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Post by nmaguire »

Just a short reminder to everyone that we are indeed, in the month of Mas. It is advisable to keep away from places where undead are usually in abundance, ESPECIALLY THE GRAVEYARD. Also, be on the lookout and keep wary for any undead.
~Dominic Fisher
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Re: Mas

Post by Julius »

I think it's best to stay out of the Graveyard for the next month as well. Cherga herself is down here, almost killed me when her death vapor.

With best regards,
Julius Rothman
Knight of Kallahorn
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Konrad Knox
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Post by Konrad Knox »

Once again, I encourage everyone to practice giving offerings to the Gods during their month. To avoid consequences, donate a few drops blood to the river to honor Moshran, and you should be spared. It's crazy how many people choose not to do it.
During the month of Cherga, pay your respects to the dead, bring flowers and wine (not beer) to the graveyard tombstones, and remember your passed relatives.

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Nerian Finera
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Post by Nerian Finera »

Everyone who worships Moshran will be seen as an enemy.

Nerian Finera,
High Priest of Malachín,
Earl of the Grey Rose,
Servant of Oldra.
Thane Godfrey
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Post by Thane Godfrey »

Gods do not exist.

Insert name here,
Cheesy title 1,
Cheesy title 2,
Cheesy title 3,
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Konrad Knox
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Post by Konrad Knox »

It's attitude like that, Nerian, that gives you trouble every Mas.
Each god had glorious past, which, as the inheritants of this world, that they all managed to save, we must acknowledge and respect. Moshran was once a hero. Granted that many of his followers stepped to the path of crime, but don't you think each case should be individually treated? Do you not think that it is not fair to rise revenge against someone who did not harm you? Just worshipping Moshran does not constitute a crime, if the person did not deserve punishment and did not break the law.

If your enemies are murderers and criminals, then you are justice driven protectors.
If your enemies are all who worship Moshran, then you are fanatical paladins.
Why make enemies for the wrong reasons?

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Post by Damien »

Considering that cultists of the lord of blood, bones and ashes do kill a lot of other people (not mentioning what they do to each other) on a throughoutly regular base, and considering that it is also a fact that their religious writings strongly demand the demonstration of strength by causing conflicts, wars and mortal fights just to remove every but the "strongest" and meanest beings, plus the small fact that just being the member of such an organisation usually requires the killing of a "weak", intelligent being during initiation rites, it is quite a riddle on WHY just the support of such cults is not only a crime, but also punished by death penalty quite everywhere on the whole continent, is it not ?

So let us all be a bit more tolerant, we just have to close our eyes and ears, a few human sacrifices and some public, bloody fights can't be that bad after all. It's never been bad to have a few bodies on the streets. And of course Gobaith will be easily able to fend off every bunch of joined Albarian, Salkamaerian, Norodaj and Dwarven forces that the closest big nations could send over here once they hear that a Temple of the Unspoken is a legal institution on Gobiath. And the few thousand Lizard Fighters and Temple guards from the nearer Lizardfolk settlements won't make any trouble either.

Forgive my Irony, Sir Konrad, but speeches like yours have already led to destruction and suffering all over the world, and even on this very island, several times in the closer past.
May i point towards the fact that promoting the legalisation of a harmful institution like a cultist temple as well as calling the past of the bone lord a glorious one may be taken as proof that thyself could be a member of such a cult, by not too few individuals of different societies on this very island ?

Of course the creators as well as the ancients must always be respected, also the bone lord, but there is a big difference between respect and worship, in this case a very thick, not to say fenced line which you seem to be willing to cross, that is if you knew what you were writing about. You do seem to be walking a dangerous path there.
Tolerance is one thing, but tolerating a sharp and poisoned dagger to be held right onto your own throat, is nothing that shines with wits.

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Post by Konrad Knox »

Then why in the world, Sir Damien, do you still have Mas on the calendar?
Please, clarify this to me?
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Post by Azuros »

Because one cannot deny the influence that the Bone Lord holds over our world. The righteous just do their best to not be swayed by its evil influence and to undo the damage done by him during his strongest time.

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Post by Jaren »

Damien wrote:Considering that cultists of the lord of blood, bones and ashes do kill a lot of other people (not mentioning what they do to each other) on a throughoutly regular base, and considering that it is also a fact that their religious writings strongly demand the demonstration of strength by causing conflicts, wars and mortal fights just to remove every but the "strongest" and meanest beings, plus the small fact that just being the member of such an organisation usually requires the killing of a "weak", intelligent being during initiation rites, it is quite a riddle on WHY just the support of such cults is not only a crime, but also punished by death penalty quite everywhere on the whole continent, is it not ?

So let us all be a bit more tolerant, we just have to close our eyes and ears, a few human sacrifices and some public, bloody fights can't be that bad after all. It's never been bad to have a few bodies on the streets. And of course Gobaith will be easily able to fend off every bunch of joined Albarian, Salkamaerian, Norodaj and Dwarven forces that the closest big nations could send over here once they hear that a Temple of the Unspoken is a legal institution on Gobiath. And the few thousand Lizard Fighters and Temple guards from the nearer Lizardfolk settlements won't make any trouble either.

Forgive my Irony, Sir Konrad, but speeches like yours have already led to destruction and suffering all over the world, and even on this very island, several times in the closer past.
May i point towards the fact that promoting the legalisation of a harmful institution like a cultist temple as well as calling the past of the bone lord a glorious one may be taken as proof that thyself could be a member of such a cult, by not too few individuals of different societies on this very island ?

