The Town of Troll's Bane - Public Board

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Post by Theon »

[A short and bulky orc approaches the board, he pins up a messy but readable notice and leaves quite annoyed, not looking around, just heading to the closest gate, the door shutting behind him.]

I seen someone called apparently lutz and Josy inside town being rude. I du[There are many attempts at a simple word, but they're all crossed out roughly] want to see this kind of thing when I want to do my carpentry. I have decision that it should be against the rules of town to do things like this in town where people want to go about there day without it, in buildings and castle I think its fine because its not on show like that. Its without respect when done inside the walls. I am not member of the place but its still a proper suggestion with reason. I may just be orc but even I know this isnt what people should have to come across. I am glad I dont see the children in town. I am surprised there are not no children I see with this sort of thing happening in town

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Post by Lutz »

( als Lutz am brett vorbeigeht und das liest muss er erstmal stehenbleiben um zu lachen, als er sich wieder zusammengerafft hat schreibt er mit einem breiten grinsen darunter..)

Wenn ich das lese muss ich lachen. Es war nicht in der stadt sondern etwas weiter weg wo uns keiner stören konnte.

Lutz Müller

(Lutz legt den stift beiseite und geht lachend weiter )
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Post by AlexRose »

Lutz wrote:( als Lutz am brett vorbeigeht und das liest muss er erstmal stehenbleiben um zu lachen, als er sich wieder zusammengerafft hat schreibt er mit einem breiten grinsen darunter..)

Wenn ich das lese muss ich lachen. Es war nicht in der stadt sondern etwas weiter weg wo uns keiner stören konnte.

Lutz Müller

(Lutz legt den stift beiseite und geht lachend weiter )
Actually I think you'll find it was just behind the workshop. That's in town.

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Post by Lutz »

Lutz liest den zettel durch und geht wieder weil er nicht weiß ob das irgendwen angehen sollte
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Skaalib Drurr
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

I still wait to hear upon Dantagon's response to him being paid for his services. Amroth's response is admirable, what of yours Head Knight, and of the other Gildon?

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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Why do you even bother to ask, Skaalib? Am I doing this for the money? No, not at all. However, understand that at this point I am so busy I do not have time to develop a craft to make money like so many others seem to manage to do. I use any money I get for training to help keep up my equitment and the equitment of the knighthood. Also most of the money I get is put forth towards projects of the knighthood, currently, the shelter.

So, long answer, no
Short answer, yes, the money will be taken, but will be used towards charity.

And Skaalib. I am not the head knight. I am just the only one until Amroth's knighting.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith
-- Warrior of Bragon
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

The Knights of Gobiath wrote:Formerly Kallahorn, the Knights of Gobaith are a group of knights, squires, and pages who give fealty to the highest bidder upon the isle of Gobaith and its people.
In that case, might I suggest a change to your board?
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Of course not, Skaalib. You left us betraying your original oath to the knighthood before the change. You hardly know what is going on nor have you actually tried. We have to eat too, don't we? Or do you intend on donating food, armor, clothing, weapons, and other items so we can continue helping the isle and others?

Skaalib, please do not go about insulting your old knighthood. You claimed you were going to join the guards when you left. I have not seen you do even that. Shall you join now and be paid even more than protectors do?

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith
-- Warrior of Bragon
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

You say it is my old knighthood, but you say it is not Kallahorn.......
I have never said that I will serve the people of Gobiath, nor offer my services to any town that requires it.
I have tried to join the town guard, I am having difficulties in arranging a meeting with Callith.
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Troll's Bane
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Tomorrow I will have to leave Gobiath for about three weeks.
In the time of my abscence the Magistrate will be responsible for the town, as it is written down in the town law.

If there are any urgent issues, people can write me a message. Although the doves needs longer to fly to the place where I will go, I will be able to receive them anyway.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Yridia Anar
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Post by Yridia Anar »


Vor den Toren von TrollsBane treibt sich ein Elf herum der sich Ardrell nennt und folgendermaßen aussieht (19.....556)
Er gibt sich als Druide aus ist aber ein Dieb, ein gefährlicher Dieb.
Merung Harbes wurde von ihm angegriffen und Tybalt verletzt.


Outside the gates of Trollsbane is seen an Elf, named himself Ardell and looks like this ( 19....556 ).
He personate himself as a Druid, but he is a Thief, a dangerous Thief.
He attacked Merung Harbes and injures Tybalt

Yridia Anar
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Citizens of Troll's Bane, folks of Gobiath,

Since the Governor of Troll's Bane has returned from her journey, the daily administration will continue.

Firstly, the treaty with Silverbrand has been signed and pusblished on the Official Board.

