My adventure to The secret Cave - Danger

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My adventure to The secret Cave - Danger

Post by Dax »

Greetings Fellow Illarians!

It had happened a few days ago. Only now have I remebered it fully, for I had a terrible headace the last few days.
I had awakened feeling quite happy. Perhaps it was the smell in the air, it was finally spring! Things were changing all over Illarion!
It was such a nice day I decided to take a stroll along the river and so I did. I skipped rocks on the water as I passed by beautiful cherry and apple trees, it seemed they were popping up everywhere. Soon I came to a pleasant looking bridge. It's cobble stones echoed my footsteps and for a moment I mused about the idea of a troll hiding below waiting to pounce upon my like a spider and demand homeage. (hint to gods)
To might subtle dismay there was no troll and so I headed northeast to explore the thriving lands of Illarion.
I passed large expanses of sand fields and large boulders until over a hill I saw a beautiful statue of a cross against the skyline. Wondering who might have made such a thing I approached only to find myself within a maze of shrubs and bushes. Surely the maze would have confused a dwarf or halfling, but luckily I was just tall enough to see over the foilage finding my way to it's center.
Beneath the cross I found a bottle of wine, perhaps forgotten by a peasant giving homage, or maybe even a offering to the gods. I found it a terrible waste of wine and decided to have a bit for my travels, I was thirsty after all.
So I left the small maze and continued eastwards over the lands. Several times I had to end the life of ghouls as they seemed to want to come with me on my journey. Long last I came to a wall of boulders which blocked my way. Normally I may have continued on, but my curiousity got to me. I managed to peek through a crack and yes there was a small stretch of land on the otherside!
Several cuts and bruises later I managed to squeeze through a small crevice and was looking towards a cave along the shore. It might have been pleasant, aside from the many bones that littered it's entrance. Surely whatever lived there didn't like being bothered. Of course that's exactly why I crept closer. What could this thing be?
I unsheathed my sword with a smooth "HISS" keeping my shield at ready and snuck into the cave. The smell was overpowering and heavy breathing was ahead. It wouldn't be long now. I stepped around the corner into an opening in the cave. needless to say this wasn't a good thing especially considering the beast that was staring at him.
The Demon was huge! His skin seemed to glow a brillaint red and it's eyes were evil. The beast attacked, my shield nearly buckled under it's power. Despite my constant efforts I couldn't get in a single blow. Each time I moved to stick the beast he'd smash me back with a bone shattering blow nearly causing my knee's to buckle. His claws sank into my shoulder and spun me around. I desperately rolled to get out of his reach just as his fist shook the ground where I had been.
I turned to run for my life seeing, despite my skills, I was no match for the Demon alone. That was my fatal mistake and when everything went black.

The next thing I know I awake sore as all heck in my room. To this day I'm not sure how I had gotten there. Perhaps a brave soul had rescued me.. or the gods had spared me.

Whatever the reason I am here, that I know. One day I will travel back to the Sea Cave beyond the wall and destroy the Demon. Perhaps next time though, I won't be alone.
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My adventure to The secret Cave

Post by Galdriel »

IF you do, i will gladly accompany you.

the tale sounds awesome and needs further investigation.

as to, what nature is this creature you met, how came it to be there, and if its evil,  does it spread its evil, or is it savely captured in this cave you mentioned.

I have heard rumors, that he has some servants wandering the surrounding regions,  but who knows.

(Edited by Galdriel at 12:18 am on April 13, 2001)
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My adventure to The secret Cave

Post by Novus »

I, too, am curious about this red demon.  I have never been in the cave long enough to study him.  If you see me the next time you go to the cave, I'll go with you.

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My adventure to The secret Cave

Post by Dax »

It will be good to have friends some.

I hear of tales of a rott work in the area. Anything they touch decays and dies in a matter of seconds, so be very careful.
Taun Kahartuum
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My adventure to The secret Cave

Post by Taun Kahartuum »

The tales tell that the demon can only be killed by a creature of pure heart and with the ability to sing the song of the Lost Sea...

Damn, I know the song, and i always thaought that my heart is pure...but I failed.

The demon grinned and opened a bloody gap in my flesh. Deadly wounded i tumbled...crawled to the cross of mercy...only to hear his dark laughter just inside my head...for days:

"Poor bard...think a human song can weaken a demons easy to betray...ahhaha"

Oh...Im a fool, Taun
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My adventure to The secret Cave

Post by Dax »

Taun my friend,

I hope you recover well. The tales can not be true, for I ventured back and through much effort managed to destroy the Demon. Soon after unfortunately I had to flee seeming that he had more friends.

I am far from Pure of Heart, but I am determined. Hopefully together one day we can grow strong enough to not slay one, but many of the Demon infestations.
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