Open discussion about Slavery

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Post by Moathia »

Juniper Onyx wrote:
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:Do you even realize what nonsense you are writing there? do you missed the many peoples who said her reaction was fitting her role and also a salkamaerian?

There is nothing in the Forums or the Main website about Salkmeria. Where are you getting all this info about it?
I'm sorry, but that statement proves you can't be trusted to do any real research for anything. I'm sorry to be getting involved in this, but I hate it when people just lie about things.

You clearly have not read the main website or within seconds you would have found this page.

Sorry again, but do your homework instead of making wild accusations.
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Post by Arien Edhel »

Get back to topic now, or both of you will win a yellow point.
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Post by Miriam »

What are yellow points?
What are they used for?
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Post by Jupiter »

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Post by Nitram »

We introduced a warning system in that forum.

If you get warned you get a yellow point under your avater.

If you got warned 3 times you get a red point. That means your account in the forum is banned.

So in general. Points under your avatar are bad.
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Post by AlexRose »

Nitram wrote:We introduced a warning system in that forum.

If you get warned you get a yellow point under your avater.

If you got warned 3 times you get a red point. That means your account in the forum is banned.

So in general. Points under your avatar are bad.
It's a good idea. However, if you should happen to get a boardban (and not an ig ban), then you won't be able to arrange any sort of event or rp with them on the board. Is there a way of banning them from every board except rpg and guild?
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Post by The Returner »

If everyone else gets a yellow point I want a green one!

First you will get a second yellow one if you don't stop spamming!

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Post by Nitram »

AlexRose wrote:Is there a way of banning them from every board except rpg and guild?
No. If you get banned, you get fully banned Think about that, before you write bad things.

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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

I'll give you a different view. It's not very usual for me to reveal my other characters, but since I do not intend to play Siraj anymore, it probably doesn't matter. Yep, that was me.

To sum it up; I was extremely disappointed with the event. This time around it was clearly not the fault of the staff who did very commendable work, save for some stuff that now with 20/20 hindsight seem pretty obvious. :wink: Doing an event like that for the first time it was of course impossible to take them into account. However I'd like to thank the guards, the other slave and the staff involved for playing along so nicely. I would have stayed longer too, but due to the initial postponing of the event and the delays, I was forced to go quickly because of some RL events. :wink:

Needless to say, the character concept was utterly ruined and he's going to be deleted now. Sorry to the one who actually paid for him to be released, but that was not on my mind when I joined the event. I would like to, however, take the time to thank the player of the dwarfess for coming up with the more creative way of trying to get the slave released (than simply "I kill you").

The sad thing is that I would have actually been willing and happy to play a slave, as long as it wouldn't have been just completely free labour. Now I'm not really sure if I want to be any part of that again. There needs to be some re-thinking on how that is done, and next time the guards have to be boosted enough so that they can cloud any single character that comes loudmouthing and causing trouble there. I'm totally serious.

By the way, this is exactly why I am completely-utterly-totally against the "mages are super strong and mighty, easily capable of killing millions of fighters"- concept, since it simply gives too much power to a player character. What happens? I call it the "I've got an enormous nose, and the compulsion to force it everywhere, even into the akward places where it never belongs in the first place - just because I know I can!" - syndrome.

The demi-gods end up stomping around, pushing their way with no reasonable means of checking them and hence smother other people's roleplay and are actually playing their own game with the other demi-gods, leaving the normal characters to be only toys, victims and henchmen.

I just don't understand why any player character should alone have the ability to singlehandedly destroy events at whim like that, unless he/she is an integral part of the actual plot/mechanism. That is just plain wrong towards everybody else.
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

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I didn't make jokes. If you think you can fool me you'll see what happens.

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Post by The Returner »

Haven't you heard of PM's Arien? Don't you have something better to do then edit my postings just because your jealous I want a green or purple dot? Yellow clashes with my santa hat.

