Bloody elf

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Post by Avareniah »

Avareniah raises her eyebrows at the newcomer as she now stands at the bedside table, her medico supplies out. She stands quietly, in no rush as the man's bleeding seemed to have have stopped.

"Rhiannon did a good job, Caitlin" she says in her mind, speaking to her mentor.

She watches for the elf's reaction to the man, deciding her course of action would depend on that.
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Post by Alnerith Dencort »

The elf looks warily at the newcomer and looks questioningly at the young girl

Well i guess it couldn't do any harm....
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Post by Avareniah »

Avareniah looks from the patient now to the man who offered his help. She tucks some light brown hair behind a pointed ear, her moss-green eyes moving to take in every facial expression, every sign. It seemed obvious that neither knew her for a medico and the thought crossed her mind to introduce herself. However, after looking to Rhiannon she thought that maybe if the elf's wounds could be treated by this new man that she might get to speak to Rhiannon a moment. She smiles softly at the girl and waits to see how competent the new man seems to be with injuries.
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Post by Randolph Pintslayer »

Carefully he touches the wound, looking for the hints, where it could came from. He takes a look in the round, and recognizes the scepsis in the eyes of the woman behind him.

"Well, i am not a medico but i've seen many different wounds by different weapons, most of them on my own body. I can't help you to heal this wound, but maybe i can find out where it is coming from."

After he has finished the last sentence, he looks again at the woman waiting for her reaction in her eyes... He continues speaking still fixed on her:

"Maybe this would be helpful to find out what happened, don't you agree?"

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Post by Alnerith Dencort »

The wound of the elfs head is unlike most wounds it looks almost like a very deep human bite mark...
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Post by Jon Childs »

Xelfer Boxen walks down after being at the castle and notices the elf before saying

"What happened?"
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Post by Avareniah »

Avareniah looks about the crowded room, especially to the newcomer. Her green eyes flash with slight annoyance.

If you cannot heal or were not involved in the incident, could you please clear out? The patient does not need an audience, nor do I.

She nods to the man examining the wound, encouraging him. Then she looks to the injured elf and whispers quietly and gently, expecting some of the people to leave.

Might you be able to remember enough to tell us what happened? It could help us with healing you.
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Post by Jon Childs »

Xelfer turns around and says in elvish

"Bah! Thanks for the public display"
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon watches the new man inspect the elf's wound, anxiety evident in her large, clear-gray eyes.

"I did the best I could," she says softly, "I hope I did allright."

She turns her gaze away, shyly, where it settles on the elfess Rhiannon knows is called Avareniah, but hasn't spoken to at length. She blushes and nods an attempt at a shy hello. There is something about this pretty elfess that gives her a very warm feeling inside; it reminds her of the feeling she used to get when Arynne was in her mind, comforting her, or when Caitlin was stroking her hair and singing her to sleep. She takes in the way the elfess is dressed, the way she carries herself, and her apparent expertise at the medicinal arts. She smiles inside to herself, an explanation occuring to her.

A druid. She must be a druid. That is why she feels warm, and alive.

Not wanting the elfess to catch her staring, Rhiannon lowers her eyes to the floor and scuffs her foot awkwardly.
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Post by Avareniah »

Her elven ears pick up Rhiannon's soft words and Avareniah smiles, first to herself then to the girl. She smiles gently as she realizes the girl is trying to say hello. Avareniah walks softly, as always, to the girl and kneels in front front of her.

Hello, Rhiannon. My name is Avareniah Igdrasil. It is a mouthful, I know, and you can call me Ava if it pleases you. I am a druid and medico - your mother was teaching me.

Avareniah smiles gently and holds her hand out to take the girl's. She speaks very quietly now, sincerity evident in her soft features.

You did a beautiful job, Rhiannon. Your best was more than enough. I believe you saved that man's life. I am very proud of you and I know your mother would be as well.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon lets the elfess take her hand, and then as she speaks a small smile begins to form, and when Avareniah mentions her mother, the little smile breaks into a full beaming one, a shine of innocent childhood showing through the heavy look in her gray eyes.

