Recruitung for a Quest (english/deutsch)

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Recruitung for a Quest (english/deutsch)

Post by Thorvald »

- Deutsche Version unterhalt -

Hey everyone,

I am in the need of 5 players who would offer one of their chars to become part of a quest plot.

Here a few information:
  • The quest will start approx. in 2 weeks since there are still some preparations to be made.
  • The duration of the quest itself will be about 1-2 weeks. Please don't apply when you think that you can't be bothered to go along with the quest til its final.
  • The participation of the quest plot does not involve any change of appearance or change in skill or attributes.
  • The participation itself only requires a good deal of roleplay. ;)
  • Your char will not suffer from any longlasting after-effect of any kind, unless you wish so.
What I need:
  • I need 5 characters that vary in race/sex/citizienship as much as possible. So no matter wether you are from Varshikar, TB, Silverbrand, Grey Rose or from anywhere else, just apply. ;)
  • I need those players to be mostly available between 4 - 8 pm GMT. And especially on Sundays.

If you wish to participate then please write me a PM with following information:
  • Character name:
  • Race:
  • Sex:
  • Class: (for example: warrior, druid, magician, cook, etc...)
  • Give me a very short description of your chars nature: (for example: stubborn, light hearted, naive, shady...)
  • When are you mostly available throughough the day:
  • Which languages do you speak: (German, English, both...)

And last but not least: I will reply only to the PMs of the players which chars I will most likely pick, so if you don't receive any PM back from me, don't be sad: There should be enough space for everyone in the actual quest. :)

Thank you,



Hallo alle miteinander,

Ich benötige 5 Spieler die einen ihrer Charakter für die Teilname an einem Quest Plot anbieten.

Hier ein paar Informationen:
  • Das Quest beginnt in ungefähr 2 Wochen, da noch einige Vorbereitungen zu erledigen sind.
  • Die Dauer des Quests selber wird ungefähr 1-2 Wochen sein. Bitte melde dich nicht, wenn du denkst, dass dir die Teilnahme für 2 Wochen zu lang vorkommt.
  • Die Teilnahme am Quest beeinhaltet keine Äußerliche Veränderung deines Charakters oder Veränderung deiner Skills oder Attribute.
  • Die Teilnahme selbst erfordert lediglich gutes RP. ;)
  • Dein Char wird unter keine langanhaltenden Nacheffekten leiden, solange du selbst das nicht wünschst.
Was ich brauche:
  • Ich brauche 5 Charaktere die möglichst unterschiedlich in Rasse/Geschlecht/Bürgerschaft sind. Also egal ob dein Char von Silberbrand, TB, Varshikar, Graue Rose oder sonst woher stammt,.. einfach bewerben. ;)
  • Die Spieler sollten möglichst zwischen 18 und 22 Uhr verfügbar sein. Vor allem aber Sonntags.

Solltest du an der Teilnahme interessiert sein, dann schicke bitte eine PM an mich mit folgenden Informationen:
  • Charaktername:
    Klasse: (zB: Krieger, Druide, Koch, Magier, etc...)
    Gib mir eine kurze Beschreibung von dem Wesen deines Chars: (zb: fröhlich, naiv, aggressiv, etc.)
    Wann hast du für gewöhnlich am Tag Zeit ingame zu gehen:
    Welche Sprachen sprichst du: (Deutsch, Englisch, beide,...)

Und zu guter Schluss: Ich werd nur auf die PMs antworten deren Chars ich wahrscheinlich in das Quest involvieren werde,.. solltest du also keine Antwort bekommen: Sei nicht traurig, ich bin mir sicher dass das eigentliche Quest genug Platz für jeden hat.

Danke euch,

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Post by Juniper Onyx »


This basically leaves the American/Canadian/S. American players out.

4pm-8pm GMT is 11am or earlier, which is difficult on weekdays due to work and school.

Will this quest only be on weekends, or weekdays too?
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Post by Juliana D'cheyne »

Just a thought... we may not can have all quests for everyone. And the questors will also need to do some at times convenient to them, hopefully there will be others that are at convenient times for the American/Canadian ones also, though I am sure would not be convenient for most on GMT.
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Post by Juniper Onyx »

Well, now that you bring it up,

Are there any questors in these timezones?

