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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

Lonely sits Samantha in the little room of the ship, writing at a proclamation for the peoples of this isle. The waves hit gently against the outer wall and for the first time since the paladins arrested her she feels very lonely and lost. But she can't gave up...she has to proof her innocents. With a carefull handwriting she finishs the paper, and hands it to Atuan Silverheart, who is then seeing pinning it at the townwall

Zhambras blessings, Ladies and Gentlemen of Gobaith.

This paper, written by me, shall be an information for all of you who may or may not have heard of the happenings around my person. Yes, it is true that I was arrested by paladins of the Order under instructions of the emperor of Salkamaer. It is also true that it was my wish and free will to come with them. The paladins are honorable men, acting in the name of the emperor. I am a proud citizen of Salkamaer, and it is my honor and my duty to follow the emperors word. I ask everyone who may have ideas about "freeing" me to forget this please. I don't wish to be rescued...I don't wish anyone to fight against the paladin. They are fair and good men, just doing their duty.

It is true that I am accused of heresy, dark magic and treachery in my homeland, as much as that may surprise many of you. It is my wish here to explain now how that could happen.
In my homeland i was a duchess of the salkamaerian Realm, leading the defense forces of my hometown and protecting the realm against outer forces. As the leader of a noble house, I belonged to the council of my hometown and the land around. In that council were many mages like myself...all of them old men with old traditions.
Those men had few understanding for a young woman, i took over the dutys of my father at an age of 13, like me being in the council. And even less understanding had they for a woman who was even a better mage than many of them.
But what really lead to the situation in which I am now, was my behaviour in that days. I was a woman even more cold and arrogant then many may know me yet. I was missing my family since i was a young girl, and grew up alone with maybe too many dutys and responsibilities for a young woman. In those lonely years I turned into a woman missing any emotions of happiness or joy, being not warm-hearted.
I treated those men bad...i used harsh words against them and embarassed them with unfriendlyness and sometimes even insults. I often used the knowledge about my superior magic against them, trying to make them feeling little and unimportant compared to me. I treated them as if they would be nothing compared to me.
I was young and foolish...and I underestimate the pride of those men. I underestimated what they may do in their hurt pride. So it came by surprise for me that i was one day lured into a trap by those men. Called for a meeting I founded myself in a powerful magic circle, and a ritual was happening around me. Many powerful mages, i were not able to see their faces, used a ritual to seal of the magic powers i had. And even worse than that...they used their influence in the council and by the prince of my homeland to creat wrong accusations about my person. They spread lies about me being in bound with Moshran. They made the council and others belief that I was using dark magic for my own benefits, and that I betrayed the Emperor and Salkamaer.
Standing without my magic powers, just with my clothes on my body infront of my burning mansion in which my family lived since centuries was more then just a shock for frightened me, and I saw no chance for success if I would try to defend myself against those accusations right now, right there. So I fled that day from the lies...and I fled from my beloved hometown to Gobaith, in the hope to return one day with a chance to revive my familys name and my honor.

But You can't ran forever from your day it will reach you. And that happened right now. When I saw the paladins who came to arrest me, I knew that it is now the time to stop running. I knew that now has come the time to revive my familys name, and to destroy those lies and wrong accusations against me. It is my wish to use this chance for something for which I longed so long...peace and redress.
I grew stronger in the years on this isle. I learned alot, and I changed alot. I learned more about the life, about other peoples, and I am not anymore the woman I once was. Now has come the chance for me, to repair what was broken in the past. To repair my life.

I ask...I even beseech anyone to give me this chance of reviving my name...of reviving my past and my life.
I also wish to ask any friend or any person out there believing in my innocents to help me in this task. There will be a trial hold by a magistrate from Salkamaer and Sir Atuan Silverheart. That trial shall be my chance to defend myself against the lies of the wash my name clean. But to be able to do so, I need the help of others. I need the help of those who are ready to speak for me infront of the trial. I need the help of those who can tell the judges about my life on the isle, about my person and my doings here. If the judges can accept those words spoken for me as a sign of my innocents and my good heart, I shall be spoken free. Shall they see no signs for my innocents...the death penalty awaits me.
So I ask everyone who has the wish to help me to send me or Sir Silverheart a dove, or to write here on the wall that you are ready to speak for me in the trial. Those who are ready to help me will get their chance to speak once the trial beginns. But I can let just those speak for me whose names are on the list of my defenders.

