About the recent plot.

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Kiilii Zaltana
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Post by Kiilii Zaltana »

but you placed the main question.
Once we can get some people to start caring
When faced with possible invasion and destruction, people always unite to save their way of life. The guard would be an example.

Especially now that people can build their own houses and own land, it gives them even more to fight for.

Uncertainty builds resolve. GM interferance would do far more harm than good.
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Post by Nitram »

You did not answer the question.
In fact. How?

Peoples are allowed to Build. Look around. How many private persons did this?

Possible Invasion and Destruction?
More as we have currently? The town is threated. More then ever before. Did anything change?
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Post by Fooser »

Fooser did :wink:, and could again if he needed to

At the same time, GM leadership isn't the answer to "how?" either, it will make it so that 0% care
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Post by Kiilii Zaltana »

How many private persons did this?
At present, many are finding it hard to raise the funds to actually build. My char has only 10 silver, and that's her high point.
More as we have currently? The town is threated. More then ever before. Did anything change?
This just happened. Give it time.
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Truthfully I think it is now starting to get out of hand. I find it hard to keep up with the plot. Siltaris can't be on much, I have school and a part time job, time zones are insane, and now you're asking for a unreasonable amount of silver with two rl days to find it in. Plus there was a captured ork and he was freed. Sure 'bad guys' can win, nothing wrong with that. It is when the 'good guys' get screwed over after doing something right.

Things are just getting a little out of hand. Expecially with everytime something starts to work, some power gamed character or group pops up and destroys everyone throwing everything into stability. Maybe we need a brief rule by a gm, or at least the money for a while so the game gains some sort of stability.
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

Fooser, you are one of those who currently sabotages players tries to build up a working leadership due your ingame behaviour. you are for sure noone who would be able to make trollsbane a town woth a working leadership.
it makes me sick to see how you and your chars write about such stupid things like "break of human rights! they forbid us to hide our identity! I and all kidnappers and criminals demand to be able to hide my identity again!"

you don't help the current ig situation. you just sabotage it and try to destroy something built by players which could finally bring some stability into the town of trollsbane. and such things lead then to nitrams saying a GM will take over Trollsbane.

same with the kidnapper plot. it destroyes aswell player tries to make something work ingame. trollsbane was a terribnle place to roleplay when every day 3 robberys or kidnappings happened. do you really wish THAT back? a town where you cant walk through without metting a criminal and being clouded, robbed or whatever?
Last edited by Samantha Meryadeles on Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tinuva Geogroda »

Oh, I do to, but I've my reason for that <.<
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Post by Wyrda »

Personally i think that is a bad idea. As for funds it is not that hard to get. I have over 350 silver in just a couple of weeks and that is without powergaming. If you try hard enough, look for the right people it is not that hard to get money.
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Post by Nitram »

Fooser wrote:Fooser did :wink:, and could again if he needed to
When? I ruled s few week and disappeared again. Not better then anyone else
Fooser wrote:At the same time, GM leadership isn't the answer to "how?" either, it will make it so that 0% care
Its not the answer its the last consequence if the players are not able to handle it.
Wyrda wrote:As for funds it is not that hard to get.
Your personal money does not help the towns even slightly. A town should keep alive from the income of the town. But since there is no...
Kiilii Zaltana wrote:
How many private persons did this?
At present, many are finding it hard to raise the funds to actually build. My char has only 10 silver, and that's her high point.
Lets ask in a different way. Who would even build up and house? There are a few flats in Varshikar in think. Last time i heared something about them, all were empty.
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Post by The Returner »

Politics and economy are lame in an online game that has nothing to do with large scale strategy

in short

if you care about that stuff, you need to take a break, and reorganize the priorities of this game

and now to more pressing matters

Taylor wrote:Thank you Nitram. For proving my point of how bias you are. There was a Revolution. Overthrowing Stephen. DO YOU REALISE HOW LONG IT TOOK JAPAN TO SWITCH FROM THE TOKOGAWA ERA TO THE MEIJI ERA?! 15 fucking years.
This actually took one night as the eras are not recorded in japan like "sunday meiji era may 14th" you mean how long the unification and westernization of japan took, and infact, this took close to a hundred years until american occupation at the end of the second world war, also Meiji is a transitional period, it is not really an era, era's have lasting value, the Meiji period gave way to the Taisho period
So you saying that the revolution has been going on for a year, and is ruining rp is just plain hypocrisies. You can not. I repeat, Can not interfere like you did with the Silverbrand Revolution. Siltaris is keeping the Government under control politically. Once we can get some people to start caring, and playing a Guard. then we will have physical stability. Oh, and one more thing.
I'm sure you feel really big crying to a GM or a staff member about the political systems of their fictional universe. Heres a little tip, get a life, politics in this game are lame and only lead to problems, it was an inevitable consequence of Lyrenzia and allowing guilds to control actual in game territory without the need of first purchasing it. This game had no politics until the last three years or so, and in that time its nearly lost everyone whose played it as a game and not as a mindless addiction to have more power and skills then everyone else.
Don't quote and harass me again. I was not targeting you.
I was targetting you, what are you going to do? threaten me? beat me up?
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Post by Fooser »