Anyway, I was just asking, because he didn't specify 'which' days would need to be committed. Weekdays or weekends.
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Post by Thorvald »

Weekdays and weekends. The questplotline will happen during weekdays, but the actual main quest/final for will definitely happen on a weekend.

If I would make the whole quest only on weekend days then it would take a lot more weeks than only 2.
The selected time during the weekdays is chosen that way because I have a full time job and I need to sleep occasionally too. ;)

Currently there is at least 1 RP GM in your timezone.
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Post by Julius »


A question. Is this going to be a global quest? If so.. is it possible if we can decline to take part in it?
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Post by Thorvald »

Julius wrote:Erm..

A question. Is this going to be a global quest? If so.. is it possible if we can decline to take part in it?
Hm, it probably won't effect everyone, but it will definately a effect bunch of people. But it's still always the players decision wether he wants to take part or not. No one gets forced. Especially not in this one. ;)
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Post by Julius »

Another question if I may..

Whats the point of any quest if not everyone is involved? Thats why I always decline the roles of quests, because it's mostly the same exact people that join them every time.

As for opposition to global quests.. there is always one single char or a group of chars that from the start benefit more then the global community from it.

I think quests are a failed idea at best. Or at least.. in current form and formats.

Bah.. sorry for starting this discussion in your thread.
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Post by Thorvald »

Whats the point of any quest if not everyone is involved?
Since you have never been a quest GM I understand that you don't know.
Let me give you some reasons why 'global' quests are not always the best choice.

1.) It's a huge amount of work to create a global quest. Quest GMs have a real life too, like me for example. A full time job, a relationship, I want to sleep occasionally too. It also oftens involves the work of other GMs: mapeditors, scripters, other RP GMs. To coordinate big events and global quests takes time and are not possible every day. You can either decide if you want to have a big quest once in a while and small quests in between, or you can have a big quest every few months and stay the rest of the time bored. Hasn't been there a post just recently with the complaint that there weren't enough quests?

2.) Global quest = many players at the same spot = chaos.
I don't know if you have ever tried taking place at a quest that involves everyone. If it isn't exactly just bashing monsters, but about thinking and solving the quest in different ways, then it's completely chaotic when you have >20 players at one spot. Everyone shouts something, no one stays calm or organized and lets not forget the massive OOC.

"Personal quests" and "Small quests" are nice to have in between. If you want to say that they are only made by 'favoritism' then I have to simply tell you "that's BS". (no offence.) Our Quest GMs are going ingame and pick random people to entertain them. These can be very small mini events by simply playing a rabbit, or even a skeleton that shows up during Mas to the people who are in the graveyard. Usually these quests have much more of a quality for each player than global quests that involve everyone. Why? Because first of all all participants have an overview of what is happening and don't become completely unorganized. Second, because the single player has a chance to actually put himself into the spotlight for a few moments and that's after all, what we all want. You barely get a chance for this in global quests unless you are really lucky.

That not everyone benefits from the small quests the same ammount, that's understandable, but you have the very, very same with global quests. No one ever benefits the same. It's our job to make sure that everyone gets involved in quests at one point. But as you might be able to imagine, this is *not* easy. We are only humans as well and we are trying our best. And when I have a look into our internal board where the staffler list all their quests, miniquests, events, then I have to say they are doing a damn good job with that.

I think quests are a failed idea at best. Or at least.. in current form and formats.
I'm not the one who should be agreeing or denying this. I think the players who actually have experienced quests should response to this. Are you disappointed by the quests? Is it not fun? Would you rather have that RP GMs do no small quests anymore but only quests that involve the whole island?

Also, you know what is worse than players complaining about a quest that has happened? - When players complaining about a quest that hasn't even taken place yet! Seriously.
Have you spent a single thought about why I anncounced in my first post that I'm looking for characters that vary most possible in sex/race/citizienship? Well that's because I want to involve as many and as different people as possible.
My quest hasn't even started yet and I have to put up with this already. :?

The question, why I am recruiting players for the plotline is, that I and other RP GMs have had bad experiences by forcing people into roles. The best example: In your first post you asked me if you can decline taking part in this! And now you ask me why I'm recruiting volunteers? I could just go ingame and pick someone. But I might pick the wrong one (like you for example, who might not want to take part) and then the player will complain that he gets forced into doing something. To avoid this, I'm picking the people for the plotline myself by those who volunteer. That's the securest way to make sure the quest runs at least somehow smoothly. I'm sure that is understandable.

