A neatly written parchment...

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A neatly written parchment...

Post by Kasume »

Today, within the shops of Eliza, I was attempted to be killed. By the names of Mia Handur, Shandariel el Lysanthrai, Sideon Vilarion, and a boy named Rith Orion. Quite a bunch you would say. All seemed to be friends with one another.

Although, I of course ran into problems.
It began when I was simply talking to them. They accused me of acting "strangely." That I wasn't acting normal. Tortured me with their horrible music. As I tried leaving the shop. But their friend, Sideon, kept me from leaving. Soon, they chased me. Around the shop they chased me. Rith, the boy, came from the entrance as we were running in the back. He was told by Mia to detain me. To grab me, so that they could do their bidding. As he followed with my words making no affect towards him. He grabbed me, and soon followed the other three. Pushing me against the back wall of the shop, near the depots, they threatened me with their hammers and axes. Along with swords. Grabbing my hands keeping me still. Eventually, they knocked me around with a warhammer of Rith's. I played my knock out, as the hit wasn't very impactable when wearing a full gaurded helmet, also new; so it made a huge first time dent (which was replaced thankfully). They tried shoving a substance that I was not familiar with either. The color was unnoticable and I couldn't make out with my very light squinting to see bits and peices. The water drained down my throat, and I gagged. I could not help myself. Pulling up I pushed Shandariel out of the way and Mia to her back. The two men grabbed my arms and kept me still. The two women returned and I asked for Shandarial to move. As Rith went on about how great his skills were, and how he would kill me if I said another word, I was going to take care of this trouble maker. This insultant. And show him a bit of what he deserved. A good smacking. Although, he ran when I moved near him. Running to his depot to grab his poison potions. And soon after, I felt the cold hands on my neck, attempting to poison me. I quickly reacted and forced his hands away, breaking free, and turning around to strike him for his ruthless attack towards me. He began running. And he ran from side to side of the shop. Eventually I slew him.

They kept mentioning my eyes, and when I showed them my eyes, they left at the end. Calling me a madman. Insane, and a fool. When I had done nothing wrong. At all. They will try telling you their stories, but they are only lies. They are friends, what do you expect from a group of criminals such as them? It is the perfect set up! They all act as nice as possible, yet when captured alone, they torture you with no hope.

Open your eyes! These kind people are murderous types out to steal your belongings! Do not donate to their orphanage. Mia gave Rith a NEW SET OF ARMOUR right there! Do you honestly think that she is in need of other's help if she is willinging giving away armour ( Even asking if she can purchase THOUSANDS of sand piles from me! Where does the money from from? ) I think not. If I serve jail for this, then so be it. But I told you all my story. If not believed, then your shame. Because what I told was the truth. Mia, and her friends are not what they seem. Do not believe their words. Only an act, to make you think of a hopeless, helpful person. Saddened with lies.

If the jail is what comes of this. Then be it. I would like to see the John walking with me because I defended myself within the town walls when not of other's to help. If a guard was around, I would have given the situation in their hands. Although, as knowing and understanding, the gaurds are not always on their duties.

Prosperity to you all.

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The Night's Own
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Post by The Night's Own »

Your willpower to remain in a place where every second little game is played falsely-
is quite impressive.
Best regards, and my invitation to a seat by my campfire goes out to you.
Burlow Boinclod
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Post by Burlow Boinclod »

Burlow returns home after quite a long day of visiting the town, he had been teaching some of the younger children to read and write and they practiced by reading threw the town wall and copying anything of interest so he may read it at night along with his tea.

After showing many of them what mistakes they had made, he came upon one that little Alexander had made. This one caught his eye. He read it threw three times before he asked Alexander if this was truly on the wall or had he made it up. He couldnt believe it. He had given Mia 10 ingots today, the prize money from the contest Lennier had. He had hoped she would buy clothes and food with this money for the many mouths that seemed to grow around him.

Surely this can't be true. I truly hope not.

Burlow finishes his tea, and after putting the little ones to bed, blows out his candle and falls asleep in his chair..the letter still clutched to his hand in disbelief and almost sadness.

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Shandariel el Lysanthrai
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

Dear Kasume

It fills my heart with sadness to see how you lie to everyone to defend yourself and try to harm us. It is a pity. I am really sorry for you.

Fact is, you acted strange. You talked and moved like an insane man. We wanted to help you and asked you to drink a antidode which would help you. But you refused and started again to act insane. So we tried to force you to drink it, because we wanted to help you and stop this game. so we cornered him, stand around him. And he started to struggle, screamed like a crazy man. There was no possibility to talk calmy with him and make hims top acting on his annoying and insane way. We tried to hold him but he had the strength of an insane. So we decided to knock him out. So that we can give him the potion and he can heal. But it was useless, even a hit on his had haven't disturbed that insane man alot. I tried to pour Antidote into him, to help him. Nothing more. The antidote he refused to took. After he had it he calmed down. And soon started to attack Rith, and sent him to cross. He stolen his armors and don't gave it back.

all we wanted was it to try that poor insane soul. We thought he could have eaten the wrong mushroom. That was all.