Oh boy, it looks like we have all the morons jumping into this topic now.
Nitram wrote: Peoples are allowed to Build. Look around. How many private persons did this?
When? I ruled s few week and disappeared again. Not better then anyone else
I was talking about Fooser being a private builder, not leading, and he has no desire to after the headaches of the first go around. I guess that's my fault for not specifying which question I was referring to, but until you know what you're talking about, keep your snotty comments to yourself.

Now time to combat obnoxiousness with some of my own--
Samantha Meryadeles wrote:Fooser, you are one of those who
currently sabotages players tries to build up a working leadership due your ingame behaviour.
Who the smile are you? Someone who can only bitch about things that help your char, you've bitched about nearly every char, every concept, and everything in between on this forum. You don't know shit, so I don't need to defend or explain anything to you.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote: you are for sure noone who would be able to make trollsbane a town woth a working leadership.
You're an elitist bitch who can't do a lot of things either. What's the point?
Samantha Meryadeles wrote: it makes me sick to see how you and your chars write about such stupid things like "break of human rights! they forbid us to hide our identity! I and all kidnappers and criminals demand to be able to hide my identity again!"
No one said anything about human rights. We also have elected female government officials, which seems odd for medieval fantasy. Do I complain about that? No, because I don't care. You like to bitch, so go ahead. Even better, we have crazy, shallow played mages running around too.
Samantha Meryadeles wrote: you don't help the current ig situation. you just sabotage it and try to destroy something built by players which could finally bring some stability into the town of trollsbane. and such things lead then to nitrams saying a GM will take over Trollsbane.
A lot of characters don't help the current IG situation. You might even know one of them :roll:
same with the kidnapper plot. it destroyes aswell player tries to make something work ingame. trollsbane was a terribnle place to roleplay when every day 3 robberys or kidnappings happened. do you really wish THAT back? a town where you cant walk through without metting a criminal and being clouded, robbed or whatever?
You all overexaggerate the crime problem so much, it's astounding. It really wasn't that bad. Yet, you throw a fit, and try to mix OOC and IC to "fix" something that wasn't an issue. Should we all change our behavior? My char cares about TB as much as any of the others, just shows it in a different way. If people should alter their behavior just so a town is more stable, we might as well bring in the GM rulership in TODAY, because it's the same thing.

But of course, you'll just say I'm sabotaging players, merely reading the RPG forum and think you understand everything. smile off.
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

See, you have no clue and can't answer anything else then "You bitch around, shut up". you simply have no valid argumentations.

Fooser is just writing all that nonsense and tries to destroy the leadership since he, and with that YOU, weren't able to win the election. Fooser, and i am pretty sure his player too, is frustrated and just because of that he behaves like an idiot ingame and complains about stuff which has no reason to be complained about.
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Post by Fooser »

Samantha Meryadeles wrote:See, you have no clue and can't answer anything else then "You bitch around, shut up". you simply have no valid argumentations.

Fooser is just writing all that nonsense and tries to destroy the leadership since he, and with that YOU, weren't able to win the election. Fooser, and i am pretty sure his player too, is frustrated and just because of that he behaves like an idiot ingame and complains about stuff which has no reason to be complained about.
I got a good laugh out of this one. First you say I have no argument, and only say "you bitch". But then your argument is I am just a power hungry player, who mixes OOC and IC, and I am a sore loser. Is that really any better? No because I can back up the opinion you're a bitch. You can't back up yours at all. Fooser ended up leader because Brer went crazy. From there he did some stuff, but I stopped when I didnt have the time. I didnt want to become the next Tialdin, the king that didnt log on for months at a time, so I let it go, I had no problem dropping it.

