GM Abuse

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GM Abuse

Post by Barukh »

To Whom It May Concern,

Just now, 5:19 am EST time August 28, 3008, I was the victim of GM abuse. The GM first arbitrarily teleported me to the GM castle without any reason, and then proceeded to give me ban threats over incidents that had previously already been resolved by another GM. The attitude the abusing GM used was inhumane and vicious. His manner and tone was rude and unprofessional.

As I write, I feel shocked and repulsed by the behavior of this GM. The GM finally returned me to the town Troll's bane after threatening me repeatedly with remarks like "I will be BEHIND you", "ONE MORE MISTAKE and this game will NEVER see you again", and "I am ALWAYS be watching" (there were caps in the original). After being sent back to town, my character did an emote #me farts and made the remark "oops it stinks behind me". It was juvenile and there was clearly no ill will behind it, but what do you know? I got the message "You have been kicked" a split second after making that emote and remark. Checking my account confirmed my worst suspicious about the vicious GM with no self-control - he had already permanently banned my account.

Now if this were the only GM I had ever encountered in Illarion I would not be writing this, but instead would be turning my back on this game after such a horrible experience. However, I did meet another GM before this who was completely the opposite - considerate, patient, and professional. This is the GM I mentioned earlier who had already resolved the issues with my character before the second GM stepped in and did his thing. Because of my experience with the good GM, I believe this game is not run by unreasonable, uncontrolled player abusers, so I am writing this to bring my unfortunate experience to light with the hope that it can be quickly cleared up before any other new players are scarred and driven away. Thank you for your time.

A shocked but still enduring new player,

Edit: I suspect the abusing GM is Arien Edel, if it is him then he has the additional abuse of trying to destroy freedom of speech and deleting my first post in the General Forums.
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Post by Silverwolf »

Oh yes a few GM are really unprofessional and unfair, not all but a few of.
Like Zak you ban players out of a maybe-reason ((don't take it personally, you are a nice guy)) or like Garou who bans players permAanentely because they dont say the truth (take it personally you are a bad girl)
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Post by Lillian »

Alright, still not the right place... those sort of things are nothing for the boards, but for the gm abuse e-mail:

A neutral person will deal with it and the gm will be asked about it and eventually "punished". :roll:
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Post by Avalyon el'Hattarr »

Just one word:

LMAO & welcome to Illarion

..more words actually <.<
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Post by Pellandria »

Yeah they are *cough cough cough* punished, if the thing suddendly decides to work, instead of "suprise" failing again out of nowhere, right.

Good thing that someone atleast had the guts to say something instead of ignoring many of the Gm's mistakes and just repeat the "Oh they are just humans" argument, not to add that there seemsto be a very strange way new Gm's are choosen, but its allright if the ~dictator~ use some democraty of their own now and then.
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Post by Douban »

Barukh, you aren't the player of that dwarf (whose name, I believe, is or is very similar to Barukh) who just runs around Bane and attacks people with as minimal RP as possible, are you?

If not, forgive me. If you are, then you needed a good talking to. Though I'm not sure a fart #me should be the thing that gets you permanently banned.
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Post by pharse »

Douban wrote:Though I'm not sure a fart #me should be the thing that gets you permanently banned.
It is the obvious overall disrespect of that player. Though an immediately given perm ban may be lifted after the other GMs had a word in their forum or whatever. But posting twice the same complaining text is surely not the right way. Lillian has posted the link to the correct way.
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Post by AlexRose »

Yeah that sounds like Arien :P .

But c'mon "#me farts", that's just ridiculous, if you've just been told that you might be perma banned you don't then immediately be as disrespectful as you can. I think in this case it was probably handled immaturely by you, even if also the GM.
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Post by HeXiS »

i'd better be careful then because my player regularly farts after poison wears off from eating mushrooms..

i do agree that your timing sucked.. that was stupid.. you dont egg on psychotic people...

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Re: GM Abuse

Post by Dónal Mason »

Barukh wrote: Edit: I suspect the abusing GM is Arien Edel, if it is him then he has the additional abuse of trying to destroy freedom of speech and deleting my first post in the General Forums.
Freedom of speech is not covered in the game constitution. Maybe you should try putting an amendment in?
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Post by Basal »

Was this ever even looked into?

I am bringing this topic back up because I think I was the victim of similar GM abuse of GM powers. I was accused of being "cheeky" whatever that means, and then snidely told that I was banned before I got a "You have been kicked" message. I was indeed treated unfairly since I never got a reasonable explanation from the abusing GM in question for a previous abuse I put him on the spot for. Instead I was I was rudely told that I was being "cheeky" and got kicked as a comeback. The behavior of this abusing GM which I choose not to name showed a petty vengeful nature completely off from the kind of traits I expect a GM to possess.

I followed the link provided in this thread for the GM abuse e-mail, but I do not see anything of the sort under the Contacts page. There is no GM abuse e-mail that I can see.
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Post by LifeWonder »

Basal wrote:Was this ever even looked into?