I'm partially with Crommy on this subject, I don't think guards needed to made uberpowerfull or else my character would have been slaughtered by Janus and before that would have been a bloodbath and thats totally not cool

I do agree that any player character shoulden't have the ability ruin an event at a whim unless they are an integral part of that event, or are participating with other players characters in mind. Sometimes thinking OOC before going into the game is a GOOD thing, especially if you don't want people to hate you for completely ruining their event.
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

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Post by Fooser »

Mr Cromwell is half man....half awesome.

Slaves wouldn't be too much of a problem to play as long as there was RP and interaction. If you just idled alone until your master, who logs on once every month or so comes in, and tells you to chop trees...then that's gross.
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

I see nothing wrong with adding slave trade to the game. And I won't say anything over the event today because I was neither there nor have I seen the logs for it. All I can say is some characters are more against than others as well as vocal. Are you really going to pick fights with the players of characters for staying true to the character, or are you going to pick fights with the character its self.

Anyway. I'm interested to see if this takes hold, so for the most part I will stay out of it. Then when it does take hold the knights will come in and pwn the slavers. :P Okay, maybe not quite that extreme, but still I'm courious.
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Post by Wyrda »

hey Merri an invite next time! He sees nothing at all wrong with slavery and would be willing to buy a few. He is not evil for seeing nothing wrong with it, it is just apart of his time and he grew up with it around him. He would probably even treat them really good.

well i might as well just throw this in here too... the magic system sucks... but that is nothing new.
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

There needs to be some re-thinking on how that is done, and next time the guards have to be boosted enough so that they can cloud any single character that comes loudmouthing and causing trouble there. I'm totally serious.
That single character is the magistrate of trollsbane and you did the slavetrade on trollsbane ground. it is your own stupidity if you do the market right under her nose and belief she would do nothing against it. next time plan better the event and do it somewhere where something like that won't happen. i am serious with that. If you can't handle with perfect character interaction due the roleplay backgrounds and given situation then you better should not participate in such events.

Do you also complain if you try to sell drugs right infront of a policestation and a policemen comes to jail you? Think about it. That is exactly the same situation. something like that is simply stupidity.

By the way, this is exactly why I am completely-utterly-totally against the "mages are super strong and mighty, easily capable of killing millions of fighters"- concept, since it simply gives too much power to a player character. What happens? I call it the "I've got an enormous nose, and the compulsion to force it everywhere, even into the akward places where it never belongs in the first place - just because I know I can!" - syndrome.
You haven't read the other postings, nor have you informed yourself. You simply have no knowledge about how it really is, but still write such nonsense. it is sad. Mages are NOT uberpowerfull. any warrior can win against a mage. Samantha lost often against single warriors or two of them. Ask Dain, ask Verdazar.
And again, its called roleplay. you complain ooc about perfect ingame roleplay. that is sad. maybe you should overthink why you play here. to interact with other chars and their roles, or just to have the stuff working like you want.
The demi-gods end up stomping around, pushing their way with no reasonable means of checking them and hence smother other people's roleplay and are actually playing their own game with the other demi-gods, leaving the normal characters to be only toys, victims and henchmen.
Again nonsense. First, there are no demi-gods except pushed questchars. Second i simply played her role and her reaction was 100 % right in that situation. you simply did a great failure with having the invent on the land she is responsible for.
I just don't understand why any player character should alone have the ability to singlehandedly destroy events at whim like that, unless he/she is an integral part of the actual plot/mechanism. That is just plain wrong towards everybody else.
She hasn't destroyed the event. She simply reacted like any magistrate of slakamaer would react if someone sells slaves on her land. think about it. really, i am dissapointed that you can't understand this. since it shows me also your whole understanding of roleplay concepts. you don't understand why a salkamaerian noble, the magistrate of trollsbane, reacts so harsh and hard against slavetraders selling innocents to others on her land. it has nothing to do with the player, or the character being a mage. i would have roleplayed with her the same wouldn't she be a mage. Since it was simply that thing she HAD to do, based on her role, background and the whole situation.

