Butterflies and palm trees [ Open]

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Butterflies and palm trees [ Open]

Post by Qeewee »

Sasha sat on the log, watching the sunset with her love next to her. "Is something wrong? You seem so quiet" the elfess asked. I hope people won't hate me too much. She thought, before replying "Nothing's wrong, love."

A few days later, a butterfly flies past, beautifully fluttering it's purple colored wings as it lands on a flamegoblet flower next to a palm tree on the Sirani Isles. Carefully burnt into the tree itself, the bark around moved away making a small circle, are a few simple words

Sasha Arannir dead by the sea, choosing her own ways of life and death, above letting others choose for her.


A few last words have been noted further down on the tree, three simple words.

It is time.

Hours earlier, out of the shadows of twilight at the druid house upper floor, a young girl makes her appearance. She looks around for a moment before finding what she's searching. Kneeling by a bed with a sleeping woman she whispers something, before slipping a soft package beneath her pillow and placing a sealed scroll on the table next to the bed. Snapping with her fingers, the girl vanishes into the shadows once more with a quiet breeze moving through the room.

What seems like mere seconds later, the girl appears on the Sirani isles, now in broad daylight. Taking a step towards the waters edge carefully, looking at the sky as she steps in. As only her head is above water, she looks skywards one last time before her whole body goes beneath water, never to float up again.

"Open the bag when I say it's time." she had told her closest, before leaving on to the next task ahead of her with an odd, calmness about her never before seen.
Letter one, Rainas letter:

When you read this love, I passed on to a world I hope is less cruel than this one.
I'm sorry I did not have the guts to tell it to your face, but you shall know you have my eternal love, and I will be waiting for you in the next world. In the bag I also left all the treasures I've gathered over time, and some more affectionate items from our times together.
I will see you in a few thousand years, try to enjoy them.

~eternal love, Sasha
Letter two, Oxianas letter:

Dear Oxiana.. *the words have been crossed out*
Dear brother.
When you read this, I'm sure you have realised I have passed on to the next world.
In the bag, I have left you some items I am sure you will appreciate, when you first have forgiven my betrayal.
Know that I love you, and will see you when it is your time to make the journey I am making.
Enjoy your life with your true love,
don't ever let her go.

~Love, Sasha.
Letter three, Stefans letter:

My dear friend Stefan, I have left you with the wand you so long have craved for. I have now passed onto the next world, enjoy the wand.

~Love, Sasha.
Letter four, the final letter, Samaras letter.

I have decided it would be best for me to travel early from this cruel world, to a hopefully brighter and happier one. I was unsure what to leave with you, but then I realised. What better than the one thing that sums up our whole relationship? The struggling, the fights, the love. I leave you my most precious childhood item, the dress I held so dear.
Enjoy the remaining years of your life, and good luck.

~Love, Sasha.
A fifth letter, a different letter.
*The letter arrives the man by dove.*

Your wand has been broken.
A wand like this should not be allowed in a world with such foolish weak mages like yourself.
I have taken the shattered pieces with me to the next world.
I pity one that lives a life like you do.

The palm tree stayed visibly lightened up the next few days, by ice flames that no one seemed to be able to put out, perhaps the remainders of Sasha's spirit. Until one week had passed, they were put out and the island returned to it's usual state with only the writing on the tree left behind.
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Re: Butterflies and palm trees [ Open]

Post by Raina Narethil »

Raina blinks her brown eyes begin to tear up as she staggers to breath, reading on the words in her letter she barely can speak the words understandable to make a portal to find her love. As she rushes to the spot her heart tearing in pain her mind races back to the last few moments. * Why didn't I see this why didn't she talk to me. This can't be true. * ran through her mind.

Raina rushed to the waters edge after seeing the tree lit in the ice flame her hands searching for her only love frantically hoping to find her to pull her back to this realm. Her voice cracked with sorrow and pain as she calls out her name. * SASHA WHERE ARE YOU!!!! * Over and over again till her voice was gone and the water nearly covering her mouth, as she searched the water over and over again hoping and praying she will find her..