You on the other hand do plenty of OOC-IC mixing, you complain everytime your success is threatened, in silverbrand, now in Trolls Bane. You're pathetic, it's that simple
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

Maybe you remember that Samantha was just leader for a short time until someone better got voted? i dont even wish to be leader, or do have power. she just became magistrate since there is so damn much crime and someone HAS to do it. but since noone else cared, she did.

god, you don't even understand the background and all.
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Post by Nitram »

You can go on with that discussion with pms.
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Post by Fooser »

Samantha Meryadeles wrote: god, you don't even understand the background and all.
Yes, similar to how you havent been IG in a while, yet have all this uh...well-thought-out insight about me and a bunch of other people. When people accuse me of sabotaging other players, I take it seriously because that isn't my goal. I try not to 'sabotage' and complain until other players leave, which seems to be a favorite tactic of yours. (I wonder what the count is for people who have left because of Samantha is at these days...)

Putting that aside as Nitram asks, I have come up with a solution to this problem. Nitram, the solution can be found .... in robotics. Robots will replace players. These robots will be able to change their character concepts on a whim for the good of an IG town's stability. Think of the possibilites. What do you think?
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Post by Llama »

Fooser wrote:Putting that aside as Nitram asks, I have come up with a solution to this problem. Nitram, the solution can be found .... in robotics. Robots will replace players. These robots will be able to change their character concepts on a whim for the good of an IG town's stability. Think of the possibilites. What do you think?
Code them yourself :P
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Post by Achae Eanstray »

If people should alter their behavior just so a town is more stable, we might as well bring in the GM rulership in TODAY, because it's the same thing.
I agree, and also wonder about the RP interruption with a non-stable Trolls Bane.. there are plenty of "stable" towns on Illa if a char desires this stability, and some chars have moved to them, however there are still plenty in Trolls Bane that stay there. If a char desires something different...a little more danger in their environment besides NPC generated, TB is the place to achieve this. The influx and suspense is actually part of the RP. It doesn't seem that the stability of one town in a game should be dicatated by anyone unless there is quite a few PO that complain. Also, with the pigs, NPC's selling items in other towns, there is less reason for those chars that want that stability, to even need to go to Trolls Bane. In essence, I'm a little confused on the entire discussion.
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Post by Arameh »

Even though I strongly disagree with a GM run governement, Nitram has some points, the 'governement' of Trollsbane is in constant chaos since about a RL year, there always are people opposing every governements and thus makes it nearly impossible to have one that is stable. Recently, most players do not care about ANYTHING else than their own characters, so they do not even shrug about some governement being overthrown or anything of the sort.

What I would suggest, is to first give a chance to the current governement and if it dosent work, well screw it. Does Trollsbane really NEEDS one? Will it destroys itself if there's none? No it wont, if we dont have a choice, I think letting the town in anarchy is the best thing possible, in my eyes it would be better than a GM governement, which would severely limit the RP.

PS : Patric stop spamming the topic, we all know you keep mixing OOC and IC just to make your characters 'greater' and more 'powerful', stop trying to defend yourself on every topics because its useless.
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Post by Juniper Onyx »

Maybe I need to bring Dusty Bottoms back from over the seas?

I think he was my best character, and very trustworthy and reliable. Quite the politician and Statesman. He even stopped Stephen Rothman, Negros and Nalzaxx from attacking his town. He even tried to build a marketplace for Trollsbane. In fact, didn't he try to run a governor? Hmm..

I remember the election now, especially how Samantha really ran and corrupted the whole process (C'mon, everyone knows you did Patric!).

On second thought, screw it. Who needs the frustration of running a town obviously in its decline. (Patric's fault! :P)

Let a GM handle it. Let's see if he can do any better. If he can't I say let Trollsbane rot for a while until some balance and sense is brought back to these Powergaming players.

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Post by Llama »

Isn't this Trollsbane's IG problem? Why should it be solved by OOC?

Let trollsbane rot, let problems arise, let the people leave and go elsewhere, let them realise they may have liked it, and attempt to rebuild it.

I say, leave it, it'll sort itself out.
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Post by Nitram »

Juniper Onyx wrote:Let a GM handle it. Let's see if he can do any better.
Of cause not. If the gms take the leadership of Trollsbane it will rot for sure. Without any actions beside defending the town against huger attacks.

Its better in case the players are able to handle this, for sure.

I don't know what your point of view for and town is. Personally i really hate the situation of Trollsbane, since Lennier left his position and the towns council disappeared. While the council was working, there was something like a stable leadership.
I was really fine with this.

