
currently governed by a Council of three. Varshikar is a settlement between a desert and mountains, featuring a large castle. Silverbrand is
a dwarven settlement, with another great keep and deep mines.
North of Troll's Bane is another castle, partly built into a mountain. The castle and the surrounding lands are called 'The Grey Refuge' and
home to a Circle of Knights.

I know the least about Varshikar right now, since I am often in Troll's Bane by duty. Thus, the following report is mainly made up by rumors.


The master of Varshikar is a human male named Djironnyma. (I looked the name up in some archives, this is the correct way to spell it.)
He is known to be a powerful wizard, his alignment is rumored about. I've met him twice and from the first view I can only tell that he is
a friendly person, but his aura and general behavior also tells me he is a powerful man with great experience.

He is also the head of a group called "The Bearers of Fire". They are a knight order of some kind, with roughly the following Codex:
Protect the weak. Fight the darkness. Learn, teach, and increase lore. Live.

I will look into this organization more, but I am sure we share the same goals.

The keep of Varshikar though is the most interesting place. I've heard different versions about how it was created and who did. In the
archives of Troll's Bane I have found the following story: Some years ago, a powerful wizard called 'Darlok' has cast a great drought upon
the people of Gobaith. The population reasoned with him, the deal was that they would build him a castle and he would give them the
arcane tools he used to cast the drought upon the island. To cast such a powerful spell, he was also said to have used a magical sanctuary
called the 'Mana Well'. I will try to find out more about this story.


The settlement of the dwarves is built into a mountain. On top of it is a keep, but the town itself is built deep into the mountain itself.
The king of that settlement, Tialdin, was very kind and already showed me around. He also told me there has been war between Troll's
Bane and Silverbrand often, once a man named 'Rothman', who was an official of the settlement Troll's Bane to that time invaded
Silverbrand during a mass and slaughtered the unarmed dwarves.
I might have heard the name 'Rothman' before, but I'm not certain he or his family is from Salkamar. If the story is true however,
he would have slaughtered followers of Irmorom during a mass and I would encourage you, Pontifex, to look into this and ask the
Rothman family about this behavior.

Currently Silverbrand and Troll's Bane are at peace.

The Grey Rose

The Grey Rose is a Knight Order, as far as I know the oldest one on Gobaith. They often acted as diplomats between struggling parties,
their goal is to remain the order on the island.
I have already met the grandmaster of that order, a halfling named Lennier. I think I have offended him, because I was perplexed about
the fact that he is grandmaster of the order. He responded "What did you expect?" I apologized and I think he accepted, I hope you,
Pontifex, will accept my humble apology as well.

He was very kind and allowed me to accompany him and others on a treasure hunt on the island. He also told me a lot about the history
of the island and Troll's Bane especially. I will send you a more detailed overview over the political history of that place in another letter.

Troll's Bane

Troll's Bane is the largest and yet the biggest settlement. It is named after a "Udan Trollbane", but neither do I know who he was,
nor is he still around.

Troll's Bane lies directly in the middle of Gobaith and thus is a geographically important place. I have not yet met all the Councilors
of the city. I have however joined the city watch. I don't see they would try to harm the Empire in any way, so I hope this step is
appreciated by you. It greatly helps me getting along with the locals and also to practice my abilities. Today I was already promoted
to the rank of a full 'Guard', which was rather surprising to me, but I am satisfied that my work is appreciated.
The watchcaptain's name is S'rrt K'shire (Again, I have looked it up, this is the correct way to write it.), he is actually one of the lizardfolk.
He is an amazing example of his kind. He is a good fighter, but also knows his way around in the political milieu. He'd be a good diplomat
between the Empire and the wild lizardmen tribes, but I doubt he will leave Gobaith anytime soon.

I will add more detailed information about happenings and places in coming reports. Also, the Mas days are just over and have been very
interesting on this island.

Sincerely and Faithfully
Richard De Adytum
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