New Orc Attack

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New Orc Attack

Post by falco1029 »

((in an OOC note, Kaja, attacked right after being revived from the cross which i believe is against the rules. EDIT: I also hear this isnt the first time he's done that))

Today several skulls attacked trollsbane, against the treaty.

First, Kaja came into town, against it, and demanded to be let into the shop, and had an orcess with him, that I did not recognizem whos description I can give best as ((64***)). Anyway, after being refused, he pushed the gaurds back and went in anyway.The orcess blocked the gaurds from getting in there, and eventually began pushing them out of the way to let kaja through. Despite many warnings they persisted and a battle started. In the end both Kaja and the orcess were slain. Kaja came back, with Gorge, demanding for Kaja's things. When they were refused they attacked again, and both Pendar and Garett were slain, as well as kaja. Gorge then started killing innocent townsfolk looking for the few things of kaja's he didnt get from pendar and Garett. After getting some various things, he ran away, we think back to the skull cave. This is a massive violation of the treaty that i was told was signed.

On a seperate note to Varshikar: During the first attack, I began helping the gaurds with kaja and the orcess after the orcess attacked me. Later then gorge attacked me, i ran, gorge being way too strong for me. I told him that He shouldn't be attacking me, since I was a citizen of Varshikar, and hadnt done anything to him (and did nothign wrong to Kaja or the orcess since it was self defense) and he replied saying, and I quote, "har! me nub care! Varshikar weak!". Obviously Varshikar's friendship isn't important to the skulls. I am hoping that Varhikar will, at the least, not have a friendshipo with the skulls any longer. I of course dont have the power to declare that myself.

In conclusion, a simple i told you so from the people who didnt think the skulls would honor the treaty isnt enough, and i do hope that proper measures are taken.

-Ules Felko
Last edited by falco1029 on Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GorgeBloodstench »

Yoo stoopid liar. Me nub say Varshikar weak. Unquoted me yoo did

Secondly, da guards attacked me so me jus defend self. Dey kill Kaja twice toos,

I nub get da stuff. Someone tooks it all, cuz me was chasin' a halfler that was attackin' me with a war axe.

I nub kill anybody but da two guards, even dough me use axe on all dat attack or stole stuffs.

Da halfler took der stuff, so da guards can stil gets der stuff back.

All i gots was a helmet.
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Post by Cylyan Fleam »

Again, I did NOT steal the orcs things.

After stumbling onto the fight, I tried to help by healing.

You then turned on me, and I tried to run away.

When cornered, I drew my war-axe, and tried to defend myself the best I could.
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Post by Fooser »

How many times has it been now since the treaty that there are bloodskulls running into town causing havoc? Not the other day Kaja was pushing and kicking Sideon, who, depsite these violent acts, did not strike back in any manner, then this.

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Post by GorgeBloodstench »

I tell da Truth. I nub killed innocent, only attackedted dem cuz dey stole da stuff.

Stumpy, yoo was attackin' me, nub lie.

An' as for da treaty, we never signed it.

Uhhh, me nub attack town, me defend self. Me go help kaja leave and da guards attacked me, so it nub my fault dat dey died. Dey could have run, but instead dey kept attacki'n like fools.

Anyways I nub care if dey die more or nub, me nub even care bout stuff no more....

I jus want sleep in cave. So stop talkin' bout it

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Post by Garett Gwenour »

The Bloodskulls Shaman Kaja Wolfagen was seen walking through town. Pendar and myself were the only town guards awake and we took it upon ourselves to see to it the Shaman left the town immediately because as always it seems the orcs were violating the treaty they signed.
But Kaja did not leave and when a female orcess like the one Ules Felko described showed up this only seemed to fuel Kaja's resolve. I told Kaja to leave town a dozen times, he instead he threatened Pendar and I with magic and certain death.
He wanted into the shop so he could take things from Sam. I told him he would not go into the shop and he would not buy items that were ment for the lawabiding towns people. Instead he shoved me out of the way and laughed in my face.
His orcess also decided it best to push him and keep me out of the shop entrance. By now there were many citizens watches and if they saw the Bloodskulls violating the treaty and pushing the towns guard and laughing at our threats, how could they possibly feel safe with us watching the walls while they slept. So I took the step to warn if they touched me again I would attack.
The Orcess threw me and I would not let them see the town guard as a joke. They put up a weak resistance but the majority of the citizens around the shop entrance helped in the slaying of the orcs.
Then Kaja Wolfagen came back and Gorge Bloodsteench showed up. Gorge demanded the items the two orcs had lost, I refused saying I hardly had anything in the first place and that the orcs would not give back what we would have lost if the positions were reversed.
Kaja paralized me first and Gorge began hacking at me paralized body. Malachin was with me tho and I broke free of the paralisis to slay Kaja and face Gorge with Pendar. Unfortunetly niether of us were at the level to face the beast and were both slain.
Pendar and I recovered at the cross when a halfling by the name of Cylyan came saying the orc was attacking everyone and was out of his mind. I knew Pendar and I would have to be the ones to stop him, we could not let Gorge kill the poor civilians in the town that could not defend themselves.
So we went to the depot near the cross only to find Gorge there, he attacked the halfling Cylyan, (he stayed with us for fear of us life). I got between the two to be slain by Gorge again.
Fortunetly there were no deaths on our side besides Pendar and myself. However, there were many accounts of Gorge either attacking or attempting to attack the innocents who live in town.
Concerning whoever picked up the items that Gorge claims he did not, I have heard that a man named Surkin who shows no love for the town guard did much of the looting.
To all the townspeople who were hurt or threatened because I could not stop the beast, I beg your forgiveness.

