Der Tempel von Zelphia / The Temple of Zelphia

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Val De Gausse
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Post by Val De Gausse »

We will kill you for this, like we did with Konstantin Khavanskii.

Odd shukk...when Athian was confronting you, you said that you killed Konstatin because he attacked you. you said it was for protection not for bounty!
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Post by Athian »

No worries Val, Shukk is a liar and a coward. she even said that i was a part of the movement but as you and i both know the only reason i was going to slay Shukk was because she killed Konstantin. of course her story changed to it being becasue i was in the Movement. and even you know that is not true, as do many others. This cowrdaly Liazard is nothign to fear, she hieds in crowds and behind the axe's of dwarves who know no better. but be Sure Shukk on more false claim about myself and you will die my my flame, call it cowardly if you must but i care not what you think, after all you are quite dull of wit. Watch yourself, so called friend.

Athian Corulas
Of the Seeker Council
Toshkan R.
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Post by Toshkan R. »

Da erzählt mal wieder eine gehörigen Kuhmist, aber was erwartet man auch von Athian, Movement und Co?
Ich hoffe, die werden alle erhängt oder umgebracht, dann hab' ich endlich wieder Arbeit, auch wenn's nur so armselige Affen sind.

- Nakosh
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Post by Shukk »

I announce officially, that I, Shukk Shaah Shenosss, are leaving the Temple of Zshhelpheeyarrr, since my task is done.

When I've commited a crime to the holy goddess i got the job to defend the temple for one year with my life as punishment. My time is over and i'm free again.

It was a hard time.

Shukk Shaah Shenosss
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Post by Nilo »

Nilo, upon seeing the heading of the post, writes on a parchment under it, without even reading the other posts.

Dearest Shukk,
If you start a Zelphia temple thing, that would be grand. The Farmer's Union needs a Zephia Priest to do a ceremony for us. If there are any, please contact me. THanks!
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Post by Shukk »

I, Shukk Shaah Shenosss, former Templeguard, now Guardian of the northern Castleruins, announce that since Gnarr left the island for longer time, i am the new leader of the temple.

The temple of Zshhelpheeyarrr still is active; the new religious leader is now Shukk Shaah Shenosss, defeater of Darlok, and follower of her holy goddess.

The priest by my side is Sassetikal Shenosss.

I also announce that no one is allowed to enter the cellar in the ruins of Northerot. Whoever breaks into there, trying to get contact to Darloks and other evil souls roaming around there will die a painful dead and be doomed forever. And even if you can escape, Zshhelpheeyarrr's and the Temple's wrath will punish you.

Shukk Shaah Shenosss
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Zeshyr is an thief

Post by Aryllis »

Sadly..i must announce that the Priest Zeshyr is a thief. He has a valuable item stolen from me by an trade between Athian Corulas and me in the city of Trolls Bane. To prevent much more image losses to the shrine of Zelphia i beg to punish this so called monk. He is a shame to Zelphia. A trial is requested. I hope he will suffer his punishment and go in the jail.

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Post by Zeshyrr »

Aryllis I forgave you your crimes against me because you apologized at the time for your crimes and promised never to commit such crimes again. Why do you now go with lies to trick the public? Now that I see that you did not really change your ways at all I will have to take further steps.

Aryllis you know in your heart what you did was wrong. I was trying to give an antidote to a poisoned person when you attacked me in the town with paralyzing spells in the first when I had done you no harm. Even at that time because I am of a peaceful nature I did not immediately retaliate. I only told you to stop. You did not stop instead you attacked me again with another spell. In all my years nobody has ever assaulted me violently like this before.

When you did not stop with your spell attacks I hit you once with my claws instead of my weapon so you would not die. I could have killed you but I did not. What did you do? You threatened to hunt me and kill me. At this time because I did never wanted to fight with you in the first I left the scene.

Later on I met you again and you tried to kill me to carry out your threat. You burned me with the fires and this was when I struck you down. To prevent you from committing more violent crimes I took away your wand. I promised to give it back as soon as you showed signs of having learned to live in the peace.