I am bringing this topic back up because I think I was the victim of similar GM abuse of GM powers. I was accused of being "cheeky" whatever that means, and then snidely told that I was banned before I got a "You have been kicked" message. I was indeed treated unfairly since I never got a reasonable explanation from the abusing GM in question for a previous abuse I put him on the spot for. Instead I was I was rudely told that I was being "cheeky" and got kicked as a comeback. The behavior of this abusing GM which I choose not to name showed a petty vengeful nature completely off from the kind of traits I expect a GM to possess.

I followed the link provided in this thread for the GM abuse e-mail, but I do not see anything of the sort under the Contacts page. There is no GM abuse e-mail that I can see.
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Post by Taeryon Silverlight »

LifeWonder wrote:
Basal wrote:Was this ever even looked into?

I am bringing this topic back up because I think I was the victim of similar GM abuse of GM powers. I was accused of being "cheeky" whatever that means, and then snidely told that I was banned before I got a "You have been kicked" message. I was indeed treated unfairly since I never got a reasonable explanation from the abusing GM in question for a previous abuse I put him on the spot for. Instead I was I was rudely told that I was being "cheeky" and got kicked as a comeback. The behavior of this abusing GM which I choose not to name showed a petty vengeful nature completely off from the kind of traits I expect a GM to possess.

I followed the link provided in this thread for the GM abuse e-mail, but I do not see anything of the sort under the Contacts page. There is no GM abuse e-mail that I can see.
Forget that contact form. I used it to report a GM while ago. Over half a year later, there still wasn't any message and after asking around a bit I was told that that e-mailadress isn't looked up anymore.
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Post by Pellandria »

It is now looked up, but its useless, because a Gm controlls it, makes as much sence as giving Kindergardenkids the power to controll themself...with taking one of their own group.
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Post by Basal »

What? So either your e-mail about GM abuse is completely ignored for up to half a year or another GM who is probably the abusing GM's friend will look at your complaint and laugh about it?

No wonder GMs abuse their powers in this game so much. The abusing GM who I am still not naming in order to give his reputation a chance has continued to keep my character on a kicked status way past 24 hours despite saying that I would be banned for 24 hours.

I don't play games to be abused by irresponsible GMs who use their powers to "get back" at players out of spite. If my complaint isn't addressed soon I am going to quit this game indefinitely.
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Post by Zak »

Your account was unbanned long ago but one char somehow remained banned.
Fixed that now.
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Post by Basal »

Wow, the GM abuse just doesn't stop here does it. I got an e-mail saying that my account was banned because of some nonsense about me being the player of an infamous character. I then PMed Zak, a GM I know to be troublesome from personal experience because I suspected him of abusing his powers again. I politely asked him why my account was banned, and guess what he responded with?

From: Basal
To: Zak
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:00 am
Subject: Account Ban
Hello Zak,

Why is my account banned again?


From: Zak
To: Basal
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:04 am
Subject: Re: Account Ban Quote message
Stop bothering me.

That is the entire message. Now I understand why this game has so few players.
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Post by Zak »

Honestly, I told you to stop bothering me because that's what you do ;-)
Your account was perma-banned and there probably is an E-Mail about it in your E-Mail-box.
But instead of reading or thinking first you prefer to send PMs to the whole staff always asking the same.

Well, if somebody wants to blame me for not dealing with you, go for it..

PS: If somebody feels like he has trouble with me, I only can say that right now no player comes into my mind that I could possibly hold a personal grudge against. Feel free to write me and clear things up.
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Post by Basal »

One message is bothering you? Right, your attitude is just awful. What's more it's not just you. Most of your GM sidekicks are like that too. I have consistently noticed either a sickeningly condescending attitude like you just so well displayed Zak or a get out of my face I have all the computer powers here sort of brutish attitude that bigger baddies like Nitram exemplify habitually.

From these kind of experiences, I can assure you I will never suggest this game for anyone to try, I don't want them to be suffer humiliation and abuse from GMs like you Zak with attitude problems. Instead, I will definitely be going out of my way to deter people from stumbling into this hellhole.
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Post by Zak »

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Post by Llama »

Kugar wrote:You honestly think they give you this game freely from the kindness of their hearts?..Hm, yeah...

They hack your pc... And I'm in the middle of reporting the matter.
Yeah I mean, where has anyone ever given anything from thekindess of their hearts?

Its unheard of...
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Post by Pellandria »

Man..THAT is why quests never happen ig or why Gms never have time, dude they freaking hack our pcs, I wonder what they want to do with the data collected from less than 400 people, but hey one can dream eh?

Seriously, if your "little" brother can "hack" your account, or whichever cover story you came up with, than deal with it, but blaming illarion staffs to "hack" our pc's is crazy ..and I think many people know that I'm one to critize Gm's, if the need arises, but thats just over the top.
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

Estralis Seborian wrote:Image
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