Rite of Purification - Zzyathis

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Rite of Purification - Zzyathis

Post by Tlatloc »

A white, pink-striped conch shell horn sounds, echoing clearly with a sound as deep as the oceans, from high up on the apex of the Holy Temple of Zzyathis. The ancient, traditional call of gathering has been sounded, and all lizards of the island that hear it now know their presence is wanted for a matter of such great import that it affects each and every one of the lizardfolk.

Deep inside the Holy Temple itself, in the most inner sanctum a lone lizard clad with nothing but scales that glimmer an unusual magenta in the candlelight can be seen studying a sacred scroll covered with an ancient, holy script of the lizard people. Supported by a simple, unadorned staff, this lizard can be heard murmuring softly to himself as he scans the sacred scroll with keen eyes, comparing them now and then to other scrolls with similiar writing.

"Tlatloc, the evening prayers are starting!", cries a young lizard voice. Startled from his thoughts Tlatloc answers faithfully, "Alright, alright. Coming!". With a reptilian sigh, Tlatloc lays down the sacred scrolls he had been comparing on the pedestal, and turns to exit this holy inner sanctum. As he turns, a brief glimpse of the writing can be caught, and the writing shines clearly with a bluestone light:


Perhaps this mysterious writing is behind the conch call? The sound of reverent chanting drifts out of the Holy Temple from the prayer hall as the evening prayers begin in earnest taking the last echoes of the conch shell away with it.
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Post by Tlatloc »

Long into the night, the lizard called Tlatloc studied the holy script of the sacred scroll on the pedestal, all alone in the most inner sanctum of the Holy Temple of Zzyathis. Every now and then, he shuffled the bundle of sacred scrolls with similar writing he carried with his left arm.

As the stars just began to wink out one by one, Tlatloc's murmuring grew more and more excitable, until he burst out with a cry, "I have it! Thirst of the Beast!" Swaying back slightly from the pedestal, Tlatloc said to himself, "But who or what is the beast?"

The dragon-headed socket on the pedestal caught his eye, and Tlatloc slowly drew out a key shaped with the sign of the Holy Mother, Zelphia from his belt bag. He carefully inserted the unusual key into the socket, and a rumbling that increased in crescendo responded.

"Holy Mother protect us, what have I done?", exclaimed Tlatloc, throwing up his hands in agitation. Suddenly, the rumbling stopped, and there was dead silence in its place. As Tlatloc gazed around with sentient eyes, he began to feel a golden warmth emanating from the pedestal. This warmth soon spread to all corners of the Holy Temple, filling it completely.

Tlatloc seated himself into a lotus position before the pedestal, and began breathing deeply in and out in an attempt to regulate his reptilian body temperature, which was being affected significantly by his surroundings increased warmth. His half-closed eyes gaze serenely ahead, as he entered a meditative trance....

Clearly, something miraculously remarkable had happened to the Holy Temple of Zzyathis, but what would it bode for the future?

The Holy Temple of Zzyathis glowing with golden warmth as the first rays of dawn descend upon it.
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Post by Llama »

Slipping his boots off his feet and having washed his face, Szrenszor approaches the temple slowly and carefully, spotting Tlatloc sitting in front of the altar.

He slowly approached, him, noting the strange change in temperature.

He slowly knelt before the altar and whispered a prayer to Mother, then turned towards Tlatloc, and speaking in a barely-hearable whisper, he spoke "What is going on? Everything feels... strange"
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Post by Tlatloc »

Tlatloc's eyes fluttered open briefly in response to Szrenszor's voice. Answering in a hushed, reverent tone, Tlatloc said, "Brother, kneel down on this holy ground, and let the golden warmth rejuvenate you."

Tlatloc's headcrest and scales glowed with a healthy, coral pink tinge as the miraculously transformed temple worked its powers on him. Gesturing to the pristine surroundings of the Holy Temple of Zzyathis with one extended claw, Tlatloc continued, "I believe the prayers of our people are being answered at last. The Rite of Purification we lizards underwent with sincere hearts has purified our hearts and minds, and this newfound purity is being reflected in the House of Zshel-pheey-ar, our Holy Mother."

"Zelphia is with us, in our very midst! I can feel it in my bones. This golden warmth is part of the body heat of our Holy Mother's sacred body, and it is the sign we have long been waiting for. Can't you feel it too?" asked Tlatloc, his tail flicking slightly with concealed excitement.