But now... its plain and simple nothing.
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Post by Juniper Onyx »

So Nitram,

Just my opinion, but:

How does one fix an IG RP problem? Like someone said, Trollsbane has been deteriorating for a RL year.

Wouldn't we like need a Quest character to come in and take leadership? I don't think anyone, but a Powergamed or Quest 'pushed' character could even come close to controlling Trollsbane. Sorry, but all the characters I've seen in the game just aren't up to the challenge to really turn Trollsbane around.

Maybe the GM's should discuss this, pick out your most qualified 'Player' and ask them if they'll lead a Quest Character to bring "Trollsbane" under control. Work 'with' your players to fix this problem. Give them the help they need to fix it. There are people who care, but sometimes the RP and all the Crap that goes on lately, just turns them away from even dealing with it. They're here to have fun, and getting involved in TB politics is Hell, not fun! Yopu need to find someone committed to deal with it.

If a player Government is truly better, I think a little "God" help might be the only thing to turn it around. I smell a possible Quest coming!

I would discusss this with your GM buddies and think of a solution. Asking the players to do it is like asking the Sun to stop in the Sky. It would be a miracle. Sorry, but I don't believe in miracles.
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Post by Fooser »

Juniper Onyx wrote: I remember the election now, especially how Samantha really ran and corrupted the whole process (C'mon, everyone knows you did Patric!).
Careful now, even if in jest, you might get accused of sabotaging the in-game atmosphere with comments like that.
Hadrian_Abela wrote:Isn't this Trollsbane's IG problem? Why should it be solved by OOC?
That's what I was wondering. Until a couple people misunderstood my comment about private building, and went on a rant about how I broke rules ... Then I realized they seriously think this is an OOC matter.
Nitram wrote: I don't know what your point of view for and town is. Personally i really hate the situation of Trollsbane, since Lennier left his position and the towns council disappeared. While the council was working, there was something like a stable leadership.
I was really fine with this.
I sense a Grey Rose bias here :wink:
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

I propose that Edward Cromwell should be pushed to the max and take over the TB leadership. Why? Why the hell not? It can't possibly get any worse.

Yesh, I have been drinking. Welcome back, PO Dusty. :wink: :P
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Post by Cuthalion »

Didn't read all this.. But I dont think a gm leaded TB would be that bad. Lead the other towns as well, and we might get some more real politics, wars, diplomacy, players who actually stay in the diferent towns etc.
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Post by Juniper Onyx »

Mr. Cromwell wrote: Yesh, I have been drinking. Welcome back, PO Dusty. :wink: :P
Haha!! I never left. Couldn't tell anyone because it might have affected OOC relationships, but who do you think has been playing Kurga all this time? I'll add her to my list in "meet the Players " now.

I'm not a great believer in Players separating PO feelings from Characters actions, so I always change forum accounts for various characters. Keep ya guessing who I am! Sorry, but I have seen it in this game time and again. Anonymity is sweet.

Haha!!! See you all soon!
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Post by Azuros »

I thought you had left in a rage...forgot over what though
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

Juniper Onyx wrote:
Mr. Cromwell wrote: Yesh, I have been drinking. Welcome back, PO Dusty. :wink: :P
Haha!! I never left. Couldn't tell anyone because it might have affected OOC relationships, but who do you think has been playing Kurga all this time? I'll add her to my list in "meet the Players " now.

I'm not a great believer in Players separating PO feelings from Characters actions, so I always change forum accounts for various characters. Keep ya guessing who I am! Sorry, but I have seen it in this game time and again. Anonymity is sweet.

Haha!!! See you all soon!
Goddamned bastard. Have fun and BRING DUSTY BACK! :P :wink:
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Post by Juniper Onyx »

Awwww, you made my day, thanks Cromwell. Glad to know Dusty was missed. Actually it was difficult not to respond before now to all the posts where people said they missed the little sausage eater. Thanks to everyone for that.

However, with the whole Kurga action, I need a break from leadership for a little while. I think if Dusty came back for the third time, he would just get swept up in politics again, even if I don't want to, it's his character. Don't expect to hear much about my next character. He's going to be a 'simple' person for a change. I need to stay away from leadership for a while, it's soooo stressful!

Only GM's and one friend know who I'll be. I just want to RP a non-chief for a while. There's too many now.

Maybe later, Dusty will return. Who knows?

But I tell you Merri and Tom are an excellent substitute, I'm proud of those two. I wouldn't want to steal their thunder.