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Post by .Rhiannon. »

((This will be continued IG as soon as the server goes back up))

Rhiannon stands at the window of the tavern, ignoring the bustle of people behind her. She gazes out at the rain, now slowed to a drizzle. After a few minutes, with a sigh, she slips quietly out the back door and clims over the hedge. She wanders aimlessly around town, thinking.

I want them to care. I don't want them to care. I just don't know.

I wish i could talk to Aokan. He always makes things make sense. But I told him to forget about me.

She sighs and keeps walking, her backpack resting on her shoulders, her hair still hanging damply about her face, out of its ponytail.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

A cloaked man waits by the Inn. Upon Rhiannon comming to the area, he pulls her into the shadows and with great strength slammed her again the wall, his intentions to knock her out.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon's tiny frame is easily dragged and after already suffering injuries that day, she is knocked unconcious, before she can utter more than a frightened gasp.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

He looks at the body, amazed, he mumbles to himself
On my journey to teach children manners, and i come across you, my precious jewl? Hehehe. Time to strict you up, and put you back were you belong.

he shoves the body into a filthy coal bag and heaves it over his shoulder, he walks out of town. Going deeper and deeper into the forest
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon awakes later on, opening her eyes groggily.

"Wh..where am I.." She looks around frantically, hand rushing to the hilt of her rainbow sword.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

They are in the forest, Rhiannon is tied tightly to a tree, and a book is in the mans hands, along with a half eaten apple.
He looks up, and closes the book.

Aww.. How cute. Little Rhiannon is awake. Do you feel good about yourself? Carring around a big.. horribly colored.. sword? Then you write little storys about how horrible i am. Didnt i raise you better then this?

He growls, throwing the book to the ground.
Im going to make sure you dont remember this isle. You dont remember those little runt friends of yours, and furthermore, you dont remember yourself or your past.

He takes out a large branch, tho the rainbow sword is strapped to his back
You dont think, id be stupid enough to leave you with a wepon, do you?

((edited to realism))
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon's gray eyes widen in fear and recognition.

"You...Anither said he killed you. "

Rhiannon's courage seems to have grown since that day about a year ago when she stole his copper and fled his house.

"You can't hurt me anymore. I won't let you."

She struggles against the ropes tying her, glaring at him with more courage than she ever had before.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

He sighs and twaps her with the branch
Please. Anither?

He hits her again
He is about as dumb as he was when he left.

He attacks three more times, each growing in strength
False hope, i guess that is enjoyable.

The muscels of the drunken oaf buldge, he punches at her stomach
And i seen you've grown more attached to your stupid fairy tales. Rhiannon the warrior, PAH! I will knock your head off if i feel like it, and no imagination will save you then. You better hope THESE bruises heal too. I dont want the neighbors to get all in my buisness again!

He grows more intese, the brutal beating continues
I have a question tho. Who is this Rhiannon Fayed. You have disgraced your family name? WHO THE HELL IS FAYED?

With that, he lunges and punches at her, using momentem to help increase pain
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon closes her eyes, bravely taking each blow. It was like the old times... If she just kept quiet, it would stop...

Wouldn't it?

As a blow lands her stomach she can feel her carefully repaired ribs breaking again. She thinks dimly that she will be imagining a lot of unicorns for Caitlin, as her mind starts to retreat, letting her body take the brunt of the blow as always before.
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Post by Caitlin Fergus »

Caitlin tilts her head slowly as the door of the seahorse room opens. It's Pendar entering. She smiles a little as she eyes him and looks at the door for Rhiannon to enter as well, but no one follows.

"Pendar... where is Rhiannon?"

Her looks gets seriously concerned, remembering the writings at the wall.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

Ugg. You have brought me oh so much joy as a baby, now this? There is a diffrence now, i want answers.

He takes the rainbow sword, and points it at her throat
This is just the threat. I will make it much slower then this, rest assured.
Now. Who is Rhiannon FAYED.

He growls, the beer infested breath reaching her nostrils
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon's eyes open again. Her mind snaps back to reality as the cold metal touches her soft neck.

"That...is my name..." she whispers, "I was... adopted... after I left. My new Daddy...will kill you for this. You better let me go now..."