"Every lizard of Gobaith must be brought back here to the Holy Temple of Zzyathis, so that each one can feel the life-giving embrace of our Holy Mother. Not even one of her children must be left to drift lost on the bitter Ocean of Isolation. No, they must all return, every one, for Zelphia wills it.", said Tlatloc with conviction in his eyes.

"Make haste now, and go share the good news! We have found Zshel-phee-ar, the Holy Mother, as soon as we sought her, and she is waiting for us, her children, to return to her side! To every brook and every nook, wherever Zelphia's children may be, go now with the purity of our Holy Mother sustaining you!"
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Post by Tlatloc »

In recent days, dolphins, the holy avatars of Zelphia, have been frequently sighted in the grottoes around the Holy Temple of Zzyathis. Dolphin sightings are auspicious events for lizardfolk, and a popular adage has it that seeing a dolphin means that your prayers will be answered.

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Post by Tlatloc »

By the light of a whale blubber candle, Tlatloc carefully inked out the symbols of lizard writing on a thick roll of woven kelp fibers with an acidic, water resistant ink. Every now and then, he would nudge the roll sending it unwinding rapidly for more writing room.

A gentle sea breeze sweeping in brought with it the wet, saline scent of the ocean. The blubber candle flickered briefly, and Tlatloc paused halfway into a symbol as he directed his gaze towards the East, the direction the sea breeze came from and the legendary Holy Temple-City of Ushak-Sskath, pure are his ways. Tlatloc suddenly blinked and his eyes shone with the holy fervor of divine inspiration. With renewed vigor, Tlatloc began scribing once more.
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Post by Ssar'ney »

((The following english might not be good, but sadly the best I could do. Feel free to send me a pm if I did something languagal wrong.))

"Even the sun grows old and dies, like everything but the Goddes..."

Were the thoughts of the quite average looking Lizardman who slowly apporached the entrance of the temple of Tanora with slow strokes of his muscular body covered by ordinary grey scales and a blue comb from the neck down to the tail. The sun the thoughts of him were turning around already turned red and started to sink somewhere far in the west in his back into the landscape, it seemed to him.

"But the great Mother gives live to another one, every morning, lifting it out of her great gift and sending it onto the journey to bring light and life to the living ones..."

Finally he reached the entrance of the temple and slowly stepped out of the water into the mud infront of the building. In awe he lowered the head before he started to clean his feet and hands, not that it would be necessary after he swam here.

"Praised be the great Mother that the bodies of her children don´t grow old so that their souls can find the path of enlightment at the end of their lives... Ssar'ney feels sympathy for the landlings which are unable to reach the end of that path..."

In silence and with lowered head he entered the warm place. The more he came closer the Altar the even slower his steps became until he finally kneed down several steps ahead of the Altar, trying to avoid any noice and not to disturb the priest. His clawed hands folded into each other, the breath became slower as he closed the eyes. In that stance he remained, waiting patiently if the priest would honor him with a greeting. If not there would be eanough to be thankfull for to the Goddess and to stay for the daily prayer, that was for shure.
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Post by Tlatloc »

Tlatloc sat serenly in the lotus position in front of the Altar of Zelphia at the apex of the Holy Temple of Zzyathis. Tlatloc chanted a holy mantra in time to the lapping of the oceanwater against the edges of the highest point in the great pyramidal structure known as the Holy Temple of Zzyathis.

"Oh Zelphia
Water of life
Source of our being
You bring us peace and calm
You give us strength and justice...", chanted Tlatloc

Besides Tlatloc's rhythmic chanting, only the gentle gurgling of the oceanwater circulating around the apex of the Holy Temple could be heard. Ssar'ney's reverent movements blended in with the tranquility of the Holy Temple, and the feelings of his pure heart were so in tune with Tlatloc's chanting that a complimentary strain of melody seemed to have introduced to the music of the Holy Temple.

Tlatloc was loath to break the flow of this heavenly music so he did not stop his chanting even when he became aware of Ssar'ney kneeling presence beside him in front of the Altar of Zelphia. Instead, he continued with half-closed eyes with a harmonious expression.

The sun moved on its course sinking downwards in the west, and the red rays of sunset shone through the entrance to the apex of the Holy Temple of Zzyathis setting the backs of the two devout children of Zelphia alight with crimson hues. The oceanwater ceased its gurgling as low tide brought it far from the apex of the Holy Temple.

