Lyrenzia Foundation: Judicial trial / Gerichtsverfahren #57

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Lyrenzia Foundation
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Lyrenzia Foundation: Judicial trial / Gerichtsverfahren #57

Post by Lyrenzia Foundation »

The 57th Judicial Trial of the Lyrenzia Foundation has hereby begun:

The charge is: Nilo accuses Kasume of thievery.

There are witnesses: Hagen von Rabenfeld


Das 57. Gerichtsverfahren der Lyrenzia Foundation ist hiermit eröffnet:

Die Anklage ist folgende: Nilo beschuldigt Kasume des Diebstahles.

Es gibt Zeugen: Hagen von Rabenfeld
Lyrenzia Foundation
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Post by Lyrenzia Foundation »

Here is the bill of indictment:

I want to bring Kasume to court!

Story: I was working two patches of farmland last night, and I went to the other breifly to get my grain, and when i come to the other, Kasume cut down all of my grain! It took me about 30 minutes to get it back from him, with the assistance of Hagen! He stole 16 bunles of my grain, and only returned 15, claiming that is all he had. He wouldnt return the last one, and admitted to Hagen and I that he stole all of my grain to begin with.

I hope that he gets a long time in prison for this! He desrves it stealing my grain like that! I was in much of a hurry, but No! He had to mak eit dificult and steal my grain!

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Cain Freemont
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Post by Cain Freemont »

People obviously have something against Kasume.. yeesh. Nilo hopes that Kasume gets a long time in prison for his crime? For essentially one unreturned bundle of grain? That is rather funny, since he did give back 15 of the 16 bundles. As I recall, Nilo is a rather accomplished farmer, so it should not be much trouble for him to replace the lost bundle. If Kasume really did keep one bundle of grain, then slap him on the wrist and tell him he did a bad thing, don't imprison him. It was one bundle of grain. Everyone is so tense these days. I'm rather surprised at you, Nilo.

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Post by Kasume »

Hm... Well since there was only 15 bundles to begin with. I did not steal one measly bundle of grain. I gave them back Nilo. When was the last time I didn't give them back?

And besides, I was the one who looked after them as they grew and watered them. You just ran off cutting wood yelling like a madman that you need 6 thousand wood and 4000 coal and such.

Nilo simply did his math wrong and figured that I stole one bundle of grain. Oh well. The items were returned. And according to the laws, I am to give back the stolen items or what they were worth. Which is was I did.

I will also like to add, we weren't even in the gates of Trollsbane. How is he able to put a trial on me?

Oh yes! Nilo forgot, Viola and Dorgan were there too. Oh well.

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Post by Nilo »

Im tired of Kasume stealing all of my grain, cabbage, and pies! He constantly does this, and that is why I am wanting him to face prison bars.

Also, Cain, I am normally forgiving, but I am a bit stressed at the moement, and am i no mood to have theives running around as Im having to do much farming work at the moement...

THe fact is that you still stole the grain. You did indeed give them back, once you were cornered by 4 or 5 people. But the matter of the case is that you STOLE my grain.

They didnt even need watering, and I do not care what you say, I watered them first. Im surprised they even grew with you watering them!
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Post by Kasume »

1) You gave me those pies. And ran off before I could give them back. They were eventually returned to you too.
2) All of your crops were returned. Never have I actually kept anything from you.
3) You've been crazy these last couple of days.
4) All plants need watering. And I did a very good job too!
5) We weren't in Trollsbane territory...
6) Even if your math was right, it's ONE bundle of grain!

Six good facts of why this trial is dumb.

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Cain Freemont
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Post by Cain Freemont »

Seems Kasume has some rather strong points. I'd like to add one.

It seems immoral to imprison someone with an eccentric behavior like Kasume, it would be like imprisoning someone who enjoys life more than you do.

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Post by Nilo »

I asked you to carry those pies downstairs. I didnt run off. How hard would it have been to go down one flight of stairs and hand them to me? No, i remember you saying "Yum! Thanks!"

That is my point Kasume! I dont care if "they were all returned" Its the principle of the matter! Im tired of you always taking them!

I havent been crazy, im my normal self. Im just a bit stressed is all...

Those plants didnt need watering! I had just watered them!

We were touching the river, and three feet away from what you consider "town".

I dont care if its ONE bundle of grain! Once again, its the princple of it. What if it was 1,000 grain?! One grain, 1,000 grain, I still want them ALL back, and I still want you to STOP STEALING MY PROPERTIE!


p.s. As for "lots of tiem in jail", i think 4 hours would is enough.
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Post by Cain Freemont »

I still fail to understand how its such a horrible thing, considering he returned everything. It is from my own observations that when people say "its the principle of the matter", it is usually because the person saying it is impatient or not understanding of differences in others. It seems like they want to force change in the individuality of others to reform them into something they are not meant to be. Not saying that is you Nilo, I am just saying that it can easily sound like it.

Hagen von Rabenfeld
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Post by Hagen von Rabenfeld »

To the court:

i hereby testify, that Kasume told me openly, that he took the grain against Nilo´s will, to blackmail him to reveal his source of seedlings. I took care, that Nilo received his property back and informed him about the possibility to put Kasume on trial.

I do not consider this an important incident, but i would like to advice Nilo and Kasume as well to stop their senseles bickering, which lead to several trials so far. If you are not able to live peacefully together i suggest you leave each other alone. As far as i witnessed it, both sides do their best, to provoke the other side and to bring themselves into trouble. Hereby you steal the time and patience of the guard and of the court aswell.

~Hagen von Rabenfeld~
~Commander of the town guard~
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Post by Athian »

Sadly this is just one more thing Kasume has done. and one more thing he will get away with, there are countless trails to be had against him, And i'm sure that most the people of town realize he is only a trouble maker. As long as he's allowed to continue to get away with things like this. small or big, and lie his way out, he will never learn his lesson. so next time Kasume apporoaches a town guard or writes upon the walls claiming he's been beaten or blasted with magic, just remember, it's more likily he brought it on himself.

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Post by Lyrenzia Foundation »

The council made its judgement.

The trial ends without a verdict.

Case closed.
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