This was when you said sorry to me and promised to not use your spells violently to hurt the innocent. We had a talk and Athian even gave you a lecture about not using your spells boastfully. I was going to give the wand back to you today but now I see this can not be done because you have not changed at all.

Aryllis you are a shame to Eldan. A true monk does not resort to violence until absolutely necessary but you showed none of this in my view. I think you are no monk but only another power hungry killer. Your actions showed me you are uncontrollable, violent and bloodthirsty. You are the one that needs to spend some time in the jail.

I never in my life met such a person like you who had such conflict with me. I am no priest of the temple only a mere monk but I can tell you that the way you are going with lies and violence will end in no good.

Athian Corulas was present during these events and I request his testament.

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Post by Aryllis »

Zeshyr..the lier are you. We have some trouble, right. The encounter in the town between me and you was the reason for this Trial. You hunt after Maj with the words you will kill her und eat her. She yells for help. Me hear this and come to help her. I say twotimes to you stop your hunt. But you will not hear. Then i paralyzed you to stop you and give Maj the chance to escape. This happen all in Town. Then after your Paralizing we talk. You say to me i shall not Paralyze you and start the hunt again. I paralyzed you the second. And say stop this. Then YOU ATTACKED ME !!! At this moment i have the chance to kill you..remember. But only i say stop this or i will kill you. Then you go away. Later in the evening happen this Case with Athian. We are in Town again. Athian give me back my things and you grab the wand. What give you the right to do this? We are in Town and we have no reason to fight. We can talk there about the case. But all you want is to kill me. You say come outside. Me goes outside. You say cast on me. Me cast on you some weak spells. Then you kill me without some resistence from me. All i want is my Wand back. You keep them and tell me something about iam bloodthirsty and such stuff.

I ask you: What give you the right to grab my wand and keep him?

How can i be a bloodthirsty guy which will only show power when you kill me without resistence?

Who is here bloodthirsty and violent?

Think about that. If you have a rest of Fairnes and justice then you must say iam right.

Amd the thing with the antidote i have not noticed that. i saw only your hunt and hear the screams for help from Maj.

And as monk Eldans ist my duty to help.

Anyway..with the grabbing and keeping of the wand you are a thief without honor. Thats all what i can say.

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Post by Athian »

Well this is quite entertaining. Regardless lets just bring this to an end. whatever misunderstanding that happen prior to my arrival played itself out that night. Aryllis, You should know better then to go casting your spells as such, some would say i'm the last one to give that Advice, but i Admitidly am and am proud to be a Warlock and our standards are quite different. From what it sounds like that morning you tried to play the hero and solve a Conflict that could have been easily solved with words, being that there was no direct confrontation between you and Zesh, instead you chose to use a show of force to get your message Across. Not a bad plan, when you are willing to take the consquences of what you do and in this case your consquences were quite high. The simple fact is that there is really nothing to be done in this situation, said events that happened happened outside of town and for those that are said to be inside the town neither of you are the so called 'victim' of any crime other then not getting along at the time. So at the only thing to be done it to talk things out and make amends and if you cannot. simply leave one another alone from now on else there will end up being a repeat of this same preformance again and again. these are my thoughts on the matter.

Athian Corulas
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Post by Aryllis »

Athian..Zesh grab the wand IN TOWN....

Thievery is Thievery. He has no right to grab the wand and keep him....

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Post by Zeshyrr »

Aryllis you attack me IN TOWN with magic...

Attack is attack. You have no right to attack me just because you know some spells...

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Post by Aryllis »

Zesh.. i say stop and you hunt maj and will not stop.

Me use the paralyze spell to stop you..this is no spell wich hurt you

Where is the attack? Think a little bit.......

And you attack me and hurt me..who is the attacker? Who has wounds? You

or me? You are the Bloodthirsty in this case...and a thief without honor....
Last edited by Aryllis on Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Moskher Heszche
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Post by Moskher Heszche »

As much as I didn't want to get involved with any of this. It is just as illegal to cast spells on people in town as it is to steal a wand. Perhaps you both should chalk what happened up to a learning experience.

-Moskher Heszche