At the ceasing of the oceanwater's gurgling, Tlatloc breathed deeply in once and then reverently bowed his head towards the Altar of Zelphia. Turning to the kneeling Ssar'ney he stood in one fluid motion, and he offered his hand, breaking the silence by saying, "It is time for low tide prayers my brother. Shall we?"
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Post by Ssar'ney »

~...Honor to the Godess,
she who gave birth to her children.
Praised be the great Mother,
she who gave her childrend the ability to breath her greatest gift.

Honor to the Godess,
she who shares her greatest gift with the land.
Praised be the great Mother,
she who lets fall the rain to bring live over the dry realms of stone and earth.

Honor to the Goddess, she who..~

Lost in the continuous repeating of thankingpharses to Tanora Ssar'ney was still kneeing in front of the Altar, forgotten was the priest, forgotten that he was waiting for the greeting from him. The sudden words from the other Lizard softly cut the endless line of his prayer, bringing back the smell of the ocean, the warmth of the temple:

"It is time for low tide prayers my brother. Shall we?"

Ssar'ney needed a moment until he finally realized the meaning. Slowly he opened the eyes, blinking a few times before turning the head to the direction where the sentence came from. Not hasty but faster than before he lowered the gace and took the offered hand to raise up. After a humble bow of the head he repied in an also humbly calm voice:

"sss... Ssar'ney agrees, he thanks his brother for inviting him."

He felt unshure, exept the few times with the missionary Graalsh he never prayed with someone with an higher rank outside of the grey cliffs, which were so far away now. With an slightly enquiring look he raised his gace a bit, waiting for some advice or hint what he should do now.
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Post by Tlatloc »

Tlatloc returned Ssar'ney's bow with a dip of his head while raising praying hands solemnly and reverently. Taking the lead he established himself facing East, the direction of the fabled Holy City of Ushak-Sskath, Pure are his ways. With head bowed, Tlatloc recited the sanctioned, sacred verse, "Zelphia is absolute Purity, and all Purity comes from Zelphia being a part of Zelphia."

Pausing momentarily for the ritual echo, he then proceeded to kneel, tail properly curled, upper body erect, and clawed hands folded tranquilly on his thighs. Gaze humbly directed downwards, Tlatloc meditated together with the other faithful children of Zelphia on the wondrous Grace of the Great Sustainer.

After prostrating himself once, twice, then three times, Tlatloc stood and formally brought the prayers to a close with the declaration of faith. With calm conviction, he said, "The true enlightenment that comes with Purity can only be obtained through Zelphia by following the Path of Purity."
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Post by Theory »

Cleril, enters the shrine, he gulps, walking up to the altar. He is not one to believe in gods. Though he knows he would not have gotten his tongue back unless something allowed him to receive such a treasure. He falls to his knees and quickly thanks Zelhpia, Tanora, or whatever it is that gave his life meaning once more.

He then stands, nods to Tlatloc, and leaves, not saying another word.
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Post by Aldan Vian »

((happened before the post by theory))

Two elves and a human come rushing into the temple. One elf of waist long silver hair and piercing sapphire eyes. His face is covered in scars that appear to be from battles long ago. The other elf looks to be friends with the one of silver hair...perhaps even an appretice. The humans leg is torn up and splatered with blood and half of his toung cut out. He leans against his lute for support as they rush twords the alter only the elf of silver hair known as Aldan caring to throw off his shoes on the way in as he runs up to the alter and drops in deep prayer noding to the lizards beforehand. The second elf keeps his swords drawn seemingly alarmed by something. The man.. Cleril droping at the alter and placing his hands upon it. With no results cleril slams his hands against the alter and it begins to glow. The man begins to stutter and make horrid noises as the light grows brighter. The two elves walk to the entrance of the temple and stay as if standing guard of something. As the the noises coming from Cleril continue Aldan walks slightly twords the alter. Suddenly the waters surrounding the temple burst into light for a short time. CLeril pukes at the base of the alter and turns aaround on the ground. He looks up twords Aldan attempting to speak...but instead of the usual nonsense that would come from his mouth he looks up and speaks "Aldan." He looks down to his leg and notices it healed as well. He smiles happily. Everything reaturns to normal while the elves and human have a short conversation. They hurry out Aldan noding calmly to the lizards once more and throwing on his shoes and Cleril leaving with a happy look on his face.
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Post by Tlatloc »

At the sight of the intruding drylanders, the alert Temple Guards bristled, their consecrated ornate armor clanking with their halberds in their haste to perform their holy duty.