Also I'm not sure if you understood my recruiting right.
I'm not recruiting people to make a quest for THEM. I'm recruiting people to make a quest WITH them for all of YOU.

I created this quest as to being a "medium, short-term" quest. But due to it's concept I can't even guess how many people of you will decide to take part of it. It might be only 10 if I'm unlucky. But it could also be 20-30. And I think a quest where up to 30 (even 40) players have 'space' is already pretty global.
Last edited by Thorvald on Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Rhianna Morgan »

Come on, don't listen to these - stupid - offences.
If Julius does not like quests, no one forces him to participate. I would participate in yours, but in the next two weeks I won't be ig that often, for A LOT of rl reasons, so it is BAAAAD timing... unfortunatelly. But however, I am sure that most players will love that quest, and the others...

Na ja, man kanns nie allen recht machen und dumme Motzer gibts immer und überall, Kopf hoch (konnte das auf Englisch net so sagen wie ich wollte)
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Post by Thorvald »

Alright, everyone. :)
Recruiting time is over. I've got 5 characters.

I thank everyone who wrote me and I'm sorry that I couldn't take in every single of you. Don't be sad. I promise I will remember every of your applications and approach to you when I do another quest I need help with.

The rest of you: Don't get excited just yet. The preparations will still take 1-2 weeks before the quest will start. :)


Es ist soweit. Rekrutierungszeit ist vorbei. Ich hab alle 5 Chars.

Mein herzlichen Dank an alle die mir PMs geschrieben haben und es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht jeden von euch aufnehmen konnte. Seid nicht traurig. Ich verspreche ich merke mir eure Bewerbungen und komm auf euch zurück, wenn ich mal wieder ein Quest mache wo ich Hilfe brauche.

Für den Rest von euch: Seid noch nicht zu gespannt! Die Vorbereitungen werden noch 1-2 Wochen dauern bevor das Quest losgeht. ;)

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Post by Noradur »

Ich biete trotzdem meine Hilfe an, für die Vorbereitungen, falls du irgendwas brauchst. Da ich, wie es aussieht, leider nicht mehr in den Genuss komme aktiv mit dir mal zu questen, helfe ich dennoch gern wo ich kann.
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Post by Thorvald »

Danke dir, Noradur. :)

Ich komm da auf jeden Fall auf dich zurück. Ich glaub ich hätt da was, was für dich interessant sein könnte.
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Post by Julius »


That was a good answer. :wink:
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Post by Pellandria »

Julius wrote: because it's mostly the same exact people that join them every time.
Thats not the Gm's fault btw., its the players, I saw more than once that people jump as soon as they see a broadcast.
"Omg some quest in Trollsbane, lets rush them!" and then from 5 people around you suddendly have half the server around the quest, I dislike this kind of thinking and thus avoid quests normally, because its mostly the same go to point x and slay monster z, BUT this again is not the Gm's fault but the players fault, most players seem to like to slay monster, riddles or something are most likely never solved, because most players like to have the gm's take them by then hand and lead them somewhere, I actually would like to join a "riddle" quest, where you actually must think of places just from some items found somewhere, like finding smithed goods which lead to silverbrand and such...

Hell, must have eaten something bad..I defend Gm's...
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Post by Julius »

Pellandria wrote:
Hell, must have eaten something bad..I defend Gm's...
Might need to swing by the doctor and check for any stds..
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Post by AlexRose »

Julius wrote:
Pellandria wrote:
Hell, must have eaten something bad..I defend Gm's...
Might need to swing by the doctor and check for any stds..
lol he wishes
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Post by Juniper Onyx »


Actually, I like the way that you recruited for this quest.

It shows a desire to let the players be a 'part' of it voluntarily, rather than forced. You'll get better participants.

As for other players, they'll join or not, but just because they don't doesn't mean they aren't having fun. Just that they are doing other things IG or in RL. That's OK.

The point is that the 'option' is there to participate, and that's what's important. It's the knowledge that 'something' is going on 'somewhere' and that a player has a 'choice' to join is what addds to the atmosphere and enjoyment of Illarion. No-one should be able to whine about it. As for "Global" quests, they should be rare.

I was just asking for 'committment' details in my posts, not criticism. In fact, if this is a sign of things to come, I'll join some myself.

Thanks for trying to hold quests! :D
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Post by Thorvald »

Thanks for your motivating words, Juniper. :)