I hope next time you think more about the whole situation before you write nonsense based on your frustration

And i dont have to think ooc. you did the event on HER land. You did it infront of HER nose. I won't look away or ignore the characters role and background just because you did such a big failure with the planning of the event. You ruined it yourself once you started it right infront of Trollsbane. it is your own fault. and you simply can'T accept that. Don't blame the authority stopping you when you did a crime or a failure. blame yourself.
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Post by Tinuva Geogroda »

Just leave this point! This is a discussion about slavery, not which character may stop slavery and which not. Go talk about that trough PM or ask the Forum Admins to make a forum for 'Talking what which character may do.'

For slavery: well, I guess we'll just have to wait for a new 'auction' and hope everyone learned from this one so that one wont be such a chaos. It's nice to try a new role play experience with slavery.
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Post by The Returner »

Samantha Meryadeles wrote:
That single character is the magistrate of trollsbane and you did the slavetrade on trollsbane ground. it is your own stupidity if you do the market right under her nose and belief she would do nothing against it. next time plan better the event and do it somewhere where something like that won't happen. i am serious with that. If you can't handle with perfect character interaction due the roleplay backgrounds and given situation then you better should not participate in such events.

And it makes it all okay just because that single character has a posistion of power and likes to use it way too much to make others miserable?
Do you also complain if you try to sell drugs right infront of a policestation and a policemen comes to jail you? Think about it. That is exactly the same situation. something like that is simply stupidity.
We ARENT angry at your characters reaction Patric, we're angry that you purposely used that character to ruin an in game event. Why can't you message someone ooc if you know you are going to make people miserable? This is a game, its supposed to be fun, stop trying to ruin it for other people and maybe you won't be such a bitter fucker.

And again, its called roleplay. you complain ooc about perfect ingame roleplay. that is sad. maybe you should overthink why you play here. to interact with other chars and their roles, or just to have the stuff working like you want.
Almost nobody here is questioning the actual roleplay, its the above fact that you purposely ruined an in game event without taking other people into consideration. Would you like for someone to do that to you? I know you don't, because you've bitched about it goddamn enough time, so its time for foot in mouth Patric.
i simply played her role and her reaction was 100 % right in that situation. you simply did a great failure with having the invent on the land she is responsible for.
Except that you "Strayed away from her concept" and suffered "bad roleplaying" because of it.
She hasn't destroyed the event. She simply reacted like any magistrate of slakamaer would react if someone sells slaves on her land. think about it. really, i am dissapointed that you can't understand this. since it shows me also your whole understanding of roleplay concepts. you don't understand why a salkamaerian noble, the magistrate of trollsbane, reacts so harsh and hard against slavetraders selling innocents to others on her land. it has nothing to do with the player, or the character being a mage. i would have roleplayed with her the same wouldn't she be a mage. Since it was simply that thing she HAD to do, based on her role, background and the whole situation.
Why is that that messing up someones event and making it not fun for other people is something that HAS to be done by you? What kind of sick pleasure do you get from ruining an online game for other people?

And i dont have to think ooc. you did the event on HER land. You did it infront of HER nose. I won't look away or ignore the characters role and background just because you did such a big failure with the planning of the event. You ruined it yourself once you started it right infront of Trollsbane. it is your own fault. and you simply can'T accept that. Don't blame the authority stopping you when you did a crime or a failure. blame yourself.
This is exactly why people should think OOC, if you had thought OOC and contacted someone involved with the quest and said "Hey, my character is going to show up and threaten to slaughter and arrest and bannish you all, if this does not fit into your idea, can we plan around it somehow?" Is that so hard? Really? Can you not do this? Are you THAT obsessed with a game that you cannot do this?
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

i dont see why i, as a player, shall tell the gm first that i will attend the quest with my character. not me should have messaged you ooc. the gm should have messaged the leaders of the town to inform them that a slavemarked shall happen on their land. the quest gm should have informed the players and ask what our chars will plan to do. but no. the gm had to throw the whole mess at us. you accuse me of ruining the quest. but you ruined it yourself with doing the quest without thinlking first. and without making first sure that it won't be a total chaos. but you haven't. without thinlking or even informing the players of the towns leadership you started a slavemarket infront of the gates.

not we should have asked you ooc to attend. you should have informed us and asked us what we plan to do. a slavemarket is a big thing. troublesome for sure. you cant await that you maker something like that in the territory of chars who for sure doesnt agree to it and nothing worse happens.