Oh, and she didn't say she can buy thousands of sands. She asked you if you want to dig sand for her in the desert.

I am really sorry that this man,f amous for his bad behaviour against Irania now started with lies to insult and harm others. I will pray for his poor soul.

Mia Handur
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Kasume's lies

Post by Mia Handur »

You were crazed and not acting at all rational.

We were trying to determine the cause of your irrational behavior and help you.

And now all you speak is lies and twisted half truths.

Apparently whatever had caused you to act so crazed had also affected your memories as well as your mind.

Mia Handur
Last edited by Mia Handur on Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Money and lies

Post by Mia Handur »

It amazes me to think you have forgotten I am a Master Tailor as well as a healer.

I am quite capable of supporting myself in my own trade and making my own monies.

It would also seem that figuring numbers poorly is not just a problem for Elizza.

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Talaena Landessi
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Post by Talaena Landessi »


Why do you even bother explaining your self? To me it seems no one wants to hear your side or really care about you side of the story. See Kasume i'd would be on your side but this time i can't, poor Shandariel was involved this time so.......im not going to get involved. I really hope you dont go to jail for this, I havent gotten my kiss yet.

Your Friend,
Talaena Landessi


If you read this, im just joking about the kiss. ok.

Your Friend,
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Post by Gro'bul »

For someone who desecrates holy shrines and murders the forest for selfish revenge, there is surely something wrong with him. He follows no god, he has said so himself.
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Moirear Sian
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Post by Moirear Sian »

I hate to say this, but if I judge solely from what I read here, the story is a bit strange. You forced Kasume to drink an antidote potion because you all thought he was mad? What is your standard of behaving like an insane person?
I don't know how I would have reacted if four people would have claimed I am insane and tried to make me drink something I didn't want to. Especially not with weapons.
Now no matter what you all say, what Kasume wrote here and what you reply to it makes you all stand out a bit strangely. Or no, wait. How you behaved; by forcing him to drink a red potion which would have presumably had no effect against insanity - because you all thought he was insane - that's alright with everybody, isn't it. Truly, I personally think it makes you all look insane.
But I am not one to judge who is normal, who is sane, and who is insane.

Oh, and you're already getting sand from other people, Mia? Interesting... I wonder what people need sand for.

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Post by Willum »


For hurting my apretice and for pushing around my friends you will pay.
By hurting my aprentice you crossed the line from my "dilike list" Right into my "killing " list. If i see you my staff wil find you.

Willum Wildthorn of the wood
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Post by Kasume »

I do not fear criminals.

Let the hate rise to me. When I have done nothing wrong but defend myself.

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Shandariel el Lysanthrai
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

Kasume, there was no need to attack and kill Rith. We haven't hold you anymore. You was free and walked around. Than you said that he tried to poison you, and that he insulted you. And you attcked him without warning. And chased him until he felt under your attacks. We just had gave you a not dangerous potion. An antidote. But you took a life, and his belongings. You was never ever in danger, especially not the moment you attacked him. Because you was free to go whereever you want. Everything was over.

That was no defending anymore. That was taking revenge and killing because of anger or frustration. You just took this as a pityfull reason to kill someone. You wanmted to kill him the second you saw him, insulting him the whole time. Calling him bastard and trying to provoke him.

I am sorry for you and for Rith, and I will pray for both of you.

Mia Handur
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Idiots and fools surround us.

Post by Mia Handur »

Sian the sand is for me to get 1000 small potion bottles made for an order I received for 1000 small healing potions as soon as possible that very same morning.

You obviously came to conclusions with out all the facts, which seems to have become a normal thing for you these days.
Especially since the only fact you had was what Kasume said and nothing more. You never bothered to ask me about it .

Had you been around to make the bottles I need Iwould not have bothered to ask him to dig sand for me in the first place.
I had someone offer to make me the bottles if I could provide the materials needed.

Alora Ironforge
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Post by Alora Ironforge »

Dearest Mia,

May i ask what army has placed an order for 1000 healing potions? Even at smacc prices this is 28 ingots. I would be very interested in knowing what guild or single person is preparing for war.

Alora Ironforge
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Rith Orion
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Post by Rith Orion »

You are mad I hit you with my blunt end to knock you down so you may drink the potion, than you went on a rampage and killed me.

Also you stole my armour when I was down. Also I promise you, if you hurt my trainner and friend I shall never let you breath until you leave this island! That is no threat either.

Rith Orion
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Moirear Sian
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Post by Moirear Sian »

Well, the way you put it, you won't be needing my help in these affairs, as I'm "never around". I must be thin air for you Mia Handur, because I see you running around condoning business for hard cash, while I am always helping people in need to my full forces.
You wrote this to me: You obviously came to conclusions with out all the facts, which seems to have become a normal thing for you these days.
Why insult me?
And if you read carefully, I came to one conclusion only:
It's crazy to force a man to drink an antidote to cure him from his insanity.
Ask you I did not have to, as you and others write yourselves that you tried to force him.
And what are 1000 healing potions needed for anyway?!
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