Mehr Mittelalter-RP bitte / More Medi-evil-RP please

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Post by GMcFly »

Brodir wrote:weil smacc eine vom gildenrat eingesetzt organisation ist um deren interessen zu vertreten..
Leider falsch
Die Idee von smacc haben Spieler gehabt, die nichts mit Gilden am Hut hatten.
Es gab nur Gilden die es mit unterstüzt haben, damit es auch was wird.
Weil es gab insgesammt 3 Anläufe sowas auf die Beine zu stellen und erst der dritte funktionierte.
Es hatten sich einfach zuviele Spieler beschwert das zuviel auf der Strasse verschenkt wurde, weil alle Massenwaren produziert haben um einfach nur ihre Skills zu steigern.
Deswegen wurden smaccähnliche Sachen diskutiert und ausprobiert.
Last edited by GMcFly on Mon Apr 26, 2004 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Val De Gausse
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Post by Val De Gausse »

I don't really agree with polls that determine such great things, but remember that war? Against almost everyone Dwarves, trollsbane, northerot, movemnt. Well when the "war" was still on and willum and such were still in jail all the guards do is sit by a fire. How is that war? shouldn't you be movement constently not just acting on what commotion you see. Especially at a moment of war. I was watching all the time, so if you guys were then my mistake.
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Ishans Schatten
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Post by Ishans Schatten »

Smacc war/ist dazu da zu verhindern das Waren zu dumping Preise verkauft wurden oder gar sogar verschenkt.
Damals war es and er Tagesordnung "neulingen" mal eben eine Plattenrüstung mit Feuerschwert etc zu schenken udn richtigen Händler das Geschäft zu verderben, wahren wurde man nur nach anden NPC Händler los weil eh jeder alles hatte.
In sofern könnte man sogar behaupten das Smacc eien ooc udn RP übergreifende organistaion ist
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Post by Athian »

In which small fairy world are you living? Oh i see "my char is MIGHTY, so all who do not want to get harrassed by the guards, just PG people, dont be so stupid!". Well frankly, you are wrong, but find out the reason IG and next time, contribute to the meaning of the thread or do not post at all.
What i'm actually stating actually has to do more with the fact that so called 'power' is not merely in the aspect of numbers of people or the any type of offical standard as it would have been in a more realistic age. in a world like Illarion individuals can be as powerful as many people, and my characters certainly isn't all mighty, i was just sighting the fact that it most of the guard aren't just hack and slash without thought. next time i won't use myself as an example even though i was basically saying that guards aren't being badly played at all. I didnt' figure you'd flip a bitch about it. Oh well post deleted anyway. maybe next time argue with someone that actually on an opposing veiw genius. :roll:
Derinoar Fallvictor
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Post by Derinoar Fallvictor »

medieval FANTASY....its a FANTASY game not the re in actment of freakin england in the dark ages......did they have elfs in medieval times NO!

also if a petition couldn't stop them becuase its bad rp, then poeple would have to war with them...but wait thats bad rp to....
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Post by Caranthir the great »

Medieval = setting, age. This is to simulate the timeline, equipment, technics, knowledge, traditons, customs as well as historically accurate political systems amongst many other things.

Fantasy = Allows things such as longears and magic.

In my wise (and omnipotent) opinion, the medieval is the more dominant of the two when it comes to importance.
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Post by Damien »

I agree with Caranthir.
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Luise Talblau
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Post by Luise Talblau »

Ich verstehe leider nichts. Erst heißt es, es gibt keine Wahlen. Dann gibt es aber Lyrenziawahlen :?

Im Mittelalter wurde kaum etwas gewählt. Ihren Herrscher durften die Leute nicht wählen, die waren damit beschäftigt, ihr Feld zu besorgen und sich das nötigste zu kaufen. Würden wir so spielen, müssten wir den ganzen Tag in den Feldern stehen und alle Getreide ernten oder Vieh züchten. Lagerfeuerabende gibt es dann auch nicht.
Demzufolge würde das mehr mittelalterliche RP Illarion wohl noch mehr zerstören.

PS: Ich frage mich immer noch, warum die Abstimmung im RPG entfernt worden ist - für mich sind Abstimmungen im RPG-Bereich mehr soetwas wie Volksgemurmel und haben kaum Aussagekraft. Aber die RP-Veteranen werden das auf jeden Fall besser wissen.

PPS: Kommt wieder von eurem Höhenflug hinunter, Illarion ist nur ein Spiel :roll:
Last edited by Luise Talblau on Tue Apr 27, 2004 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Moskher Heszche
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Post by Moskher Heszche »

Why was Hagen and other guards sitting by a fire during the war? Simple. They're town guards. They're not the standing army. As much as the players of the Movement somehow thought that killing the town guards would end in their capturing the city, they never realized that they're taking down the police when they should be going to war with the army!

Those several days where the players of the Movement chased down the guards individually and pk'ed them (and yes, I think it was PKing, because no one who was logically playing their character would have thought that anything good would come out of it) was an embarassment for all involved.

I don't mean to single out each and every player who had a character in the Movement. I've talked with some of them and some of them were alright. However, that was a new low in roleplaying history.

Meanwhile, while all that dirty work was going on, I'd overhear Movement members talking in game about how their reputation needs to be changed. ?!! I simply don't have the words to describe what's wrong with that.
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Post by Gro'bul »

Ok, I think polls should be banned from the rpg board. Nobody in Medival times had polls, nobles couldn't care less about what people thought. Most peasants are too stupid to read anyway.
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Val De Gausse
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Post by Val De Gausse »

I never did that when I was in the movement...
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Arkadia Misella
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Post by Arkadia Misella »

How was targeting the town guard bad? The guards were a constant thorn in their sides, and god knows mine as well. I really do not see how it was so bad. If anything be mad at me for declaring all out war on Trollsbane and targeting any citizen as well as dwarves and guards.
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Val De Gausse
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Post by Val De Gausse »

I also agree a bit with ark. Maybe we thought we could instill fear, or other things...
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Arkadia Misella
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Post by Arkadia Misella »

Watch the movie Michael Collins.
They targeted the umm...I dont remember what they are called but they were the intelligence people for the crown. They knocked them all off...then knocked off all of their really mean replacements.
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Moskher Heszche
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Post by Moskher Heszche »

First of all, I didn't say all Movement members were involved with it. If you were there, you would have seen how pathetic and unrealistic it was. There was something like seven Movement members on at the same time, waiting for a single guard to log on. Pathetic. This is taking advantage of how the system works. Period. Most importantly, it was taking advantage of how the system works to kill other people's PC's. If it's that important to them (the players) that they're characters win that they would cheat, that sounds like a PK to me.

On top of this, my second statement was simply ignored. That is to say, the fact that at the same time, they were trying to roleplay giving themselves a good name. This makes what their characters were roleplaying and doing two very different things.

Ark, I never called out your roleplay. Your character didn't give a rat's ass what the opposition thought.
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