As day turned to night and her body and mind shutting down from being physically and emotionally drained Raina moves back to the shore her body collapses near a footprint left in the soft shore line the only thing to show Sasha was there. Her hand reaches out to it resting her fingers inside as she cries for the loss of her love, and best friend. * love you Sasha I always will.* was the last thing said before the energy drained from her falling off to sleep only to be woken by any who pass by to look for Sasha, the pain in her heart to great to deal with others she speak with her least bit of strength making herself vanish in to the night, till the pain stops hurting deep inside her.
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Re: Butterflies and palm trees [ Open]

Post by Morbius »

Stefan unfolds the note, his dark brown eyes tracing over what few lines were left to him. He blinks a few short times, his attention turning to the gift she left to him. A small smile traces over his lips as his eyes soften in quiet reflection.

“Shame Sasha... I never did fulfil my end of that bargain.”

He raises the wand, looking it over before a quiet laugh leaves him before murmuring to himself again.

“Perhaps in the next life then... Chegra treat you well, Sasha.”
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Re: Butterflies and palm trees [ Open]

Post by Oxi »

Returning to the island Sasha's disappearance hadn't been common knowledge, he hadn't had a clue when Raina finally found him some days after his return. He didn't immediately see the pain hidden by the elfesses solemn quietness, nor did he understand her words, not as she meant them. Sasha gone... could only be sulking somewhere, taking some time away from the chaos, plotting some more chaos... but why not tell Raina? The doubt started to creep through him like a cold chill... "She will be back won't she?" Following Raina bemused, the elfesses tears had shown him her hope was long gone. The words burnt into the bark seared him like her own flames, he'd felt them; the letter he found tucked in the bag later, that pain was greater than any flame.

Seeking refuge in the keep he tried to understand, struggling to read her last words to him again and again thoughts rushed through his head. How could he not forgive her? He always forgave her. He was the betrayer. He'd let her call him little brother but he'd seen, he knew... the vulnerability that could be seen by an older brother, that would never be spoken of, just gently protected. The guilt crushed him as he remembered how quiet she'd been when he left, how he'd just assumed it was one of her moods. She only ever truly needed protecting from one but this time he hadn't even seen the danger. He didn't even deserve to be called brother.
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Re: Butterflies and palm trees [ Open]

Post by Oxi »

Weeks passed before Oxiana summoned the courage to return. The flame was long extinguished as he held a roughly carved torch up to the palm. Slowly tracing his finges over the words, he reads them haltingly once again. Pressing his head against the rough bark, a single tear tracks down his cheek. "Why Sash?" Slipping a knife from his belt, he gouges a hole under those final fateful words. Drawing a pouch from his pocket, he carefully unwraps a stone, pressing it deep into the wood. "You still shine." He casts a last look over her words, a soft smile creeping across his features as he remembers the light.
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A new beginning

Post by Qeewee »

She was soaking wet. Was she dead or was she alive? Thoughts like these ran through her head all at once, until she decided that; No, she was breathing, something had gone wrong, or perhaps right.

Sasha's body did never float up again, and it was never found either. Why? It had disappeared into what seemed to be nothing. Sasha's will to live had been stronger than anyone thought, and combined with her magical power her body reacted to the attempt of suicide by releasing all this magic energy at once, exploding into ice flames and making her body teleport a rather large distance.

Another thought hit her; Something was wrong.
She felt dull and lifeless, perhaps she was dead after all. Attempting to rise she quickly realized what was wrong, her magic was gone and her flow of mana was weaker than it had ever been.

Taking a moment to look around, she saw with horror that the sand she had thought belonged to the sirani isles was not beach sand but in fact desert sand. The sun hit her with sudden warmth as if it had been hiding, even if there was no clouds to hide behind, and all around her there was warm sand and her clothes had begun to dry...

Almost eight months later Sasha stood infront of the same palm tree on the sirani isles, holding a palm infront of her she ereased the writing with a white flame. Turning as she muttered "Shouldn't have done that.." weak from the simplest use of magic, she slowly went towards the waiting ferry that would lead her back to Gobaith. She would need some sleep, then see if any of her friends were still about.

A changed Sasha Arannir had returned to Gobaith, a Sasha with a new will to live and new hope, with a whole new chapter ahead.
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