I thank you all for your help...and I apologize for the troubles came over you because of me and my past.

I have trust in Zhambra, and my soul belongs to him. May he hold his blessing hands over us all.

~Lady Samantha Meryadeles~
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Post by AlexRose »

I would be happy to speak on your behalf.

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Kaila Galathil Travinus
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Post by Kaila Galathil Travinus »

Kaila reads the post with saddened eyes carefully, then gets out her pen and parchment, writing neatly.

I know we have had our differences once or twice, but I believe in your innocence in this matter and would be happy to help where I can.

Your mage apprentice,
Kaila Galathil

She signs her name with great care, then picks up her quivers throwing them on her back, walks away slowly and thoughtfully.
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Dantagon Marescot
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

I will speak for you. If I can not make the trial I will make sure I have something prepared so it can be read. I won't allow for injustices to be done to the people of this isle.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith
-- Warrior of Bragon
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Post by HolyKnight »

*Puts his quill down after writing a lenghty letter, folds it neatly, and then seales it with a green wax. Slowly stands walking out the door and whistles for a dove; feeds the dove some bread crumbles, whispering. "Atuan Silverheart". Then walks to respond to the post he saw from the Lady Meryadeles

Lady Meryadeles,

I just sent a dove to Sir Atuan Silverheart M'Lady. I believe it is safe to say that your students are here to support you, and I personally will testify to these obsurd allegations of black magic. I pray that Zhambra will give you comfort in this difficult situation you are facing. I will stand waiting for your word.

Mage Apprentice,
Eli Travinus
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Alytys Lamar
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Post by Alytys Lamar »

A woman in a black cape stand before the parchment, her face is hidden under the hood.
She pulls out a new parchment, sits down and write hastily then few words.

My dear Samantha,

whenever you need me I will speak for you.

Aleytys Lamar

Carefully she pins the Parchment under the others and moves away, merging with the darkness of the night.
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Atuan Silverheart
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Post by Atuan Silverheart »

Atuan gives a short knock on the closed door then shifts a key into the rusty lock, and twists it gently. He enters the room and after giving a formal nod of his head towards Samantha, leaves a plate with food and some water on the table.
He is wearing no weapons besides his paladin sword, strapped casually at his belt. His proud, harsh, features perfectly blend with the shadows of the room. The rays of the setting sun make his armor shine in a divine light, while he turns on a heel and slowly walks towards the door, formally nodding again, but not looking directly at her.
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Post by NirAntae »

::Maggie casually read over the pages posted on the board in Troll's Bane, but caught on the long one. As she read, her brilliantly blue eyes grew wider and wider. After several moments, standing there in shock, she takes a quill and writes her own note::


While we, too, have had our differences of opinion, it has never dimmed my opinion of you, and these charges are blatantly ridiculous. Of course I will stand and speak for you, my friend.

~Maggie Kemoc~
Leader of Varshikar
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Gildon de Vymont
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Post by Gildon de Vymont »

If what you say is true, then I will walk to the end of the world to help you fix this great injustice towards you. You have my help, Lady Meryadeles.

-Gildon de Vvymont
Squire of Kallahorn
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Post by Miru »

Greenbriar owes you and others its very freedom Mlady, How ever we can help we will do so

Deputy Mayor ~ Miru yukimitsu
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Post by Salhari »

Salhari arrives from the wood after a very lengthy time away. He reads a few of the boards until he comes to these letters. After reading them he eloquently writes his own note, attaching the short letter to the board

You have my backing Lady Meryadeles
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Lance Thunnigan
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Post by Lance Thunnigan »

Kane sits there on the deck of the ship, his brand new sword sheathed snugly by his side. His emerald green eyes look out over the watery expanse, and his expression seems thoughtful.

He looks over his shoulder and looks about the ship, watching Atuan leave and return.

"How is she?" He asks in a cool manner.
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Atuan Silverheart
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Post by Atuan Silverheart »

"Holding toghether", Atuan answeres, holding up a hand to shake the one of his friend. "It has been a while, my friend"

Atuan takes a somewhat rigid position near Kane, letting his big, gentle eyes, sweep against the surface of the water. His hand is formaly rested on the hilt of his paladin sword. The sun is setting, silence begins to take it's rightful place over the earth.