The rushing elves and human were stopped short by bristling steel and muscle as the Temple Guards moved as one to form a disciplined row before the Holy Temple.

One who towered amongst them barked out harshly, "Who dares trespass on the Holy Land!" The stuttering replies of the intruders did not seem to impress the holy warriors at all. Just before they could move to smite the intruders, a serene voice in tones reminiscent of a gurgling brook cut through the stuttering and the rattling metal saying, "Peace and Purity."

At this sound emanating from within the Holy Temple, the Temple Guards as one stood to attention and uniformly parted to grant the guests passage. The drylanders upon entering the Holy Temple were greeting with a pristine sight that had them blinking before they became accustomed to the Purity of their surroundings. As attending Zelpirh ushered them to remove their footwear and weapons and then to ritually cleanse themselves, glimpses of the Holy Temple could be caught.

Graceful, fluted columns ascended from all sides, through which, a grand view of the ocean extending to the farthest horizon could be seen. A fresh, saline scent wafted from the clear, untainted water circulating all around, water which was rumored to possess powerful, holy properties of cleansing and healing.

At the holy sanctum's farthest end, the dim silhoette of a lizard sitting crosslegged in the lotus potion with scales that glimmered an unusual magenta in the lamplight could be seen before the Holy Altar of Zelphia. The same voice that had spoken once before echoed around again with an ethereal quality saying, "Zelphia has been expecting you."
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Post by Tlatloc »

Tlatloc's scales had a scratched and damaged look to them that contrasted with their usual glistening gleam. His tail only consisted of the stubby beginnings of a tail that had just started growing again after his original tail had been hacked off. Hacked off by a hairy one who had been his tormentor for one whole tortuous month.

Tlatloc recounted the course of events that had led to his present state as he gazed at his reflection in the twinkling waters that flowed ever onwards towards the sea before him. He had been ordained as a holy emissary, representing the Zelpirh of Zzyathis, soon after news of the vile deed had penetrated to the very heart of Zzyathis, the Holy Temple. An innocent, baby lizard it was said had been cruelly cast from a high window of the castle Goldburg, by its owner no less.

All who heard of the vile deed were shocked, and those who spoke of it could not help but clench their fists at the injustice. The Zelpirh congregated in the Holy Temple to divine from Zelphia what they may about the best course of action. It was divined that the attack on the innocent baby had been attack on Zelphia because the baby embodied the Purity of Zelphia.

A peaceful way was chosen to deal with this attack on Zelphia by sending Tlatloc on a holy mission of peace to offer the terms of the Zelpirh to the attacker. The terms were that the attacker set out on a pilgrimage to the Holy Temple to make amends for his vile deed before Zelphia who he had violated.

After crossing swamp and going over mountain, Tlatloc had finally arrived at his destination of Goldburg and he found the baby attacker hiding inside. The terms were communicated soon after with typical Zelpirh respectfulness and decorum, but to Tlatloc's surprise and dismay the attacker who he found to go by "Chester" replied with spitting and rude words. The unarmed and defenceless Zelpirh emissary soon found himself under the vicious assault of the unrepentant Chester after the sneaky dwarf had carefully locked his castle gates to prevent escape. Tlatloc soon lost consciousness to the merciless assault, and he awoke to find himself a prisoner of the violent Chester.

Life with the violent Chester was a nightmare of unending pain, but Zelphia brought this nightmare to a close when a way was opened for Zelphia's servant. Tlatloc had never lost his faith in Zelphia's Providence despite his tribulations, and he had set out on this opened way immediately with the last remnants of his strength.

Tlatloc ended his recollections with a shake of his head, and rising he left the riverside at a quick pace heading East towards the Holy Temple of Zzyathis to report the results of his holy mission.
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Post by Llama »

Waiting near the temple, Szrenszor's eyes search for Tlatloc, a look of excitement or worry in his eyes, despite his otherwise stoic composure. Spotting him, he gives a wide grin, which promptly disappears when he sees the state that he is in.

"My Brother, it has been too long since we met, what is wrong?"
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Post by Aldan Vian »

An elf walks forward into the temple dropping to his knees at the alter. He says some prayers and stands looking to the other lizards. A small bit of sadness may be seen in his eyes. He speaks,

I am leaving to the mainland for a while...I don't know when I'll be back...I hope soon.

He waves a bit to the lizards his piercing sapphire eyes seem dull. He turns and walks from the temple allowing his waist long silver hair flow freely in the moonlight.

((Havin some com problems. Don't know when I'll be back))
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