Also samantha has first announced that she jails the one selling slaves. she mentioned nothing with bloodbath or so until he commanded his men to remove her from Trollsbane land.

You simply fucked up the quest yourself with doing it at the worst possible spot in gobaith. next time plan something like that in an area where no strict laws and good doing chars with much power care for the peace.

As a player i have all right to play my char 100 % to her role. I had all right to interfere with the slavemarket, simply because oit is her job and her role to do so. and i dont have to ask first ooc, since it is simply ooc. out of character. that should have to do nothing with how my character reacts ingame. NOTHING. if you start thinking that we should ask ooc first if we are allowed to play our chars roles, then you are starting ooc chess. nothing else you are doing.

"oh no, his roleplay ruined our quest since he played perfectly his chars role and job, since he done with her what she HAD to do in such a situation, but how dare he, he hasnt get our ooc allowness first!"

Thats ooc chess. and it is a sickness spreading in illarion. the whole action was completly IC. and so it should be. the moment you demand that we should discuss it ooc first how our chars will react ic and what will happen you are making a joke out of the game.

Slavery is a big and troublesome topic in the game. it is something that will cause some of the most harsh character reactions. you have to handle something like that with care. you have toplan everything well. but you haven't done so. you simply threw some slavers and slaves at us. without thinking first how the chars in the region where you did the quest will react on it. everyone who would have took some time to think about the quest would have seen that it will lead to much troubles with the towns authorities if you do something like "slave trading" on their land.
i wonder where your mind was when you planned this quest. for sure not where it should have been
Last edited by Samantha Meryadeles on Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Returner »

Samantha Meryadeles wrote:i dont see why i, as a player, shall tell the gm first that i will attend the quest with my character. not me should have messaged you ooc. the gm should have messaged the leaders of the town to inform them that a slavemarked shall happen on their land. the quest gm should have informed the players and ask what our chars will plan to do. but no. the gm had to throw the whole mess at us. you accuse me of ruining the quest. but you ruined it yourself with doing the quest without thinlking first. and without making first sure that it won't be a total chaos. but you haven't. without thinlking or even informing the players of the towns leadership you started a slavemarket infront of the gates.

not we should have asked you ooc to attend. you should have informed us and asked us what we plan to do. a slavemarket is a big thing. troublesome for sure. you cant await that you maker something like that in the territory of chars who for sure doesnt agree to it and nothing worse happens.

Also samantha has first announced that she jails the one selling slaves. she mentioned nothing with bloodbath or so until he commanded his men to remove her from Trollsbane land.

You simply fucked up the quest yourself with doing it at the worst possible spot in gobaith. next time plan something like that in an area where no strict laws and good doing chars with much power care for the peace.


God damn, I took a dot for your damn arrogance and ignorance and now I'm liable for another one because you still don't gasp the concept of being a fucking nice person in or out of game.

I tried to be nice, but I'm starting to see why alot of people here dislike you so much, you just, dont, get it.
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Post by Jupiter »

Well, this thread is about slavery in gernrell and not about singel events in the stop talking about that event here :wink:

Lets say it was kind of quest and not everybody like tge quest or what happend during that quest.
Not evrybody can like evrything.

And what about the GMs and Quester?
Do you think they like to see that after neraly every quest this happend?
That must be really motivating for them.....

And its over now and you can't chage it so end.
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Post by Lianis »

Jupiter wrote:Lets say it was kind of quest and not everybody like tge quest or what happend during that quest.
Not evrybody can like evrything.

And what about the GMs and Quester?
Do you think they like to see that after neraly every quest this happend?
That must be really motivating for them.....

And its over now and you can't chage it so end.
Thank you, Jupiter. At least this occured to someone.
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Post by Thorvald »

Lianis wrote:
Jupiter wrote:Lets say it was kind of quest and not everybody like tge quest or what happend during that quest.
Not evrybody can like evrything.