She speaks with as much confidence as she can, but her eyes are wide with terror; a hint of the terror she had carried with her all the first 12 years of her life.
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Post by Pendar »

She was just on her way....I only stopped for a moment

He smiles reasureingly at the lady in bed,
You rest my heart i will find the child,
Turning on his heel he leaves the seahorse unwilling to indulge the worry in his guy as he picks up his pace as he begins hasty search of town.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

He leans over slowly, and in a dark.. deep.. stern voice he utters:
You. Got adopted?
Exsplain to me what shitfaced parents would adopt you in the first place, and then tell me why you wanted to get adopted. Was your life not fine at the farm? I gave you food and bed, but then you run away.

Be warned girl, the ship is comming to take us both back to the farm land. And if i do not see exeptional improvement in your behavior, i will tell the concil you were killing pigs with witchcraft. I would be more then happy to see you burn.

He lowers the sword to his stomach, and slowly starts to apply presure, tho not enough to completly breack the skin.
Why shouldent i kill you, right now? and save you the trouble of going through hell with me the next 8 years of your life?
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon thinks, trying not to show her fear. Always before, it was a simple game with him. Let him have his fun, agree with whatever he said, keep her mouth shut as best she could.

But... she could not bring herself to do it anymore. A voice in her mind told her 'This is wring. You should not be treated like this'.

"They adopted me... because they care about me," her eyes tear up, "And I care about them. Just let me go back home to them. Please."
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

What have i said about talking when im talking to you!

They must not be good parnets. It is amazing, you dont follow my philosophy, and yet you get landed with me, again.

He applys more pressure, slowly blood starts to dribble onto her shirt.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon forces her breathing to slow, and calms her face with utmost effort.

Not again, he cannot win this time. Not this time.

She forces herself not to speak anymore, and merely nods, forcing a look of meek submission onto her face. In his drunken state she hoped he would accept this as victory for now...
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

He takes the sword out. A smirk growing across his face
I belive you now know what happens to run aways.
He glares at her, but takes a Donf Blade and smears it across the back of a paper note. He gives it to a bird, it flys and drops it infront of the shop.. it floats down and onto the door of the shop.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon merely nods in dull agreement, knowing it is the response he expects. She watches subtly the level of the drink in his hand falling lower and lower as he continues to take swigs of it.

It cannot be too much longer before he passes out, and then I can have some time to think... He always passes out when he gets like this. I just hope... just hope that I can last that long. And that I can think of... something.

She tries to send her mind away, to a land of unicorns and pirates.

Somehow in her thoughts, she sees herself riding a unicorn, like the one Capus drew her on. Emily rides another one, and Mortanyia too. In her mind's eye, she sees Capus as well, trotting along after one of the unicorns, laughingly tossing an apple from one hand to the other. In her mind as well, she sees Danny, his face glowing with mischeif 'Come on, guys,' she imagines him saying, 'There is a pirate ship just this way...' Even through her pain, Rhiannon feels a small spark of joy on the back of her mind.

Pirate ship. Aokan. Wasn't that where she first spoke with him?

She had a dim fantasy that somehow. thinking about Aokan would bring him there.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

He starts to stagger a bit. and soon passes out. But, even in sleep he is of no comfort to Rhiannon.
Ugg.. Damn women.. stay dead.. I promise.. take good care.. of rhiannon..
He mumbles under his snores.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon's mind continues to wander, and at first she is not even alltogether aware of the fact that he has begun to sleep. She still pictures beautiful scenes in her head; It was the way Caitlin had taught her to block out the pain. She imagines a beautiful spring day...Pendar and Caitlin's wedding. Caitlin is in a beautiful gown, Pendar looks as handsome as can be... She sees herself, watching them, everyone aglow with happiness. In her mind, too, for some reason she sees Danny, smiling next to her, a mischeivous grin on his face. 'Let's go steal some cake, Rhiannon' she imagines him saying through a grin, and she almost laughs aloud at the delightful grin on his young face, and the love and joy reflected in Pendar and Caitlin's eyes, both for each other, and their unborn son, and for Rhiannon herself.

A loud snore from the man on the ground jolts Rhiannon's mind back to reality. She shakes her head, groaning inwardly at the pain in her stomach. It hurts where the ropes have cut into her skin as well. She stares with wide gray eyes at the spot where the man collapsed on the ground, then takes a deep breath.

'Rhiannon the warrior,' she tells herself, gritting her teeth.