Of course the creators as well as the ancients must always be respected, also the bone lord, but there is a big difference between respect and worship, in this case a very thick, not to say fenced line which you seem to be willing to cross, that is if you knew what you were writing about. You do seem to be walking a dangerous path there.
Tolerance is one thing, but tolerating a sharp and poisoned dagger to be held right onto your own throat, is nothing that shines with wits.

Utter garbage. The same accusations could be accused of nearly any god's worshippers. How many wars did the Rothman start in the name of Malachin? You forget the Knighthoods on this island start wars for sport in the name of their god.

Last I was aware there already was a quite clear and organized "cult" as you term it devoted to Moshran. Yet they are relatively peaceful and are attacked far more often then they instigate an attack.

By all means High elven lord, go about on your high horse, eventually you will plummet down.

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Post by Nerian Finera »

Then the cult you met was not really devoted to Moshran. Those who choose to follow the path of the blood lord choose a life without hope, a life full of violence and destruction. A cult like this must not be tolerated in any way. You should reconsider your words, for they are defending the most evil and dark force of this world.

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Post by Rugh'toh »

Someone scratched some of the parchments.

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Post by Deinarious »

An anonymous parchment is placed up here by a short, copper-brown haired woman

I think you all need to move on. Mas is over. It is Elos now. Mas won't be back for another thirteen or so months. As a wise woman once said, "Don't worry, be happy."

And as the same woman said, "Men and religion mix as well as cats and dogs... It just causes problems."

I believe the same woman also said, "Men make good lay members in more ways than one." but I digress.

What I'm trying to say is, "Everyone shut up about the past, for the future is what matters."

Signed, a female follower of Sirani.
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Post by Morgana »

An evil creature that serves Moshran has been seen today in Troll's Bane.

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Post by Joxia Doral »

This creature is 'fallen' and no longer 'serves'. It means no harm to anyone as it is not threatened...

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Post by Morgana »

As expected, Kallahorn is protecting Moshran's agent.

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Post by ToniBengal »

*A woman in a bright yellow shirt, green kilt and red bandana both with 'barbaric' animal parts sewn into them approaches this board and reads it over turning her head from one side to the other as she moves along. Upon reaching the bottom parchments she laughs to herself and begins to pen a message in a readable hand*

I cannot say I know much of the ways of this island yet, it is a strange and often curious how people interact in this place. However I can say being a new comer (only having arrived a few days ago in fact as near as I can recall) I witnessed something most shocking and contrary to my knowledge of the gods. A follower of Malachin as he identified himself, he gave no other name, approached a lady and her companion in the shop run by Eliza the lizard woman. The ladies companion was this "Fallen" as everyone calls him. He had just moments before been quite courteous to me in accepting an apology as I had been quite startled by his appearance and a little rude in all honesty. This Malachin follower... I will call him "The Knight" as I have no other name for him, demanded of the Fallen what manner of creature he was in very rude tones and which God he followed. "Fallen" inquired of The Knight's name but received no answer but more demands for "Fallen" to identify himself. After several minutes of "Fallen" trying to ignore the rude man he finally answered that most called him fallen and that he was associated with Moshran. Upon hearing this The Knight demanded a battle. "Fallen" was reluctant to commit to such a thing and refused several times, also offering that the man would be better off leaving him be as he was harming no one. The Knight persisted and "Fallen" reluctantly complied with a battle. The Knight was quickly routed, and wounded severely. All rather normal to my understanding of their gods and the interactions expected between them. HOWEVER what surprised me was that once The Knight had been vanquished "Fallen" asked me and the lady if we had any healing potions, upon finding one he asked me to administer it to the fallen Knight. Once this was done and his wounds healed as well as a potion might offer "Fallen" picked up the man and carried him -On his own back- to the Hospital, "Fallen" then made certain a medico found The Knight and paid back the cost of the potion. I may be quite new to this town but I know honor when I see it. "Fallen" shows honor to a routed enemy, I am certain from the zeal of The Knight that "Fallen" would not have been shown a similar courtesy. Something to think about when next Mas arrives and people begin to throw about insults the gods some choose to worship.

*the woman pins the note onto the wall then adds a last signature*


Toni Bengal

*the woman nods and then walks away adjusting the axe strapped to her back*
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Post by Thorvald »

A few lines were added to the row of parchments. The handwriting is dirty and there are a few drops of black ink here and there. There is no name underneath the lines and no one around can tell that they have seen anyone writing them.

Fire, the world is fire!

It's burning in his heart, and filling him with pain,
It's giving him the warmth of terror in reign.

Breathing the mortals heat, draining from mortal soul,
To fill him with their warmth and make his life be whole.

He drinks the heated blood, essential taste of life
It rushes in his veins, gives him the madman's drive.

Slipping into living flesh, gliding into the brain
Playing there with thoughts and will, to keep a steady drain.

Fire, the world for sure is on fire!
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Post by Juliana D'cheyne »

Juliana stops quickly glancing over the board then blinks, grinning as she reads one particular parchment. Shaking her head, she walks toward the gate pulling her helmet back on slightly damp hair and chuckling "Fallen owes me a potion".
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Post by Damien »

Dear sir Jaren, with a few more years or decades, even you may learn from your experiences. Let us just hope that you don't have to experience your friends, the friendly cultists, sacrificing a few of your friends to summon one or two demons again.
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Post by Olive »

geez.. are you people still argueing about this?

wow are there really no other problems to worry about?

i could have sworn the lack of fruit tree production or the pig plague would have bee more pressing issues

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