Garett Gwenour
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Post by Grutok Corad »

Me jus wanna know one ting...when dis us skulls sign dis nub hears of any treatys of anys me wants to sees dis treaty signed by da chief is dats who yub says signed fights fer all me broders but me nub follows rules dat one socalled skulls signed if it not da chief.

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Post by Lorck »

The skulls have not signed any treaty to me knowledge, and so therefor we are still at war. You want ter say we break a phantom treaty we have never signed, go ahead. Know dis, if a skull wants to be in town, such as our elder shaman, den beware all doess who try stop him. I have not killed guards in many days, fought a few times out of town yes. If yer wants to know what an attack is on yer town, I would be happy ter rally me bruddas and show you.

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Post by GorgeBloodstench »

We nub signed treaty dat dey say we did.

Alsos, dat nub what exactly what hapen.. Orcess come to cave and ask fer help, so me run to help kaja, and den dey attack us...
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Post by falco1029 »

Again, you lie! You attacked first! You threatened! Do not act as if you were defending yourself! The gaurds were trying to avoid conflict. You threw the first blow. you attacked many innocents. you are the villain here, not us! And concerning the treaty, if we're still at war, that's all the more reason that this shouldn't be ignored. And also, i did quote you exactly, we both know you said that, and there were people around, i was too busy running for my life to see who, but i know they were there. We have several witness accounts against you, your lies are not believed by anyone!

-Ules Felko
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Post by Grutok Corad »

Ules if yubs nub shut up wif yubs oomies fibbs mes will take dem as put dem up yer ass wit me axe. Skull is nub liers and if yub wonts to make bigger fool out of yer self dan yub alreays is den i suggest you leaves da safty of yer town, wich by da way is nub safe sense da Gurads attack Kaja and Gorge, Den pleaze do's it.

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Post by falco1029 »

You may believe your skulls, but I could care less. this message isnt to the skulls, it's to warn everyone else and to adress trollsbane and varshikar. Based on the witness acounts I am sure it will be realized who is telling the truth.

following a habbit done by the skulls, the signature is in Kajas burnt blood, though most wouldnt realize this

~Ules Felko
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Post by Lorck »


Yer a Varshikar citizen yub?
Stay out of skulls way if they are in town. Orcs never signed phantom treaty so not even try tink we break somting most skulls know little or notin bouts. Now i was not der and not know who start what, nor me care bout who throw first blow. If you want see attack ules....den as befor warrned me will show it to ya! I have no intention of attack, but if you keep pretendingn da skulls launched an attack on trols bane, i can show ya an attack. Most of innocents in trolls bane, none be ones i want kill, dont bring down da wrath of da bloodskulls.

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Post by falco1029 »


I indeed am, but since I WAS ATTACKED by a couple of the skulls I was obligated to defend myself, as you would do if a citizen of varshikar attacked you, am i right? As I said, the treaty I dont care about, it's just what I heard, whether you signed it or not, I do not really care, I merely state my opinion, and if I am to be killed for stating such, it shows even further the unthought brutality of the murderer. I do not seek a fight, rather I wish to avoid it. my nature tells me to state my opinon, and I veer from my nature to no one.

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Post by Lorck »

Grunts as he reads the message.

State yer opinion all ya want, it only borthers me when yer implicating me whole clan in da thing that happened dis day. Yer want avoid fights, den it be best fer you not ter accuse me bruddas of lying.

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Post by falco1029 »

I am implicating no such thing. If I say skulls I mean it because if a skull isnt punished for acting outside of skull agreements, that is a decision of the skulls and indirectly they all take responsibility. I only call people liars when it is obvious by sheer numbers against them that they are at least misinterpreting what happened.
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Post by Kasume »

I trust the words of Ules.
As you can see, the Skulls flock to this subject. If they had nothing to hide, as if it wasn't true. They wouldn't continue to write.

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Post by Pendar »

Well now,
The issue at hand is not so much the nature of todays events, although they are appauling. The issue at hand is actually certain members of the skulls entering town and seeking conflict.
Kaja, had you held your stubborn pride a moment longer and spoken with me I would have traded on your behalf while you waited out side. We would both be the happier for it. Clearly trading was actually a second objective with your first being a show of strength to further your ego.

