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Dantagon Marescot
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »


Stick to your promise. I did as you asked. Now release my members. No one has 300 silver, nor will you get it. I kept my end of the bargon, now you keep yours.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
A dark figure
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Post by A dark figure »

It is written "bargain", my dear Dantagon.
And I didn't say I would release all the prisoners.
I didn't say that at all. But since you obeyed,
and departed from the Protectors of Gobaith,
I've rewarded you, and released Jorokar.
Now 300 silvers for the others. You have
six days. ((2 RL days))

The Seer
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Now you have gone to far. I want my people back, or your eye in place of the one you took from my squire. You got your orginial demand, that was the deal. Now hand over my pages!

-- Dan
A dark figure
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Post by A dark figure »

A being of average height approaches the town's wall, making sure no one is in sight, he pins a parchment, drawing a dried, small eye out of his pocket, The Seer fixes it under the note.

Here you go. An eye for your page.
Oh, I forgot I wasn't supposed to take
it from another prisoner. Forgive me.
Don't play with me, Dantagon. 100 silvers
for each prisoners. Since I am nice, and
caring, I will give you six days for
each prisoner. ((Two days for each)) Do not let more innocents
be harmed because of you, Marescot.

The Seer

A small, dried out eye is pinned here.
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Dantagon Marescot
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Look seer, I don't want to play your game any more. Release my pages with all of their limbs. I will not play.

-- Dan
A dark figure
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Post by A dark figure »

Eleven days remain, Dantagon.
The Seer
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Twelve. Even as farm boy knows six plus six equals twelve.

-- Dan
A dark figure
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Post by A dark figure »

The Seer
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Post by abcfantasy »

The following parchment is left on the counter in the tavern, and is cleary written by a weak and trembling hand

Seer, you will have the money in the following conditions.

You will bring Ayla and Harper and release them in the moment I give you the money. That is, I want to see them both with my own eyes. And you will only have the money once both are released from your foul hands.

Bring any orc representitives as you like, since you are too coward to show yourself. And I will have company on my side aswell, but nothing at all will happen if the barter will proceed peacefully, which I hope it will.

~Jorokar Sladrir
A dark figure
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Post by A dark figure »

The two orcs entered town, armed, yet not hostile to anyone they encountered on their path. First destination: The Tavern.
A good choice, as Jorokar himself, Gildon, Michael and Miru stood.

"The moneys! Naow!"

One of the orcs shouted, as the other grunted with approvement.
And after many minutes of verbal confrontations, Michael refusing to let the orcs go with the money, without seeing the prisoners, as the others tried convincing him, knowing the danger that could befall on Ayla and Harper if they did not cooperate.

Finally, the orcs grabbed the coins, both scurrying south of the town.

A few minutes later, somewhere on the outskirts of town;

"Hurr, coins 'ere, Seear."
"Good, good orc."

Nodded The Seer, with a lustful, satisfied grin, pocketing the ransom, before pinning a note and straying away.

A good lad, Jorokar.
As promised, the two prisoners
will be released. You can sleep
easy now, close your eyes and
relax. But remember, The Seer
is always there. The Seer knows

Your very good friend, The Seer.

Is this the end?
Is this where, the reign of terror, the suffocating omnipresence of this being, evanesces? Only time, only time and presence, will tell.
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Post by Ayla »

It had been far too long, now. Ayla had lost count of the hours, days... even weeks, possibly, that had passed with her shoved in that hole. Darkness surrounding her, earthen walls her only barrier, Ayla had to wonder what kept her from escaping.

Easy, the fear of only making things worse. Besides, at this point, it would be impossible. With days of refusing to eat but only a minimal amount of food, hours spent clawing, kicking, hitting the earthen walls, her body was in no condition to try an escape. With hands and feet bruised, and weight falling from the already thin elfess, she had not the energy or way to escape... At all. She found herself hardly able to stand upon her feet, could not even clench her hands into fists without succumbing to pain. It was useless.

And this realization did nothing for Ayla's morale. Already, she had given up on anyone coming for her. It had settled in her mind that she would waste away in that hole. Surely.... Had it been intended, already someone would have come for her. Of course, Ayla knew not of the complications above the surface, and that would not change her mind now. She had been deserted, again.

With a heavy sigh, Ayla remains sitting, bare back leaning against the cool, moist earthen wall that has become her home of sorts, despite her hatred of it. With knees drawn up, arms wrapped tightly around them and face hidden, Ayla falls into a state of oblivion, her distraught mind circling around the faces of those she had thought would be there for her. Pellandria, Ogerawa, Miru, Dan, Gildon... Jorokar.

Clenching her jaws, Ayla lets her head raise, eyes falling to the now darkened edge of the hole, eyes narrowed into a glare. What had happened to him? Perhaps he had been let go, let free of being a captive. Perhaps he had gotten lucky. Swallowing tightly, Ayla lets her head fall again, a tremble running across her shoulders.

With a quiet sigh of defeat, she again lets her mind fall blank, ignoring the situation she is in. She forgets being trapped in a hole, forgets the fact that she is slowly dwindling away, barely enough energy to stand, forgets the fact that her entire body is bruised and cut, thanks to her own rash doings. She forgets that it slowly becomes more obvious that no one is doing a thing. Aye, that is best. To forget...

It had always been best to just... forget. Don't worry about it. What happens, happens, right? Silently, Ayla reassures herself of this, before her energy is sapped dry and she again falls into a restless sleep, hands falling to her sides limply and body relaxing as best it can with a tortured mind. For now, ignorance is best...
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Ganon Harper
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Post by Ganon Harper »

In the engulfing darkness a small figure falls still. He breaths soft and feeble while curled up in the corner of a damp earthen pit. Hope had long left him in the days he had grimly endured with the faces of recent encounters slowly yet surly fading from his young mind. In the midst of his silent diminishing breathes a light illuminates the dark crypt from above. Though escape and life is only a few actions away he is to weakened from the lack of nutrition and water to move or feasibly think. As his mind dances in and out of reality soft hands touch his face before taking him up and hoisting him out of the recently discovered pit. He is carried back to Trollsbane by Quay where she hopes he may receive the recuperation and rest needed to recover fully from his horrifying experience.
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