Then, so silently and slowly, she strains her hands against the ties and manages, after several minutes, to slide her fingers into a hidden pocket on her belt. She gropes, strainging to make her fingers reach despite the ties. At last, she awkwardly grips the handle of an old dagger between two fingers. Once, twice, it starts to slip and she fumbles desperately to keep hold of it. At last, strainging with the effort, very much aware of the pain in her stomach from the wound, she bends her wrist sideways, still holding the dagger, and starts slicing at the ropes... The dagger is old and dull and takes a long time to cut. FInally, one wrist is free. She reaches across, her weight now hanging awkwardly in the ties, and starts cutting the rope at the other wrist, as silently as she can. Her eyes fix on the hilt of the dagger, remembering how Aokan had given it to her long ago. It had been her first blade. She had stowed it on her belt, more as a memento of her friendship with Aokan than anything else. Now, it looked as though, through the dagger, Aokan might be saving her life one more time.

At last, the second wrope snaps and she leans down, hacking frantically at the ropes that bind her ankles, no longer caring for noise. Her 'father' gives a loud, obnoxious snore, and she works more frantically... The way she is bent over causes her stomach to bleed more heavily. Tears run down her face as she hacks at the bindings over and over. Finally, they loosen and she staggers to the ground, then grabs her sword, forgotten at his side, in one hand and Aokan's dagger in the other. She begins to run, but it is more of a stagger, her stomach bleding quite badly now.

"Help me... Someone, please help me," she calls out weakly before collapsing.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

At the sound of a snap, the man grabs her ankle and pulls her down
You didnt think.. id let someone as smart as you go.. ugg. unprotected?

he smirks as he grips a spiky mace and rams it into her arm
Do you not see what happens to run aways?
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Desperately, Rhiannon thrusts the sword up, hacking at his ankles with a near-feverish fervor.

"Not again.. Not again.. HELP ME!" she screams out, slashing at him with all her strength, using her blows to keep him at bay if nothing else.
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Post by Anarchist »

Anither continues running still unsure why following only the feeling in his stomach that he knew meant Rhiannon was in seriouse danger. He had managed to suppress it for a while, but no longer can he manage to do it and so he runs amlessly into the wood. Then he hears it. Rhiannon calling for help. With his bow in his hand Anither runs toward her forgetting the pain in his side. As he arrives he sees a man attack rhiannon with a mace. Drawing his bow he calls loudly.
"Big mistake Fool!" and with that realeases a carefully aimedd arrow at the mans abdomin.
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Post by Sylathen »

After Sylathen posts the notes he turns and holds out his forearm for a large bird to land on. he speaks to it softly in lizard tounges stroking its plumage

"Now, Slzar, listen to me. This is the top of my list, search the woods to the east and south east for the Girl Rhiannon you met, if you see her please come and find me, ill be searching also, i will not let another die in my presence. got it?

The bird gives a small caw and takes off his arm.

"now, to find them as quick as i can.."

he whispers in lizard:
"be safe rhi, i am coming, Zelphia, protect her!"
He runs out of the east gate of trollsbane at full spead.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

he growls

He lifts her up by the ankle. He stands taller then 6 feet.
You are cuasing me too much trouble.

He uses his mace and rams her in the stomach twice, and slashes her face. a cut runs from his forhead to her lip. He finishes the fight off my kneeing her, and tossing her to the side. He wobbles her to a tree, which he leans on.

I leave you for dead. Im going to sit here, and watch you CRAWL into town like the rat you are. If you want, go back to your shitfaced parents. But, you might just drop dead while going there. Unless you want to die of blood loss, youd better come with me. I have bandages.

So what do you want to do Rhiannon?
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Post by Caitlin Fergus »

((okay, sorry for ooc interuption but I slowly think you get too violent. Also you use too much forced rp for my taste. I ask your for editing))
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon falls weakly, then tries to raise herself up from the ground, her arms shaking weakly. She pushes herself along the forest floor agaonizingly slowly, an inch a minute, gritting her teeth against the pain. She grows dizzy with each movement.
Last edited by .Rhiannon. on Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

((Caitlin, this has been planned out.))
((also, gah. too much going on..))

the man looks at him with a grin
Arrows do little to a shield.
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Post by Annouyed Poster »

((Anarchist, you still there?))
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