"I know of her great deeds done on this island, but it is up to the trial to decide wheather she is innocent or guilty.. whether she walks free or faces the sharpened axe of the executioner."

Atuan shighs slowly, and closes his eyes for a moment. The cool breeze of the upcomming night gently hits against his face, running trough his reddish hair. His face expression is calm and warm, but his eyes betry the harshness rested within.

"She will get no preferential treatment."
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Post by Todd »

A dwarf with a young child pinned a note on the board:

"Hi Sam,
I didn't know you for long time, but at the short time, I knew you, you get important for my daughter and me. We'll speak for you!"

Serana and Rhonja Goldfaust

Post by Karl »

Coellus approached the parchment pinned on the wall, his right arm to the hilt of his sword, (a normal position for a guard), as his left one rested on the shoulders of his son. The two approached the proclamation. His regard loitered about the words for a while, he frowned briefly, pulled out a feather from his bag as he lowered its tip down an ink bottle, scratching a few words;

You've got my support, madam Meryadeles, and I am sure that all the good-hearted citizens of Gobaith also will offer their aid to help you out of this regretful situation.

Coellus Andrinor

The man signed with a sleek handwriting, before scrubbing his fingers along his lad's head, and headed towards the tavern.
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Skaalib Drurr
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

If it is required, I would gladly defend you Miss Meryadeles. You are needed on this isle to defend against the future likes of Nalzaxx and Retlak, whom you have defeated in the past. And, with all due respect to your mage apprentices, perhaps more impartial voices are needed.
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

Samantha gives Atuan a brief nod in return as he enters. She is sitting cross-legged on her pallet, the eyes closed and her breathing calm. Her lips move gentle without a noise, as if mumbling prayers. Even in that little bunk her appearance is noble and proud. Even so she has to face soon a trial which may mean her death she seems to be full of confidence and her unbreakable willpower can be felt through her strong aura.
She smiles every time a note from a friend or someone believing in her reaches her, and she feels deep inside her heart a happiness she hasn't felt often before. Even so she is arrested in this little bunk, she never has felt that much at home on Gobaith like in these days, in which she receives so many positiv response to her situation.
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Post by Siltaris »

When she heard the distinctive and imperious voice of the Paladins asking for Samantha, Siltaris felt that something strange is going on. She became quite nervous and her gaze already was examining the Paladin's Armors for any weaknesses.
Then the self-controlled behaviour of Samantha showed her that there is no need to worry - that there is no danger at all. The most dangerous part in this situation were some people who wanted to hold the Paladin's off their duty.

When Samantha left the mighty halls of Silberbrand, Siltaris was sure that she will be able to hold Samantha soon in her arms again - as a free person, spoken free of all accussations.

The list on the town wall proved that people of Gobiath stand behind Samantha and will do what is needed to safe her life.
Siltaris is willing to give all she can offer to bring back Samantha alive to Gobiath, to Troll's Bane... home.

So she started to write a letter to Salkmaer.

Dear Paladins, dear Samantha,

I have the wish to speak at the trial of Lady Samantha Meryadeles. I have the wish to be one of those who will speak for her innocence. I have the wish to be one of those telling you about her true character, about her helpfulness, about her constancy, about her honesty, about her glory, about her intentness, about her disinterestedness.

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Post by Gryphius »

A delivery boy comes down from northeastern direction, bringing along a parchment, which he pins underneath the other ones, before he moves on to head straight into the tavern.

It is written in highly elegant letters, and reads as follows:

Honorable Lady Meryadeles,

although we either had our differences - even grave ones - I do
not question the uprightness of your intensions, and that you
bear your heart in the right spot. Furthermore, I owe you no less
than my life, which you saved once from the deadly clench of an
We might most unlikely ever be truly friends, but if you should
be in need for my presence in front of the court, you can count
on me, although the days I can spare are few in numbers*.

May Adron's and Sirani's blessings accompany you throughout
that grim situation.

~Gryphius Messerzunge~
In private matter

*((Week-ends only))
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Enya Abalon
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Post by Enya Abalon »

If you need me, I will be there.

Enya Abalòn
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Post by pharse »

Some weeks ago and free of all responsibilities for the Order, Lonsúr helps his new friend and priestly brother Rimano in the administration office of the Shield of Zhambra in Salkamar. When he sorts some papers he glimpses at thick package entitled with a very familiar name: Samantha Meryadeles

He surreptitiously looks around, nobody there, so he opens the package and browses through it.
As he realizes the whole issue his eyes widen. Suddenly, footsteps. Lonsúr quickly binds all papers together again. Brother Rimano enters and greets friendly Lonsúr.