"Th...thanks, Avaren-- Ava," she says shyly, her voice still very soft, "Uhm..." she looks all around, trying to find words, and then back at the elfess. "Do you think, uhm... maybe..." she seems hesitant, shy.

Rhiannon thinks a moment, debating whether or not she should ask the question that is on the tip of her tongue. Feeling again the earthy warmth in Avareniah's spirit, Rhiannon ventures.

"Do you think, maybe, that you could help... could help me learn some of the...some of the things that my m- that Caitlin- never got to teach me?"

There is mingled mourning and hope in her eyes; to a clever person adept at reading people, it might be clear that Rhiannon is struggling between a feeling of guilt at daring to continue life after one so dear has passed away, a deep longing to see the loved one again, and the hope that perhaps not all is lost, after all.
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Post by Avareniah »

Avareniah gives the small girl's hand a gently squeeze and then let's her warm thumb stroke over the back of the girl's hand, a calming and encouraging gesture.
At the small girl's request, the elfess' face shadows slightly and recognition flashes in her eyes. She seems to realize the step that Rhiannon is taking and from her own experiences, her heart reaches to the girl. Avareniah smiles softly to the girl and nods. She whispers to Rhiannon, pride, hope, and promise in her earthy voice.

I will teach you all I can Rhiannon, as long as you promise to teach me too. I know that she is in you somewhere, parts of her and the love she gave to you. I will teach you of flowers and broken bones, of you teach me of the warmth and compassion I know you hold.
Avareniah watches the girl's face with green eyes full of care, protection, and warmth. Her pink lips are set in a smile as she awaits the girl's reaction.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon nods delicately and whispers very softly

"I know it must be in there somewhere, the gift of love from her. It's just that it gets buried; it gets buried with fear and doubt, and with all the mistakes I know I am making."

The young girl's face reflects a deep worry: but about what?

"I know the gifts she gave me are somewhere in my heart still, but sometimes I am too afraid to look for them, because I am afraid remembering her will make me sad again...But it seems I can't help it. I... I felt today, that she was over my shoulder, whispering in my ear and telling me what to do, when I helped that elf. I... I think I've been trying to ignore her voice, so that I wouldn't feel the pain, but today I felt she was there, and I'm sad, but not so sad that I can't go on, I think..."

The girl shakes her head and sighs, clearing her thoughts "I'm sorry... what I mean to say is, I will try very hard to teach you that, once i learn it myself." She smiles softly, shyly.
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Post by Randolph Pintslayer »

The man, seems not very touched of this meeting between the elf and the young woman. He just shake his head lightly and moumbles:

"Could we please come back to the point"

His eyes are still fixed on the injured elv, concentraded thinking about a reason for that what he sees. As he takes a short dark look at the elv.. then his eyes turned back to the wound. He starts to speak, actually it's more some kind of moumbling, slow with his deep voice in a low volume, to make sure that everyone must pay all attention in listening to hear his words...

"This is a strange kind of wound it seems like a bite or, but it doesn't come from an anima, this looks familiar to my teeth. But i don't like elv meat, hehe,... ah. However, ye should maybe look for poison in the injury, Medico... That could be the reason for his amnesia. And never, serious, never let him alone, until we know if the eventuell poison has any other ability.. could be that he is changing his personality, from one second to the other, if it's that kind of bite, what i am thinkin' of...."

The man gets up, moving without a look at any person in the room, to a bed in a corner. He sits down and picks a pipe and a small wooden tabacco box out of his bag. He starts to fill his pipe still don't look at anybody. His face don't shows any emotion, but his mind still reask the same question:

'Could it really be....? Could it really be...? ......
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Post by Falcon »

The mask man still stands in the corner, watching them with his mask covering most of his face. Those that have seen him before would now notice his headband is missing, allthough it may be found upon someone else. He watches the scene with his all seeing eyes, Listening to rhi's words especially. He knew he would have to talk with rhi later about it. But now is not the time, she must focus on whats infront of her. He merely keeps a steady eye on them, but an ever constant ear on the surroundings.
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