An 'Almost Near-Death' Experience.

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Ku 'Agor
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Location: LOL PANCAKES - "Ich möchte ein paar wirklich gute Pfannkuchen."

An 'Almost Near-Death' Experience.

Post by Ku 'Agor »

Siltaris' blade struck, and hard. It was an unbearably painful experience. I couldn't think of anything else to describe it besides 'Being hit in the spine with a sword.' I think that sums it up, though.

Soon enough after I hit the ground with a thud, I felt the usual detachment. It really sounds 'bad' to call being ripped physically and mentally 'Usual', but thats what it was.

At any rate, I was on my feet. I saw Siltaris carrying my body with the help of Callith to the nearest cross. I nearly laughed at this. "Ah, look at them. Like they'd get me in JAIL." I almost didn't get to finish my sentence as the ground started to spin.

The ground and air turned dark, and soon there was nothing. This was NOT usual. I looked about franticly and saw something.. At the time I wasn't sure what it could be. It was just a little red dot at first. It grew, though. It grew larger and larger until it formed some kind of deformed orc composed mainly of glowing red stuff. Blood splattered the ethereal black floor where he stood.

At that time a booming voice called out; '
ZUB!' I flinched. I felt bad to flinch. I could take several swords to the back, but when it came to ethereal voices I jumped.

At any rate, the glowing blob pointed a red finger at me, and soon the area filled with visualization. Some sort of dungeon, it had several very tall speaker booths, and one small throne. Seeing as the throne was behind me, I sat there.


I looked around a bit, the man was speaking from the tallest centered speaker's booth.

What's going on? Who are you?'

I am Morshan, Zub. Usually I do not grace a Mortal spirits with such a Honor, but for this I have time to spare.

You see, Zub, most of your race, after death, descend directly to my realm for endless battles and food, as deserved. However, the orcess Kurga has told others about her death. Indeed, it is most disgraceful to see a worshiper of myself kill under such conditions ANOTHER worshiper of myself. As such, you're being rejected from my realm.'

I sat there, in my tiny dwarf sized throne, flabbergasted. I'm being rejected from DEATH?

However, I will allow you to ask the aid of two people to speak of stories of honor and glory that you have committed. Speak the name of the first, and I will summon a spiritual copy of him or her.'

This seemed like a game now. I have to defend myself?

Julia D'Audarius.'

In a puff of spoke, a shimmering blue figure that resembled Julia appeared in the speaker's booth next to Morshan. He waved a hand, and she started to speak as if knowing to before hand.

Zub, ye are lower than Spit.'

Julia.. She couldn't of just said that.

Ye slaughtered my friend without even fairness. However, seeing as you're dead, I can keep the small amount of coins I offered for your bounty. I hope ye rot.'

She still stood there, shimmering.

I thought you said these were Spiritual Copies, Morshan? Julia would not of said that!'

It is, and she would of said that if she was here. I will no longer discuss the fairness of my trials. Speak the name of your second defendant.'

Merrilyn Ferly'

Another, shorter, blob appeared next to Morshan, but on the other side. This one was orange, and crying.. Morshan again raised his hand.


The figure just stopped talking all together, and Morshan nodded his glowing red head knowingly.

Then it appears I am as right as I think I am. You will not enter the realm of Morshan.'

((There will be a second part to this.))
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Ku 'Agor
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

A loud crack, as if thunder, sounded in the halls as a fourth spectral figure started to form. This one was gray. It turned gently from a meager dot into a hunchbacked old woman with a cane. This was the first full vision, aside from myself, yet.

It has been awhile since I needed to do this.'

I recognized the figure. Who else could it of been besides Cherga, the goddess herself? Her voice was slow and serious. I became tense, she emanated a aurora of fear, anger, and anxiousness.

She held out an orb. It's contents swirled brilliantly with a multitude of colors and shades of black.

Come on, boy, touch it.'

I did so, and as I did the colors stopped into little orbs of themselves inside of the orb.

The first orb, Black, disintegrated.
Nargùn rejects you.'
The blue orb vanished.
Elara rejects you.'
A purple one dissolved
Oldra rejects you.'

Finally, a Gold one swelled. It incorporated all other balls and finally the orb was just one giant gold swirling mass.

The badly dressed old Cherga nodded calmly as all started to go black once again.

Adron accepts you.'

Zub paused and sipped some wine from his golden goblet. He sat in a plush throne by a table surrounded by other comfortably seated humans and elves, all of them enjoying wine too. However, their mouths were agape, staring at the orc as he relaxed even further into his settings.

Oh, come now, you did ask what happened to me, didn't you?"

Before anyone else had the courage to answer, a woman hollered back from behind him.

Escuse me, Server Boy, My friends and I require some more wine!"

Zub gathered a few large bottles of wine and walked back to the other's table.

I found myself on the ground infront of a large gold embroidered table, a large handsome man in a gold embroidered throne.

Greetings, Zub. I welcome you to my Paradise.'

A smile crept across my face, 'Ah, wine would much better suit me then sharing the same endless fighting realm as Kurga.'

However, for your deeds in the mortal world, you will spend time serving my guests until I feel you are ready to spend time with them. Enjoy.'
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