Gorge, Once again if you wanted those items back perhaps spending a moment longer listening and one less swinging your axe would have yielded a search.Attacking of any inocent in trollsbane will not be tolerated and any time you wish to try such you will find my sword between you and them.

To any and all harmed today I apologise for my short falling and can only say all my effort will be focused towards making this right. Thank you to the many who extended the kindness of helping me requip myself, I am more than deeply moved by this.

lastly, I have strong reason to believe that garret and my equipment was looted by a bystander and not an orc. I also have some information that may well point me to this person. I appreciate it was chaose perhaps you didnt know who's gear you were picking up. Return the items in question."double axe and chainmail" and I will gladly assume that to.

in closeing if the only way certain members of the skulls can show there strength is to come into town when only a few or no guards are present and act as bullies. Then one has to wonder do we face hardend brave warriors or spoilt children in the midst of a temper tantrum cause some one said they cant play with eliza any more.

Pendar Fayed
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Post by Kaja Wolfagen »


Your write lies.

Perhaps you notice the guards stay silent about who attacked first.

Me and Orc goto shop. On way out of town slain.

Gorge return and request equipment.

Well no matter. It be done now. Ules shall see what it mean to be attacked by the skulls. If we attacked first. be less left than there was...

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Post by GorgeBloodstench »

Gorge said drop it. It nub be big deals...

But Ules might have wut comin' to him....

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Post by Durin Goldtooth »

Arrr! Rest assured, ye' orcs, that those responsible for attackin' an' killin' Pendar an' Garett will not go unpunished!

Ye'll feel great wrath down upon yerself! Arr don' come inter town neither!

~Durin Goldtooth of the Town Guard~
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Post by John Irenicus »

Actually you are not allowed to go to the shop, if you sign our proposal or not.
It was an attempt for peace, you should accept it.

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Post by Pendar »

(( Pendar walks up to the board and scans the notes quickly and frowns))

Any violence yesterday I was part of was my honest attempt to do my part as a member of the town guard for that I make no apologies.
How ever I also do not wish to speak above my station so let me now speak purely for myself.

Personally Kaja you have no business in town, I do not have to listen to your excuses or attempts to justify your actions. You come into town and lay a hand on any person in it you will find my sword in what ever capacity I wield it. You would not tolerate me making use of skull territory resources or to push one your clan in your cave. By your example I should walk into skull territory maybe do a little farming or wood cutting push your clan members around and be shocked when some one raises arms to me.
Enter town at your peril perhaps next time gorge wont be around to win back your honour.
Pendar Fayed

(( ooc note apologies to gorge for attacking him a second time yesterday when he was chaseing the halfling, The fact I bumped into him again some minutes later trying to kill the little guy was a hard call for what it is worth I had minimal armour and half health and saw it as buying the halfing time to escape. I will be more careful to stay out of the way in future))
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Post by Grutok Corad »

Harhar, Pender me dinks yub should stays out cause she already show yub whos stronger so yub better keep sword in sheath if yub knows wub good fer yub.

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Post by Kaine Lytecus »

The orcs, indeed, have attacked.

Kaja and some orc woman accompanying him entered Trollsbane, when, in the past, they were already told not to cross the borders. The guard was gracious enough to give him the opportunity to leave peacefully, but he and the orc woman shoved him aside and entered the general store without permission.

The guard finally used force, and they were finally wounded. Then, another orc entered town demanding the plunder the orcs dropped after being too wounded to carry it.

I feared for my safety, as did the townsfolk. Many were wounded.

I demand that justice is done immediately! These orcs clearly broke the terms, and are now crying like children after suffering the consequences.

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Post by falco1029 »

Kaja, I do not care if you think i lie or not, because I know i am being truthful, and will not listen to any more of your nonsense. You all know that what you did was wrong, no matter how you look at it. Or maybe as an example I will come to your home and demand every item ever taken from me by a skull, and then begin killing anyone weaker than I? Of course I will make sure no one my strength or stronger will be there, so that i wont die during my "heroic" efforts. Or perhaps i will just come into your cave and take some of your materials, then go get a stronger person if i am killed in my wrongdoing?

I also do not wish for any of your threats. if you wish to kill me out of pure unthought rage, then so be it, it wouldn't be the first time i was attacked out of no good reason by a skull.

-Ules Felko
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Post by Grutok Corad »

Ules if yub stays out of way and bisness nub skulls would take der axe or staff to yubs head but yub constantly is in da way. Me is tell yub now STAYS OUT OF SKULLS WAY.

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Post by falco1029 »

I have been mugged several times by skulls when i wa sjust walking around town, so don't try telling me it's my fault.

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Post by Grutok Corad »

Den mes advice runaway if yub cant takes a attack ors even being mugged cause me can tell yub dat da skulls is nub da only ting dat will dos dat know der is dark oomies dat wills cut yer throats faster than yub can turns round. It yer fault yub is weak and cants take its.

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Post by Kasume »

Ules is under my protection.
Be wise of what you say, orcs.

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