And what about the GMs and Quester?
Do you think they like to see that after neraly every quest this happend?
That must be really motivating for them.....

And its over now and you can't chage it so end.
Thank you, Jupiter. At least this occured to someone.

The GM made some mistakes, the GM noticed, the GM drew the conclusions and will make it better next time. Happy End.


Very small PS: Yes the guards would have been able to stomp Samantha simply into the ground. It would have needed only a single word. But this event wasn't supposed to be a fighting event and I didn't want it to turn out as one. It would have just ended with even more chaos in the end, including a player complaining about pushed NPCs, about GMs always forcing *their* way and about losing skills and a certain archmage ring due to it. Again.
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Post by Nitram »

My first and last post here ( and the last post in that topic in general ;) )

For all who don't want to read that much. Turny posted a short version of that post ( maybe a little drastic formulated. )
And there goes the long version:
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:i dont see why i, as a player, shall tell the gm first that i will attend the quest with my character.
You don't have to, of course. But in case your character concept, you have to stay on, will ruin the whole concept of the event, you should think about, keeping your character in the background. You have more then one character, and for sure you can play a other one in that time.
The game is mainly about fun for everyone. And in case your character, even if it is good played, will destroy the event completly, you should keep it out of the event.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:not me should have messaged you ooc.
No idea what you want to say with that... sorry.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:the gm should have messaged the leaders of the town to inform them that a slavemarked shall happen on their land.
by the quest announcement, everyone knew that the slave market will take place there. I think that was the main reason, you logged in with your character and went there. ( ooc influence... bad bad ).
Anyway. Its new to me that the gms have to ask the town leaders, if they are allowed to perform a quest on "their" land.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:the quest gm should have informed the players and ask what our chars will plan to do.
That you would like that is sure. But notice that this is not your game. But we will not stop any event, because one player wants to put is characters allways in the middle of every event. If you only play because you want to destroy the fun of everyone else and the work of the gms planning such events, you should stay out.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:the gm had to throw the whole mess at us.
May you did not got it. You throw mess at everyone else, exspecialy the gms. Noone else acted that egoistic at this event like you did.
Search the misstakes at yourself and not at someone else.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:you accuse me of ruining the quest.
What is absolutly valid.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:but you ruined it yourself with doing the quest without thinlking first.
Oh sorry. The gms did not think that you can act that egoistic to get into the game with the only target to destroy the event as good as possible.
We won't do this misstake again.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:and without making first sure that it won't be a total chaos.
Are you reading what you are saying?! "Best do no quest, in case there is any chance that something wents wrong." If we do so, we have to kick all players from the server, do our event and let them on the server again. Then we are sure that everything works as we want.
Or we just do no quests. Is less work anyway.
That are you saying. Nothing else.
Or we just keep the players away from quests, who tend to destroy the work everytime.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:but you haven't.
Luckily. Else there won't be any quests.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:without thinlking or even informing the players of the towns leadership you started a slavemarket infront of the gates.
I will ask the towns leader ship next time, in case i want a giant army of undeads running over it.