"Rimano, I am afraid I believe I have to leave Salkamar earlier than I thought. The recent happenings on Gobiath force me to."
"Oh that´s a great pity..." He sadly shakes his head "Well shall I look for the next ship to Gobiath for you?"
"You are too kind" says Lonsúr smiling "But you have done enough for me so far for what I have to thank you. I´ll make this on my own. But first, I have to manage some important things here..."

Today in the early morning a noble looking merchant pins a letter to this wall:

Lady Meryadeles,

I am sorry for the awkward predicament you are in but I can assure you my support in the imminent trial. May Zhambra hold his shielding hands over you... and over me that I will reach Gobiath in time.

# Lonsúr #
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Post by nmaguire »

I will speak on your behalf, if you wish it. You probably won't though.

~Dominic Fisher
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Atuan Silverheart
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Post by Atuan Silverheart »

Atuan twists the key into the lock and enters the room, holding his proud head high and glancing arround the room in a slight movement. He formally nods to Samantha and places a few letters and pieces of written parchment upon the table.

Many wish to speak for you, as it seems. That is excellent news for that the future show not as grim as before. With each received dove, a new ray of hope begins to shine in this cell.
You should start writing a list with the ones that you wish to be named defenders. A fair warning, though. Choose only the ones that you'd trust with your life, for that it will be precisely the thing which you will do. Every spoken word will count.

The paladin nods to her and turns on one heel, heading for the door.

For your cooperation, you are granted the right for 3 visitations until the trial. Let me know your choise.

The door closes and with the twist of the key in the lock, silence is set upon the room again, only the fainth sound of the distancing steps disturbing it.
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Gwendolin Cad'ell
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Post by Gwendolin Cad'ell »

Being the woman who knows Lady Samantha Meryadeles already since our childhood, I'd like to speak infront of the trial as well.

May Zhambras light shine upon you,

Lady Gwendolin Cad'ell
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Taeryon Silverlight
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Post by Taeryon Silverlight »

I would like to speak for Lady Meryadeles aswell, if she allows me to.

~Taeryon Silverlight
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Post by HolyKnight »

*Adds another post to be sent to the Lady Meryadeles

If there is a charge agianst Lady Meryadeles for using black magic there is no better person to defend these obsurd allegations then one of her apprentices or former students. Each student takes detailed notes of every lecture, and I for one would never want to learn magic from someone who taught the black arts. It is hard to fathom that a woman who has fought agianst such evils as the Temple and Moshran rituals would ever be arrested for black magic is ludicrous.

Zhambra with you,
Mage Apprentice
Eli Travinus
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Post by AlexRose »

Although we got off to a bad start and have had many misgivings in the past; I do not believe you are a bad person, and speaking for you is my duty.

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Skaalib Drurr
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

HolyKnight wrote:*Adds another post to be sent to the Lady Meryadeles

If there is a charge agianst Lady Meryadeles for using black magic there is no better person to defend these obsurd allegations then one of her apprentices or former students. Each student takes detailed notes of every lecture, and I for one would never want to learn magic from someone who taught the black arts. It is hard to fathom that a woman who has fought agianst such evils as the Temple and Moshran rituals would ever be arrested for black magic is ludicrous.

Zhambra with you,
Mage Apprentice
Eli Travinus
I can understand your reasons to want to defend your teacher, but from the court's view, you are a student, of course you would say this. So Miss Meryadeles, if I were you, I would have more than just your students to defend you. Siltaris would be one I would choose, Gryphius or Maggie Kemoc the other, and a third student perhaps.
And although I am not a fan of you, it is as clear to me as to anyone else that you would never participate in black magic. I wish you all the luck in your trial.
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Evan Ross
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Post by Evan Ross »

We have had an... Interesting past. I well defend you should the need arise.
~Guard Evan Ross~
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Post by Salhari »

To those who are not asked to speak on her behalf:

I propose we all gather at the docks and board the next boat. Even if we are not speaking on her behalf, we can at least be there to lend our support. Blessings of the five upon you Lady Meryadeles, hold strong.

Salhari Whitewalker
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