Secondly, the payment for people who hold official institutions will happen on the 8th Malas of the year 21 to the 9th hour ((30th April, 9pm GMT+1)) in Eliza's Shop. There will be a second date for all those who are not able to attend this first one. It will be on the 20th Malas ((4th May)) to the same time and same place.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by Dash »

I dont know the laws of this town but it sure is inhospitable. I was simply sitting in the tavern when a man by the name of Conner pulled a blade on me.
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

The tavern is property of Silverbrand, Inside the building the law of Silverbrand applys, not the law of Trollsbane.

~Lady Samantha Meryadeles~
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Post by Senrin der Ältere »

Aye write me a dove with ya name an' the things happend

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Post by Rosendil »


A human who looks like 216508* tried to rob me. He is a quite untrained fighter. But although be carefull!

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Post by Lamar »

Eben wurde mir meine Tasche samt inhalb von einem Elf gestohlen. Der Vorfall ereignete sich in Elizas Shop. Er war sehr flink. Der Elf hatte rotes Haar und war über und über mit Farbe bemalt.
Er sah etwas aus wie ((2*******1)).
In dieser Tasche war mein gesamtes Erspartes. Also wer diesen Elf zur Strecke bringt möge bitte an meine 12 Silbermünzen denken.

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Post by Saril »

Die Tasche wurde zurückgegeben
Ach und L. sagt ja alles Lamar, Laghras, Lonfurt wer soll das sein? Wenn ihr Jemanden beschuldigt unterschreibt mit euren ganzen Namen.

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Post by Lamar »

Die Tasche wurde gestohlen, und ohne Inhalt zurückgegeben. Leider konnte ich den Dieb nicht an Trollsbane übergeben, da Shara Gumblin und Anfala dies verhinderten.
Ich bitte Siltaris um ihre Unterstützung um mein gestohlenes Eigentum zurück zu bekommen. Der diebische Elf sieht aus wie ((24025****)). Zeuge des Diebstahls war der Mensch Timotheus Eisenherz.

Ich danke euch im Voraus,

((ich habe nicht in blindenschrift geschrieben))
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Elviane Kitomerae
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Post by Elviane Kitomerae »

Ein Ork mit diesem Aussehen ((14259*)) griff mich nahe der Taverne an. Er verletzte mich schwer und entwendete meine Tasche und meine Waffen... Seid auf der Hut...

~ Elviane Kitomerae
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Citizens of Troll's bane, people in town,

This evening the ultimatum given from the Lich to Gobiath will expire.
He will return to tell what he will do.
Supposably he will arrive in Troll's Bane to talk to the leaders of the Grey Rose and Troll's Bane.

Be warned that it might be dangerous to be in town.

If you are not a warrior, maybe it is best to leave the town for this night.

If you are a warrior, be aware that we do not seek to fight. So do not harm the Lich at all! Except he shall summon his minions.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Hereby I proclaim that Troll's Bane has the support of the Silver Sword for three weeks until the 1st Adras of the year 21 ((Tuesday, the 22nd May)).

In this time the Silver Sword has the rights and duties of a Town Guard of Troll's Bane.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by Elian »

I thank you for the trust you allege to the Silver Sword. As we were hired for, we will do our best to maintain the safety of town during this dwarven week.
The members of the Silver Sword assigned to this commission are;

Barz Shufthag
Gabon Corad
Julia D'Audarius
'Calm', looking like ((177******)). I believe this is enough for him to be recognized. Not his true identity, yet he is allowed to maintain it private. If any problem or suspicions arise to the identity of this Mercenary, please bring him to me, Elian, I can recognize him easily.

All mercenaries hired herein are thereby ordered by myself, Leader of the Silver Sword, to act as fully sworn guards, (You may read their duties and powers on the boards of Troll's Bane) for a whole dwarven week. Starting now (( Tuesday 15 )) To (( Tuesday 22 )). They are also under the command of the Captain Callith, unless they receive an over-riding command from myself, Elian.

If there is to be an attack, they should repulse it as normal guards, and report the events to me, Elian, for an extra pay has been promised to us in such cases.

Elian, Leader of the Silver Sword
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Fianna Heneghan
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A fire in the workshop

Post by Fianna Heneghan »

There were two campfires burning in the Troll's Bane workshop near the tailoring table. I put them out quickly, and there does not seem to be any damage to the room or it's contents. The only other person I could find in town was a lizard looking like (( 4939**** )), though I have no reason to believe the lizard was responsible.

Please, everyone be on the alert for more fires.