Thehehe. Funny, eh?
Be sure. I won't.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:not we should have asked you ooc to attend.
You should THINK before you attend. "Will my character concept destroy the whole work of the gm planning the event or not." Sometimes its better to keep certin characters out of the game.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:you should have informed us and asked us what we plan to do.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:a slavemarket is a big thing.
Indeed. Big thing that was the hell work for planning. Funny how easy it is, if someone want to put the own character into the spot light, to destroy it completly.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:troublesome for sure.
A monster attack is troublesome too. And happens more often.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:you cant await that you maker something like that in the territory of chars who for sure doesnt agree to it and nothing worse happens.
YOUR character is not the owner of that land. YOUR character is not even the executer of law. The town guard is allowed to execute the law on the territory of TB. YOUR character is a magistrate. So YOUR character broke the law.
In any case. There is no law in Trollsbane, that forbidds slavery. Kiddnapping is no slavery. Korm told you the reasons for this, pretty good.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:Also samantha has first announced that she jails the one selling slaves.
But Sammy has not the right to to jail anyone.
( oh look. Suddenly the Shift-Key is in use ;D )
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:she mentioned nothing with bloodbath or so until he commanded his men to remove her from Trollsbane land.
?!?! What?!
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:You simply fucked up the quest yourself with doing it at the worst possible spot in gobaith.
You fucked it up because your character makes Trollsbane the worsest place on the island.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:next time plan something like that in an area where no strict laws and good doing chars with much power care for the peace.
There is no law against slavery. You should not invent laws just to destroy some events. That crap.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:As a player i have all right to play my char 100 % to her role.
You have. But in case you are only destroying a event by staying in that rule, you have to right to stay 100% out of the game with that character. You destroyed roleplay and fun. Nothing else. Only to have slightly fun on your own.
Thats egoistic and contra productive to the ingame events.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:I had all right to interfere with the slavemarket, simply because oit is her job and her role to do so.
You have. But you have no right to destroy the fun for everyone else. You should be lucky that Thorvald handled that so nice. If you destroy of one my events, my work in that way, be sure your character would experience how to perma die.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:and i dont have to ask first ooc, since it is simply ooc. out of character.
You said this for the... third time in that post now. I get the feeling you are running out of arguments. But this is understandable, since its not possible to find good reasons for such a childish and egoistic behaivior.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:that should have to do nothing with how my character reacts ingame. NOTHING.
You know how your character reacts. You knew before that your character will destroy all the roleplay and work of the event. You knew it and you logged in anyway. Just to destroy it.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:if you start thinking that we should ask ooc first if we are allowed to play our chars roles,
I stopped counting how often you said this now. But if you are running out of arguments you should stop writing. There is no price for the longest useless post.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:then you are starting ooc chess.
Do we? Planning a event allways requires OOC planning. In case you did not notice that allready, now you know.
And why did you login? Because you wanted your character in the spot light. Thats nothing but a ooc action too.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:nothing else you are doing.
Indeed. We, in this case our Questers, do Quests. Suprise Suprise. Isn't that the work of a Quester?
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:"oh no, his roleplay ruined our quest since he played perfectly his chars role and job, since he done with her what she HAD to do in such a situation, but how dare he, he hasnt get our ooc allowness first!"
You destroyed the roleplay of the quest.
You destroyed the work that was behind the quest.
You destroyed the planning work of that quest.
You destroyed the whole target and the idea of the quest.
You destroyed the whole fun of everyone involved.

And for what? To bring your Character in the spot light. How to call that but egoistic?
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:Thats ooc chess.
Chess has something to do with strategic thinking. You may did not know that, but now you know. I can't see this here, if we say, login with a character, that does not destroy the fun for everyone else. Thats no OOC Chess. Thats planning and thinking. You may don't know what this is.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:and it is a sickness spreading in illarion.
You know what the sickness is. The sickness is that some want to have their character in the spot light of everything and are not interessted in anything else. That egoistic thinking destroys everything. If you want to play like this. Play a single player game. The fun of NPCs is never destroyed. But if you play a multi player game you should watch that you don't destroy the fun of everything else for some egomaniac actions.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:the whole action was completly IC.
And destroyed by the egoistic ooc thinking of a single one. Of YOU
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:and so it should be.
No. It should be in a way that everyone has fun. And not one has fun and everyone else not.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:the moment you demand that we should discuss it ooc
That is not needed if some players won't throw in characters that are used to destroy the events. But it seems you are not able to do that.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:first how our chars will react ic and what will happen
Thats not the point. The point is what character you are playing ingame to keep the fun up for everyone.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:you are making a joke out of the game.
And you are making the game annoying. All the time.


Quest are not liked by everyone. Thats usuall. But that does not mean that you have to roam and try to knock quests down, that you don't like. Or to drag the spot of every quest on your character.
Thats a problem of some here, that they only see their own success and fun and never others.

Its sadly, but thats the way it is.

Maybe its the best to draw a huge circle of every character Samantha plays, and declare that area as quest free zone.
Would help maybe and this way the does not have to destroy every quest.

Btw. Sammy, the computers know capital letters not only for fun.


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