Concussion Weapons

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Post by Zarakerel »

One weapon shouldn't be more powerful than another. That just leads to a boring monotony of the same weapon being used by every warrior. And can you imagine being hurt less by a mace strike than by a sword slash? Kind of ridiculous huh?

Different weapons should have the same capability to be dangerous. The difference should come in how they are dangerous. For example, a warhammer could have the dangerous capacity of being able to stun a struck opponent for a limited amount of time, while a dagger could have the ability to ignore the armor protection of an opponent as the dagger slides right through the armor's chinks.
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Post by Rekarafi »

This one i like. But not all weapons would be same strong. then noone would pay 2 silvers to make a red dagger if a simple dagger is as strong aswell.
To add also weapon strengts or weaknesses against special armors would be cool.
f.e. daggers are better against metal armors cause they can slide through the chinks. But leather armors dont have that much chinks, so a dagger wouldnt be so useful.
They will prevent a fighter to always use the same weapon, f.e. a magical longsword. A magic dagger would be useful against other opponents.
And maces should me more damaging aginst armors, i mean...
if you get a hard mace slash against your plate armor, it wouldnt be as excellent as before, huh?
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Post by Llama »

Rekarafi wrote:To add also weapon strengts or weaknesses against special armors would be cool.
Someone's goign to like the new fighting system ;)

Apparently this is in work, an expert in armor Y might be bested by a less experienced one wielding the right weapons and armor.

We'll just have to wait
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Post by Rekarafi »

hehe, cool thing.
cant wait for the new system :D
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Post by Olive »

actually the way armors were made is quite logical back 'in the day'

PLate armor was effective against impacts such as a mace or mornign star, the metal plate directing the force of the ipmact away from the person inside, and was strong enough to often deflect a slashing strike from a heavy sword. The down fall of the plate was two fold, the Rapier was a strong, thin htrustign blade that pierced metal plates effectively, especially in old style naval combat where breastplates were still used to defend against cutlasses and the like. THe second is of course the Long bow, which by definition is another piercign weapon. Look up the battles at agincourt and grecy in the hundred years wars. a few thousand archers and pike defeated 12000 french knights.

Chain mail, armor maked up of linked chains, was very effective against slashign weaponry, and moderatly against piercing weaponry, but the chains offer no protection against the shock of impact from a blunt force weapon, transfering the kinetic energy from the weapon to the victim with little resistance.

Leather armors were made to be light and offer some resistance against stabbing, slashing and blunt force weaponry, but was mainly designed for a knife fight in mind. Also of paramount importance was its lightness for mobility and noiseless movement.

Even way back then there was a sort of arms race between armors and weaponry to deal with them. The weapnization of gunpowder changed the rules for centuries to follow.
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Post by Pellandria »

Olive wrote:[...] a few thousand archers and pike defeated 12000 french knights[...]
These archers could have been armed with a simple fork and they would have beaten those frenchies.

But anyway, lets wait for the updates and complain afterwards
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Post by Tanistian_Kanea »

Estralis Seborian wrote:After the next update of the fighting system, there'll be 15 daggers but still only 4 one handed concussion weapons.

I think one can include all kinds of weapons, so everybody feel free to download/buy a 3D modelling program and render some graphics. Otherwise, we don't have much to add to the game...
can i have a list so i don't make something already there?
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Subject of blugent weapons

Post by AdamsJr »

I myself use a warhammer and find it highly effective piece of equipment may be a little slow but I understand the weight characterisitics of such and object. (ever swung a 20 or 30 lb sledgehammer all day you would too.) far as staves I would like more access to such an Item simply because I've never seen them in game. I fancy myself a stave man if they were just a tad more effective and little faster unless some kind of weight or maybe enhancement via the jewel magic system could be added to them making it more effective (Might help with rping issues too.)
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Post by Kasume »

Fantasy sure has deformed our image of what actual warhammers look like.

They were used to puncture heavy armor because of the small but dense size of the weight.
I think it's a common misconception to believe that a warhammer = sledgehammer or maul. Why warhammers are so slow, confuses me somewhat.
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