~ Fianna Heneghan ~
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Achae Eanstray
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Post by Achae Eanstray »

There was an attempted robbery in front of Eliza's. The lizard first tried to rob us, then attacked Lucky. He looked like (8924........ ).

Achae Eanstray
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Dear Citizens of Troll's Bane, dear folks of Gobiath,

From time to time it seems to be reasonanble to pause for a moment and to think about things achieved in past.
I want to use this parchment to summarise the actions we, the town and its citizens, have reached together. And I also want to show what will happen in future.

Since I have been elected as Governor of Troll's Bane, the government has worked out a detailed Town Law consisting of:
- Criminal Law // Strafrecht
- Forestry Law // Forstrecht
- Citizen Law // Bürgergesetz
- Constitutional Law // Staatsrecht

With this law it was possible to push back crime out of the town walls. Criminals like Dain Laiden, Verdazar, Zub'agor and others have been defeated or at least made to avoid the town. By doing so, the town was a place of peace for many months.

In this time of peace the government revived the good relations to its neighbours. Treaties with the order of the Grey Rose and the Kingdom of Silverbrand stabilized the political situation in the middle of Gobiath. Troll's Bane will keep on going this way of political open-mindedness and will do both, strengthen the good relations to the Grey Rose and Silverbrand and will hold good relations to other nations on the isle.

At the same time, Troll's Bane has been and still is a growing town. Extensions of private and public houses, like the tavern, Merung's residence, Eliza's Shop, the Seahorse and the Jail, as well as new buildings, such as Ascius' house make the town thrieving and growing. Currently, there are more buildling projects on their way. They all together will make the town a unique place on the island worth living in.

Nevertheless, there are some problematic issues as well - naturally. Although the crime has been pushed back for a long time, recently there have been bandits and criminals in town. Different from the former criminals, these ones operate in darkness and in secrecy. Therefore, it is not easy to get along with them. The town guard, unfortunatley, needs more people to effectively go against this crime. It will be one of my future tasks to set up a stronger guard again. The higher payments for guards hopefully is a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, the Magistrate and the Captain of Troll's Bane are on a journey. In close future I will try to find new persons who are willing to take these official insitutions.

Latest Action - an extended territory of Troll's Bane
However, it will not stop me to give all my efforts in continueing to strengthen the town. In this context I would like to inform you about a document I have found when browsing books in the library. A six-years old document defined the borders of the territory of Troll's Banes. These borders are different from the borders Troll's Bane has since Stephen Rothman has defined in his regency.

From this day on, I proclaim that the terriroy of Troll's Bane is the same territory as once defined in a treaty. This treaty was signed and acknowledged by the Grey Rose and the Elders of Vanima and thus based on broad consens.

You can find the treaty here.

What next?
In future, there will be put efforts in keep on growing the town. The town board will be steadily updated and thus will keep the most comprehensive town board on Gobiath. The town guard will be made more active.
All these will contribute to make the town an attractive place to stay and live; in peace with our neighbbours.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Dear citizens of Troll's Bane, dear folks of Gobiath,

There will be a public meeting soon. People can discuss with the Governor, make proposals, say their opinion about the situation in town.
Everyone who wants to speak to the Governor of Troll's Bane is able to do so on ((Wednesday, 18 July; from 20:00 german time)).

The meeting place is the Seahorse.

I am looking forward to hear your opinions and voices.

Governor of Troll's Bane


Bürger Troll's Banes, Völker Gobiaths,

In Kürze finder ein öffentliches Treffen statt, auf das ein jeder eingeladen ist. Ein Jeder kann auf diesem Treffen mit der Statthalterin diskutieren, Vorschläge machen und ihre Meinung über die Situation in der Stadt kund tun.
Das Treffen findet am ((Mittwoch, 18. Juli; ab 20:00 Uhr)) statt.

Treffpunkt ist das Seahorse.

Ich freue mich auf rege Teilnahme und lebendige Diskussionen,

Mit Grüßen,
Statthalterin Troll's Banes
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Post by Troll's Bane »

In half an hour the public meeting and discussion will start.
The meeting point still is the Seahorse.
For more details see parchment above.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by Richard Cypher »

Congratulations Siltaris on your appointment as Governor. I hope to see you around Trollsbane as I need to speak with you. Have a good day.

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Post by Zzesskan »

*the note is penned in a simple, carefully plain hand*

I offer a simple mage staff, red mage hat, and red mage robe to anyone willing to teach me two specific category one runes.
The offer is negotiable, the runes are not, and I would be willing to answer any questions necessary to soothe the mind.
Any who accept will be informed of a suggested time and meeting place if they do not suggest one themselves.

~ Knowledge Seeker
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